At the time, I didn't feel it at all, but after I relaxed, I realized that it was okay.

At that time, Shi Congyun breathed a sigh of relief. If he was just an ordinary soldier and couldn't afford to wear such a good armor, he would have been hanging on the bridge long ago.

Following the victory outside the city, the governor of Zezhou sent someone out to verify their identities, knowing that they were the vanguards of the Zhou Dynasty and went out to meet them, but still did not dare to enlarge the army into the city, for fear that they would harm the people.

Later, Xiang Xun took over the prisoners of war, and Shi Congyun and his three hundred soldiers retreated to the city gate to rest.

Xiang Xun ordered the soldiers of the Zhou Army to drag out some well-dressed soldiers from the Northern Han prisoners of war, who appeared to be officers, and beheaded them on the spot on the side of the road.

Shi Congyun frowned, but did not stop it.

On the way to the north, he saw the burned houses outside the city, the corpses of people who died tragically, and the corpses of women who died naked. He also understood what these Northern Han soldiers did.

The Northern Han soldiers came too quickly and hastily. The governor of Zezhou did not know the truth and only dared to close the city to save his life.

Winning the first contact with the Han soldiers is worthy of congratulation, and it is also very inspiring.

That night, Shi Yanchao's army arrived at the Zezhou city and camped outside the city, but did not enter the city.

At night, surrounded the fire and ate the wine and meat sent by the governor, Shi Congyun took off his armor, took a bath in the muddy water outside Zezhou City, and blew with the soldiers. Today, he finally had something to talk about.

So on the second day, his legendary deeds were spread in the army. Shi Congyun took the lead and rushed across the bridge single-handedly, killing 12 generals and academies of the bridgehead defenders in the Northern Han Dynasty!

Then the Northern Han thieves dispersed in panic.It is said that he is worthy of Shi Yanchao's son, that is really a tiger father without a dog!

The key point is that many soldiers still believe it. Shi Congyun thought to himself, at this level, it is not impossible for him to realize his dream of being able to outnumber a hundred!Let's see if he blows it....

Chapter 12, Chang Ping, Gao Ping!

Outside Zezhou City, Zhou Jun won the first battle, but since the striker has already encountered, it is not far from the main force.

They defeated the striker, and some people fled, and the news would soon be sent back to the Northern Han army, and the other party explained their position accordingly.

At this time, even as brave and arrogant as Shi Yanchao, they did not dare to advance. If they were to go all the way north, it would be very dangerous to encounter the main force of the Northern Han suddenly without any preparation, so the army stopped in Zezhou and waited for other troops.


The forward waited for a day, until dawn the next day, when the patrolling soldiers from the periphery reported, and Zhou Jun came to make an envoy.

Shi Congyun, who was sleepy, came back to his senses. There was an unpleasant smell in the military tent, mixed with foot odor and sweat odor, which was very unpleasant. Fortunately, he was used to it......

Could it be that the Son of Heaven's Army has arrived?

Half an hour later, news came that it was Fan Aineng and He Hui who were stationed in Wuzhuang Village, ten miles northwest of Zezhou.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, they had a continuous confrontation with about ten battalions of the Beihan striker. Both sides suffered casualties and the outcome was not decided. However, yesterday afternoon, the Beihan striker retreated overnight.

Immediately things made sense.

Shi Congyun thought before that if the Northern Han and Liao Kingdoms had eaten the guts of bears and leopards, a battalion would dare to go south to the hinterland of Zezhou alone.

It turned out that they were not alone. The front of the Northern Han Army arrived at the border of Wuzhuang Village in the northeast of Zezhou City a few days ago. However, they encountered Fan Aineng and He Huibu who were ordered to go north earlier. .

As a result, the confrontation lasted for two days, so the Northern Han army tentatively sent a battalion to the right flank and moved in the direction of Zezhou City.

So they just bumped into the front of the Zhou Army, Shi Yanchao and Xiang Xunbu, who were heading north, and suffered heavy losses.The Northern Han army forward in the northeast, after learning about it, thought that there was indeed the main force of the Zhou army behind, and did not dare to confront it, and retreated to the north.

After the situation was understood, Shi Congyun also felt the importance of intelligence.

Fan Aineng and He Huibu were only ten miles apart from them, and they only found out this morning.

And what is the situation further north, what is the situation of the main forces of the Northern Han and Liao Kingdoms, they are completely smeared, and they can only continue to investigate and speculate.


After yesterday's battle, he and Xiang Xun were fighting side by side, and the middle-aged uncle began to chat with him.

During the conversation, Shi Congyun was very careful not to say anything shocking or violating the current three views of people.

Slowly, he discovered that Xiang Xun is really a character with a lot of credit and rich experience.

In the past, he fought the Northern Han soldiers, quelled the rebellion of Murong Yanchao, the military governor of Taining, and later served as the governor of Yanzhou.

Yanzhou is probably the later Yan'an. At this time, the situation was complicated. The Han people lived together with people of all ethnic groups. There were many conflicts and conflicts. They had to face the military pressure from the northwest. It was known that Yanzhou was definitely capable.

