Such a battle has never been fought before.

At this time, I don't know who took the lead and shouted: "Let's fight with Brother Yun, and we haven't lost since we left the Sanctuary!"

"Isn't that nonsense, Brother Yun has a clever plan, how can you lose in a war with him."

Chapter 95, Rout

Someone also squeezed in and interjected: "I have never fought such a happy battle in my life. The thieves on the opposite side seem to be following orders, and they can drill wherever they want."

"You know what, it's not that Shu soldiers are obedient, it's that you can count. When I was a child, I heard my grandfather say that there are half-immortals in the world, and they can figure out the secrets and know everything in the world by pinching their fingers.

It's like that, you can pinch your fingers to know what the Shu army wants to do and which way it will go..."

"Go go go!" Shi Congyun kicked away the commander who was talking to the god, feudal superstition!

"It's called strategic planning, understand? It's all about the brain, not the calculation."

Everyone laughed, and the kicked commander scratched his head, embarrassedly agreeing: "What to hold is not a pinch."

"Follow the commander and be obedient. How could your wooden brain figure out so many big truths? If you understand that you have already done it, how can you still be a commander after more than ten years of war."

The crowd burst into laughter again, and the tent was filled with joy.

They are naturally happy. Since they left the customs, the Control Crane Army has been victorious in successive battles and has made outstanding achievements. After returning, everyone must have contributed, and they will be promoted to rank, and various rewards are indispensable.

And it's not because of how much they can play.

He was also able to fight before, but he didn't have such a chance, but this time he was with the right person.

Choice is greater than hard work. Many things in the world are like this. There are many capable people, but few have the opportunity. Fighting with Brother Yun is a rare opportunity in their life.

"Don't worry, after you go back, no one of you will miss the credit, and you will remember it in your mind.

You are all veterans and veterans, and there is only one requirement, that is, the order is forbidden, and the military orders that come out of my mouth must be executed no matter what. Shi Congyun said, and everyone nodded.

He then ordered the soldiers around him.

"Send fast horses to tell Commander Wang several battle situations here, and tell him to let the army go south. It's time to give the Shu army the last blow."

The personal soldiers got the order and immediately went to execute it.

Then he adjusted his mood and said solemnly to the commanders:

"Everyone will obey!

Tomorrow morning, two battalions of soldiers will be left to take care of the prisoners of war, and the rest will pack up and head south to the foot of Fengzhou City to meet up with Commander Wang, and join forces to defeat the Shu army in one fell swoop! "

"No!" The generals agreed in unison.


Chongyang began, and within one day and one night, Zhou Jun bloomed three times, one more than two blooms.

Shi Congyun and Shao Ji led the main force to defeat the detoured army of Gao Yanzhu and Wang Luan at Huanghua Valley.

Wang Zhong and Dong Zunhui attacked Tangcang Town with light cavalry to cut off the way for the Shu army to retreat south.

Luo Yanhuan and Zhang Jianxiong led Fengxiang elite soldiers and the exit of Baijian Mountain Road to block Li Jinbu, the forward general of the Shu Kingdom, behead Li Jin, and repel the Shu soldiers.

Afterwards, several large armies headed south to join Wang Jing's troops, and the combined forces pressed southward.

But before that, Shi Congyun still has another move.

What he thought was that if Li Yangui knew that Gao Yanzhu, Wang Luan, and Li Jin were defeated, Malingzhai would definitely not dare to wait and could only retreat south.

Therefore, after discussing with Wang Jing, let Xiang Xun lead the troops and Pan Mei as the superintendent, and lead the elite troops of Zhen’an to the west bank of Jialing River first, not to go all the way with the army. Qingniling, hold the throat and make the Shu army no longer dare to look north.

Shi Congyun's arrangement was also selfish, and he wanted to give Pan Mei, who had just arrived at the front, some military exploits.Wang Jing agreed.

On September [-], the army converged on the north of Fengzhou City.

Shi Congyun's He-Controlling Army started to advance southwards, and joined Wang Jing's army outside Fengzhou City, and then left part of his troops to continue besieging the city.

The Shu general Lu Yanke, who was originally responsible for attracting the attention of the Zhou Dynasty in the south of Fengzhou City, was outnumbered and fled south.

Afterwards, the scouts in the front reported that Li Yangui's department in Malingzhai seemed to have received the news of the failure of the surprise attack.

Shi Congyun was a little sorry to hear this.

It was right for Li Yangui to withdraw. After the two-way army was damaged, the Zhou army had an advantage in strength for the first time since the start of the war. Malingzhai was not so dangerous. When the Zhou army arrived, he would definitely finish.

It's a pity to lose a chance to capture the enemy's main general alive.

