The truth that Shi Congyun said did not expect everyone to understand it all.

The limitation of the times is not that people are not smart, but "the only lesson that human beings have learned from history is that they have not learned any lessons from history".

In Shi Congyun's understanding, the meaning of this sentence is: people cannot jump out of the times to see history, and people's views on history are reflections and reflections on the current era.

The times limit people's thinking, so they will also wear a curse when they look at history.

Therefore, it is not expected that many people in this era will understand his words. Shi Congyun can only instruct his soldiers and soldiers to treat the people more kindly.

Shi Congyun and their perspective on history are different. In Shi Congyun's view, the general trend of history cannot be changed by human beings.

There are many Ming masters of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and there are many generals who can conquer and fight well, but why is it that no one can rule the world and end such a troubled time?

To put it bluntly, in the beginning, only the world can taste the sweetness of chaos, but not enough of the bitterness of chaos.

But now, after a hundred years of war and bloodshed in the world, people finally understand that stability and reunification are good, and they all have the idea of ​​looking forward to the unification of the world and living and working in peace and contentment.

Under such a general trend of thinking, it is possible to rule the world, and there is a premise, and he and everyone are just catching up now.

The Jialing River is rushing, and Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui, and Luo Yanhuan who are behind these truths probably don't understand, and everyone just looks at his back with trust and admiration.

Standing at the height of the times, they are all lucky, but everyone does not know it.

Shi Congyun understood this truth, but he didn't understand that it was a disaster or a blessing.


In October, the spies from the south reported that the kingdom of Shu began to increase troops in the direction of Jianmen and Baidicheng.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the army continued along the road at the bottom of the mountain, and the head and tail were not seen for three consecutive days.

This time, the Kingdom of Shu was really frightened, and it is estimated that it was preparing to hoard the entire country's troops on the northern front, in case Da Zhou really penetrated the Qinling Mountains and invaded Hanzhong and Chengdu.

But after hearing these news, Shi Congyun didn't take it to heart.

Because there was no follow-up increase in the Zhou Dynasty, the 10,000+ forbidden army had no follow-up except for the thousands of people brought by Han Tong.

Shi Congyun understood that the official Guo Rong didn't want to continue to attack Shu in the south. I'm afraid that the 10,000+ army of the Zhou Dynasty was ready to go south to the vast fertile fields of the Huaihe River and Yangtze River Basin.

In the evening, facing the night of Jialing River, he tried to analyze the reasoning of the decision-making of the relatives and the officials. Shi Congyun felt that if he decided such a major matter, he would not agree to continue the expedition of Shu.

If the forbidden army of Daliang is mobilized to Guanzhong, Henan will be empty, and the Southern Tang will have an opportunity. Moreover, the Southern Tang is a barrier to the east of the Shu Kingdom. The only way to attack Shu is to go through Guanzhong, and the army has a single retreat, which is too dangerous.

To destroy Shu, at least the Southern Tang Dynasty must be attacked. It is best to seize the land north of the Yangtze River and open the eastern gate of the Shu Kingdom. Only then can the Zhou army grasp the strategic initiative, have a variety of offensive directions, and advance and retreat freely.

But these are all his own thoughts, and he doesn't know what the officials and Xianggong think.


In mid-October, a special envoy came from Daliang...

Chapter 101, Luderson

Shi Congyun specially met him in the big tent outside Wuwei City. The special envoy was named Lu Duoxun, who was a Jinshi who passed the examination last year, that is, the first year of Xianxian, and he was the secretary at this time.

This person was very young, much younger than the others, and he was also one of the youngest officials Shi Congyun had ever come into contact with. He was probably just in his twenties, and he might not have been in his twenties.

He was dressed in travel and dust, wearing a cloak and hat, and only had a horse-leading entourage by his side.

After meeting in the dental tent, Shi Congyun hosted a banquet to entertain them.

Maybe it was the exhaustion of traveling all the way, maybe it was a lot of hard life, Lu Duoxun ate very well, and his appetite was similar to that of men who fought in the army. He ate two bowls of rice, several grain cakes, and a lot of food. meat.

In the middle of the banquet, Lu Duosun had almost eaten before he got up to speak: "Shi Qianfeng, besides seeing the situation at the front this time, he is also ordered by an official to convey something."

Shi Congyun cupped his hands and said, "Special envoy, please tell me."

"In Daliang, the officials praised the general's bravery in battle, wisdom and courage many times, and said that the general should be appointed as a defensive envoy, and before departure, he also asked someone to bring this to the general.

Moreover, Fengzhou City hadn't been destroyed when I set off from Daliang, and the three prefectures of Qin, Cheng, and Jie had not yet dedicated their cities. Now that the four prefectures are pacified, General Shi can add another one to his credit book. "

Hearing this, everyone sitting there looked at him excitedly.

"Congratulations, General Shi." Lu Duosun cupped his hands.

Shi Congyun was overjoyed in his heart, but he still tried his best to be modest on the surface: "Thank you for the special envoy's notification. I will thank you very much when I return to Daliang."

