The Zhou Dynasty was not a peaceful and prosperous age. In such a chaotic world, efficiency is more important than ostentation. Therefore, although the habit of the Tang Dynasty's court meeting is retained, the frequency is reduced. Most of the time, only high-level civil and military officials who can be involved in decision-making have the opportunity to participate in the real court meeting. .

As for the meeting with foreign envoys, Shi Congyun had the opportunity to go there before, but it's useless if he doesn't.

Shi Congyun feels that it is not easy to come to the present, and he is full of expectations for the court meeting. He can finally face the officials face to face!

116 Chapter [-], The court meeting that seems to have been rehearsed

Zhengyang Town is located on the bank of the Huaihe River, fifty or sixty miles west of Shouzhou City.

In the area of ​​the Huaihe River in the north of Zhengyang, the flow of the river decreases every winter during the dry season, and in some years it even stops flowing, but unfortunately not this year.

Moreover, the river here is very narrow, and there is a confluence to the east, and the water flow becomes gentle.

Li Gu chose this place as the crossing point.

Before crossing the river, it took eight days to build a boat on the south bank and build a pontoon bridge, with boats lined up as the body of the bridge, connected by iron cables, and wooden boards laid on the top, for soldiers and horses to cross the river.

Li Gu originally thought that there would be a big battle at the bridgehead, so he dispatched all the elite soldiers to the front, and even ordered his deputy, the experienced Zhongwu Jiedu envoy Wang Yanchao to personally preside over the important event of crossing the river.

At the last moment, more than 50 ships were used to send more than 800 armored elite soldiers to the opposite bank, in order to buy time for the army to build a pontoon bridge.

As a result, there was no defense on the other side of the river!

The army crossed the river smoothly, then hurried eastward along the Huai River, and marched into Shouzhou.

Wang Yanchao, the deputy commander, and Bai Yanyu, the vanguard capital school, defeated the Southern Tang army at the foot of Shouzhou city and at the mountain pass. They beheaded more than [-] people and captured more than [-] people, not counting the defeated ones.

Even Li Gu himself was a little surprised by such a victory. Later, when the Southern Tang officials who captured Zhengyang asked, they found out that Wu Tingshao, the supervising army of Shouzhou, ordered the dismantling of the defense along the river, thinking that it was a waste of food and money.

That Wu Tingshao was born as a palace doctor, once he was favored, he was actually promoted to be the frontline supervisor. He didn't know that the military affairs were dangerous, so he thought he did such a thing.

The Lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty employs people like this, and it is not unfair to lose.

Li Gu did not leave Zhengyang, but sent Wang Yanchao and Bai Yanyu to lead the army eastward, built trenches, and besieged Shouzhou City.

He himself led the rest of the army, with Han Lingkun as the general, to guard Zhengyang.

The Zhengyang pontoon bridge is not only the army's retreat route, but also the army's supply channel. The generals with a little knowledge understand that if they want to defeat them, they must first attack Zhengyang and burn down the pontoon bridge on the river.

In this way, the army in the south had no retreat and supplies, and there was only one dead end.

Thinking of these, Li Gu couldn't help thinking of Liu Renshan, the governor of Shouzhou in the Southern Tang Dynasty, who was indeed insightful.

As soon as the army built the pontoon bridge, he led his army out of the city to the west, intending to directly kill Xiang Zhengyang and burn down the pontoon bridge, but he acted hastily at that time and only collected a total of more than a thousand people.

In the end, he was hit and defeated by Wang Yanchao before reaching Zhengyang Road, and retreated into Shouzhou City again to hold on.

Although he failed to succeed, Li Gu felt that this person was knowledgeable and courageous due to his insight and decisiveness.

He was even more worried that there were such people in the Southern Tang Dynasty. After discussing with Wang Yanchao, Han Lingkun and others, he decided to leave 5000 people to guard Zhengyang to protect the pontoon bridge and logistics channels.

Wang Yanchao and Bai Yanyu led the remaining 1 troops to the east and besieged Shouzhou.

But then things started to go wrong.

Unsurprisingly, Liu Renshan was not someone who would wait for nothing. First, when Shouzhou was besieged from all sides, he led a small number of soldiers to take the initiative to attack. Although he was repelled, his courage convinced his soldiers. Even some soldiers in the Zhou army began to fear. he.

