The two most beautiful people he has seen are Empress Fu and Zhao Shijian who caught a glimpse of him. If Empress Fu is a dignified and beautiful peony, Zhao Shijian is an orchid that is left alone in the world, and holding him in his arms can make him calm to think about things.

"You are right, but not all of them. Sometimes they depend on each other." The little girl said in a low voice, "Maybe Empress Fu also needs important ministers she can rely on."

"She's the queen..." Shi Congyun frowned, thinking about what Zhao Shijian said, maybe it really made sense.

"She has been married to the official family for several years but has no children..." Shi Congyun also frowned, thinking this way, he suddenly realized that maybe although Empress Fu is aloof and has the Fu family behind her, her life is not the same. Not as good as he thought.

"You are really my baby." Shi Congyun hugged Zhao Shijian and kissed him.

"There were three sons before the official family, all of whom were killed by Emperor Yin of the Later Han Dynasty..." This at least shows that Guo Rong's health is fine, and one year before the Battle of Gaoping, Guo Rong was still in Chanzhou. Now the eldest son of the emperor, Guo Zongxun.

When Shi Congyun looked through the history books in his previous life, he was very puzzled. Why there is no record of Guo Zongxun's birth mother in the old and new Five Dynasties history. It stands to reason that he is a person who has been an emperor. Who is the birth mother should be clearly recorded. Why? It's as if his life is unknown.

Now he has heard some rumors.

Guo Zongxun seems to have been born to a woman next to him when the official family was in Chanzhou.

At that time, the officials’ wives and children were killed in Daliang by Emperor Yin of the Later Han Dynasty because of their rebellion. Naturally, such a single male was very important, but because of the identity of Guo Zongxun’s birth mother, it was easy to get a wrong name, so things were not allowed to be disclosed publicly. , The ministers dare not discuss this matter.

This may be the reason why the history books kept silent about Guo Zongxun's biological mother.If there were flaws in Guo Zongxun's life experience, Zhao Kuangyin who was abdicated by him and the later Zhao Song Dynasty would also be legally untenable.

Adding up these things, Shi Congyun also drew a conclusion, that is, Queen Fu's situation doesn't seem to be that good.

Married to the official family for so many years without any children, either the official family and Cao Mengde are not of the same kind, or she has a physical problem, no matter what, it is very terrible.

She was married once, and the marriage was also the meaning of the fairy king Guo Wei. The political meaning is very obvious, that is, to win over the Fu family and reject Khitan at the North Gate.

Now that Guo Wei is dead, there is Li Yun in the north. Later, Han Tong, Wang Yanchao and others have proved that they can also resist the Khitan, and the status of the Fu family is slowly declining....

"Maybe they really depend on each other..." Shi Congyun said.

Zhao Shijian thought for a while: "Why don't I say something probing?"

"Can you see the Queen?"

"Sometimes the queen will go there too, but there are many rules for going out of the palace. I have only seen it once, and I will definitely see it when the matter is settled."

Shi Congyun nodded, "What are you testing, don't annoy them."

"I'll be careful. If you're nervous about Huainan, the queen might be too. In this way, she won't be more anxious to find someone to rely on when she's nervous."

He didn't even think about it, and said directly: "You can figure it out." There is no faction, and the only reliance is his Zhao Shijian, Shi Congyun, so he is very relieved.

"But you actually lied to me. You obviously met the queen, and you asked me if the queen is beautiful. Now that you have learned how to make up your husband, are you jealous?" Shi Congyun smirked.

Zhao Shijian reacted and said that he had slipped his tongue, his little face flushed, he burrowed into the quilt like an ostrich, and covered his face with the quilt.

"Hey, okay, my husband will punish you well." Shi Congyun whispered an order in her ear as he spoke, "Get out of bed, put on your jacket and skirt, don't catch cold, hold the window, I will let you in from behind grab your hair."

Zhao Shijian's face was so red that dripping water poured out, and his snow-white and slender neck was also stained pink, but he still complied reluctantly under his urging.

"Turn off the lights..." she begged softly at last.

Shi Congyun said indifferently: "Anyway, there are only the two of us in the yard, so what are you afraid of?"

Zhao Shijian was furious, and turned his head to stare at him, with mist in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." Shi Congyun knew that Zhao Shijian's character was very unyielding, and this was her last insistence. If she didn't agree, she would definitely not let herself get what she wanted.

So I agreed to her small, self-deceiving request, but the autumn moon is bright, the whole small courtyard is illuminated very brightly, and the bright moonlight flows in from the window...


