It was in the afternoon when he and Si Chao led the army to reach Tang Dynasty, and the sun had just passed overhead and began to set westward.

Everyone climbed to the hill about [-] meters high in the north of the avenue, overlooking Shengtang Town in the south from the top of the hill.

The town is at the bend of a tributary of the Huaihe River.

The villages and towns on the bank are densely tiled, with row upon row of houses, smoke from cooking houses, many restaurant flags fluttering in the spring breeze, and groups of waterfowl land on the west bank of the river, sending out bursts of calls that go far away.

Thousands of miles of warblers sing green and red, water villages, mountains and Guojiu flag wind.

There is an island in the middle of the river to the east of the town, with a width of about two miles from east to west and four or five miles from north to south.

On the east side of the island, there is a bridge connecting the shore, and on the west side, densely packed warships are moored. There are sentry towers and camps everywhere on the island. It seems that it is the naval camp of the Southern Tang Dynasty in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Shi Congyun immediately ordered the soldiers to disperse in formation, and immediately dense crowds of troops and flags covered the entire hill in black.

Sheng Tang, a few miles away, must have known about such movements.

Shi Congyun ordered that the troops be divided into two groups.

At this time, he brought not only the first five armies in the left wing of the control crane, but also the five armies in the rear of the left wing of the control crane after arriving in Zhengyang. An army of many people!

This is a very big appointment exception.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult for someone who is not a high-ranking official of the Palace Department or the Bodyguard Department to have the authority to command such a large army.

For example, Li Chongjin, as the commander of the bodyguard Sima Budu, is the head of the bodyguard department, and the officials let him command the 2 people in the left wing of Hujie.

The commanders of Hujie's left wing basically have no chance to really command the troops. What they can do is to raise troops and train troops at ordinary times.

Like Shi Congyun, it is a special case that the commander of the control crane's left wing can command the control crane army, and it would be absolutely impossible if the officials did not speak up.

Shi Congyun ordered the division of troops, and asked Si Chao to lead 5000 people to march along the west river bank, while he himself led the army to advance along the frontal road.

The black mass of people seemed to crush and crush Shengtang Town in the distance.

Just as Shi Congyun ordered an all-out attack to seize the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, a group of people, dressed in white and holding a white flag, suddenly appeared in the distance at the northern town entrance, slowly approaching the army.

Shi Congyun didn't realize it for a while, but he soon realized that he was about to surrender. Since Qin Ziying created the surrender ceremony of white horses and horses, white has been used to represent surrender.

Luqiu Zhongqing, who accompanied the army, stepped forward and cupped his hands: "I'll go and negotiate with them."

Shi Congyun nodded in agreement, raised his hand to signal the army to temporarily stop advancing, and sent four personal soldiers to protect him.

Shi Congyun watched from a distance, the two sides had a brief conversation, and after a while Luqiu Zhongqing came back with a beam of joy on his face.

"good news!

Jieshuai’s prestige made the army and people of the prosperous Tang Dynasty fearful. Seeing that the Jieshuai’s army had arrived, most of the defenders in the Tang Dynasty had already left. "

"Tell them that Shuai has always had integrity in this section. As long as they surrender, I promise that Qiu will not commit any crimes!"


In the afternoon of that day, Shi Congyun entered the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and all the more than 2000 naval troops of the Southern Tang Dynasty who were still guarding the prosperous Tang Dynasty surrendered. They took all of the 46 warships docked in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

That night, Shi Congyun restrained the soldiers, camped outside Shengtang Town, and let Si Chao take over the water army camp.

Unexpectedly, Si Chao was very familiar, arranged well, and was very familiar with various affairs of the navy. Shi Congyun asked him curiously.

Si Chao smiled and said, "A young man defended the coast of the Bohai Sea, so he was familiar with it. After doing a lot of these things, he will naturally understand. In fact, it is not difficult."

Shi Congyun nodded, and simply put all the more than 40 ships he got into Si Chao's management and dispatch.

That night, all the soldiers rested and recuperated in the Southern Tang Army Water Village in the prosperous Tang Dynasty to the west. The water army camp hoarded a lot of wine and meat, enough for everyone to drink to their heart's content.

The dozens of truckloads of tung oil, sulfur, and saltpeter that Li Gu had prepared for them were all useless.