Moreover, once Li Yangui had withdrawn, it would no longer make sense for the main force to go further south. Malingzhai was not a strategic location, and Guzhen further south had been handed over to Xiang Xun and Pan Mei.

They also never thought of killing Hanzhong. The strategic purpose of this battle was to relieve the threat of Shu State to the Guanzhong land of Zhou State, so that the Daliang Imperial Army could attack Nantang without any scruples. That's it.

So Shi Congyun dispatched more than a thousand cavalry troops led by Shao Ji to integrate Fengxiang and Controlling He, and continued to chase down the defeated Shu army south along the avenue, putting pressure on the Shu army.

He also instructed that if the Shu army organized an effective counterattack, they would not engage in the battle, as long as they were pressured to force them to flee south.

Then the main force stopped advancing on the river bank opposite Malingzhai, and continued to return to besiege Fengzhou City.


When the defeated soldiers who fled from the front learned that the Huanghuagu army was defeated and the five thousand elite soldiers were caught in Shi Congyun's ambush and the whole army was wiped out, Li Yangui knew that he was about to have a big disaster!

He is experienced in the battlefield and has a keen sense of war.

Regardless of March 21, [-], he ordered the entire army to abandon Malingzhai on the same day, cross the Jialing River to the south, and retreat in the direction of Guzhen.

He then ordered the destruction of the bridge on the Jialing River near Malingzhai, the burning of the tents and the hoarding of the army's food, not to be left to the Zhou army.

Li Yangui himself took a small number of personal soldiers and elite cavalry to go first, and the subsequent troops organized their own retreats to the south. In fact, they were left to fight and fend for themselves.

Sure enough, that afternoon, more than [-] soldiers of the main force of the Zhou army were on the riverside opposite Malingzhai. From the top of Malingzhai, looking down on the opposite riverside, all the people of Zhou were in darkness.

And at the very front, a huge flag with the name "History" inlaid in red with a black background and the name of "Shi" made the hearts of the Shu army on the other side of the river tremble, looking to the south.

Zhou soldiers began to build bridges to cross the river, and the Shu army recruited the envoy Lu Yanke to be defeated and fled to the Jialing River because the bridge was destroyed and could not cross the river, so he led his troops to surrender.


Once the army retreats, the main general will be unable to control it at all.

In the next few days, a large number of Shu soldiers were undisciplined and fled along the southward road, and the road was full of southern fleeing soldiers.

Rumors abounded in the army, or that Shi Congyun, the forward of the Zhou Army, came over again, or that Shi Congyun did not kill the soldiers who surrendered, or surrendered and waited.

From time to time on the avenue, Zhou Jun cavalrymen chased and killed all the way, raising a large amount of dust, and each time they held the banner of Shi Congyun. There were many Shu soldiers, but they could not gather to resist.

More and more people only dare to take the mountain roads and run into the mountains, where horses can't outrun people.


Li Yangui fled to the vicinity of Guzhen with a small number of able to gather the remnants. He originally thought he could finally breathe, and after releasing the scouts to wait for half an hour, he was horrified to find that Guzhen was no longer in his hands, but was occupied by Zhou Jun.

The other party even thought of this step!

Frightened, he had to bypass Guzhen, fled all the way to the south, and retreated directly to Qingni Ridge to relax a little. After stopping to rest, he lost a bit of weight, and the oil and water raised in Shu land all drained this time. unkempt, embarrassed.

Only a few hundred people followed him to Qingniling, and all the others were scattered.

Li Yangui had to stop, and kept sending people to gather soldiers scattered everywhere.

The disgruntled soldiers around him hesitated and said, "Marshal, how can we...repay Chengdu."

Li Yangui was silent for a long time: "What else can I do, report it truthfully."

"I'm afraid His Majesty's side..."

"I can't hide such a big thing, do I have to wait for Shi Congyun to enter Chengdu before telling the truth?" Li Yangui said angrily.

The soldiers did not dare to speak.

"Send someone to rush to the capital and tell the truth.

In the end, let me say...the old man is not the opponent of Shi Congyun, and he has failed the holy grace, please punish him..."

Chapter 96, Lustful Shi Congyun

Two days later, Gao Yancuo also led dozens of cavalry to flee to Qingniling, bringing the tragic battle in Huanghua Valley. They were ambushed and intercepted halfway.

At that time, everyone's heart sank, and they felt that Li Jin, who went to Baijian, was only afraid of bad luck.

A few days later, some defeated soldiers from the north fled back. At first, some of them couldn't tell what was going on. They only heard the people in front shouting that they were defeated, and they were afraid to run back.

I asked a lot of people to know that Bai Jian's army was also blocked. Li Jin was not afraid.