At the beginning of October, Zhang Yongde and Wang Shenqi on the front line had rushed to repair the pontoon bridge in Xiacai according to Shi Congyun's method.

Lin Renzhao later launched another attack with a navy to burn the pontoon bridge. As a result, the ships were blocked several miles downstream and could not approach.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun led Si Chao and Pan Mei to march south along the Bian River with great fanfare. There were more than 200 ships, and there were many masts in the river, spreading into a long dragon.

Shi Congyun also ordered people to release news along the way. They were ordered to go south along Sishui to go to Songzhou, attack Sizhou, and cut off the retreat of the Southern Tang army in Haozhou.

The news spread widely, and the Southern Tang side must have also got the news. After that, they dared not send the water army to the west to attack Xiacai, but let the water army patrol around Sizhou and Weikou to prevent Great Zhou navy, this deterrent can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It can not only train soldiers, but also make Nan Tang dare not easily send out the navy to capture the Cai floating bridge.

After receiving the battle report from the south, Wei Renpu, the privy envoy, praised him without hesitation. Wang Pu nodded with a smile on his face. The tributes come from mountains and treasures.


At the beginning of November, the officials couldn't wait to inspect the navy at Bianshui camp, because although the war in Huainan was stable, the overall situation was gradually unfavorable to Zhou, and the counterattack of the Southern Tang Dynasty became more and more effective.

The officials couldn't wait to increase their troops in Huainan, and even marched in person again.

On the same day, in the army where the official family went with Wei Renpu, the carriage was parked by the Bian River, followed by more than 20 guards and four eunuchs.

The flag-raising ceremony happened to be held on the first day of the lunar new year. After Shi Congyun got the news, he handed over the matter to Si Chao and Pan Mei to preside over it, and hurried to greet him at the gate of the camp.

After he went, Guo Rong saw him coming alone, and said: "I came to inspect the water army in advance, and you will not be the only one, so you go and let the army line up."

Shi Congyun nodded, although he was a little surprised, he went to gather his troops immediately.

After Guo Rong boarded the general platform, all the soldiers cheered up when they heard that the emperor was coming, and some people stood on tiptoe curiously and looked forward, wanting to see what the emperor looked like.

However, after several months of training, Shi Congyun communicated tirelessly with them battalion by battalion, instilling ideals, and now it is not what it used to be. Fighting, standing quietly on the school field in front of the general's platform, only hearing the wind.

This kind of silence is daunting to watch.

Guo Rong stood at the front of the platform, Shi Congyun and Wei Renpu were half a step behind him.

Probably he himself didn't expect it to start like this, or he was shocked by the silence of the school grounds, so he didn't speak for a while, and was quiet for a long time.

This kind of silence lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The officials did not move, and Shi Congyun and Wei Renpu did not dare to move behind them. The soldiers below also had similar training. Soldiers were sometimes required to maintain a standing or kneeling position when they were in formation. , lying down and waiting for a long time without moving, which is a bit similar to the training in the military posture of later generations.

In short, there were no orders on the school field below, and the army was even more quiet, with no movement at all, only the military flags on the surrounding fences flapping in the wind could be heard.

In the end, it was the official who spoke first, and he smiled and said: "Okay! Shi Congyun, you are also a good soldier in training, what a great army, I feel relieved seeing this!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Shi Congyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, all the armies have been camped in an array, passing in front of the general's platform one by one, shouting long live, and being inspected by Guo Rong.

It stands to reason that every time Guo Rong inspected the army before, Guo Rong drove a car to inspect the well-arranged army.

Because there are too many people, the front and rear vision is limited, it is not easy to command, and the team will be chaotic when walking, so the soldiers are all in line, and the officials patrol the army on the frame. The soldiers shouted long live when they saw the officials. .

This process has happened several times before, and Guo Rong attaches great importance to the army, and will patrol the forbidden army from time to time.

But the army here is different. After months of unremitting trust training by Shi Congyun, the tacit understanding and trust of the soldiers are gradually being cultivated, allowing them to go from battalion to battalion. They can completely avoid chaos and adjust their positions. , align with surrounding comrades, and cooperate with each other.

This kind of independent cooperation has extraordinary significance in the era of cold weapons.

Guo Rong stood on the stage and watched more and more excited. Even Shi Congyun's courteous offer to bring him a chair was rejected, and the officials decided to stand and watch.

Every time a soldier walked past the general stage and shouted long live, he would nod in response.

After more than half an hour, all the soldiers of the battalion walked again, and under the command of Si Chao and Pan Mei, they gathered at the other end, and the officials still had some ideas.