He was just being polite, but he didn't expect that Lu Duosun didn't refuse at all, and climbed up the pole: "Then it's better to obey than to be respectful, and I hope that I won't be disgusted by it."

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly, and took the words naturally: "Where, the special envoy is willing to visit the humble house. A certain third student is lucky, and he will definitely entertain him well!"

Lu Duosun smiled, arched his hands and revealed some additional news: "The officials just received the news that General Huanghuagu set up an ambush and defeated the Shu army during the shooting banquet in mid-September.

At that time, the officials really sighed in front of many people. A wise, brave and thoughtful person like the general wasted a long time in Guanzhong. "

Shi Congyun was overjoyed when he heard this, and finally put down a big stone in his heart. He bowed and said, "Thank you special envoy for telling me this."

Lu Duosun didn't even return the salute, "You don't have to be polite when it comes to your responsibilities."

Shi Congyun nodded and didn't say any more, but quietly ordered Shao Ji beside him to prepare some gold and silver and give it to Lu Duoxun, and Lu Duoxun really took it.

Shi Congyun is an old fritter, and understands how broad the so-called "responsibility lies" is.

He said it was also his duty, not to mention it was also his duty, in fact it was entirely up to people, Lu Duoxun most likely felt that Shi Congyun had a good attitude, so he was willing to reveal more.

Don't underestimate the importance of this information. In war, information can determine victory or defeat. On weekdays, information can also determine many things.

Lu Duoxun's words reassured Shi Congyun a lot. At least one thing he can be sure of is that the officials will not keep him in the customs, and he will be able to return to Daliang before the end of the year...


As the largest urban settlement on earth at this time, Daliang City could not conceal its bustle even in the bleak autumn.

There is an endless stream of people coming and going, and the three religions and nine streams gather here. The yelling and noise on the street never stops, full of human fireworks.

Since mid-July, good news from the north has gradually reached Daliang, thousands of miles away.

Every few days, there will be many soldiers riding horses, waving red flags behind them, passing through the city, shouting words such as "Where there is a big victory", "Who and who will capture and kill", all the way through. The street goes north, attracting crowds of onlookers.

It will soon become a topic of conversation in Daliang City, and the one with the highest frequency is none other than Pioneer Shi Congyun.

Compared with the low-key and low-key handling of the battle reports by the Shu Kingdom, in Daliang City, the victory of the Western Expeditionary Army has been known to everyone on the streets and alleys since July. Without him, only the victors are eligible to show off.

The battle in the northwest gradually became more and more well-known from obscurity, and even became a topic of conversation in the streets and alleys after dinner, and gradually became well-known.

Successive victories inspired the soldiers and civilians in the city, and there were also many celebration activities, but many of them were organized by non-governmental organizations without much official support.

The attitude of the imperial city towards this war is unknown to outsiders for the time being, but smart people can guess that this is the first time an official has taken the initiative to use foreign troops after he ascended the throne, and it is also the first step of his ambition. It is impossible not to pay attention.


The autumn night was a bit cold, and a lot of news came with the wind, blowing from the mountains of the Qinling Mountains into Guanzhong, from Guanzhong to Luoyang, Heyang, and along Zhengzhou to Daliang.

Most of the news is nothing more than the forward Shi Congyun's unstoppable bravery, continuous victories, and the deployment of Wang Jing in the northwest camp.

Hearing these news, Shi Yanchao, the deputy commander in front of the palace, was the happiest person. As Shi Congyun's father, he was always moody and rarely revealed anything.

After receiving the battle report from the west, there were many changes quietly.

The people in Shi's mansion and the surrounding soldiers all felt this. Once the servants in the mansion and Tong Xiang got drunk and accidentally starved Shi Yanchao's beloved horse for a day without being smoked.

And in the past few months, they have sent money to everyone in the mansion several times.

Anyone can see that the owner is very happy.

In addition, Shi Congyun's mother, Gu Ying, and younger sister, Shi Congmei, also often jump up and down, telling everyone how powerful his brother is.

Apart from Shifu, there are still some subtle changes in Daliang City that only smart people can detect.

Ever since Shi Congyun dispatched troops, Daliang City has been relatively peaceful, except for some minor incidents.

After all, the official family is the hero, and they have been doing many things.

On August [-]th, Zhang Zhao, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Tian Min, Taichang Qing, etc. gave a play, suggesting to reduce the number of livestock used in sacrifices. From then on, only cattle, sheep, and hogs (pigs) were used when offering sacrifices to mountains, forests, rivers, and Taimiao. Use sheep instead, to save the court start.

The officials thought it was a good idea, so they agreed.

On September [-]st, the government ordered the banning of bronze wares, and discussed the establishment of supervisors to cast copper coins, so as to restore the coin casting system of the Tang Dynasty.

On September [-]th, because the war in the northwest was going well, the officials were in a low mood and invited all the ministers to a banquet in the palace. As a result, an urgent news of victory from the west just happened to be received at the banquet.