Shi Congyun is more curious about saltpeter. Oil and sulfur are common items. Sulfur is also used as medicine, and he is not afraid of eating dead people.

But it seems that I have never heard of saltpeter. Is the saltpeter in one nitrate, two sulphur, and three charcoals?

In the afternoon, everyone ate, drank and had fun. The soldiers wrestled around the bonfire. It was rare for them to relax for a while.

The saltpeter mine was wrapped with thick wet animal fur and wrapped with oilcloth inside. The auxiliary soldier in charge of the escort told him that the escort was safe, then he lifted the fur and cut a small hole in the oilpaper on the side with a dagger.

The semi-white particles inside rolled out immediately, Shi Congyun caught it with his hands, and looked carefully, it was translucent white with some red irregular solids.

"The place where this thing is produced most is in Hanzhong. It will explode in case of fire. It is a sharp weapon in water warfare." Luqiu Zhongqing said: "There are also some places in Hebei where it can be produced, but they are not as many as in Hanzhong, and not as good as Hanzhong's pure color."

Shi Congyun nodded, he was thinking about other things, and he didn't know if this thing was pure nitrate.

But he didn't think too much about it. It's not the time to think about those messy things. The right way is to think about how to win this war first.

Shi Congyun and Si Chao took down the prosperous Tang Dynasty without bloodshed, and captured more than forty naval warships.

Then he ordered Shen Zhiyi to lead an army of [-] troops to garrison the prosperous Tang Dynasty, while he and Si Chao led the army to Zhengyang by water and land.


Shi Congyun and Si Chao's attack on Sheng went smoothly. On the other hand, the battle in Shouzhou did not progress.

At the beginning of March, the government ordered the floating bridge to be moved to Xiacai Town. Xiacai and Shouzhou are across the river.

In Xiacai, the Huaihe River has turned a big "S" bend, resulting in some places where the river is narrow and the current is fast, and some places where the river is wide but the water is gentle. There are no hidden reefs at the bottom of the river, which is suitable for erecting pontoon bridges.

So choosing to build a bridge here is not a random choice.

Afterwards, the officials felt threatened again, because near Shouzhou, there were two Southern Tang water armies, which might threaten Xiacai's pontoon bridge at any time.

One is the prosperous Tang Dynasty connected by the upper tributaries of the Huaihe River, and the other is Tushan in the lower reaches, both of which are stationed in the Nantan water army.

The government sent two rising stars, Shi Congyun and Zhao Kuangyin, to lead the army to attack the navy forces of Shengtang and Tushan respectively.

As a result, the battle report came within a few days. Shi Congyun led his army to break through the prosperous Tang Dynasty, obtained more than 40 warships, and obtained a large amount of supplies.

Zhao Kuangyin was also very clever, and lived up to the expectations of the officials. He pretended to be defeated in Dangtu to draw out the enemy army, and then set up an ambush halfway to defeat the Southern Tang army and captured more than [-] warships.

These things made the officials very happy.

Since his first foot set foot on the land of Huainan, he has won successive battles.

First, Shi Congyun defeated Liu Yanzhen in Zhengyang, and then Shi Congyun captured the prosperous Tang Dynasty (it was said in the battle report) and defeated the prosperous Tang navy. Zhao Kuangyin captured Tushan and defeated the Tushanshui army. There are about a hundred ships in total.

This made Guo Rong more confident, and he also felt that his front was unstoppable. He had only been in Huainan for more than ten days, and he had such successive victories.

So he ordered Li Jixun, the commander of the guards and infantry, to lead Hu Jie's right wing with 2 people, store up in the south of Shouzhou, build siege equipment, and prepare to attack the city.

Taking Li Gu as the judge of Shouzhou Prefecture, he has full power to handle affairs around Shouzhou, and at the same time ordered the confiscation of more than [-] Dingfu from Songzhou, Haozhou, Chenzhou, Yingzhou, Xuzhou, Suzhou, Xuzhou, Caizhou and other places Responsible for transporting supplies for the army, erecting pontoon bridges, and building siege equipment.

With an edict, the banks of the Huaihe River were completely mobilized by the war, and many people on both sides of the bank could not live in peace, and a large number of people began to invest in this all-out war between the two countries.

