In the face of the chaos of war, a woman's family behaved very calmly and calmly.

Guo Wei heard Sergeant's report, and immediately came to recognize her. After confirming her identity, she was brought back to Fu Yanqing's palace, so that she could be reunited with her parents.

Since then, the Xianjun Guo Wei has admired Fu's calmness and bravery very much. In addition, his identity is there, and Fu has worshipped Guo Wei as his adoptive father with the grace of saving his life.

When the adopted son, Guo Rong, guarded Chanyuan (Puyang, Henan), and his wife Liu Shi died of illness, Guo Wei came forward to propose a marriage for Guo Rong, and Fu Shi was the successor wife.

Most of this marriage cigarette is a political consideration, and it is about identity, not people.

The officials are short-tempered and irritable. Ever since she married Empress Fu, Empress Fu has always persuaded her calmly, lest he be violent to the generals and affect the morale of the army.

Therefore, many generals and ministers have a very good impression of Empress Fu, and Pan Mei is no exception.

The officials over there are looking at the memorial, and Queen Fu will whisper a few words from time to time.

"Pan Mei, how is Shi Congyun?" the official family suddenly asked.

Pan Mei hurriedly lowered her head and said, "He's a bit frivolous...but he has a lot of ideas and insights, sometimes it's eye-catching."

Listening to his answer, the official family did not speak or comment, and continued to read the memorial post.

"Who is Shi Congyun?" Empress Fu, who was next to him, suddenly asked.

Although it was a question, Pan Mei did not answer.

He knew very well in his heart that this was what the queen was looking for to talk to the official family. How could the queen be interested in a small commander.

It would be foolish for him to rush to agree at this time.

Sure enough, the official family watched and explained in a low voice: "The eldest son of the former deputy commander of the palace, Shi Yanchao, is a young general who can fight well and made military achievements in Gaoping."

"Tiger father has no dog son, that is young talent."

The official nodded: "After this expedition, Shu was also the one who brought the soldiers of the Imperial Army and proposed to Xun to me, and I agreed."

Empress Fu was curious, "Shi Congyun is Shi Yanchao's son, so it shouldn't be that old. He leads the army alone at a young age, and the official family is really eclectic, just like when Han Wu started the champion marquis."

Pan Mei lowered her head, thinking in her heart that the queen is really a cymbal and knows what the officials like most.

The officials have always liked to compare themselves with those powerful monarchs in history. Feng Dao said that the officials were inferior to Tang Taizong, and the officials were angry because of this.

Now that the queen said this, she just caught the official's preference.

Sure enough, the official said happily: "I don't stick to one pattern, but I don't know whether Shi Congyun can compare to the champion."

After all, he said with a smile: "If only he had that ability, the champion Hou Qiangu is an outstanding person, but unfortunately it is rare in this world."

"The official family is a wise monarch, the monarch is wise, and talents from all over the world will naturally compete to be vassals first. Sooner or later, there will be." Empress Fu smiled softly.

The official nodded, "Shi Congyun is young but loyal to the country. I heard from Xiang Xun that this time he offered to go to the front line of the Western Expedition. As long as he has merit, I will not treat him badly."

Pan Mei listened on the side, thinking that Shi Congyun was really lucky, the memorial was sent to the official family, and the official family valued it and ignored it.

Empress Fu happened to be by her side, and the empress wanted the official family to speak, so she took the memorial post as the topic, and happened to talk about Shi Congyun.

Empress Fu can speak again. She knows what the official family wants to hear, and the official family is happy. Now the official family is afraid to remember Shi Congyun.

There are so many talents in the world, but few can be remembered by officials.

Over there, the official put away the memorial after reading it, and then said to him: "Pan Mei, in two days, you can also close the army and supervise the army for me. In the past, you were Shi Congyun's deputy. Let's see if he is a talent and can be of great use.

If he is incompetent, you will take over the forbidden army and do not delay the war. "

Pan Mei quickly knelt down and accepted the order. Originally, he came here today to talk about this, but he didn't have time to speak.

Having said so much, Queen Fu was also a little curious.

At first, I just talked to officials with Shi Congyun as the starting point, but now I am really curious, "How old is Shi Congyun this year, and how is his past military exploits?"

Pan Mei understood that it was time for him to answer, and promised: "This year, I am sixteen years old, I am the forward in Gaoping, take the lead in rushing into the formation, and defeat the Northern Han Army with my father."

Empress Fu didn't ask any more questions, surprise was written on her beautiful face.

Pan Mei thought to herself, indeed, if he hadn't known Brother Yun, he might have been very surprised that he was so young, so mature and cunning before his hair was even grown, maybe it was because of his unique talent.