With hundreds of people, they dare to go out of the city to attack the siege camp. Such a person is in the city, and the whole army is under pressure.

Afterwards, Liu Renshan began to stick to Shouzhou City. He was well dispatched, properly arranged, and experienced.

The siege troops were unable to attack the city for a long time, and suffered heavy casualties. After nearly a month of siege, Shouzhou was still impenetrable, and the Zhou army was unable to attack the city for a long time.

Even after the fight, both generals and soldiers were full of fear of Shouzhou City and did not want to attack again.

Li Gu also considered that the forwards only had 2 people in total, and they had to divide [-] troops to guard the Zhengyang floating bridge grain road. If the besieging troops suffered too many casualties, Liu Renshan, who had the heart and courage to fight the city, would have to go out of the city to attack the camp again. .

So he ordered to stop the storm, and adopted the strategy of besieging Shouzhou and cutting off reinforcements and food roads.

In this way, time will be spent at the beginning of the next year without knowing it...


There is war in the south, and there is no peace in Sichuan.

At first, Meng Chang, the leader of the Later Shu Kingdom, insisted on calling himself the "Emperor of the Great Shu Kingdom" in his letter to the Zhou Dynasty for the sake of face. As a result, after the letter was sent, the army of the Later Zhou Dynasty continued to go south to threaten Qingniling.

At the same time, the emperor of Zhou Guo didn't reply to his letter for a long time, and Meng Chang was so frightened that the tea and food were not good, and he was restless, for fear that the emperor of Zhou would be angry and really send an army to destroy the Kingdom of Shu.

In panic, they continued to increase their troops towards Baidi City and Jianmen Pass. They wished that all the troops of the whole country could be transferred to the north, so that people in Shu Kingdom would panic and everyone would be in danger.

Mrs. Huarui serves her left and right, and sometimes she thinks, why bother if she knew this earlier.

Don't worry about the useless title at the beginning, so you won't be so embarrassed, but she also understands that this is a man, men are like this, sometimes they can ignore everything for the sake of face, and the lord Meng Chang is also a man.

Fortunately, in late November, good news finally came from the north, which made the people of Shu uneasy. Shi Congyun, who has always been unforgettable, went back to Daliang!

Once Shi Congyun left, he really gave the soldiers and civilians of Shu a lot of confidence and comfort.

For the monarch Meng Chang, it is another understanding.

On the day when he heard the news of the withdrawal, Meng Chang was overjoyed immediately, and even sent someone to Wang Zhaoyuan's mansion to reward him with [-] yuan and five carts of silk and satin, and promoted him to be the Deputy Privy Envoy.

Many people don't understand this kind of reward and punishment. If you want to reward, you should also reward Li Yangui and Gao Yanchou who stood firm on the front line. Although Shi Congyun's withdrawal may have nothing to do with them, but if they didn't guard Qingniling, then the killing god said Maybe they all entered Hanzhong.

But some smart people understood the absurd thoughts of the king. Meng Chang thought that Shi Congyun was able to withdraw his troops because Wang Zhaoyuan's "beauty trick" worked.

Knowledgeable people will find it ridiculous, but Meng Chang is an ignorant person. He grew up in the deep palace surrounded by court ladies and soaked in honey pots.

"Wang Zhaoyuan is afraid that he will gain power in the future..."

"It's not good for the Shu Kingdom that such a person gains power. I'm afraid that the one who will ruin our Shu Kingdom in the future and give away the foundation of the late emperor will be this person." On Qingni Ridge, Li Yangui and Gao Yanchou stood side by side and sighed.

But the generals of the defeated army, what qualifications do they have to speak, and the king will not listen to them.


It seems that the first month of the first month of the third year, Shi Congyun went to the court for the first time. He was dressed in official uniform and dressed up grandly. He thought he could talk to the officials.

Unexpectedly, there was no chance for him to speak at all, and the grand court at the beginning of the year seemed to be a rehearsal.

Several ministers and palace marshal Zhang Yongde came out one by one to report the evil deeds of the Southern Tang Kingdom.

Then the officials were furious and reprimanded Nan Tang for his crimes.

Afterwards Zhang Yongde, Shi Yanchao, Zhao Kuangyin and others stepped forward to ask for a fight, and they even spoke in unison, making Shi Congyun very suspicious whether they had rehearsed.