By March 23, the pontoon bridge across the Huai River in Xiacai was officially completed, and the officials went to inspect it in person.

The official was wearing a purple robe with a round collar and riding boots. Please step on the wooden boards at the bridge head. Shi Yanchao, Han Lingkun, Zhao Kuangyin, Wang Shenqi and many other generals followed behind him.

Two prime ministers, Li Gu and Wang Pu, lined up on both sides.

"With this bridge, my troops, horses, food, and grass from Dazhou can reach Huainan unimpeded." Wang Pu said excitedly, and everyone's faces showed joy.

The official family took a few steps forward, and everyone behind them walked onto the pontoon bridge. The sound of footsteps echoed, and the water of the Huaihe River flowed non-stop. Now in the middle and late March, the water of the Huaihe River has begun to rise.

Many auxiliary soldiers on duty on both sides of the bridge knelt down quickly.

"How is Li Jixun's siege going?" the official asked.

Li Gu stepped forward and agreed: "There is still no progress. Shouzhou defender Liu Renshan is very good. The city wall of Shouzhou is very high, and the moat is full of running water. The water is very deep, so it is very difficult to fight.

In addition, there is a puppet Tang Dynasty reinforcement near the pleaseliu pass in the south. They were frightened by Shi Congyun and withdrew from Dingyuan, but they may come back at any time and threaten the rear of the army. "

The official nodded, and then said to Li Gu and Wang Pu beside him: "As for Zhengyang, now that the pontoon bridge has been moved to Xiacai, Zhengyang doesn't have to store so many soldiers."

"The commander of the guards Mabujun made Li Chongjin's Hujie left wing still stationed in Zhengyang.

There are also about 1 people in the control crane left wing led by Zhenwu Jiedu envoy Shi Congyun, who are also stationed there.

After Shi Congyun captured the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he sent someone to report. He left 3000 people and Shen Zhiyi, the commander of the fifth army in the left wing of the control crane, stationed in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and then ordered the deputy commander of the left wing of the control crane to lead 2000 people More than 40 captured warships were escorted along the river to support Xiacai's defense of the pontoon bridge.

According to the time when the letter was delivered, Nischao would probably lead the fleet to arrive tomorrow. "Wang Pu reported next to him.

The official glanced back at everyone, the meaning in his eyes was unclear, and he said with emotion: "Shi Congyun is the one who misses the youngest among you, but he is the one who is the most organized and the one who makes me feel at ease when he does things.

I was thinking of sending someone to take over Sheng Tang's ship to guard the Xiacai Floating Bridge, but I didn't expect him to send it to me long ago. "

The river was very windy, and the officials were afraid that everyone would not be able to hear them clearly, so they paused for a while, and then continued after waiting for the wind to calm down: "I really want him to come, but he has been working too hard these days.

He relied on him for the life-and-death battle in Zhengyang, and then rushed to the south to intercept and kill Liu Yanzhen, and went back and forth 200 miles ([-] kilometers) to defeat Shengtang, let him rest in Zhengyang for a few days, and ordered Li Chongjin to come over to guard the pontoon bridge. . "

Wang Pu nodded.

The official went on to say, "It's not an option for Huangfuhui's troops to be there all the time at Qingliuguan, threatening our army to rear.

Surrounding states and counties are also the best time to attack, you can't miss it, just fight if you can.

Zhao Kuangyin, I order you to lead the army to attack Huangfuhui at Qingliu Pass, and relieve the army from the rear for safety. "

The black-faced Zhao Kuangyin took a step forward: "I obey the order!"

After thinking for a while, the officials looked at Shi Yanchao who stood out from the crowd: "Shi Yanchao led Long Jie Jingqi to support Zhao Kuangyin. This battle is aimed at a quick victory."

Shi Yanchao surrendered and took the order.

After that, Zhou Jun quickly divided his troops to occupy the surrounding areas of Shouzhou, and Li Jixun's army was stationed near Shouzhou and continued to besiege Shouzhou.

By the end of March, Li Chongjin's army also arrived and stationed in the northeast of Shouzhou, defending the pontoon bridge and blocking the periphery of Shouzhou to prevent the Southern Tang reinforcements from coming to rescue.

On the other hand, Zhao Kuangyin and Shi Yanchao led their troops to Liuhe in the southeast to attack Huangfuhui and Yao Feng's army at Qingliuguan.