In the past, Xiang Xun was also appointed by the current official Guo Rong as the supervisor of the army, supervising Fan Aineng and He Hui's march, and then returned to the emperor's army.

Shi Congyun felt more and more that this uncle was not simple, he had the ability, and he was different from many current military generals.

He has a lot of knowledge and a broad temperament. The key is to be able to lead soldiers to fight, and he has no problems with generals. He has a lot of knowledge and cultural heritage.

So I started chatting with him. If I want to talk about bragging, he is very excited. As a teacher, it can be said to be basic skills. When he was in the library, he read a lot of books in a mess. own opinion.

To talk about soldiers on paper, to be honest, Zhao Kuo doesn't even care about him!

Xiang Xun is also an interesting person, and I can talk to him very well, and occasionally praise him for his ideas.

Shi Yanchao and Xiang Xunbu were stationed outside Zezhou City and waited.

At noon, the flag on the south road suddenly filled the sky, and the smoke and dust covered the sun. Slowly, the black and yellow emperor Luan was visible from a distance on the horizon, and the sun was shining.

Shi Congyun looked back and saw that the incomparably conspicuous Luan Yu banner was fluttering slowly under the wild wind, and it was unique and different among the many banners.

This place is at least one mile away, and it can be seen that Luan Yu still makes the surrounding Ren breathe heavy, and the conversation officers and soldiers subconsciously quiet down and look up to the south.

That is the power of the supreme being in the world......

Later Zhou Emperor Guo Rongluan arrived in his car, and most of the Chinese army also arrived.

Shi Congyun and Xiang Xun hurriedly mounted their horses and headed south to see the fight, while Long Jiejun stopped outside Zezhou City.

In the afternoon of that day, Fan Aineng, the commander of the Ma Jundu, He Hui, the commander of the Infantry, Bai Chongzan, the Jiedushi of Yicheng, and Li Chongjin, the bodyguard of the Mabutu Yu, arrived in Zezhou to join forces one after another. (Many generals hold multiple positions at this time, and there are more official positions, so only one of them is written)

They settled in all directions of the Chinese army with Luan Yu as the core, and then went to the Chinese army to meet him.

In the identity of Shi Congyun, naturally, he can only look from afar.

It is said that in addition to the army in front of the palace, there are also a large number of "capable people" in the forbidden army beside the emperor. In fact, they are criminals from all over the country. Officials think that they can fight, so they will be pardoned, and they will be charged into the army and taken north.

But it also caused a series of problems. For example, in the morning, the other party still killed the father and the enemy. In the evening, they became a high-ranking banned army. The enemy did not dare to look up when they met, and could not take revenge. They could only gnash their teeth to avoid.

When discussing this matter, everyone in the army felt that the official's practice was inappropriate, especially Shao Ji. He felt that if they committed a serious crime and went to war, they could be forgiven. Then they should commit crimes before joining the army, otherwise they would lose money.

Shi Congyun thought that Guo Rong, the new official family, was obviously in a hurry, desperate for combat effectiveness.

According to the intelligence, Beihan gathered more than [-] people this time, and the threat was not that great. The biggest problem was the Liao Kingdom behind the Northern Han.

The army of the Liao Kingdom is the serious trouble of the officials.

After waiting for more than an hour, Shi Yanchao and Xiang Xun returned from the southern army.

Shi Congyun had already guessed why he had been there for so long, probably to discuss the deployment of the army.

Sure enough, after that, the various armies began to be dispatched.

Long Jiejun and Xiang Xunbu were still the former army, moved eastward to the official road, and lined up north.

In the rear were Bai Chongzan and Li Chongjin, followed by the Guanjiazhongjun, and finally Fan Aineng and He Hui.

The entire army spent more than half an hour scheduling adjustments, and then the whole army headed north from the official road in the northeast of Zezhou.

For a time, the flags were all over the mountains and fields, and the army could not see its head and tail. It was the first time that Shi Congyun had seen such a magnificent scene.

At this time, the total number of the army was about [-].

The more than 8000 elite cavalry of the Longjie Army in the former army are the bulk, and almost all the cavalry in the army (the auxiliary soldiers with horses, donkeys and mules are not counted), but at this time the soldiers are not all the Zhou army. Ci Suo is still on the road, about a day away from the army.

The officials were eager to fight, and obviously did not want to wait for Liu Ci of the rear army, but urgently ordered the army to go north, looking for the main force of the Northern Han and Liao forces to start a battle.

Further north, the terrain of Shanxi's basin becomes more flat and wide, surrounded by high mountains and a flat basin river in the middle, known as the inner and outer mountains and rivers.

Shi Congyun knew that he was going to Gaoping soon, and his heart became more and more nervous.

Gaoping was called Changping in ancient times, and it has been a battlefield since ancient times. In ancient times, Bai Qi killed more than 40 Zhao troops in this place.

The flat basin in the middle of the mountains is suitable for the army to expand, and the rivers running through it can provide water for the army.

From Gaoping to the south is Zezhou, cross the mountains to Huaizhou and Mengzhou, and then across the Yellow River is the ancient capital Luoyang.

