In the future, your husband and I will control the left wing of the Hejun. We are big men, and there is no one who is a civil servant beside us. It is not good enough. "

Shi Congyun shook his head and said complacently, putting his big arms around the little girl's delicate shoulders: "If he doesn't have much ability, he can stay in the mansion to manage the accounts, there is nothing my father can do if he doesn't want me.

In the future, if XX has the opportunity to lead an army of [-], I will take you there. You will be my officer, and you will be more at ease than anyone else.

Besides the hard work of marching, we can still do some happy things. "

Zhao Shijian quickly understood, buried his face in his chest and whispered: "Don't..."

Chapter 112: This guy really has something!

Daliang is north of the Huaihe River, so the winter in Daliang has more northern characteristics, and the first snow in the winter month comes very early.

When Shi Congyun met Luqiu Zhongqing in the west courtyard, a thin layer of snow had already covered the roof tiles in his room, but the chill was three points less than the gray and cloudy days of the previous two days.

After entering the gate of the courtyard, a middle-aged man dressed as a scribe stood up to greet him. He was wearing plain linen clothes, very clean, not tall enough, ordinary-looking, and his body was still shaking, probably from the cold.

"Master Shixiang is here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Shi Congyun also bowed his hand to return the salute, and then entered the room, and slowly found that the room was actually cold, and the two children who were sitting on the bed beside them and reading books were so cold that their whole bodies were shivering slightly.

He realized that Luqiu Zhongqing was a prisoner here, living in other people's homes, and was not taken seriously, so the servants at home were neglected to take care of him.

As a guest living in someone else's home, Luqiu Zhongqing couldn't ask for anything more.

Shi Congyun understood this situation. There were not many servants in the family, and he might have forgotten in a hurry. He was not there, and the head of the family, Shi Yanchao, had nothing special to say. It wasn't all their fault.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I thought of a sentence in the biography of the Marquis of Huaiyin, "Undress me, push me to eat".

Shi Congyun reacted quickly, his expression changed, he took off the long robe that was wrapped around him, passed Luqiu Zhongqing, stepped in front of the two children with a big stride, and put the coat on them.

He said with a distressed face: "Children can't catch a cold, they will fall to the root of the disease!"

Immediately, he forcibly burst into anger, went to the yard and yelled at the servants passing by: "Don't you know Mr. Luqiu is my distinguished guest!

After waiting for several months early in the morning, he dared to be so negligent!

Didn't I tell you to treat Mr. like a distinguished guest?Want to make people feel at home!How come there is no charcoal fire for heating! "

The young servant who happened to pass by outside the courtyard looked bewildered. He was probably a newcomer, and he said in a ignorant manner, "Master, when did you give orders..."

"Shut up! Hurry up and get some charcoal fire, and then let the kitchen prepare some stomach-warming soup and bring over some good dishes. Mr. Luqiu is a distinguished guest, so I want to have a long talk with him!"

"Ah? Oh...... The villain is going now." The young servant was scolded for no reason, and was a little dazed. He really couldn't remember when he confessed to Guo, and then hurried to do things.


After a while, hot wine and meat were already placed on some potholed wooden tables in the room. Shi Congyun deliberately tore off two boiled chicken legs and distributed them gently to the two children.

While doing this, Shi Congyun casually observed Luqiu Zhongqing's reaction.

Seeing his expression of gratitude, his lips trembling slightly, and several times trying to open his mouth, Shi Congyun immediately knew that it was all worthwhile for him.

For a father, starting with his children is the best way to gain favor.

"The host's kindness to the old man is unforgettable." Luqiu Zhongqing made a long bow, the food on the table was steaming white, his Adam's apple moved up and down several times, obviously hungry, but he never moved his chopsticks first.

Shi Congyun moved his chopsticks first, and after saying "please", he started to move his chopsticks, but he was still very restrained, but he still swallowed quickly.

Shi Congyun didn't start talking until he was almost finished eating.

"What does sir do under Li Jieshuai's command?"

