"Was there any deserters yesterday?" Wang Shenqi asked.

Shao Ji nodded, "Yes, more than [-] people escaped from the southeast, don't catch them and send them back."

Wang Shenqi nodded and said no more, this kind of thing is commonplace, and they will definitely not get good results if they send it back. After Li Jixun was defeated, the officials transferred him away, and Li Chongjin took over to attack the city. Li Chongjin ruled the army very strictly.

Over the past few months, the atmosphere on the battlefield has become more and more uneasy.

"Why did we come to Zijin Mountain? It's not only a few miles away from us..." Shen Zhiyi said, with some uneasiness in his words.

"Li Jixun was defeated for a while, and so many people died, of course he dared to come! Now those in Shouzhou City must be very scared. I heard that there are [-] troops from the puppet Tang Dynasty in Haozhou! If they all come to Zijin Mountain, That's a fart!" Wang Zhong pouted, his words were full of dissatisfaction with Li Jixun.

Dong Zunhui spoke the most unscrupulous words, and complained directly, "I think our commander-in-chief is just like that. If Brother Yun was here, would Lin Renzhao succeed? Back then in Fengzhou, Li Yangui was no better than this Lin Renzhao, or Several groups of troops came around the secret roads in the deep mountains and old forests, and they were beaten to the ground by us!

What to rely on, Brother Yun has already figured it out, and he has made up his mind Li Yangui's mind, this is the commander's temple calculation, how comfortable it is to fight like that, look at us now being beaten to shrink like turtles, If you repair the fence and dig a hole every day, it will get moldy! "

Everyone actually thought what he said was reasonable, but they still reminded them in a low voice: "Be careful what you say!" After all, Zhang Yongde is their immediate boss.

"Yes, it would be great if Brother Yun could come and lead us to fight..." Wang Zhong shook his head and sighed.

Wang Shenqi didn't speak, but he didn't object to this statement. Right now, Shouzhou and Xiacai are in trouble, and the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them. The Nantang waterway is advancing side by side, and the army has reached the Zijin Mountain in the east, the closest place to them. Only a few miles.

From here, Wang Shenqi could already see the flag of the Tang army on the top of the mountain. At this time, he also looked forward to Shi Congyun's return. For whatever reason, Shi Congyun had never lost a battle!It doesn't matter whether it's fighting the Shu Kingdom or the Southern Tang Dynasty, and he has a good relationship with Shi Congyun, far better than his current boss Zhang Yongde.

Moreover, Wang Shenqi is a calm and strategic person. He often walks among the soldiers with his troops. He finds that this is not his own idea, but that in the Crane Control Army, the commanders at the top and the commanders at the bottom are all commanders. The leader, the captain, and even the soldiers at the bottom, many people are looking forward to Shi Jieshuai coming back to lead them to fight, and they all believe that if Shi Jieshuai comes back, they will be able to defeat the Southern Tang Army...

Chapter 143, Second Conquest

At the beginning of January, the sun is just right in the afternoon, the sun is warm and the land in the south is full of vitality.

A strong spring breeze has been blowing in Huainan. The whistling wind blows one after another. Many new green trees on Zijin Mountain are swaying with the wind, like waves changing color. Large areas of woods are rattling, overshadowing the sound of the waves of the Huaihe River in the north.

It is the first time for Wang Shenqi to celebrate the New Year in a place south of the Huaihe River, and he also deeply feels the difference between here and the north.

The spring breeze comes early and warms up faster. The color of the mountains and fields hardly changes throughout the year. After crossing the Qinling and Huaihe Rivers, this is a rare sight.

Wang Shenqi squinted his eyes and lived on Zijin Mountain. Every time a strong wind blew, the treetops tilted down with the wind, and the flags of the puppet Tang army were revealed, everywhere in the mountains and forests, and there were many more than yesterday.

"The puppet Tang army's increase in troops is much faster than at first thought..." Wang Shenqi sighed with emotion, he could vaguely see figures moving among the woods on the hill.

