"When will it be?" Everyone looked at him.

"It will be another five or six years." Shi Congyun said incomprehensibly: "When there is a powerful person who is first-class in the world, he asks for his life for the people, makes the heroes surrender, and when he dominates the world, it will be like the Tang Dynasty in the past. , then the world will not have to fight."

That's right, he was talking about Zhao Kuangyin, but he didn't know where Lao Zhao was now.

The sergeants nodded, all thoughtful.

The fire on the edge of the Yellow River beeped and swayed, and the flames swayed little by little.


After dinner at noon the next day, several officials in gorgeous red uniforms came to the camp, which was out of tune with the dirty, dusty military camp.

After a while, someone came to call him, and the Son of Heaven arrived, and ordered him to follow Shi Yanchao with his entire army to pick him up.

Shi Congyun didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly photographed Wang Zhong and Shao Ji next to him, asked them to assemble the team, pack their bags, and told them they were going to see the official's house.

When everyone heard that they were going to see the official's family, they attached great importance to them.

After a while, Shi Yanchao came, and Shi Congyun hurriedly followed everyone and went east.

After walking for about two miles along the river, I saw Luan in the distance. There were a large number of well-equipped cavalry standing in front of the crossing. The leader was a middle-aged man in armor.

"Xiang Xun, the envoy of the Xuanhui Southern Academy, has seen Master Shi Xiang, the official family is already waiting, please come with me." He cupped his hands and said.

Shi Yanchao nodded and followed by riding alone.

Everyone had to wait on the periphery, carefully preparing for a long time, but did not see the emperor.

In addition to regret, Shi Congyun also understands that the Son of Heaven is the center of national power and is not so easy to meet. He wants to meet Guo Rong, the legendary first emperor of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but unfortunately the heaven does not fulfill his wishes, and many things in the world cannot be decided by him. of.

However, he is actually Duke Ye, who loves dragons. It is instinctive to be afraid of someone who can kill him if he speaks. If he really wants to see the emperor, he is afraid to raise his eyes, so he is extremely cautious.

After waiting for half an hour, Shi Yanchao came out, and the officer who had called Xiang Xun before sent them off.

On the way back to the camp, Shi Congyun asked in a low voice, "Father, what did the officials say?"

Shi Yanchao said casually: "The official family wants to use a certain person as the vanguard to deploy, and lead the elite cavalry and Xuanhui Nanyuan to live in the army."

Shi Congyun nodded. It turned out to be talking about the deployment of the army. He felt that the name Xiang Xun was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The next day, the army set out and went northwest along the road.

On the road, there are all kinds of news coming from the upper floors.

In the morning, the official family ordered Tianxiong Jiedushi Wei Wang Fu Yanqing to be the head coach of the East Road, and Zhenning Jiedushi Guo Chongfuzhi led his troops westward from Cizhou and Guzhen to attack the rear of the Northern Han Army;

At noon, the official family ordered Wang Yanchao, the Jiedushi envoy of Hezhong, and Han Tong, the Jiedushi envoy of Baoyi, to lead their troops from Jinzhou north to eastward to attack the Northern Han army;

In the afternoon, the officials ordered Liu Ci, the Jiedu envoy of Heyang, to lead the army behind the palace to stop the reinforcements;

The next day, I heard that the official family ordered Fan Aineng, the commander of the Ma Jundu, He Hui, the commander of the infantry army, Bai Chongzan, the Jiedushi commander of Yicheng, and Fu Yanneng, the former Yaozhou regiment trainer, to be the vanguards, and they went to Zezhou to stock up first. , to distract the attention of the Northern Han army and reduce the pressure on Luzhou.

In short, there are constantly news coming down from the upper-level officers on the road to let the soldiers know.

Shi Congyun knew in his heart that ordinary soldiers couldn't hear the decision at this level, but now everyone knows it. Obviously, the officials want to stabilize the military's morale.

After all, it sounds very exciting. It seems that there are more than a dozen troops in Dazhou, and they have surrounded the Northern Han and Khitan groups.