Speaking of this, Luqiu Zhongqing immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand, and became serious, "I am the clerk, most of the time I have to reply to the court documents and write the documents and orders issued by the Jieshuai's mansion, and occasionally make suggestions, but... very It is rarely adopted by Li Jieshuai."

Speaking of this, Lu Qiu Zhongqing smiled awkwardly.

Shi Congyun didn't care, he had his own standards, and he wouldn't say that Li Yun couldn't do it if he didn't think so, he had to see for himself.

Moreover, he is not engaged in charity, and he has already figured it out in his heart. If this person has no talents, it is not worth his show here. Arrange him a job as an accountant in the mansion, and it will be considered a favor if he can support his family.

So he arched his hands and said directly: "Sir, you have worked in the Zhaoyi Army for so many years, you must have some knowledge, I have a question to ask."

When Luqiu Zhongqing heard this, he seemed to understand something, and sat upright: "I don't dare to ask for advice, I just talk about it."

Shi Congyun thought about it for a while, and decided to ask a big question to see this person's insight.

Whether there is an overall understanding of the world situation and grand strategy is a test of a person's insight and thinking ability.If the general direction of the strategy is wrong, no matter how well the details are done, it will be in vain.

Therefore, the rarest talents are often the ones with the most overall perspective.

With the big picture, from the big picture to the minutiae, things will be organized and not chaotic.

"Sir, in the current situation of our dynasty, who should we attack first in the Northern Han Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty?" Shi Congyun asked a big question.

I mainly want to see Luqiu Zhongqing's views on the world situation and understand his abilities.

Luqiu Zhongqing looked serious, and did not rush to answer, but thought for a while, and the two children were obedient and silent.

Shi Congyun didn't bother. There are very few people in the world who can speak clearly, not to mention the need to organize words.

"Xiangzhu, in my opinion, after the battle of Gaoping and Taiyuan, the Northern Han Dynasty was weak, and the monarchs and ministers were far away from morality, so there is no need to worry about it."

"The Southern Tang Dynasty has thousands of miles of land, many fertile fields, rich people, well-equipped soldiers, and abundant talents, which are the great troubles of this dynasty." Luqiu Zhongqing came to a conclusion.

Then he went on to say: "In my humble opinion, in general, military affairs should be easy before difficult, and the subtleties can be made with dangerous moves. The so-called combination of justice and victory by surprise.

When Later Tang (regime founded by Li Keyong) destroyed Hou Liang (regime founded by Zhu Wen), General Li Siyuan of Later Tang asked to lead [-] troops to cross the river from Yangliu and enter Yunzhou by Jiandao to attack Daliang by surprise.

At that time, everyone thought that he was overestimated and that he would definitely lose this battle. Hou Liang still had nearly [-] troops on the south bank of the Yellow River, so crossing the river with [-] troops to surprise Jiancheng would be tantamount to death.

But the Lord Tang had a brave strategy and agreed to this seemingly risky strategy. He asked Li Siyuan to take 5000 people to travel lightly, with only seven days of dry food, cross the river from Yangliu, and take advantage of the rainy night to raid Liang. , unexpectedly made an emergency landing in Daliang City, and attacked Liang Guo, the old enemy for decades.

Tang Lord Li Cunxu led his army to follow up.This is the way of righteous soldiers and strange soldiers.

From my point of view, Zhengbing is a stable army, and it should always be in an invincible position, and try not to fight uncertain battles as much as possible.

Raiders is an unexpected plan, the more dangerous the better, the victory or defeat is unknown, but you must be prepared that even if you lose, it will not affect the overall situation. "

Shi Congyun was thoughtful after hearing this, and found Luqiu Zhongqing's strategic thinking very interesting.

Moreover, he is a very talkative person. He expresses his strategic thinking and understanding first, and then expounds his views conveniently without stopping to explain halfway.