The scouts cautiously tried to approach several times, trying to test whether there were fake Tang soldiers in the woods, but there was no counterattack in the woods, but they dared not enter the woods every time they approached the foot of the mountain.

There must be many fake Tang soldiers on the mountain, there is no doubt about it.

Today, he is here to supervise the auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands to build fences and horse refusals on the east side of the avenue, all the way to the edge of Shouzhou City, so they have to get close to the woods at the foot of Zijin Mountain.

However, the soldiers did not dare to go there, so they could only drive the peasants recruited from Huaibei to log.

Puppet Tang soldiers shot arrows in the forest and killed several peasants, scaring the rest of them so that they did not dare to approach and fled back one after another.

Wang Shenqi had no choice but to arrest the three leading peasants and behead them to frighten the crowd. Then he asked Shao Ji to personally escort the peasants to cut down trees. Both sides shot each other with crossbows and stones. For more than an hour, no one was killed, only a few people were injured.

Wang Shenqi felt that the other party might have a guilty conscience, and maybe they hadn't arrived much yet, so he even ordered to transfer all the first army from the south, and more than 2000 people lined up at the foot of the mountain, making a posture of attacking the mountain. The puppet Tang army did not dare to harass them for logging anymore.

Afterwards, the commander-in-chief Zhang Yongde even rode a horse to the front line to praise him, and said some exciting words.

In fact, in his opinion, this is nothing, it is the tip of the iceberg that solves the current difficulties.

Wang Shenqi is not good at evaluating Zhang Yongde.

When I first met him, I thought he was straight-talking, unassuming, bold-tempered, and an easy-going person.

But after getting along slowly, I feel uncomfortable. Being straightforward is indeed easy to get along with, but Wang Shenqi feels that straightforwardness needs to be based on understanding righteousness and understanding big things.

His two good friends, Shi Congyun and Zhao Kuangyin, have done a good job in this regard. They are usually straightforward and informal, and they have no airs when getting along with soldiers, but they are never ambiguous when encountering big questions. What, what to do and what not to do, how much I know.

Of course, among the two, Zhao Kuangyin did better than Brother Yun.

Zhang Yongde was not like that at all. It was well known in the military that he and Li Chongjin had a bad relationship.

But because of this incident, every time Zhang Yongde invited them to drink, he openly said that Li Chongjin had a different ambition and wanted to rebel!

The generals were embarrassed and frightened, and did not dare to answer.

Wang Shenqi and many generals are very disgusted with this kind of workshop, and being straightforward is not such a straightforward method.

After the official returned to Beijing, he appointed Li Chongjin as the deployment of the Huainan march. To put it bluntly, he handed over all the battles in Huainan to Li Chongjin, which shows that the official trusted Li Chongjin, even though Li Chongjin was once his most likely contender for the throne.

During the massive counter-offensive in the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Chongjin and Shi Yanchao were among the few who were able to win battles. Their prestige in the army was earned by fighting. The pseudo-Tang people called him the "Black King" in horror, and he was also very popular among the soldiers in the army. support.

After the official family left, Zhang Yongde was the second in command of the entire Huainan battlefield, and even Zhao Kuangyin, who was more capable and won many battles, was not able to take the position, because Zhao Kuangyin was not a relative of the official family.

However, Zhang Yongde, who was in such a position, actually said that Li Chongjin was going to rebel every time he drank with everyone. How could the battle in Huainan be fought?This kind of frankness is completely ignorant of the general situation and straightforwardness of right and wrong.

The great enemy is in front of me, I don't want to think about how to retreat from the enemy, but let it go down first because of my personal preference and spoof internal struggle...  

In the eyes of the lieutenant officers and soldiers, what is the difference between this kind of behavior and those women who are always pointing at the choreographers behind their backs?

Therefore, many generals, especially those of the Crane Army, are looking forward to Yun Jieshuai's return. Zhang Yongde is not a good boss......


Outside Shouzhou City, the creaking winch rotated slowly, and many rock-throwing machines stood under the city. With the loud creaking sound of wood rubbing, they threw stones the size of millstones to Shouzhou City in the distance, and then fell to the ground with a bang. On the open space more than ten steps away from the wall, a large piece of soil was splashed.

