Wuwei City is not a golden city, and it is difficult to defend it directly. It is the best strategy to concentrate our troops first to stabilize the morale of the army and then defend.The old man originally thought of this, but it's a pity that Zhou Jun stopped in Huanghua Valley, alas..."

The generals stopped talking. In fact, they didn't want to face Zhou Jun until they insisted on sticking to it.

"His Majesty sent Zhao Jili as the military envoy. His reinforcements should be on the way. We won't have to be afraid of the Zhou army when we join forces." Li Yangui said something calming.

Hearing that there are reinforcements on the way, everyone is happy.


Zhao Jili, the reinforcement Li Yangui was looking forward to, was actually hundreds of miles away in Deyang.

In a private mansion in Deyang City, more than 50 military supervisors, Zhao Jili, are embracing the beautiful concubine, who is as beautiful as jade.

The elite soldiers he brought are still stationed outside the city.

In fact, as early as March, the emperor of Shu Kingdom was very frightened when he heard that some people had come to Daliang to petition. First, he added [-] troops to the Qin and Feng states, and then sent the provincial envoy Zhao Jili to inspect the defense of the two states.

At that time, Zhao Jili felt that Qin Feng's land was high and steep, and it was easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, Zhou Guo might not be able to fight, and he felt that he had found a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Moreover, he is conceited that he has read poetry and books since childhood, and his literary and martial arts are very high.

After returning, he told Meng Chang, Emperor of Later Shu, that Han Jixun, the military governor of Xiongwu, who was stationed by Qin Feng, and Wang Wandi, the prefect of Fengzhou, were not expected to lead troops to fight, and they had no ability or talent like him.

Zhao Jili then volunteered to replace them.

He was very eloquent and eloquent. After a few words, he moved Meng Chang and ordered him to be deployed to the northeast and the top commander of the front line.

Afterwards, the Emperor of Shu sent Wang Zhaoyuan, a Privy Council official who grew up studying together and regarded as a confidant, to arrange the deployment of troops in the two prefectures.

In May, Zhao Jili led a thousand guards, a few concubines and a group of actors to the front line from Chengdu, ready to be the top commander of the front line and show his talent for revenge.

For this reason, he even copied the "Apprenticeship List" which he thought was very suitable as a gift to his friends, so as to clarify his aspirations, and maybe it would become a good story.

In the past, those who didn't take him seriously, and those who couldn't climb high, rode their carriages to the outside of Chengdu to send them warmly. There were many good words and gifts, which made Zhao Jili fluttering, and the whole person felt comfortable, indescribably refreshing.

Then take the army all the way north.

He was not in a hurry, but took a leisurely pace, eating the banquets of the prefects and county magistrates all the way.


The next day, Zhao Jili slowly got up from his concubine Hengchen Yu's body.

The greeter waited for him to get dressed and washed, and before he had time to eat his morning tea, he heard someone hurriedly shouting outside: "The big thing is bad, the big thing is bad!"

Zhao Jili was furious, took the waiter and served the freshly brewed tea, took a sip and scolded: "What's the panic, what a formality, didn't the old man teach you how to do things!"

The servant who came in fell on his knees directly on the ground, ignoring the reproach of the Patriarch, and said loudly, "The Patriarch is bad, the Zhou Army's forward general Shi Congyun has pulled up eight camps of our army in a few days and attacked from the south!"

With a bang, there was a crisp cracking sound, and the delicate celadon tea bowl in Zhao Jili's hand fell to the ground and was torn apart instantly.

"What did you say, say it again!" Zhao Jili asked in surprise.

"Zhou Jun is here..."

"Where did you hear the news!"

"It has long been spread inside and outside the city, and the head of the family doesn't go out in the mansion, so I don't know."

"Where is Zhou Jun!" Zhao Jili asked in panic.

"This... I heard about Wuwei City."

"Wuwei City?" Zhao Jili muttered to himself: "Where is Wuwei City?"

The next man shook his head.

Zhao Jili couldn't control it. His mind was full of the words that Zhou Jun's forward general Shi Congyun had pulled eight Shu army camps in a few days and had already killed them in the south.

Immediately, my heart was in a mess, and my fear was so extreme that I could hardly breathe, and my whole body was stiff.

He pushed away the concubine beside him and shouted loudly: "Prepare the horse, prepare the horse quickly, the old man is going back to Chengdu!"

The servant was shocked. He was here to report a letter. He thought he would be rewarded, but he did not expect such a result, so he quickly asked, "What about the army outside the city?"

"What are they doing at this time!" Zhao Jili shouted, and rushed outside the mansion. The few beautiful concubines next to him cried in fright. They cried and wanted to go together, but were kicked away by Zhao Jili .