After making these arrangements, Guo Rong himself felt that he had the chance to win. His triumphant progress all the way made him full of confidence. The land of Huainan seemed to be within his grasp.


In Zhengyang, Shi Congyun led a large army to station here, and Li Chongjin also led a tiger army to defend in the north.

He didn't get along with Li Chongjin, so he ordered the Crane Army to station in the south of Zhengyang, and did not send anyone to say hello. Fortunately, the two armies were in peace.

At noon the next day, Shi Congyun was a little drowsy after eating. As the saying goes, when you are full of food and think about lust, Shi Congyun vaguely thought of Zhao Shijian at home, and in a daze, he thought of Queen Fu who had a glimpse of him. I was so frightened that I was so frightened that I was sweating profusely.

Shi Congyun trembled, thinking what he was thinking about, alas, it was all due to puberty.He is now about sixteen years old, and it is normal to have some adolescent fantasies, and his heart is actually pure.

But... Empress Fu is really beautiful.

I just took a look at it that day, and it left a deep impression on him. Unlike Zhao Shijian's aura-like cabbage, she is dignified and luxurious, and her gestures are just right, just right, probably cultivated since she was a child, and there is no accumulation of decades. , it is difficult to have such a calm temperament.

But he quickly thought of something, Queen Fu seemed to have died during the Southern Expedition, right?

He remembered that it was Empress Fu who followed Guo Rong on the expedition, encountered severe heat and heavy rain, and the weather changed suddenly. He contracted a serious illness and died after returning to Daliang.

Diseases in this era are not so curable, and not adapting to the climate is a big problem.

Back then, the Khitan king went to Daliang to become emperor, but on the way back to the north, he didn’t adapt to the southern climate. He suffered a serious illness and died of it. The army that followed him to the south began to fight among themselves and then collapsed.

Empress Fu is from Hebei, so it is inevitable that she will not adapt to Huainan. In addition, it is normal for a woman to be delicate and seriously ill after encountering the scorching summer heat.

Shi Congyun shook his head, it's a pity for such a beauty, he would not dare to talk to the officials or the queen to persuade her to return to Daliang.

He was thinking wildly when suddenly there was noise and noise outside.

Shi Congyun frowned, feeling very unhappy in his heart, pulled up the curtain of the tent and yelled at the outside: "What's the fuss, what's the fuss! We're mourning, can I be quiet for a while!"

An expressionless black face was getting closer and closer.

Li Chongjin!

Shi Congyun looked behind him, no one was following him, only Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Luo Yanhuan and others with nervous faces, who dared not step forward to stop Li Chongjin because of his identity.

Li Chongjin came to his camp alone, no wonder there was such a commotion.

Shi Congyun was also a little nervous, thinking that this fellow came to him for a one-on-one duel!But in terms of momentum, he couldn't lose, and he didn't back down at all, staring at him closely.

Unexpectedly, Li Chongjin went directly into his big tent, sat down and drank a glass of water with a blank expression on his black face, and then said: "I came here today to clarify one thing with you!

That day in the south of Zhengyang, it wasn't that someone didn't send troops, but seeing that your flank soldiers had many generals, and the puppet Tang army had no power to fight back. They thought they had follow-ups, so they didn't rush to support. "

After finishing speaking, he got up quickly, and another person left the big tent, not taking a cloud with him, leaving only Shi Congyun with a stunned expression on his face.

He quickly understood what Li Chongjin meant. That day Li Chongjin led an army to serve as a reserve support force at the left rear of his army. From his perspective, he could only see the battle situation on the left wing of the Crane Army, and Shi Congyun put all his elite troops into The left wing, the left wing of the Southern Tang Army has been pressed and beaten by Zhou Jun.

As a result, Li Chongjin, who was observing the battle situation two or three miles away from the left, always thought that the Southern Tang Army was at a disadvantage and might still have a reserve force, so they were not in a hurry to enter the battlefield.

That's what he meant.

In order to make it clear, he actually came to his Chinese army camp alone...

Shi Congyun didn't know how to describe Li Chongjin for a while...

Let's say he is irritating, he is very irritating, his words are harsh, and he is merciless; but he is also somewhat... inexplicably straightforward.


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