The next day, Pan Mei brought a few followers, then packed up and left the house, and went west to chase the army.

70 Chapter [-]

In late May, the army had arrived at Fengxiang Mansion.

Shi Congyun followed Xiang Xun to meet Wang Jing. The place where they met was not in Fengxiang's yamen, nor in a private mansion, but in a large tent outside the city.

This move gave Shi Congyun a better understanding of Wang Jing, and most of his impressions were positive.

Although Wang Jing is already 66, he is not as gentle as Fu Yanqing.

As an educator, Shi Congyun once volunteered in remote mountainous areas, where there were few people and weak signals, so he also developed a habit of chatting with local people wherever he went.

It's been the same along the way.

At first, the people were still a little afraid, but gradually everyone was willing to talk to him when they saw that he did not have the arrogance and arrogance of an army general.

From the information obtained by talking to the people along the way, Shi Congyun found that Wang Jing was still very famous and popular in Guanzhong.

Some people say that he is approachable, others say that he is fair and generous, and his policies are lenient.

Sometimes when people complain about a case, Wang Jing will definitely interrogate him in person. As long as it is not a big fault, he will immediately order his release without delay, so he is loved by the people.

Xiang Xunze told him that this may have something to do with Wang Jing's background.

Wang Jing is from Qidi (Shandong), his ancestors all made a living by farming, but in his generation he was a thief.

Later, he served as Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and to Da Zhou. He experienced many battles and made outstanding contributions.

When he saw Wang Jing, he was sitting in the middle of the central army tent, flanked by military generals, there were more than a dozen people, and they should all be generals from Fengxiang Town.

Shi Congyun greeted everyone, and Wang Jing got up to greet them in person.

Wang Jing was an old man with white hair, and even the armor couldn't hide his thin body.

"The last general, Shi Congyun, has seen the prince." Shi Congyun took the initiative to kneel on one knee and bowed, and Xiang Xun followed suit. Wang Jing is the commander of this attack on Shu, and he should bow as a subordinate or a junior.

This kind of gift is generally only used on important occasions, and it is usually not used as such a gift.

Seeing him like this, Wang Jing suddenly laughed, "Before I saw the two angels from Daliang, the old man was still worried. He was fighting together. He was most afraid that the soldiers would be in the same place, and the people's hearts would not be at the same level. It seems that the old man was worrying too much."

Immediately, they warmly invited them to sit. Shi Congyun and Xiang Xun's seats were set above the generals, below Wang Jing, and the standard was very high.

After being seated, Wang Jing did not hesitate and said directly: "Just wait for the two of you.

Today we agreed on how to fight. Tomorrow, each army will take a day off, and the army from Daliang will receive food and grass for two days the day after tomorrow. "

Wang Jingren was old, but his words were clear, very angry, and he did not intend to discuss with everyone, so he settled on it.

Shi Congyun and Xiang Xun surrendered: "It's all up to Wang Shuai's arrangement." The generals below also nodded in agreement.

Wang Jing continued: "Okay, let's talk about how to fight."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shi Congyun, because Shi Congyun was the closest to Wang Jing, and he was bringing the imperial court's forbidden army.

After all, in the eyes of many Fengxiang generals such as Wang Jing, he is an "angel", representing the official family Guo Rong.

Shi Congyun was embarrassed. In fact, Xiang Xun was the one who understood the meaning of the official family best.

He had never led an army to fight alone before, but he thought about it a lot before he came, so he said: "In my opinion, follow Chencang Road to the south.

Anyway, the troops are limited, and we don't want to fight Chengdu, we can't fight anything.Going straight out of Sanguan and going all the way to the south is that Shu soldiers are not our opponents. "

On the road, Shi Congyun has studied the surrounding map (map) and found that the mountains are high and steep, and the forests are dense. There is really no shortcut to take.

On the Gaoping battlefield, it is impossible for tens of thousands of troops to spread out and be surrounded by flanks. Once the two armies meet, there is a high probability that they will meet on a narrow road. There are not too many troops, and the people behind cannot fight at all.

"The main thing is to see if we can win Wuwei City. After leaving the pass, the mountains are high, the slopes are steep, the pits are deep, and there are too many soldiers. It is useless. The brave who meet on the narrow road wins, and it all depends on how fierce they can fight in one breath.

If you can win Wuwei City in one fell swoop, open the road, and then go south to Fengzhou will be easy. "

After listening to Wang Jing, he did not express his position, but only praised: "It's a narrow road, the brave one wins."

Then look at Xiang Xun.

Xiang Xun nodded: "I think it's feasible."