There are also a lot of stones that can be thrown on the city wall, but they fall in different places, and they are not in one place, so they cannot cause major damage. The Shouzhou city wall does not even show signs of moving to the east. Only when the female wall at the top of the city is knocked down will the top of the wall be knocked down, causing some actual damage.

There are damaged potholes everywhere on the outer wall of the majestic Shouzhou City, but it still stands tall and unmoving. The south of the city is surrounded by milky white clouds, looming, and the Huaihe River is full of water vapor.

The water in the moat had already been diverted out by digging ditches and drained into Feishui, but Shouzhou was still strong and went southward, and there was no way out for a while.

It must be very difficult in Shouzhou City, the specific situation is unknown, but Liu Renshan's bones are terribly hard, and the isolated city of Shouzhou has been standing alone for almost a year, during which Liu Renshan went out of the city to fight back, killing Li Jixun was defeated.

For such a person, the generals of the Zhou army respected and feared him, but they all wished they could tear his bones apart and eat his flesh. Since the Great Zhou sent out troops, most of their energy and strength had been consumed in the city of Shouzhou. This is where most of the damage occurs.

Li Chongjin was holding a sword, with a dark face, looking at the city in the distance. Someone seemed to be watching him from the city, but the distance was too far to see clearly.

He really hoped that one day Liu Renshan would show up at the top of the city so ostentatiously, and then be shot to death with an arrow, then everything would be settled.

But this kind of thing can only be thought of when dreaming, Liu Renshan is very cautious and experienced, otherwise he would not be able to keep his birthday for a year......

Li Chongjin felt that now Liu Renshan was the person he hated the most, and even Shi Congyun had to be in the back row.

Just as he was thinking about it, a soldier in the distance rode a horse and stepped on the half-wet grass, and then stopped in front of him, turned off his horse, knelt down on one knee in the wet mud and said, "Commander, the left wing of the control crane Commander Wang Shenqi asked someone to inform the commander-in-chief that many puppet Tang troops had already stationed on Zijin Mountain, but the number is not yet known.

The Lord of Wangxiang sent people to build a fence on the east side of the avenue to keep horses away, so as to ensure the supply of Shouzhou. "

The generals around Li Chongjin looked anxious: "What, they've all arrived at Zijin Mountain! It's only a dozen miles away from us, what do they want to do?"

"What are you panicking about?" Li Chongjin said dissatisfied: "There are tens of thousands of troops here, and I am afraid that they will not be able to eat people, and they dare not fight us head-on.

At most, they want to relieve the siege of Shouzhou. Shouzhou has been besieged for a year. They will definitely find a way to send food supplies to the city first. We just wait until the food road runs out. "

Li Chongjin explained the crisis thoroughly in a few words, and everyone gradually calmed down.

"Go back and tell Wang Shenqi that you have worked hard for him. Let him monitor the movements of the Southern Tang Army day and night. If there is any change, come and tell me immediately."

The messenger agreed, and immediately got up to carry out.

"Marshal, do you want to continue to arrange people to attack the city in the south of the city today?" Someone asked cautiously. In fact, it is not called siege until now. It is called driving people to die, and no one wants to do it.

Li Chongjin shook his head, "No need."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"In the past few days, try to gather the troops to the north of the city. The thieves are already in Zijin Mountain. We can't relax and neglect. All the troops in Hujie's left wing should be moved there."

The generals got the order and went down to execute it. Before leaving, someone whispered: "Commander, Zhang Yongde said that you... have disobedience. Does the commander know about this? I think letting him It's wrong to say it like this..."

Li Chongjin glanced at him, expressionless said: "Let him talk, don't bother."

After everyone retreated, Li Chongjin withdrew his thoughts. He had heard the news about Zhang Yongde a long time ago, and he was also very unhappy. He originally planned to go to the other party's camp to discuss with him. How can he talk about this in the current battle? Words that affect the morale of the army!And it was clearly blatantly framed him.