Turning back to him, he said, "I didn't expect that you could train them like this in only three or four months." As he spoke, he walked off the platform and walked slowly on the sandy school grounds. Shi Congyun hurriedly followed, Dozens of people followed behind.

"In the spring of Huainan, I realized that it would be difficult to fight without a navy, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. I thought everything was going well, but I didn't expect that there would be Liu Renshan and Lin Renzhao." The tone of the person is a lot heavier, which shows the hatred in his heart.

Indeed, without Liu Renshan standing there and fighting back, Huainan would have belonged to Zhou Jun long ago.

"Someone is willing to capture these two thieves for the officials!" Shi Congyun immediately cupped his hands.

The official nodded: "I am very happy that you have such ambition. Train well. I will tell you that you will go south again soon. The situation over there can't wait."

Shi Congyun's heart skipped a beat. This time he was leading the troops trained by himself, and he felt different and more confident: "Despite the orders from the officials, I will not hesitate to do so."

The official nodded and did not comment on his words of loyalty.

"Originally, I thought this army was only for a while, and it would be incorporated into other armies in the future. Today, it seems that it is a pity that such a well-trained army will be dispersed later. Even if a new army is formed, it will be no problem. .” The official said as he walked.

Shi Congyun was overjoyed when he heard this!Once the newly formed army has an organization, this army can exist for a long time, and it is different from the local army. The commander in front of the hall is the organization of the Central Forbidden Army, and it can exist for a long time, so he has a lot of capital!

Wei Renpu also nodded: "Foresight from the officials, I have a naval force at the beginning of my dynasty. I think a naval force is indispensable in order to pacify the world. Hebei, Huainan, and the Yangtze River to the south have not been pacified. It is necessary to establish a permanent naval force. "

"Think about it, what name should you use?"

When Guo Rong spoke like this, he must have already finalized the matter in his heart. Shi Congyun was so excited that he quietly clenched his fists, but on the surface, he said, "I don't have much literary talent, so Mr. Wei should do it."

"Hehe, Shi Jieshuai, don't be modest. Wang Pu even exaggerated your literary talent." Wei Renpu laughed, but he was not entangled in Shi Congyun's literary talent. He paced and thought, and said after a while: "The official family, since it is a navy, it is taken as the meaning of the official family riding the wind and breaking the waves, and it is called how to break the waves."

Guan Jiating nodded slightly, "The implication is good, but it's a bit short, it's called Yu Lang Zhi."

Everyone worships and praises him.

On that day, the water army on the Bian River was officially named Yulangzhi by the officials, and was incorporated into the army of the Dianqian Division. According to the establishment of the Privy Council, the entire army had [-] soldiers, with a total of five armies and [-] auxiliary soldiers. Set up two armies.

When this matter is implemented, the happiest person is Shi Congyun. This is his most "direct" army!

Chapter 141 Marriage is like a lottery

Yulangzhi, the new title of the army by the Bianshui River.

Straight means that the imperial guards are straight, and it means that the emperor is close to the army.Such as east and west class straight, inner hall straight, control crane straight, etc.

According to the meaning of the officials, it seems that they want this navy to try to station around Daliang and defend the capital in the future.

In November, Li Chuyun also came from Huainan to report.

Because he was Li Jixun's promotion officer, and Li Jixun had been out of the town before, so he had to go to Heyang to pick up the family, and he could only come after the handover.

He was very curious about Li Chuyun, but when he saw him in the big camp by the Bian River, he didn't think there was anything special about him. He was just an ordinary man in his thirties. He feels tall and straight, but he is not necessarily tall, or maybe it is because he is too tall.

Apart from himself, Li Chuyun brought his family to Beijing.

Shi Congyun warmly entertained him, took him to the Privy Council to go through the handover procedures, and took him to find a house in Daliang City, in case he was a newcomer and his pockets were shy, so he left a hundred guan for him.

Li Chuyun was very grateful, but also seemed a little nervous. After all, Shi Congyun knew that he was capable and wanted to win him over, but Li Chuyun felt that his kindness was a bit inexplicable, and the two had never met before.

Shi Congyun also noticed this problem very quickly. In order to dispel his worries, during a drink, Shi Congyun found an excuse, saying that he had always admired Zhe Congruan for his great military exploits and guarding the border for the country. He also heard that Li Chuyun It was Zhe Congruan who was recommended to the court, and he was very valued and trusted in his heart, thinking that he was a capable person.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun's personnel arrangements were also finalized.

Yu Langzhi was the commander of the army temporarily, Pan Mei was the supervisor of the army, Si Chao was the deputy commander of the capital, and Li Chuyun was the Marquis of the capital.

