As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed, and distance produces beauty, because longing will smooth out all bumps and trivial edges and corners of life.

Man is not a machine, and friction cannot be eliminated by rubbing some lubricating oil; but missing and caring are indeed the lubricant of life, no matter how much anger and disagreement, it will become mellow and silent under its influence

Zhao Shijian is a shy, reserved, strong-hearted girl who loves softness but not toughness.

She tried her best to restrain herself, but when feelings and passion blended in harmony, even Zhao Xiaoniang couldn't suppress it no matter how difficult it was, and couldn't help making a nice voice.


In November, the temperature in Daliang dropped severely, and the sunny day was already a bit cold, and in the evening, it was so hard that I couldn't sit still without warming up.

The prices of charcoal and firewood in Daliang have been rising all the way, but fortunately, Shifu does not lack these things.

During the decades of war at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the currency was chaotic and worthless at all. The government only decreed to restore the coinage system of the Tang Dynasty this autumn, but there is no hope of restoring it in a short time.

So the real things are more valuable, and there are many real things in the salaries of officials.

Except wine, meat, rice noodles, oil and salt, there are charcoal and firewood.

In the afternoon, a servant girl carefully asked on the outer wall if she wanted to add a brazier.

Shi Congyun was busy and didn't have time to pay attention to it. He asked again later, and he almost cursed. Zhao Shijian, who was out of breath, hurriedly stopped him shyly.

I regret it now, the weather is indeed a bit cold in the evening.

Shi Congyun, who was feeling comfortable all over, remembered that the soldiers accompanying him in the capital were still outside.

So he put on his clothes casually, and asked someone to arrange for the soldiers who entered the city with him to eat and stay, and then asked someone to bring a brazier over.

He himself connected the brazier at the gate of the yard, and used wooden blocks to hold it in. Surrounded by curious servants outside, he quietly probed into the yard, with ambiguous expressions on his face.

Today, as soon as Shi Congyun came back, he went directly to his own courtyard, where only Zhao Shijian lived, and everyone knew what he was doing.

Wang Qiu came over and whispered: "Young master, the mistresses have already eaten, let me heat the food for you, and I will bring it over whenever you want."

"Then you go and take it now, go and go."

Wang Qiu nodded, turned around and left.

Shi Congyun brought in the brazier and put it in the house, propped up the windows, and then went out to serve the food that Wang Qiu had brought.

The room was dimmed and filled with a strange smell.

Zhao Shijian hid himself in the quilt, only a small head was exposed.

"Come on, it's time to eat." Shi Congyun said as he put the things on the table, and carefully put away the paper, pen and ink on the table.

Zhao Shijian's face was still slightly flushed.

Shi Congyun stretched out his hand, and gently pulled her out of the bed and put her on his lap, while he sat on Zhao Shijian's chair.

Between men and women, there are completely two modes of getting along before and after the relationship.

Zhao Shijian didn't speak, but leaned obediently on his shoulder, his black hair was scattered behind his head, it was rare to see her so obedient.

The little girl looked very petite in his arms, Shi Congyun played with the ends of her hair, and said close to her ear, "You are so small."

"Obviously you are too big." Zhao Shijian retorted, and blushed first after speaking.

Shi Congyun smirked, and turned her into his arms, "In the future, you have to get used to it, we are a family now."

Zhao Shijian nodded shyly and pressed his back against him.

But she didn't understand that for Shi Congyun, family means a deeper meaning, because he is not from this world.

"We'll go back to see your father in two days, and then I'll propose marriage to him and marry you." Shi Congyun whispered.

Zhao Shijian nodded, then shook his head, bit his lower lip lightly, and said with some disappointment: "Don't..."

"Ah?" Shi Congyun couldn't believe his ears, and said loudly: "Zhao Shijian, you won't look down on me and want to prostitute me for nothing!"

The little girl's face was flushed by what he said, "What nonsense, I... I will be yours for the rest of my life."

"Then why don't you agree?" Shi Congyun put his big hand on her lower abdomen.

Zhao Shijian said in a low voice: "Ten days before you came back, around the beginning of winter, someone came to the house. It was an elder of the Fu family. The mistress asked me to accompany her to receive the reception because she was afraid that the etiquette was not good enough."

"The Fu family?" Shi Congyun was surprised: "You said the Fu family in Hebei."

Zhao Shijian nodded: "Wei Wang Fu Yanqing is the Fu family."

Shi Congyun became even more curious, "Why do people from the Fu family come to our house?" He had met King Wei in Xinkou, but they were not familiar with each other, and they hadn't spoken to each other a few times.