But later he dismissed this idea, because the official sent him a letter, the letter said that the official will go to the imperial conquest again at the beginning of January, and then just explain it to the official directly, so as not to waste words with that villain.

Moreover, the officials also told him that Shi Congyun would also accompany him, and that he would be deployed to Huainan as a striker.

The person Li Chongjin hated most now was Liu Renshan in Shouzhou City, followed by Shi Congyun who had a feud with him.

But this time when Shi Congyun came to Huainan, he didn't feel disgusted in his heart, and even looked forward to it. Hatred turns to hate. That kid is really good at fighting and has some abilities. Li Chongjin knows this well.

If he comes to Huainan, it will be of great benefit to the entire battle situation. If he is allowed to lead the crane control army to garrison Xiacai and protect the rear for himself, Li Chongjin can feel more at ease than anyone else.

Li Chongjin thought to himself, there are really people who both hate and like in this world!


A spring night is worth a thousand dollars. If it is true, then Shi Congyun may have the hope of becoming the richest man in the world.

Fu Jinling is very well-behaved, not the arrogant character like Zhao Shijian. In just a few days, he has already learned all the knowledge that he coaxed Zhao Shijian before so that he didn't get what he wanted.

However, he is also more restrained. After all, Fu Jinling is still young, so he is afraid of hurting her, and he can also avoid planting seeds. It is common for people to die in childbirth in this era, and it has a lot to do with the young age of childbirth. At her current age Still too young.

However, if you look at it from the perspective of this era, women's safety is nothing compared to passing on the family line. Men are almost going to fight outside, and the whole family is not at ease if they don't leave behind.

Shi Congyun is not so worried about this, he is now the commander of the deputy commander in front of the palace, and it is completely out of his turn to charge into the battle. If he really does those things during the war, he will be the biggest incompetent.

On the twentieth day of the first lunar month, Shi Congyun bought a few homeless children and asked Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang to help mediate. Afterwards, the family will be separated, and it is impossible that there will be no servants there.

It is not easy to find a good servant. If the master is too weak, some people will bully the master.

Fu Liu's character is not good, too soft, it's right to be nice to others, but if he is too nice, he will be bullied by his servants.Zhao Shijian is stronger, and it is more appropriate for her to manage people.

However, he was afraid of chaos in his heart. What he fears most in official affairs is the crossing of power, inefficiency, and everything has to be compromised. It stands to reason that the family should listen to Fu Jinling, but she definitely can't control it, so he can only Zhao Shijian was in charge, and it was the same before, but Zhao Shijian's job was to let Fu Jinling, the main room, listen to the side room.

Shi Congyun suddenly felt dizzy. Only then did he realize that things at home were not that simple. There were only two women, and he was stumped. The key point was that they were not familiar with each other.

In the end, he simply used some means to make the two of them more familiar, and then called the two little girls to discuss it.

Ask Fu Jinling to call Zhao Shijian's sister, and then it is settled. The family affairs are still the same, and Zhao Shijian can take care of them. However, in order to convince the servants, so as not to underestimate the new Fu Liu, let the two live temporarily after moving. In a courtyard.

Both Zhao Shijian and Fu Jinling agreed.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun lived another happy but short life, and because of Fu Liu's leading and exemplary role, Zhao Shijian gradually succumbed and unlocked many new poses. This is probably leading the trend!Shi Congyun was so excited that he laughed, this was an unexpected gain.

However, such days are always short-lived. By the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the Privy Council's call-up documents had already come down.

Shi Congyun reluctantly left Ruanrou Township and went to Bianshui Camp to gather his troops.

On the other side, the inner halls of the capital, east and west squads, scattered members, etc. The few remaining people have also begun to gather. Judging by the posture of the officials, this second visit to Huainan will really require the power of the whole country!

Shi Congyun had Si Chao, Pan Mei, Li Chuyun and others around, so things were not so busy.