The prime minister Wang Pu and the privy envoy Wei Renpu respectively came out to say a paragraph of polite words, to the effect that they asked the officials to love the people and send troops to rescue the people of the Southern Tang Dynasty who were in dire straits.

The officials were filled with righteous indignation, and they waved their hands to prepare to send troops, but there were still few letters of appeal.

Just at this time, Wang Pu had already prepared to submit a call to denounce the Southern Tang Dynasty. The eunuch took it, and the officials signaled it and read it out in front of all the civil and military officials.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, full of coincidences, and Shi Congyun was stunned for a while, and gradually understood why his father told him not to speak, because he had nothing to say.

It seems that he still thinks too simply. How can officials talk about the discussion at the level of national strategy in such a big court.

The changed eunuch had also started to read, and his voice echoed in the hall.

"Since I have succeeded to the throne and controlled the world, I should respectfully govern the government, cultivate literature and virtue, and support the people. I did not want to raise troops and show off my strength.

But seeing the Huainan puppet state bewildered and rebellious, it must do righteous deeds to suspend the people and punish crimes.

You and other little Huaidian dared to resist the great powers. Taking advantage of the decline of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, following the chaos of the Huangchao bandits, they were domineering and domineering. For nearly 60 years, they occupied one side by stealing and occupying one side, arrogating the pseudonym of Wu Kingdom and Southern Tang Dynasty.Fortunately, there were many events in the Central Plains, colluded with foreign enemies in the north, and made a big move to kill them, luring the northern tribes to be our border troubles!

During the Jin and Han dynasties, there was unrest in the country. You recruited and accepted the rebels. You helped the culprit. Li Jinquan occupied Anlu, and Li Shouzhen rebelled against Hezhong. The land of Yue, Yue, ravaged the people of Xiang and Tan.

As a result of the founding of the Han Dynasty, Donglu did not come to worship, and you sent troops to meet the rebels and took the opportunity to invade Xu.In the battle of Muyang, right and wrong are clear, my court is magnanimous, and I have not questioned you.

Since then, there have been years of famine in the area of ​​Huaiyang, and we have sympathized with the people in the famine and sold you a lot of grain.The soldiers who captured you before and after were all released; we have always prohibited border guards from harassing you.

We have no regrets for you, it is really that you are too treacherous, colluding with Khitan to lure Khitan, and it has not stopped until now, befriending and merging state thieves, taking me as an enemy, the crime is unspeakable, the anger of man and god!

Today, we will drive the chariots and order the generals, beat the drums and send out troops, conscript the large ships in the west of Zhejiang, and transfer the Langling Gejia, and the east and west will be combined, and the water and land will attack together.

When Wu Guosun Hao was desperate, he surrendered automatically; when Chen Houzhu was exhausted, there was nowhere to accommodate him!

All Huainan generals, soldiers and civilians have been away from the court for a long time, and have never heard of the sound and moral education. Although they obey the puppet court for a while, they should get close to the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, be good at choosing safety and danger, and decide where to go early!

If you can put down your arms to show your submission, the whole county surrenders, prepare cattle and wine to reward my soldiers, hand over the seal and obey my orders, then you will never be stingy with rewards, land and mountains and rivers, and you will not be stingy.

The order of reward and punishment is as trustworthy as Danqing!

If you are not mistaken, you will regret it.

Wherever Wang Shi went, the military discipline was strict, and there was no crime in autumn. If it rains in time, the people and elders, please rest assured to live in peace. "

Presumably, this edict will spread throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty soon...

Chapter 117, Kicking off

On the day the edict was issued, the people in Daliang, inside and outside the court, knew in their hearts that the officials had decided to use force against the Southern Tang Dynasty.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the government issued an edict to conscript tens of thousands of people in the surrounding states and counties of Daliang to build the outer city of Daliang.

The south is still fighting, and Huaibei civilians have been conscripted to deliver food, grass and luggage for the army. At this time, nearly [-] civilians from the counties near Daliang will be conscripted to repair the Daliang city wall, which will inevitably cause public resentment.

Shi Congyun soon understood the official's determination. This was to defend against the north and chase the south. He made a big determination to fight the Southern Tang Dynasty, and he was afraid that he would have to conscript himself in the future.