He is not stupid, and he has a clear mind. Whether these Jiedu envoys will carry out the new emperor's orders without any compromise, let's say that the Zhou Dynasty will not have a big advantage in military strength.

Northern Han is not fighting alone, behind it is the mighty Liao father.


What followed was a painful march, marching day after day, walking so hard that my feet were almost broken, and I went all the way to the north, just desperately trying to get there. No matter how I thought about it, it was extremely difficult and painful.

On the road, the official Guo Rong ordered to speed up the march. Someone advised him to move slowly and steadily, but he was immediately dismissed and imprisoned.

It shows that Guo Rong is not a good-tempered person, so be careful in the future, Shi Congyun silently remembers it in his heart.

On March [-], after a difficult march of about a month, the army finally reached Zezhou.

Zezhou is to the south of Gaoping. When they arrived here, looking at the towering Zezhou city in the plain area in the distance, everyone who was about to break their feet finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before it was too late to rest, a soldier suddenly shouted from the front: "Long Jie Army mounts, ready to defend against the enemy! Long Jie Army mounts, prepare to take on the enemy!"


Shi Congyun felt a sudden shock. Although he didn't know where the enemy was in the army and couldn't see it, he hurriedly greeted Wang Zhong and Shao Ji to bring troops over, and hurriedly asked the soldiers to help put on their armor and mount their horses.

Chapter 9: Shi Yanchao

The figures in front were scattered and the voices were noisy. Shi Congyun hurriedly asked the soldiers around him to help put on the armor.

Although he was demoted to the head of the capital, everyone knew that he was in command of the first battalion of his own troops, so he was more anxious than anyone else.

It is very difficult to command and dispatch the army. At this time, they are at the forefront of the army and have entered the Shanxi boundary. The forwards of the central army are Shi Yanchao and Xiang Xun, who are both elite cavalry, adding up to about ten thousand people.

But at this time they were at the forefront of the army, and there were only Longjie's right-wing first army and Xiangxun's battalion at the forefront, with a total of more than 2000 people.

And most of the Chinese army is still at least a day away from here.

At this time, the enemy does not know whether it is the main force of the enemy or a small part of the enemy. If the enemy is the main force, it will be troublesome.

There were crowds of people around, and when I looked around, there were people all around, and I didn't even know where I was.

As a commander, not only fighting, but always staring at the high flags and listening to drums marching.

After a while, the messenger next to Shi Yanchao came, and only the first five battalions of the First Army of Longjie Army were ordered to assemble.

He quickly assembled the whole team and led people to the direction of Shi Yanchao.

They ate a belly of ashes on the way. They were behind a small barren mountain, and the main road was about a mile west.

Shi Congyun estimated in his heart as he walked, that the first five battalions of the First Army had about a thousand people, and his messengers quickly followed with various flags.

To pass orders between large army units, as long as the units above the army use messengers, the distance is too far and the span is too large.

There are 5000 infantry in an array, and the east-west front can be stretched for several miles. At such a distance, the flag cannot be seen, and the sound of drums cannot be heard clearly, so they can only rely on messengers.

Flags and drums can only be used for command in grass-roots military units. For example, battalion-level units with less than 500 people, capitals with 100 people, and teams of 50 people can well rely on the flags and drums to command.

And the cavalry can't even use the drums. Hundreds of thousands of horses are running, and the drums are broken. The soldiers can't hear it, they can't hear it, they can't hear it clearly, they can only rely on the flag.

Shi Congyun did not stop for a moment, following the path on the mountain, and led the troops to the front with Wang Zhong and Shao Ji.

With the roar of horses' hooves and the dust flying, the five battalions of cavalrymen had assembled to the southeast side of the hill where Shi Yanchao was.

Shi Congyun's three hundred riders were at the front and center of the queue.

Even if a general like Shi Yanchao, the reason why he dared to take the lead in charging into the battle, in addition to wearing several layers of armor worth a thousand gold, is that there are a large number of powerful elite soldiers who will follow him and are fully responsible for protecting him.

