Dong Zunhui was also a little unwilling: "It would be great if that was the case...

We fought with Brother Yun, and we always got credit for it.But this time back, many people can worship the commander. At that level, only the official family can call the shots. "

Wang Zhong curled his lips, "If Brother Yun is an official..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shao Ji kicked a dog to eat shit.

When I turned around, I found that everyone's expressions were not right, so I quickly agreed: "I'm just making an analogy, just telling a joke..."

Shi Congyun was taken aback and scolded in a low voice, "If you talk nonsense again, I will tie your tongue."

"His tongue is long enough to tie a knot." Dong Zunhui sarcastically.

Made the crowd laugh again.


In the next few days, the Shu army launched two small-scale counterattacks.

According to the report from the spies in the west, there are two groups of Shu soldiers from Xiegu to Qinzhou for reinforcements, about 2000 people. On the way, I heard that Huanghuagu was defeated, and I also heard that Shi Congyun led the crane-controlling army to go west. After that, they all backed away in fright, not daring to go to Qinzhou again.

After a few months of fighting, Shi Congyun's reputation in the Shu army has reached such a point.

As a result, the Fengzhou Shu army did not have any reinforcements and fell into a desperate situation.

On September [-], the soldiers of Fengxiang Town finally entered Fengzhou City from the south of the city after several days of siege.

Zhou Jun just went to the top of the city, and the large Shu army and Shao Ji said the same thing, no more fighting spirit, and many surrendered.

Shi Congyun and the Konghe Army watched Feng Xiangbing take over Fengzhou from the periphery, and the battle went much smoother than he imagined.

In his impression, the historical Shu Shu was also a soft persimmon. Shi Congyun remembered that Mrs. Huarui's "14 people all took off their armor, and none of them was a man" can indeed describe the combat effectiveness of the Shu Kingdom at this time very well.

The few who can fight are probably Li Yangui and Gao Yanyu who have some impressions.

That afternoon, Wang Jing sent someone over and invited him to enter Fengzhou City together.

Shi Congyun guessed that Wang Jing might want him to be a witness. After all, he is a member of the court, so that there will be no bad rumors in the future.

Wang Jing is a cautious and mature man, he thought to himself.

So he brought a few personal soldiers and went to the south of the city to meet with Wang Jing.

Wang Jing was waiting there early, and many Feng Xiang soldiers were on both sides. When they saw Shi Congyun, they didn't need to give an order, and they all consciously made way.

This battle not only made Shi Congyun famous in Shu Kingdom, but also very prestigious among Fengxiang soldiers.

Feng Xiangbing followed behind them and watched him win the battle all the way. He saw all the battles on the front line in his eyes. He was the first to hear the news, and the battles about Shi Congyun were still in his ears.

Even the eight camps of the Shu Army were broken, Li Yangui was broken, Wuwei City was broken, the Battle of Huanghua Valley, and the ambush in Tangcang Town, etc.

Now that I finally saw the live-action version of the legendary God of War, many people cast curious and admiring glances, and many soldiers in the back squeezed forward or looked at it.

Originally, the team was a bit messy, and there were many people talking quietly, but when Shi went from the place where the horses and clouds went, the surroundings instantly became quiet, as if the air was stagnant, and no one spoke.

He has never given orders or brought these soldiers, but everyone seems to have reached a certain tacit understanding.

This is probably the prestige in the army, the prestige that comes out!Shi Congyun thought to himself, this feeling is very comfortable and fascinating.

Many soldiers looked at him differently.


"Hahaha, Brother Yun, the old man has been waiting for you for a long time." Wang Jing was waiting outside the city gate wearing armor, followed by many Fengxiang town soldiers.

Shi Congyun agreed: "A certain entered the city with the commander, so as to be a witness."

Wang Jing smiled and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people, let's go."


Later, Shi Congyun and Wang Jing rode horses into the city cave with black brick walls. When the light gradually recovered, soldiers and civilians who surrendered on both sides of the road were kneeling on the ground, and many people were still shivering.

Both sides of the street are densely packed with people. Fengzhou City is not big, but there are many defenders and auxiliary soldiers, and there are also many people.

Shi Congyun could clearly feel that many curious and fearful eyes were focused on him.

Before reaching the yamen of Fengzhou's official mansion, there were already hundreds of officials and commoners who were highly respected and respected.

When they saw Shi Congyun and Wang Jing coming, they knelt down without saying a word and buried their faces in the yellow earth.

Wang Jing didn't mean to let them get up.

Instead, he got off his horse and stood in front of the crowd. Shi Congyun also got off his horse, but there were more than 100 people in front of him "throwing their bodies on the ground". He was not used to such a scene.