Sure enough, he did it all in one go, and then continued to express his opinion:

"So I feel that although the Northern Han Dynasty is weak, it cannot perish quickly; the Southern Tang Dynasty is still strong, but it needs to be taken urgently." Luqiu Zhongqing solemnly expressed his thoughts.

Hearing this, Shi Congyun also sat up straight, thinking that what Zhao Shijian said was true, there is something about this little-known Luqiu Zhongqing!Why doesn't there seem to be any trace left in history? He hasn't heard of it.

"Sir, please continue!" Shi Congyun arched his hands, this time he was not trying to test, but really curious.

Chapter 113: Li Gu's Good News

"Northern Han is not something to be feared, but it cannot be eliminated, because the Khitan people will not sit idly by.

So the Northern Han Dynasty looks weak, but it is the most difficult to fight.

The recovery of Hedong does not depend on whether the city of Jinyang is strong or not. If there is no Khitan, what if the Central Plains army will surround Jinyang for a year or a half?No matter how strong the city is, it will be captured sooner or later, but the Khitan people will never sit idly by. "

Shi Congyun nodded, feeling that what he said was indeed reasonable.

Especially thinking about some later developments, if it was just a small Northern Han Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin would have been defeated in history, but every time he sent troops, the Liao army would immediately go south, and he would face pressure from both Khitan and Northern Han. Fighting Taiyuan, while fighting Liao.

But every time the Khitan went south to please, the loss was so great that Zhao Kuangyin was ready to tie the Northern Han Dynasty and the Khitan together for the third time, but he died in an unexplainable night of ax and candle shadows before he sent troops. .

After Zhao Guangyi came to power, the most outstanding achievement in foreign wars was the destruction of the Northern Han Dynasty.

But in fact, most of them cannot be counted on him. As early as after the Gaoping War, the Northern Han Dynasty had no power to fight the Central Plains.

Guo Rong crippled the Northern Han Dynasty; Zhao Kuangyin chopped off the Liao State's hand extending to Hedong, and Zhao Guangyi just sat back and enjoyed it.

"Then if you fight the Southern Tang Dynasty, where do you think I will have the chance to make meritorious service?" Shi Congyun asked.

"Yu Gong, I think Shouzhou is the key, and taking down Shouzhou is the first priority; but privately, I only think about fame and fame, and I don't recommend attacking Shouzhou..."


The two talked for a long time, and the more they talked, the more he felt that Luqiu Zhongqing was a talent.

At the end, Shi Congyun got up and said solemnly: "Mr. Luqiu, a certain person is now in charge of the left wing of the Crane Army, and there is a lack of an officer in the army. I wonder if you are willing to surrender."

Luqiu Zhongqing also got up: "The owner of the room is serious, I am grateful for the kindness of the owner of the room.

I come from Hebei, there are tiles in the morning, and there is no place to stand on the ground. Sincerely, the owner of the chamber undresses and gives me food.

If the owner of the compartment feels that a mere seven-foot body is worthy, and is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse, it all depends on listening! "

Shi Congyun laughed excitedly, it seems that he was right, formalism can be of great use sometimes!

Lian took Luqiu Zhongqing's hands and supported him: "I will serve in the army in the future, I am short of talents like you.

However, the brothers in the army are all big and rough, they don't pay attention to what they say, and they don't know the importance. I hope that the master will accommodate them more and don't care about them. "

Shi Congyun needs to make this point clear first. Those people in the army may not necessarily have malicious intentions, but if they are not used to such an atmosphere, they will be pissed off by their mouths, especially scholars.

Luqiu Zhongqing smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master Xiang, I'm dealing with men in the army in Hebei, so I won't haggle over every detail."

Shi Congyun felt more at ease now: "In two days, I will write a document to report to the Privy Council, give you an official status, and receive some salary. Somebody will help you these days. Since you are used to the military style, then don't Resignation, don't treat yourself as an outsider."

Luqiu Zhongqing nodded, "Thank you, Xiangzhu."