But he knows the power of the Fu family, and also knows that the Fu family is good at hedging bets.

He remembered that in history, Fu Yanqing married his eldest daughter and second daughter to Guo Rong, and his sixth daughter to Zhao Guangyi.

As a result, no one dared to touch him whether it was the Zhou Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, and no matter whether it was the Zhou Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Come to kiss..." Zhao Shijian said softly.

Shi Congyun first thought: "The Fu family wants to marry the younger sister?" The younger sister Shi Congmei is also about to marry.

Zhao Shijian shook his head, and said bitterly, "I want you to marry the sixth son of the Fu family."

Shi Congyun was stunned, then smiled and said: "Hahaha, you are jealous! Just push it away, I want you to marry me, what a big deal."

Zhao Shijian looked up at him, with a strange look in his eyes, and his clear eyes were particularly beautiful.

"No way!" Zhao Shijian put his small green hand on his big hand and held it tightly: "You don't know how powerful the Fu family is.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, among the three towns of Heshuo, Lulong Town fell into the hands of the Liao State, and most of Chengde Town was also controlled by the Liao people. Only Weibo Town remained in Hebei, which is today's Tianxiong Army. The Jiedushi is Wei Wang Fu Yanqing, The Tianxiong army acted as the gateway of the country to resist the Khitans.

The Fu family controls Hebei with Wei Bo's elite soldiers, and no matter who changes the Central Plains, they cannot do without the Fu family.If the Fu family rebels, the Liao soldiers can easily enter the main beam;

Only with the support of the Fu family, the northern frontier defense will be stable, and the position of the emperor can be secured, so the officials should also give them three points of face..."

"If you want to do big things, you have to make good friends with the Fu family, and even the current officials have to win them over." Zhao Shijian leaned into his arms: "Lang Jun's future is more important than anything else. It is a good thing that they want to win you over. It is a dream opportunity." , the saint must not go against the time nor lose the time, such an opportunity will be lost if missed..."

Zhao Shijian chewed and chewed tears while talking, she had to say these words, but she felt very sad when she said them.

"Let's not think so far, let's take a step forward." Shi Congyun held her little hand and hugged her tightly.

He has never been a person who is afraid of getting into trouble. Although he is willing to risk his life sometimes, he dares to go all out. His path is made step by step. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.

"No!" Zhao Shijian shook his head and objected again, with tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes: "That way I will look down on you, and feel sorry for you.

My lord is a manly man, to do great things, to have foresight; if the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night, isn't that what you said..."

Shi Congyun stopped talking, and the joy and joy of the day gradually turned into an inexplicable melancholy, irritability and unhappiness.

"The road has to be walked step by step..."

Chapter 109, The Drunkard Doesn't Want to Drink Alcohol

That night, Shi Congyunlai stayed in Zhao Xiaoniang's room.

Shi Congyun asked Wang Qiu to boil water and wash the little girl with warm water, fearing that it would affect her.

Zhao Shijian was very shy and tried to put up a small face several times to refuse, saying that he wanted to come by himself, but he couldn't persuade him.

To Shi Congyun, this was nothing, but to Zhao Shijian, it was a breakthrough of common sense.

It's just that after such a move, the distance between the two has narrowed even more.

It's been almost two years since I came to this world, most of the time I spent with Zhao Xiaoniang, the long-flowing emotions are especially mellow, and once they explode, they are extremely enthusiastic.

At night, Shi Congyun sat on Zhao Xiaoniang's bed, wrapped in a quilt, holding the limp little girl in his arms, "I've thought about what you said, we really can't afford to offend King Wei.

My father and I are because we need the official family. Without the official family, our historians will not have glory and wealth, but the Fu family is different. The Fu family controls the Tianxiong Army, and it is the official family that needs them. "

Zhao Shijian leaned against his chest: "It's good that you understand, why did the officials suddenly confer Mrs. Wei as the queen on the front line of Gaoping? It's because they are afraid that if something happens to me, Queen Fu sits in the palace, with the support of the Hebei Fu family behind her. There is a chance to stabilize the country.

If the official family is like this, how can we disobey the Fu family? "

Shi Congyun pulled the quilt and completely wrapped her petite body in it. The autumn night was already getting cold.

"Then wait a little longer and see what the Fu family means." Shi Congyun said, feeling very upset and helpless, but he also knew that there were many things he could not control.

At least at the moment, there is no way to control it. If the Fu family really intends to marry their daughter, he will have to continue even if it is ugly.