Moreover, there is an "old friend" placed by the Privy Council in Zhilangzhi, that is, Wang Huan, the military governor of Houshu Wuwei. When Wuwei City was attacked by Shi Congyun's army, Wang Huan vowed not to surrender. Sent to girder.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in Daliang, Wang Huan surrendered in front of the officials, and the Privy Council gave him the command of the First Army of Yulangzhi to lead the navy, and then went around to lead the army under Shi Congyun.

Wang Huan, a big man, was very embarrassed when he saw Shi Congyun. After all, he vowed not to surrender in Wuwei, and he would be really happy in Daliang.

Shi Congyun felt that he was capable, and he didn't mean to be contemptuous. He even invited him to drink a few times, and gradually got to know him well, only to find that Wang Huan actually admired him very much, but at that time everyone was the master. He vowed not to surrender.

After getting acquainted, Shi Congyun discovered that this native was a general of the Hou Shu in Shanxi, and now the commander of the Zhou army is indeed superior.

On the 25th day of the first lunar month, the official Cheng Yu went out to prepare for an expedition. Shi Congyun and many generals and officials went to the north gate of the palace to wait for the holy driver. This time Wang Pu and other officials and the queen all came out to see him off.

Shi Congyun thought to himself, damn it, he almost suffered a big loss because he glanced at the queen at the beginning, but now that so many people are watching, it’s okay to mix in the crowd to take a look. I can't get in the conversation, it's better to watch the queen than the emperor when I have nothing to do.

So he looked blatantly. Unexpectedly, Empress Fu suddenly looked sideways, glanced around, and also looked at him. Direction, with a look of paying homage to the holy face.

Soon the officials over there finished explaining the matter, and they rode out of the city. Everyone followed one by one, followed by many flags of various colors, and the second personal expedition to Huainan officially started!

Chapter 144 Personal Reputation+Who Is More Than Me

Before the expedition, Guo Rong appointed Wang Pu as the left guard in Tokyo and concurrently in charge of the Kaifeng government; Zhang Mei, the third division envoy, was the inspector of the inner capital, and the guard Du Yuhou Han Tong was the inspector of the inner and outer capitals.

The dispatch of the army to the south is not a one-sentence matter. The generals follow the officials from the imperial city to visit Jinglongmen, and Fengqiumen is more of a ceremonial cutscene.

After leaving Fengqiu Gate, the generals began to disperse, and each went to the camp outside the city to transfer troops, and Shi Congyun went to the Bianshui camp.

The only ones who continued to drive forward were Dongxibanzhi and Neidianzhi armies.

Moreover, the starting time and route of each army are different. The officials are rushing to Huainan, and the shortest way is to take the route of Weikou, but Weikou is now occupied by the Southern Tang Army, and the official team only dares to go to Zhengyang.

However, Shi Congyun's army started from the Min River and entered the Huai River along the Yingshui River. It could have gone to the closer Weikou, or directly to the Bianshui to reach Sizhou, but it is still an old problem. Now Wokou and Sizhou are in the south. Tang is in control.

When setting off, Shi Congyun made arrangements for the entire navy fleet, with a total of 320 ships. He was the commander in chief, and the deputy commander of Yulang made Si Chao deploy for the capital and was responsible for the specific command of the fleet.

Li Chuyun, the Marquis of Duyu, was the commander of the forward capital, and led the forward fleet to set off one day in advance along the river to find out the traffic conditions in the forward waters, and leave a small boat every half an hour to report to the Chinese army.

Pan Mei, the supervisor of the army, is still the supervisor of the army, responsible for picketing the whole army.

The commander of the capital of the First Army, Wang Huan, was the Marquis of Du Yu, the striker, and Li Chuyun's deputy.

As for Luqiu Zhongqing, he is now Shi Congyun's Jiedu Tuiguan, and Shi Congyun has other uses for him.

After the forward Li Chuyun set off with fifty warships, the Chinese army was not in a hurry to leave. On the same day, Shi Congyun sent Lu Qiu Zhongqing back to Daliang with his own soldiers, and pulled more than 30 carts with about [-] yuan of property. Most of them are coins.

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