In this way, Zhao Jili "single-handedly" galloped back to Chengdu from Deyang.

The concubines, actors, troops and many baggage he brought with him were abandoned in Deyang.

When Zhao Jili returned to Chengdu City, it was a crowded time in the afternoon, and when he entered the city, he attracted a lot of attention.

Because there were too many people seeing him off when he left, it was too lively, and he also said a lot of contented words, so that everyone knew that he was deployed in the northeast to command the army that fought against the Zhou army. .

Now that he came back alone, many people suddenly saw him as if they had seen the god of plague, and their eyes widened in horror. It would not be a great defeat in the north and the entire army of Shu was wiped out. Only Zhao Jili escaped and returned!

That day, such rumors spread in Chengdu, and for a while, the whole of Chengdu was shrouded in panic.

Chapter 73, Mrs. Huarui

The palaces of the Shu Kingdom are very luxurious, even many times more exquisite and beautiful than those of the beams.

There are jade bricks, pavilions and pavilions, carved water pavilions, row upon row.

The most famous of these is the Crystal Palace.

The Emperor of Shu, Meng Chang, was fat and afraid of heat. Whenever the weather was hot, he found it difficult to breathe and sleep.

Therefore, a crystal palace was built on the Maha Pond as a place to escape the summer heat.

The three halls in the center of the Crystal Palace are all made of nanmu, agarwood for the building, coral inlaid windows, and jasper for the house.

People are transparent inside and out, without any barriers, and are decorated with precious luminous pearls, which are also bright and transparent at night.

Surrounded by mountains, forests, waterside pavilions, red bridges and pavilions, the Crystal Palace is equipped with shark tents, sapphire pillows, covered with ice mats, and folded Luo quilts. Meng Chang and his favorite Huarui wife, Concubine Fei, often spend their days here happily.

The state of Shu is rich and prosperous, and there has been no war for ten years. In the court, there are lively songs every day, wine every night, prostitutes and prostitutes in the classrooms, and courtiers and guests, decorating a scene of peace and happiness.

Emperor Meng Chang collected beauties in Sichuan and divided them into more than 100 grades. Among them, the highest imperial concubine was Mrs. Huarui Fei.

Madam Huarui is half-adjacent to a jade pillow, graceful and graceful, with icy muscles and jade bones, and pink-faced cherry lips. Her skin is like a bomb that can be broken, which is really rare in the world.

She is feeding Meng Chang in the Crystal Palace.

Meng Chang was in poor health and had a bad appetite. He was often out of breath. Influenced by Buddhism, he often ate vegetarian food.

The stamen slices the potato medicine, mixes it with lotus powder, and modulates it with five flavors.

Meng Chang liked it very much, and it also improved his problem of being unable to eat for many years.

Mrs. Fei Huarui, now a noble concubine of the Shu Kingdom, was born in a brothel in her early years.

Her greatest skill is to understand a man's heart.

Huarui has seen many men, and she understands it very well.

Husbands are the most self-respecting, don't disobey them, say what you say, even if you object, you should object to make them happy.

To convince a man to back down, you just say: You should let him or something; men will definitely be furious.

But if you put it another way: how good you are, it doesn't matter if you let him make a three-pointer; most of the time, you will happily accept it.

From Hua Rui's point of view, men are all so naive and stupid. In fact, the situation of things has not changed, and the situation has not changed. As long as they have a light on their faces, the result is suddenly completely different, and there is no change at all.

Most of the men she met were like this.

In her eyes, men all hope that women in the world will not dare to disobey them or betray them, but some people do not have such skills, so that there will be a big gap.

Then as long as she dresses up as a woman who will never disobey a man or betray a man, she will be able to firmly grasp a man's heart.

She cherishes the current life and status very much. The days in the brothel are too bitter and humble, how could she have imagined that there will be today.

Therefore, she is trying her best to be a good woman, even if she pretends to be her, she will never disobey the emperor Meng Chang, and prevent him from going unhappy.

Just as she was carefully serving Meng Chang to eat, the eunuch came in and whispered a few words in the emperor's ear.

After hearing this, Meng Chang became furious, his face flushed and he shouted, "Let him come and see me!"

Hua Rui was shocked, she had hardly seen the emperor so angry, and hurriedly caressed his back to cheer him up.

After a while, a panicked official was escorted in, kneeling under the tulle curtain.

"Zhao Jili, I ask you, why are you back!" Meng Chang asked.

The officials below trembled, "Reporting to Your Majesty, Shi Congyun, the forward general of the Zhou Dynasty, broke through eight camps of our army, minister... minister..."