"We welcome the Great Zhou King, Commander and General Shi, and hope that your country will be magnanimous and forgive the crimes we resisted. Everything is due to the fact that Wang Huan, the commander in the city, does not know what is good or bad, and dares to resist the Heavenly Army. It has been designed by us and won. The two generals deal with it!"

An old man kneeling at the front said loudly, his whole body was shaking and his head was very low.It seemed that he had a higher status in the group.

Shi Congyun nodded and ignored it. He didn't like this kind of life, but the rewards were indispensable, and it was a fact that they made contributions.

"You have done a good job, and someone will show your credit to the officials." Shi Congyun said.

"Thank you general, thank you general! The general is invincible and unstoppable in the world!" Everyone kowtowed.

Shi Congyun was silent for a long time, suddenly he didn't know how to evaluate these people, he only asked: "Where is Wang Huan?"

"It's in the palace prison!" Someone immediately agreed.

After thinking for a while, Shi Congyun said carefully: "Commander, if we can restrain the soldiers, we can fight better in the next few states."

Wang Jing glanced at him and said calmly, "This old man understands Brother Yun's thoughts, so he can restrain him.

But Brother Yun must also understand that so many people come here to fight with their heads up, and they are all for money and women.

The forbidden army is okay, the court has its own rewards, but most of the troops in the towns don't have that kind of treatment. How much you can earn back by working hard depends on how much you can grab. "

Shi Congyun did not agree, knowing in his heart that if the central court's organizational capacity was insufficient and could not reward and punish the soldiers, then the soldiers would go for it, and it would intensify, and it would cost the soldiers to work hard.

After Guo Wei came to power, he made great efforts to rectify and rectify, and Guo Rong also tried his best to clean up the forbidden army, but it was mainly the forbidden army against Daliang, and the imperial court of the army in the town was still unable to restrain it.

Moreover, the purge of the forbidden army is not simply a matter of screening and balancing. Soldiers also have to support their families and eat, not to mention their hard work. Only an effective reward and punishment system can guarantee the discipline of the army.

However, with the current strength of the Great Zhou, at most it is to guarantee the rewards and military salaries of 10,000+ forbidden troops in Daliang.

Looting by the army of the township is nothing new.

Moreover, Wang Jing and his officers did not want to fight in vain, and wanted to eat a lot of money. Many people worked hard with the intention of winning a battle and becoming rich for a lifetime.

Feeling helpless in his heart, Shi Congyun suddenly thought of what Li Gu had done in Gaoping.

At that time, he didn't think that Li Gu was very powerful, but now he suddenly thinks that Li Gu is very tall and wise!So there is a suggestion: "The commander can pay taxes to all the people of Fengzhou for one year, plus the Fengzhou government treasury, it is enough to reward the three armies."

Wang Jing was silent for a while: "Old man, think about it."

The people kneeling around were very nervous, knowing that their fate would be different between Wang Jing and Yi Nian.

Shi Congyun is probably one of the few people who regards the people of Shu as his own, so he immediately added: "Commander, the official family has the arrogance of conquering the world. Today is different from the past, and we can no longer do it. Follow the style you thought it came!"

Wang Jing glanced at him, thought for a while, and finally nodded slowly.

"Then do as you said, but if someone doesn't pay taxes and food, the old man will not be lenient."

Shi Congyun nodded, and said helplessly, "That's natural..."

He didn't know what Wang Jing was thinking, but he had his own ideas.

After so many people have died, it's not worth it to go back to the old way.

In the past decades of the Five Dynasties, everyone has come and gone, burned, killed and looted. He may not have much ambition, but this kind of atmosphere is not what he thought of, maybe it is the education of later generations or the influence of the environment, he subconsciously feels that China People should not kill each other, people should be able to live and work in peace and contentment.

He can't do other things, and he can't manage the affairs of the world. He can only do his best to deal with it within his ability.

But change is very difficult.

He thought of the phrase "to sacrifice so much, dare to change the sun and the moon to the new sky." In the past, he only thought it was a very heroic verse, but now he has experienced it himself to understand how difficult it is to dare to change the sun and the moon to the new sky.

Today, let alone the sun and the moon, it is even more difficult to change the style of an army.

Shi Congyun also found someone to report the news of Fengzhou City's destruction to Daliang City.

In any case, if the official family is happy this time, his glory, wealth and power are absolutely indispensable.


Chapter 99, Northwest War

In the afternoon, Shi Congyun led a dozen of his personal soldiers into the Fengzhou government office.

Wang Jing also found Wang Huan, who was originally the military governor of Wuwei, to accompany him. He patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "As long as Brother Yun likes it, you can take it yourself. You're welcome."

Shi Congyun nodded and agreed, of course he understood what this "self-take" meant, to put it bluntly, it was robbery.