In fact, as Shi Congyun said, they are not Zhuge Liang. They do not have the strength of the whole country to fight this battle. No matter how much they fight, they will not be able to win anything. There is almost no room for maneuvering at the strategic level.

Therefore, it is the most effective and well-known way to fight steadily and follow the Chencang Road to the south.

The following generals did not object, so Wang Jing made a decision: "Okay, let's fight like this."

"Fengxiang Town can send more than [-] troops, plus the two generals, it is impossible to enter all together. Who will be the striker?" Wang Jing asked again.

Mountain warfare is different from plain warfare. In the basin of Shanxi, tens of thousands of troops can advance one after another, connecting end to end, and can be launched at any time when encountering an enemy, but it is not possible to go out from the scattered pass.

Shi Congyun didn't even think about it, and said directly: "A certain willingness to be a pioneer!" This time he came to squeeze the soft persimmons of Shu.

Wang Jing smiled and said: "As expected of Shi Yanchao's son, since that's the case, let Shi Du Shi be the vanguard and lead the army out of Sanguan to take Wuwei City to the south."

Immediately, he added: "Someone will naturally come to the camp to hand over to General Shi.

Now that he has arrived in Fengxiang, the old man will ensure that the army has enough food and grass to fight without worry.

But Shi Qianfeng also kept in mind that one must not waste food and grass without trying to make progress. The food and grass of the army are all the blood and sweat of the people of Guanzhong. "

The last few sentences are a warning.

"You know, the commander has peace of mind." Shi Congyun handed over.


The next day, officials from Fengxiang Mansion came with more than 1000 farmers, who were responsible for delivering grain and grass for them.

For the next two days, the supply of the army continued.

Time quickly reached the beginning of June, and Shi Congyun had not moved. He was discussing the tactics of sending troops with Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others.

Everyone felt that they should fight quickly and not give the Shu soldiers a chance to react.

In the mountains, unlike the plains, people are often invisible. If they don't move, they will gallop and attack.

The fighting method was very simple. The soldiers brought dry food and went out overnight to approach the Shu army's camp on Chencang Road.

Fighting starts at dawn. Ten battalions of the Crane Control Army, 500 people in each battalion. Two battalions form a group to fight forward in turn. After fighting for a while, replace the two battalions to rest. The latter will continue to go up and take turns. Don't react to the Shu army. And rest time, go south in one go.

This is a battle plan that everyone discussed together.

Shi Congyun finally made the decision, feasible!

But he added one more, that is intelligence.

Combat intelligence is very important, and Shi Congyun takes it more seriously than any other general.

He entrusted Wang Zhong to take charge of this matter, doubled the number of scouts in the army, and asked Wang Zhong to arrange to investigate day and night in turn. Before the army arrived, first explore the surrounding area.

Chapter 71

At the beginning of June, Shi Congyun led his army out of the pass, and he also saw the pass in the "Guazhou Ferry in the Night Snow, Iron Horse and Autumn Breeze" with his own eyes.

The legendary Sanguan was not so special at this time, it was so important, and it was not the main point of confrontation between Jin and the Southern Song Dynasty.

Then along the valley all the way to the south, the mountains and rivers on both sides are towering and magnificent, the green and green mountains and rivers are endless, and the view is greatly limited in the mountains with overlapping peaks.

The sparkling Jialing River runs through the valley, and the road is much higher than the river surface.

The part of the road that just left the Sanguan is very easy to walk. There are enough seven or eight people on the avenue. The soldiers are marching in line on the side of the mountain.

The soldiers of the Control Crane Army passed the clearance, and they brought a suit of things, but the armor was still pulled by carts and pack animals for the time being.

Shi Congyun had already received information. In March, the lord of the Shu Kingdom reacted immediately after hearing that some people had come to Daliang to petition and sent more than [-] troops to Fengzhou.

[-] soldiers and horses, this number made Shi Congyun's heart beat wildly, and even his feet were weak. For a moment, he was shaken by the idea of ​​continuing to play forward.

With more than 2 people plus the existing local garrison troops, the strength of Shu's troops on the ground around Fengzhou may exceed 5000, but he only has [-] in his hands.

But soon Shi Congyun calmed down.

One is that due to the limitation of the mountains, the forces of the Shu Kingdom must be scattered all over the place, and it is impossible to concentrate troops.

The second is that if the Kingdom of Shu dares not fight, how will he mess around in the future!

The State of Shu has not known soldiers for ten years, and the soldiers of Shu are not good at fighting. They are already the best soft persimmons.

Marching along the road of the Jialing River, the soldiers were still talking and laughing, and then they set off without fighting, and no one died. Looking at the green mountains and green waters, and hearing the fragrance of birds and flowers, they were naturally relieved.

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