"That's why you ran back!" Meng Chang was even more angry, grabbed the glass wine glass at hand and threw it at him, but he didn't hit him because of lack of strength.

Madam Huarui quickly supported him.

"I ask you, how is the war in the north?" Meng Chang suppressed his anger and asked.

"General Shi Congyun of the Later Zhou Dynasty broke through..."

"Shut up!" Meng Chang interrupted him: "I asked about specific things, how the battle was fought, how it was defeated, and who fought the battle."

"This...my minister..." Zhao Jili was at a loss for words.

The eunuch next to him whispered: "Your Majesty, according to reports, Zhao Jili fled back when he arrived in Deyang, and did not reach the front line."

Meng Chang didn't say a word, his face flushed with some sickly purple, and he pointed at Zhao Jili below, and said word by word, "Drag this waste out and kill him."

Zhao Jili kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy, but was quickly dragged out by the guards, and the miserable screams gradually disappeared.

Mrs. Huarui caressed his back anxiously, while comforting him softly: "Your Majesty is relieved, Your Majesty is relieved, Zhao Jili has only just arrived in Deyang, so who knows what is going on at the front..."

The eunuch withdrew wisely, and it took a while for Meng Chang to recover from his anger, and his eyes were a little red, "I'm not angry at the frontline defeat, but with Li Yangui here, I'm angry with them!"

Mrs. Huarui immediately understood, and followed his words and continued: "These people are usually supported by the royal family, and eat the king's salary. Women are not as good as..."

Meng Chang felt much more comfortable hearing this, these words were exactly what he wanted to say.

"Zhao Jili is unreliable, who can resist the Zhou army for me? Especially the one named Shi Congyun, who even broke eight camps of our army."

Mrs. Hua Rui comforted: "I don't know if the matter is true or not. Your Majesty should wait until you see it clearly and figure it out. Zhao Jili's words should not be completely believed."

Mrs. Hua Rui was actually very scared. She finally had such a comfortable life. If the army of Zhou was killed, what would happen to her in the chaos?She didn't dare to think about it herself.

"That's right, I'll talk about it when I figure it out. I'll recognize someone to figure out the battle situation ahead!" Meng Chang hurriedly called someone in to pass the order.

Mrs. Hua Rui looked at him quietly and tenderly, with light in her eyes, as if every time Meng Chang did something, she made her so admire and admire so much.

In fact, he was very worried and prayed that the general of the State of Zhou named Shi Congyun would not kill Qinling.


There was panic in the city of Chengdu. As the initiator, Shi Congyun knew nothing at all in the north of Wuwei City.

He was still thousands of miles away from Chengdu at this time, how could he know that the people of Chengdu who were thousands of miles away would be frightened by him.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Although Chengdu is far away, as long as the northern army penetrates the barrier of the Qinling Mountains in the north and enters the Chengdu Plain, then the kingdom of Shu is basically over.

So it seems that the distance is very far, but the key places are not so much.


After eight days of rest, Shi Congyun was not completely relieved in the end.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that Huanghuagu was a dangerous place, and ordered Shao Ji to send scouts to investigate along the west side of Huanghuagu.

After making these arrangements, Shi Congyun began to lead the army to continue to advance south, preparing to fight against the enemy of Wuwei. As long as Wuwei was won, they would be able to reach Fengzhou.

Chapter 74, A Showdown

Just like the Jialing River on the road, cold clouds, light rain and wet dusk.

June had slipped past without noticing, only the tail was left, and the morning by the Jialing River was a thin mist, and it was slightly wet on the face.

During the few days of rest, the soldiers of the Zhou army sharpened their swords, mended their armors, and hoarded food and grass for the first battle.

Wuwei City is more than ten kilometers south of Huanghua Valley. It is built on a river beach with gentle water flow. In the east, a high bluestone brick city wall spreads to the mountain, and the west wall directly connects to the Jialing River.

In front of Wuwei City, the Jialing River turned a big bend and washed out a wide river beach.

The road at the bottom of the East-West River Valley is wide, and there are villages and towns located in it. At this time, when I heard that the Zhou army was coming, I was so scared that my family left, and most of them retreated into Wuwei City.

There are only a few left, the old, the weak, the sick, the mentally challenged, who feel that they have enough to live and don't care about life and death, and still stare blankly on the roadside at the strange army from the north.

Zhou Jun passed by, lined up neatly and continued to walk forward. The water of the Jialing River on the right was rushing, but the sound of the army's neat steps could not be concealed.

The squeaking sound of military boots stepping on the gravel ground gathered together, and immediately covered the flowing water by the river.

This kind of disciplined neatness makes people naturally fearful, and even the old people and fools with cloudy eyes on the side of the road move back subconsciously.

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