Along with Shi Yanchao on horseback was Xiangxun, the envoy of Xuanhui South Court whom he had seen before. More than 100 horsemen gathered behind him. not much.

The official envoy of Xuanhui Southern Academy was an eunuch most of the time in the Tang Dynasty, so that when Shi Congyun first met Xiangxun, he thought the big man was a eunuch.

This also proves that Xiang Xun is a person who is very trusted by the emperor. Can he not trust him because he is dedicated to serving as the emperor's guard in the palace?

Panting to the front of the team, Shi Congyun finally saw the situation clearly. At this time, they were on a hill and highland. From a distance, Zezhou was already located on the wilderness a few miles to the north, and there was a narrow river in front. Waves rippling like silver ribbons, meandering to the southeast.

But in the distance, there is a different scene. The southwest village outside the city is blazing into the sky, and there are flags fluttering in the wind on the main road at the entrance of the village. With good eyesight, you can already see that there is an old tree the size of a millstone at the entrance of the village, and many soldiers are gathered under the tree. Guard the village entrance.

When Shi Congyun saw the situation clearly, it was inconceivable that the Northern Han army had already arrived in Zezhou!

Xiang Xun also wore heavy armor. His armor was more gorgeous and beautiful. He was wearing dark gold fish scale armor. It looked several levels more luxurious than the practical tie armor on everyone's body.

However, if it is practical and cost-effective, it is definitely not as good as the armor they wear, so Shi Congyun feels balanced.

Looking at the Northern Han Army in the distance, Xiang Xun said, "Does Master Shi Xiang think they have a follow-up?"

At this time, the villages outside Zezhou City were still far away, and they were on the back slope of the hillside. They usually lead their horses on the road, so the Northern Han army did not find them.

Shi Yanchao frowned and didn't answer immediately, but looked into the distance.

Looking at the old man's expression, Shi Congyun knows that he is not sure. The situation outside the city is unclear, and the village houses block the view. There are at most five or sixty people in the village, but it is not clear how many people are in the village. .

Experienced veterans can speculate by looking at the smoke from the cooking of the army, but it is not yet time for the meal, and the enemy has not made rice.

The rear view was blocked by the city wall, and it was impossible to see whether they were camping or whether there was a follow-up army.

"Would you like to send a scout to inquire?" Xiang Xun asked.

"No need, just kill them directly. It's just a chicken and a dog. You can kill them all in an instant. It's not good to scare the snake." Shi Yanchao was very arrogant.

"I'm afraid it's not very good...in case the culprit has heavy troops outside the city..." Xiang Xun was still hesitating.

Shi Congyun put on a heavy armor, which was a thick linen round neck robe, and then put on arm armor, greaves, leather arm guards, iron skirt armor, iron biku (to protect the younger brother), and iron bars on both sides. Breastplate, iron shawl, waist guard, belly hugging, dust-proof scarf, iron helmet, iron visor.

Shi Congyun also has a unique shoulder-swallowing beast, which is a metal shoulder pad that protects the shoulders, polished into the shape of a beast's head.

The iron mask has only two observation holes, and the rest is a curved iron sheet to protect the face.

At this time, the armor, the main body armor and various external armors, weighed more than [-] pounds at least, and it was as heavy as a woman on her back.

In addition, the sun was just right at this time, and it was less than two quarters of an hour. Shi Congyun was already sweating profusely. He thought that he only wanted to fight quickly, and he would finish the fight quickly.

Besides... Dad will definitely not let him play forward!

So he interjected: "Special envoy Xiang, I don't think there will be a rear army.

Luzhou hasn't broken yet, so they hurried southward, and they must be just forwards.

You can see that there is no time to dig a pit for the rejection of the horse in the main road in front of the bridge, and there is no deer village or rejection of the horse. "

Xiang Xun glanced at him, but couldn't see his face through the visor, "Who is this?"