"Sooner or later, we will be able to marry you back without looking at the faces of the Fu family."

Zhao Shijian listened quietly, his beautiful eyelashes flickered, and he leaned obediently in his arms.

Shi Congyun told her about all the things that happened on the front line in the past few months. The fear and hesitation in his heart were completely different from what outsiders saw him as.

In the eyes of outsiders, in the whole war of conquering Shu, he behaved decisively, cunningly and cleverly, and even took the lead in the charge bravely and fearlessly, which is simply a model of both civil and military skills.

In fact, he quietly lagged behind when he took the lead in the charge, and he was not the first to enter the enemy's line bravely; The Shu army really acted according to his speculation.

Shi Congyun knew in his heart that no one could say these truthful words, not soldiers in the army, military supervisors, officials, not even Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Pan Mei and others.

For officials, he needs a capable minister, so Shi Congyun must show the appearance of a capable minister in order to be reused.

For the soldiers, they are willing to obey a general who dares to lead the charge and live and die with them.

For Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Pan Mei, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others, a boss with great talent and a well-armed soldier can bring them fame and hope, and the future can be expected.

So he has to do his best in these roles.

As for the real him, I can only talk to Zhao Xiaoniang quietly here.

Zhao Shijian giggled when he heard it, and talked to him from time to time about what was not good enough.

"I think people like Dong Zunhui suffer too little defeat, so they can't stand others' correction and criticism. It's a good thing to let him suffer defeat..."

"At that time, I almost scared me to death, but fortunately, I slowed down my horse in a clever way, otherwise you would have become a little widow..."


The two talked for a long time, and they fell asleep before they knew it.


The next morning, Shi Congyun took the blushing Zhao Shijian to see the aunt and the aunt, both of whom had gratified smiles on their faces.

The aunt said: "Shi Jian has been with you for so long, and has taken good care of you. In the future, you can't bully others, and you must treat others well."

Gu Ying came from an ordinary family and had no family background, so she took Zhao Shijian's hand and said with some distress: "I originally wanted Brother Yun to marry you, Shijian is smart and capable, and you will take care of him." I am also relieved.

But you also said that you can't push the matter of the Fu family. I'm just a farmer and I know a little bit of martial arts. I don't know the truth you said, so I feel that this is too wronged. Come clean him up. "

Zhao Shijian blushed and nodded: "I know the mistress."

"It's still called Mistress."

The little girl came to her senses and called out shyly, "Mother!"

Gu Ying nodded in agreement, and asked Zhao Shijian to toast according to the etiquette of his hometown.

This is the treatment only the wife of the family can afford, which shows Gu Ying's love for Zhao Shijian.

After that, he also ordered: "Wang Qiu will take care of Shi Jian in the future, we have no shortage of people here."

Zhao Xiaoniang shook her head: "No, I can do everything."

"It's possible now, but it won't be possible when you have Brother Yun's child in the future." Gu Ying laughed.

Zhao Shijian's neck turned red after hearing this, and he gave a soft "hmm".

Shi Congyun also felt the need, and said in a low voice, "It was the past, and you will wait on me on the bed in the future. You are too busy."


In the afternoon, Shi Congyun ordered the soldiers who followed him into the city to neatly move all the books looted in Fengzhou City into the small courtyard, and put them all in Zhao Shijian's room.

Zhao Shijian's eyes lit up when he saw it, just like his reaction when he saw gold and silver treasures.

Then there was the packaged treasure inkstone, and Shi Congyun presented it to the little girl as if offering a treasure. After opening the box, Zhao Shijian was really shocked, speechless.

From his point of view, it is just a carved black stone slab that looks good, at most it has special patterns, but to Zhao Shijian, it is another matter.

"The past is over. From now on, you can use our grandfather's piece as an offering, and you can burn a few sticks of incense from time to time. If you want to use it, I will use it for you." Shi Congyun announced domineeringly.

Zhao Shijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and punched his chest, but it was useless.


In the afternoon, Shi Congyun remembered that he wanted to take Zhao Shijian to visit Li Gu. Li Gu was the person who helped him the most and was Zhao Shijian's elder.

Unexpectedly, before he left the house, he was told by his father who came back from the official office in front of the palace that Li Gu was no longer in Daliang.

As early as the beginning of November, the officials ordered Li Gu to be the commander in chief, Wang Yanchao to be the deputy commander, and Han Lingkun, the commander of the bodyguard's Ma Jun, to be the forward, leading the bodyguard Sihu Jiejun. Take the lead in deploying to attack Southern Tang.

At that time, he was still on his way back to Daliang.

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