After that, Shi Congyun ordered someone to send Luqiu Zhongqing [-] yuan, bought him a lot of daily necessities such as cloth, bedding, firewood, and ordered the kitchen to deliver the same meals as the main hall every day.

Not inviting Luqiu Zhongqing's family to the main hall for dinner is not because they look down on them or feel that they are not qualified, but because they are afraid of embarrassment.

And he values ​​Luqiu Zhongqing, but it doesn't mean what other people think, especially my father doesn't like scholars the least, even Zhao Kuangyin, because he thinks Zhao Kuangyin is glib, always saying flattering words...


On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Shi Congyun asked Zhao Shijian to help write the documents, and went to the Privy Council to enroll Luqiu Zhongqing as his official.

At his level, it's normal to have an officer, because many generals are not good at writing letters and battle reports, but they can't do without them.

He is quite well-known in the Privy Council now, and many people heard of his prestige in the battle against Shu in the west.

So as soon as he arrived at the official office, someone brought tea and water, asked him why he was here, and didn't neglect him because of his young age. After hearing that he wanted to add an official, he quickly went to do it without any bureaucratic tone or delay.

Things went well. Before leaving, I saw a young Privy Council officer coming in with a letter in his hand while reading it.

Seeing him, he respectfully called out: "Master of the Envoy!"

Shi Congyun didn't neglect, stood up and returned the salute, he could tell who could not be slighted and who could swear.

And curiously asked: "Is there any battle report ahead?"

The young official nodded: "The battle report sent back by Mr. Li."

"What did you say? Is it a secret?" Shi Congyun became even more curious. It has been nearly a month since Li Gu left his teacher. The Huaihe River is the boundary between Houzhou and Southern Tang. The distance is very close and the road is easy to travel. The battle in Guanzhong is different.

In terms of time, it is likely that the fight has already started.

The young Privy Council smiled and said: "It's not a secret, it's a good news, and sooner or later everyone will know about it.

After leaving the army, Li Xianggong has been marching in a low-key manner without fanfare. After preparations were made in late November, he suddenly forcibly crossed the Huaihe River in Zhengyang County, erected a pontoon bridge, and attacked Shouzhou in the south.

The vanguard general Bai Yanyu defeated more than [-] Southern Tang troops in Laiyuan, Shankou Town, Shangyao and other places, and captured dozens of people from his small school. The moat besieged Shouzhou. "

Shi Congyun was a little unbelievable when he heard it: "You played so smoothly?"

"Yeah, Li Xiang also thinks the game went too smoothly.

In previous winters when the Huaihe River was shallow, the Tang State would increase its troops to guard the banks of the Huaihe River to guard against our dynasty, but this time it was so easy for us to cross the river.

So I arrested the officials in the surrounding villages and towns of Shouzhou to inquire and found out that Wu Tingshao, the supervisor of Shouzhou in the Southern Tang Dynasty, thought that there was no war ahead, and it was a waste of food and grass to send troops to guard the banks of the Huaihe River, so he withdrew the defenders, which really helped us a lot. "The official laughed.

Shi Congyun was speechless, and once again thought of the phrase "Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs".

"Didn't Nan Tang understand people?"

"Also, Shouzhou Jiedu Envoy Liu Renshan appealed to stop this matter, but was rejected by Jinling."

"Liu Renshan..." Shi Congyun thought for a while, remembering the name in his heart, "Li Xianggong's shot is really beautiful."

"Well, the officials must be very happy, we have to submit this news as soon as possible."

"Then don't bother me, I'll take my leave first." Shi Congyun cupped his hands, and the other party nodded in response, and then he withdrew from the Privy Council Office.

The street outside the Privy Council compound was already covered with a thick layer of snow. There were few people on the street, and it was quiet, just like an ordinary winter day. There were many people on the Huaihe River hundreds of miles away. It has nothing to do with this situation.

Shi Congyun had a high opinion of Li Gu in his heart. He is also a good fighter. He really didn't expect that the start would be so smooth. He remembered that he had been fighting repeatedly for several years...

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