"The eldest son in the family." Shi Yanchao replied casually, without saying much about what he meant.

Then it was arranged directly: "Later, a certain group will lead the frontier to grab the bridge head, and the special envoy will lead people to follow up to guard the bridge entrance."

Xiang Xun nodded and said yes, and the official appointed Shi Yanchao as the commander of the Pioneer City. At this time, the entire Pioneer army was dispatched and commanded by him, and Xiang Xun also obeyed.

Listening to Shi Congyun, he was taken aback!

Shi Yanchao died in the Battle of Gaoping, but he didn't know where he died, nor what battle he died in. Hearing what Shi Yanchao said, he wanted to take the lead in person!

Shi Congyun's scalp was numb, and with the hot weather, he felt short of breath and almost fell off the horse.

My god!

Did the father figure out his identity? He is now the owner of the chamber, with more than 1 elite men, and he is also the commander of the vanguard appointed by the emperor to command the vanguard army, Long Jiejun's right chamber and Xiang Xun's battalions The elite are all at his disposal.

There are five commanders below, and more than forty commanders!

As long as an order is given, each of these people can lead troops to charge into the battle, why do they have to go on their own!Why are you leading the charge!It seems that you have not been wronged in history!This is not what the head iron is!

Shi Congyun was almost blown up...

Chapter 10

"Father, this is not good, you are the chief general, how could you risk yourself..."

"Shut up!" Before Shi Congyun finished speaking, he was interrupted by his father, and then scolded, "Don't call me father! There are no fathers and sons in the army, you are a little boss, and it is not your turn to speak now. Officials look down on someone, let me lead the elite of the former army, how can I risk my life and fear death, what a bastard!"

Shi Congyun also has fire in his heart, but his anger returns to his anger, and he never dares to let his father take the lead.He remembered that his father died in this war, but he was unable to speak.

At this moment, the voice came to mind.

"A certain Linglang has a good eye, he sees things in an organized manner, his mind is clear, and it's good to listen to him. What's Xiaolangjun's name?" Xiang Xun next to him smiled and spoke for him, which also eased his embarrassment.

Shi Congyun immediately felt that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was also a good person.

He quickly said: "Shi Congyun, please advise the special envoy."

Xiang Xun seemed to have a good personality, he laughed loudly and said, "I don't dare to be a teacher, I just think that Brother Yun is very knowledgeable at a young age, and he is quite independent after listening to what you said before. If you have something to say, just say it and listen to it. X and Brother Shi jointly lead the front army, X is here, your father forbids you to say X, hahaha..." After speaking, he stroked his beard.

Shi Congyun was grateful, and at the same time, he suddenly felt that Xiang Xun was very good at talking and being a man, and he was indeed the emperor's confidant.

His remarks were to use his powers to contradict the main general, Shi Yanchao, but he managed to resolve the disagreement between father and son, and took the opportunity to emphasize his own status without prejudice. The timing was right.

When Xiang Xun spoke, Shi Yanchao stopped scolding him, so he could only say: "If you have something to say, speak quickly, don't talk."

Shi Congyun hurriedly said: "Father, you are the commander of the forwards appointed by the official family, and you are dispatching the army of more than [-] forwards, so how can you easily take risks.

The Chinese Army Forward is the most elite part of our Great Zhou Army, and this time it is the most reliant on the national life-and-death battle.If you, the master, have an emergency, the striker is blocked or even the soldiers flee, then you will be sorry for the official family and Da Zhou.

Isn't that what Han Xin scolded for his bravery back then? "

"You... Nizi!" Shi Congyun glared at him angrily, but was speechless. I couldn't say anything to my son, it was too embarrassing.

After listening to Xiang Xun, he was very excited, and then asked, "What should I do with the view of Brother Yun?"

Shi Congyun had expected to ask such a question, and when he said this, he had run out of options, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go! I'll lead the forward to capture the bridge, and the rear army will let Shao Ji lead it. Once the bridge is seized, he immediately defends the bridge head, and the rear army Follow up.

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