Shi Congyun, the commander of the vanguard, understood the enemy's intentions, defeated the Shu army in Huanghuagu, Tangcang Town, Baijian and other places, occupied Malingzhai all the way south, and pursued to Guzhen!

The officials were overjoyed, and said on the spot that Shi Congyun was courageous and resourceful, and said that such talents could not be kept in Guanzhong for long, and that once the battle in Guanzhong was fixed, they should be transferred back to Daliang for use.

Prime Minister Wang Pu agreed to this resolution on the spot. As for why Wang Pu agreed, many people did not understand the reason, only Li Gu knew a little bit.


Chapter 102, Seeking Advantages and Avoiding Disadvantages

Li Gu originally did not agree with the attack on Shu.

Even in July, he wanted to write a letter to persuade the officials to give up the attack on Shu.

But before he could say anything, news came back from the front that Shi Congyun defeated Li Yangui in the north of Wuwei City and broke through Wuwei City.

At that time, his body was suffering from the cold due to the heavy rain in summer, and he was lying on the bed uncomfortable. When he heard the news, he got up from the bed immediately, put on a cloak in a hurry, and went to the yamen of the Privy Council to verify the authenticity of the news.

There is a kind of sharpness and calmness in sitting up startled in a dying dream, laughing and asking the guest where he came from.

After confirming that the news was true, Li Gu himself felt lucky. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to dissuade the officials, thinking that Shi Congyun really has a lot of skills!

But what surprised him even more was yet to come.

On September [-]th, at the official banquet, the battle report from the front came again. Shi Congyun saw through the strategy of the Shu army, predicted the enemy's first opportunity, and defeated the Shu army in Huanghuagu, Tangcang Town, Baijian, etc.

This time it is completely different!

If the previous victories can reflect Shi Congyun's bravery on the battlefield, the battle report sent back from the frontline army building this time reveals the word "strategy" between the lines.

This made Li Gu not surprised.

In Gaoping, Shi Congyun gave him the impression of a brave and fearless young man with the world in his heart.

After returning to Daliang, I felt that this man was shameless, his skin was thicker than the city wall, and he was very shrewd in his actions.

But now he is more and more unable to understand this young man. How could such a pure person as Shi Yanchao have such a capricious and cunning son?

Previously, Li Gu had always felt that the invasion of Shu would be difficult to achieve because of the difficulty of Chencang Road and the barriers of high mountains, so he had always opposed sending troops.

However, he was not the only one who was surprised. When discussing the war in the northwest at the Privy Council Office the next day, the Privy Council envoy Wei Renpu, Pingzhang Shi Wang Pu and others all expressed surprise at this matter to varying degrees.

If it was said that this battle was written by a veteran who has fought many battles, everyone would not be so surprised, but Shi Congyun is young, only 16 years old!

At the age of 16, he has such insight and strategy. He can predict the enemy's opportunity, take the lead in deploying an ambush counterattack, and decide the outcome in one fell swoop. What he has done is really impressive.

Wang Pu was more interested in the long and short sentences attached to the battle report.

Wang Pu used to be the No. 1 Jinshi of Jiake in the Later Han Dynasty. He was very interested in writing and ink.

So he is interested in Shi Congyun's long and short sentences.

In Li Gu's view, those long and short sentences seem to be plainly used, but they reveal a rare pride; they are very easy to understand, and anyone who has read a book can understand the general idea and speak directly, but there are some meaningful words in them Stuff, even if I read it casually, I feel full of pride in my chest.

What an incredible young man!

But Li Gu's surprise was more focused on Shi Congyun himself from the beginning to the end.

After this battle, Shi Congyun will definitely be among the ranks of high-ranking military generals. It is really rare to see him in a high position at a young age.

He didn't know where he could go in the future, Li Gu was a little curious, but when the old servant asked if he should send someone to visit the Shifu, he refused.


On October [-]th, the officials decided to hold a banquet outside Suanzao Gate to entertain the officials. Li Gu guessed that the officials were not just hosting a banquet, but also had some important things to say.

So after changing into a grand and neat attire, he went to the banquet in an ox cart.

At the banquet, the officials were very happy.

At the beginning of the banquet, it was devoted to the war in the northwest.

He personally praised Wang Jing for his good deployment in the Northwest Camp, and Shi Congyun, the striker of the Northwest Gate Camp, for his courage and strategy.

Empress Fu, who was all dressed up, sat dignifiedly beside the official, said a few decent words from time to time, and even praised Shi Congyun herself.

Li Gu heard some unusual smells.

The queen's natal family is not an ordinary person, and her mother is well-behaved, she speaks very well and carefully, and she doesn't speak for others casually.

The happiest person below is none other than Shi Yanchao, but Shi Yanchao has a very arrogant personality, not many people get along well with him, and he doesn't look down on many people.

But now that his son had won the battle in the northwest, many people went up to toast one after another, many of whom were not able to get along with Shi Yanchao before.

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