This is the advantage of the new army. If he was in the Crane Control Army, it would be impossible for him to directly promote Li Chuyun to be the Marquis of Du Yu, because everyone would be dissatisfied. of.

Although Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others were all his confidantes brought directly from the inner hall, they had to fight bit by bit to get to the position of commander of the capital.

But in a newly formed army, he can easily insert the people he wants.

In the twelfth lunar month, Daliang City was covered with snow. Shi Congyun and Zhao Shijian went to visit the home of Zhao Yicong, the old man who lived outside the city. In fact, Zhao Ying was very popular and took care of him more. Sad to go.

He felt that he was a person now, and he thought it would be a face-lifting thing to see his father-in-law. He also asked people to buy several cars of various furniture and gifts, and the young lady went back with him.

On the way, Zhao Shijian reminded him in a low voice, "If my father doesn't see me, I will wait to see you..."

Shi Congyun was puzzled, how could he be regarded as a high-ranking official of the Great Zhou now, how could he not wait to see him.

After arriving at his father-in-law Zhao Yicong’s house, he was indeed warmly received, but slowly he also discovered the estrangement. For example, he found that the old father-in-law deliberately kept the neighbors from knowing what was going on. Someone at the door asked who was in the house. , He only said that relatives came back.

Although his family is relatively poor, now he makes a living by writing family letters for others and working as a secretary in the county government office, but he repeatedly refuses the many things he brought, and only accepts some ordinary furniture, wine and meat, and more expensive things to die. No charge either.

At the dinner table, Shi Congyun tactfully proposed to let the old father-in-law go to Daliang, and find him an officer under him or Shi Yanchao, which is several times better than here, and can support the family better, but Zhao Yi Cong politely refused.

Shi Congyun was both surprised and a little angry. Did he look down on him, but he didn't say anything.

After staying in Zhao's house for three days, Shi Congyun bid farewell to his old father-in-law, and set off on his way home feeling a little sad and dissatisfied. The old father-in-law was given away to the surrounding people.

He became more and more puzzled. On the way back, Shi Congyun didn't ride a horse, and ran to squeeze the carriage with Zhao Shijian, resting his head on her thigh, and asked her with some puzzlement: "Does my father-in-law look down on me?"

Zhao Shijian comforted him: "Don't think too much, it's not that my father doesn't like you, it's that people in their generation have been afraid of warriors for a long time, and they treat you politely on the surface, but they are actually afraid of you in their hearts."

"At the beginning of the later Tang Dynasty, it was the general who rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor and the country fell.

Afterwards, the Jin Dynasty that my grandfather worked in was also because General Du Chongwei led an army of 10,000+ to surrender to the Khitans on the northern front for his own personal gain, resulting in the country's subjugation.

At that time, the Khitan army marched straight into Daliang, burning, killing and looting along the way. The Khitan king ascended the throne in Daliang and proclaimed himself emperor. I don't know how many people suffered.

In the later Han Dynasty, Guo Wei, the privy envoy, was also the founding king of this dynasty, who led troops abroad to stand on his own. The yellow flag was added and the country was subjugated.

In today's world, the emperor changes every few years, and the country changes hands for more than ten years. In the short few years, they are killed every year. It's good, and it's easy to do things like admitting a thief as a father and being ungrateful.

People like my father and others have suffered enough from warriors and experienced the hardships of chaos in the world, so they are afraid of alienating warriors and alienating you. "

Shi Congyun nodded, probably understood what he meant. The separatism of the feudal towns at the end of Tang Dynasty has been like this until now, and there is one thing Zhao Shijian didn't say, but he suddenly realized that warriors gain power quickly and lose power quickly. Now the dynasty has stopped turmoil. No one can tell what will happen in the future, Zhao Yicong deliberately kept a distance from him, and even scattered the things he gave, because he was afraid that he would be implicated in case something happened to the historian in the future.

Of course Shi Congyun was a little unhappy, but he had to sigh with emotion: "You said your father has no skills, but I think he has experienced so much, even if he has no skills, he still has foresight.

I'm still here because I'm more proud of my achievements around the official family, but when I think about it carefully, if I think about the long-term as much as your father does, the situation of love in this world is still completely uncertain.

And the best thing I can rely on is myself..."

Zhao Shijian caressed his face, smiled and said: "It's good that you understand, in such a chaotic world, no one can be trusted, to put it bluntly, who knows that the official family can sit firmly for a few years as the emperor... . " At the end, Zhao Shijian's voice became so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Shi Congyun was surprised that a woman could say such a thing, probably because Zhao Ying's experience stimulated her a lot.

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