A few days ago, Shi Congyun wanted to take a walk in his mind, trying to find a way to go to the south and make some achievements, but found that there was no chance at all.

It's all right now, and you don't have to worry about it yourself, because if the officials go to the army personally, he, the commander of the Crane Controlling Left Chamber, will inevitably go south with the army. The Crane Controlling Army is the main force, and it is indispensable to fight such a big battle.

Armies such as scattered members and Nei Dian Zhi may not necessarily go south, but the main force controlling cranes will definitely go south with Sheng Jia, so there is no need to waste your words.

In the afternoon, Shi came back straight from Yunshang, had dinner with his mother and others in the main hall, and went to the west courtyard to sit with Luqiu Zhongqing for a while, talking about fighting the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Back in the yard at night, Wang Qiu also came over and was helping Zhao Shijian with things, packing up and storing the clothes hanging under the eaves, and preparing hot water for him to wash. The two girls whispered and didn't know what to say.

Seeing him come back, Wang Qiu greeted him, and quickly returned to his hut with interest.


"I'm going to fight again in two days." In the hut on the old willow tree, Shi Congyun whispered to Zhao Shijian in his arms.

Zhao Shijian posted a post later. In fact, there are a thousand and ten thousand reluctances and unwillingnesses in his heart, as well as fears, but women in this era actually have very few choices.

As long as she takes that step, she will entrust her whole life, and there is no room for repentance, so she will hesitate and be afraid, but maybe she is disturbed by the "if the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night".

Or the love that arises every day, and the love that he has developed naturally after getting along more.

Or the longing after a long parting is dizzying.

Or the fate she felt she couldn't escape, she was afraid from the very beginning when she entered the historian's house, what if the lustful young master took a fancy to her.

In short, Zhao Shijian was a little dizzy and handed himself over. Thinking about it now, this guy is really her nemesis. He used to be manipulated by him at will, but now he is bullied at will, and he will worry about him in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shijian suddenly felt inexplicably wronged, grabbed his big hand that was making trouble on his chest, opened his mouth and bit it down. He wanted to bite hard, but he couldn't bear it when he was halfway through.

"It's not suitable for you to go to the Fu family, Fu Liu is not alone in Beijing, and her second sister is also there, her identity is not simple.

Men must never go, so my mother and I visited..." Zhao Shijian whispered.

The words also became sour: "The six daughters of the Fu family are very beautiful, and they are still young, gentle and pleasant, with generous and decent manners. They are worthy of being the girls of the palace."

"No way, no matter how beautiful she is, she's not as pretty as you."

He said it easily, but Zhao Shijian didn't believe it at all. This guy had a lot of nonsense, and he said it as soon as he opened his mouth, but his sour heart felt happier.

She is very smart and understands why the second daughter of the Fu family is in the capital, so it is definitely inconvenient for men to enter the Fufu.

The mistress was afraid that she would say something bad, so she asked her to accompany her.

This matter was actually very difficult for her, and her heart was as painful as a knife, but she finally nodded and agreed.

Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, Zhao Shijian has understood this truth since she was a child, she was indoctrinated in her family since she was a child, and it has been subtly rooted in her heart, no matter what, this man is now her little world God.

She doesn't want her man to go to war, but now is not a peaceful and prosperous age, the future and fame of a man can only be fought on the battlefield.

Zhao Shijian has read poetry and books since he was a child, and he has learned a lot about the past and the present. He has seen many worlds with his grandfather. She is a woman with knowledge and general knowledge. She will not cry with men on such issues, and she does not want to be delayed by her own selfishness and happiness. his future.

In the end, holding back the tears from his eyes, thousands of words turned into one sentence, "You have to take good care of yourself."

The person behind nodded, and the big hands didn't make any trouble, and gently embraced her.

"I don't want to leave you either, but I'm just a little boxer now. When I can command an army of [-], I will bring you with me. Then we will be a pair of wild mandarin ducks."

Zhao Shijian blushed immediately, and said angrily: "What nonsense." The little hand pinched his thigh lightly.

How can there be such a word, and she thought of some very shameful things, which can be done with someone's face, but she was determined not to allow it, thinking silently in her heart.

As a woman, she needs to be a husband and a child, and in the future, she must teach him what is etiquette, righteousness and shame, Zhao Shijian thought to himself.

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