Afterwards, the various ministries fled and fled everywhere in the mountains, but only a few were able to escape back to the Qingniling area.

Some of the commanders present knelt on the spot and cried in grief. It turned out to be Li Jin's younger brother. Hearing that his brother died in battle, he could not control his emotions for a while.

Everyone was silent, and there was an unwilling sadness in the fear.

Li Yangui didn't say a word. In his general principle, the coach can never take the initiative to admit his mistake.

All the signs show that the generals of Zhou Jun guessed their intentions and made reasonable arrangements to deal with them, so that they were completely defeated and completely got into the ambush of others.

Li Yangui sighed, whether he was old or General Zhou Jun was too powerful, he was a little confused.

Zhou Jun's vanguard has arrived in Guzhen, threatening Qingniling, and he can't stay here any longer...

Li Yangui never imagined that the battle had reached this stage. He had fought many battles in his life and was familiar with the terrain around Chencangdao. This step field.

He originally thought that Zhou Guo would return without success this time, just like the Han soldiers entered the Great Sanctuary after that year.

The worst result is that more people die, and Fengzhou can still hold on.

Never thought it would fail like this.

"Shi Congyun, Shi Congyun..." Li Yangui recited the name silently, feeling a lot of resentment in his heart, and many things originated from this name.


Although there is still fighting ahead, the Double Ninth Festival in Chengdu is still extraordinarily colorful and lively. There are pots of autumn chrysanthemums on the streets and alleys. Meng Chang took Mrs. Huarui and many beautiful concubines on a float parade, saying that he would have fun with the people.

The streets and alleys of Chengdu were crowded with people, decorating a picture of a grand event, enough to numb the panic caused by the defeat at the front line, making Meng Chang very happy for a few days.

In the evening, a grand lantern show is held. For several nights in a row, the entire Chengdu seems to be a city that never sleeps, which is extremely expensive and extravagant.

However, this "prosperous scene" did not last long.

Only a few days later, five fast and dusty horses rushed into Chengdu City, with white flags stuck behind their backs, galloping all the way towards the imperial palace, almost hitting people several times on the way without stopping.

Anyone with knowledge can see this situation and understand that there is no good news coming.

In addition to the children of the powerful, the only people who can run unscrupulously in the city of Chengdu are the fast horses who report the news.

If it is a good news, the messenger will definitely shout it all the way, so that ordinary people know that there is nothing wrong with the news of the good news on the front line.

Now these reporters keep their mouths shut and just hurry on their way. Most of them have had an accident, and what they brought back is not good news.


By the next day, the Shu Kingdom Hall was in an uproar.

Panic was written on almost everyone's faces.

The letter arrived last night. The Zhou army defeated their army in Huanghua Valley, Tangcang Town, Baijian, Fengzhou Chengnan and other places. Generals Wang Luan and Li Jin died in battle, and Lu Yanke surrendered.

Then the Zhou army went south to capture Malingzhai, and out of Guzhen, the soldiers pointed at Qingniling, and they were about to enter Hanzhong!

No one can sit still.

Meng Chang sat at the top, looking at the anxious faces of everyone below, but he couldn't come up with a feasible way to talk about it, and he was anxious and angry.

I think these servants are rubbish.

"Your Majesty, please treat the crimes of Li Yangui, Gao Yankui, Lu Yanke, Wang Luan, Li Jin and others!

As generals, they lived up to the grace of the saints. They couldn't even beat a small Zhou Guo striker, and they returned the lost soldiers in a thousand pieces. They really lost the face of our country of Shu, and they were ashamed of the trust of the late emperor and His Majesty! "At last an envoy stood up and spoke.

Meng Chang heard it and felt that there was some truth. These people really failed him, and he nodded and was about to speak.

The following is famous for being familiar with military books. Wang Zhaoyuan, a self-proclaimed cleric and direct scholar of martial arts, said, "This is the end of the matter. If you say what's the use of those, let's think of a solution first."

Wang Zhaoyuan was originally a monk, and he was a boy who accompanied Meng Chang since he was a child. The two had a good relationship, so even if he was only a privy straight bachelor, his words were very important. Meng Chang often felt that Wang Zhaoyuan was very talented and should be reused. It's just that his mother, Empress Dowager Li, always disagreed, thinking that Wang Zhaoyuan was just a rhetoric.

Meng Chang listened and nodded from above, and felt that what Wang Zhaoyuan said was also very reasonable, and he should find a way first.

Li Hao, the servant under the door who is also the Minister of the Household, Tongping Zhangshi, supervises the history of the country, and leads the left servant, Li Hao said: "The old minister also thinks it's better to think of a way first, let's fight like this, Zhou Jun has arrived in Hanzhong. ."

Meng Chang felt more reasonable.

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