Once they occupy Huaizhou, Mengzhou, Luoyang, Guanzhong Chang'an to the west, and Bianliang of the Central Plains to the east, it is very convenient to seize the world.

Or from Gaoping south to west, you can reach Jinzhou and Hezhongfu, and you can go straight to Guanzhong after crossing the Yellow River.

Guanzhong is the land of Longxing. If you look at the two oldest empires in China, the Qin Empire and the Han Empire.

Its rise has striking similarities. With Guanzhong as the core, it controls the Qin territory, takes Hanzhong Bashu in the south, develops the division of tigers and wolves in the Qin territory, and uses Hanzhong and Bashu as the rear supply bases to launch war machines. Can't compete with it at all.

This shows the importance of Guanzhong.

Therefore, no matter if the south or the north is going up, many armies from the north, the south, the east and the west will inevitably fight here.

This place called Changping and Gaoping is destined to be a large cemetery for thousands of years in China.


Chapter 13, The Great Battle ([-])

The road north is boring.

At this time of spring, it is the time when a thousand miles of birds sing green and red, and the wine flag of Shuicun Mountain is in the wind.

But when the army headed north, the road was sparsely populated, thousands of miles uninhabited.

When I heard that the army was coming, most of the people had already fled, and only many of the old and the weak were left.In their eyes, the army is no different, the Northern Han soldiers are terrible, the Khitan soldiers are terrible, and the Zhou Dynasty soldiers they have never seen before are also terrible.

The five dynasties and ten kingdoms are like this in the chaotic times. Anyway, they are killing and killing. The people who suffer the most are the people. If the warlords could not find food, they filled it with the people.

So now in the world, everyone is afraid of soldiers. When they hear that there is going to be a war, everyone who can run along the way runs away. The rest are either disheartened and don’t want to run.

After yesterday's battle, Shi Congyun and he led more than 300 people were placed at the end of the right wing soldiers, saying that they were allowed to rest, but in fact they were protecting the calf.

Others can't control it, but for the 300 people under him, Shi Congyun kept restraining them and forbidding them to do anything out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, Zhou Jun's discipline was better than he imagined, and no major incidents occurred, which may have benefited from the rectification of the previous emperor Guo Wei.


The next morning, they could no longer see Zezhou City.

The army continued northward, and the road was still long.

The same is true for the north, the situation has not improved. As long as there are village houses along the road, there are only empty houses and old people with cloudy eyes and unable to escape.

When the sun rises, the mountains in Shanxi are charmingly beautiful. Different from the beauty of the southern mountains, and the desolation and sorrow of the Mobei mountains, they are even more majestic and majestic. Just looking at them will make people feel proud, as if they can change from lambs to tigers.

Shi Congyun has traveled all over the country, seen all over the world, and has a unique feeling for the land under his feet.

As they were walking, Xiang Xun didn't know when to bring the horse over, and he smiled and said, "Brother Yun, Yesterday, you said something nice to you in front of the official family, you remember to thank me."

Shi Congyun was very happy when he saw the chatter. He already felt that his feet were about to break. Chatting and bragging could distract his attention and relieve fatigue.

"Many thanks to Special Envoy Xiang, I will thank you now." Shi Congyun pretended to be stupid.

Xiang Xun was stunned for a moment before he reacted, "Hahaha, what a slick kid, but he doesn't look like your father at all."

"If I were like my father, I might have died outside Zezhou City that day." Shi Congyun complained, if it wasn't for his fear of death, he would have died a long time ago.

Xiang Xun smiled and said, "You're real, so why should you charge forward and take the lead?"

"Under the circumstances, my father is the chief general, so he can stabilize the morale of the army. It is better for me to die than his death..." Shi Congyun sighed, but he still had other ideas. What to do, what the family relies on to live, will be taken over by the new rich and powerful in all likelihood, or the family will fall, and life will be extremely difficult.

Xiang Xun was speechless for a long time, "He is a dutiful son, I only hope that you will be safe in this battle."

"Thank you, Lord Ji Yan." He cupped his hands.

"Brother Yun, what do you think about this battle?"

"What's your opinion? Before defeating the thieves, I had to ask the adults for advice. I don't have much experience fighting in the battlefield. If you want me to say that it's just talking about soldiers, the last person who talked about soldiers on paper died in front of Gao Ping (Zhao Kuo), I'm afraid of walking. Follow." Shi Congyun waved his hand to refuse.

"Hahahaha..." Xiang Fuxu laughed, "What a funny kid!"


After all the hard work, when the rising sun was rising, there was a sudden shout of killing in front, and everyone looked forward, the team became a little confused, and then stopped.

Shi Congyun looked forward and saw nothing.

But the chaos didn't last long. After just a few quarters of an hour, a messenger ran back from the front excitedly, shouting something like "Great victory, great victory for the forwards".

Soon, the exact news came back by word of mouth from the front.

The front-most Long Jiejun striker encountered the Northern Han striker, and then rushed directly to victory, beheading more than [-] levels!

The whole army shouted, morale boosted.

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