There are preconditions for him to persuade Wang Jing to make concessions. Shi Congyun is only the forward who made the account in this attack on Shu, and Wang Jing is the coach.

In Fengzhou City, there were more than [-] Shu troops who surrendered. The highest general captured was Wang Huan, the military governor of Shu Kingdom, and the highest defender of Fengzhou City.

Shi Congyun went to prison to meet him once. Wang Huan, in his thirties, was a tough guy. He didn't say a soft word.

He did not dispose of it without authorization, but ordered him to be sent to Daliang and handed over to the emperor for disposal. The military governor of Shu Kingdom is a big man, and it is also a great credit.

After entering the mansion, many of the furnishings in the mansion remained the same. From the beginning, it was surrounded and protected by Wang Jing's personal soldiers, but no one dared to make trouble.

The officials on the side kept trying to please him, introducing to him what kind of treasures there are in this government office, and talking gallantly.

"The general doesn't know. At the beginning, Wang Huan was planning to resist the heavenly army with all his strength. The elders in the city held a banquet to take him down. At that time, I also contributed a lot. Now I tell the general..."

"Okay, I got it, you used to be Wang Huan's officer?" Shi Congyun asked impatiently.

The official nodded again and again: "I understand everything about the government office, and the general can ask."

Shi Congyun didn't say a word. He walked around the yamen and found that the place was not very luxurious.

Go inside and pass through a beautiful carved corridor, which is the inner courtyard.

"This was originally the residence of the Inspector."

Shi Congyun looked around. In fact, he really didn't want anything. He didn't lack these things.

The Book of Figures is a map, which is a classified document in today's era.

The engaging officer thought for a while and said carefully, "Maybe there is, in the study?"

"Don't look at these places, go to the study." Shi Congyun ordered directly.

The engaging officer nodded again and again and took him to the East Courtyard.

In a small hut in the east courtyard, as soon as the door was opened, the house was full of dust, apparently it had not been cleaned for a long time.

The three sides of the house are wooden bookshelves against the wall, covered with green leather books and covered with a layer of fine dust.

There is a high table next to the wall on the side by the window, and an exquisite Hu bed next to it. Presumably the original Fengzhou governor was also a book lover and would read here from time to time.

Shi Congyun looked at the room full of books, and immediately became interested. He subconsciously thought of Zhao Xiaoniang, who broke her inkstone before leaving, and was angry. These things might make her happy.

But don't underestimate these books, the papermaking technology was not developed in this era, and paper was very expensive.

Most of the time, people use bamboo sticks or sticks to wipe their buttocks. There is also a special soft paper, but only the dignitaries can afford it.

The books in this room are definitely worth a lot of money, but whether you can find someone willing to buy them is another question.

So he strode out of the yard and instructed the guards guarding outside: "Come in, take all these books away, keep your hands and feet light, and kick you to death quickly."

All the soldiers laughed and came in and started to move books.

Shi Congyun walked around the study again and saw a drawer on the table in front of the window. He opened it and saw that there was a black stone inkstone with beautiful lines. Next to it was a neatly yellowed paper with pictures from scriptures. , a map of the entire level.

He picked it up and looked at it for a while. The main point was right, but it was rather abstract and the proportions were wrong. It was okay to use it only as a guide, but it wasn't as clear as he had in mind.

Shi Congyun curiously took out the stone inkstone and asked the officer next to him, "Is this thing worth anything?"

When the officer saw it, he flattered: "The general has good eyesight! You can see at a glance that this is a treasure!"

"What's the way?" he asked curiously.

"This is the Duan Inkstone of the Southern Kingdom. It is made of Duanxi Inkstone. It is made from the rotten rivers and mountains of the Duanxi River in Keshan. It is a rare treasure even in the palace. It is probably because the governor heard about the general's divine power, and fled in a hurry, too late to take it away."

"Oh, you really know a lot." Shi Congyun smiled.

"The general is too famous." Perhaps referring to his professional field, the official looked proud and his words became excited: "The Duan inkstone is delicate and tender, the ink does not damage the brush, and the ink can be grinded in one breath, which is the best in the world. An inkstone, which was discovered and mined since the Tang Dynasty, is a treasure that the literati and poets are striving for.

The natural pattern of Duanshi is even more peculiar, the general looks here. "The officer said, he took the stone inkstone and held it in both hands, tilted it carefully, and then the sunlight from the window showed him the beautiful patterns on it.

"This kind of pattern is called Banana Leaf White. It is the best quality. It is light in weight, firm but soft in texture. It feels lonely to the touch without making any noise..."

"Okay, alright, stop talking nonsense, I'll leave it to you, put this thing away for someone, it's better to find a nice box to put it in, it's of great use." Shi Congyun interrupted him and ordered directly.

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