Shi Congyun nodded in agreement.

The major events are explained in a few words, and then there are some anecdotes and gossips, which are much more interesting than the real business.

For example, Shi Congyun is puzzled why there are so many generals around the official family, such as Li Chongjin, Zhang Yongde, Shi Yanchao, etc., and even Li Gu can lead the army to fight. This time, Xiang Xun will be sent to lead the war against Shu.

If he didn't dare to ask directly, it would offend people too much, but Xiang Xun didn't care.

After hearing this, Xiang Xun said bluntly, "It was Wang Puxianggong who recommended X, and X has a good personal relationship with him.

In addition, the official family is not in the state of Shu, and they still think about things in the south, so many people want to prepare for the war in the south, and a certain one is the most suitable. "

When Xiang Xun talked about the war in the south, Shi Congyun did not continue to ask, because now it is only the Southern Tang kingdom that is adjacent to Da Zhou in the south and can be called a war, so there is no need to ask.

Shi Congyun nodded and said again: "The imperial court banned the army to fight the main force?"

Xiang Xun shook his head: "There are also soldiers and horses in the town of Jiezhen.

The soldiers and horses of Fengxiangjie Town are one of them. The officials are going to let King Jing, the Duke of Baoguo, bring Fengxiang soldiers to fight. Moreover, a certain soldier is now the Jiedu of the Zhen'an Army, and the elite soldiers and horses of Zhen'an Town will also participate in the battle. "

Shi Congyun was unfamiliar with Fengxiang Jiedushi and Duke Baoguo Wangjing. He only knew that those who could make Jiedushi and Jiaguo Gong should be capable people. He knew the approximate territory of Fengxiang Jiedushi.

In other words, the officials wanted to let Feng Xiangbing, Zhenanbing and Daliang's forbidden army fight together.

"Also, when the time comes, I will temporarily give you peace, and it is impossible for you to take the soldiers of the inner hall to fight." Xiang Xun explained.

"Then my personal soldier..."

"It's customary to be able to bring it here." Xiang Xun understood what he was thinking, and gave him a positive answer directly.

Shi Congyun nodded, without much entanglement, the inner hall directly inspected the imperial city, and the emperor was squired. Of course, it was impossible for him to take him to fight the kingdom of Shu, but he did not know which army he would take with him.

But he was not worried, as long as the three hundred confidants and Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Pan Mei and others could accompany him, he would be able to command them wherever he went.

After chatting with Xiang Xun for a long time, before I knew it, the time was up, and Xiang Xun also said goodbye.


After dinner in the evening, he continued to ask Zhao Shijian to write words and sentences for him to write an article. The little girl was still puffed up and didn't talk to him.

Shi Congyun thought of a way to deal with it before he came. He looked up at the moon in the sky at a 45-degree angle, showed a sad expression, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I'm going to fight again. I'm afraid life or death will be uncertain when I go out this time... ..”

He seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, Gu turned to Zhao Xiaoniang's direction and said it.

After getting along for so many days, he also discovered Zhao Shijian's weakness, which is sentimentality.

Don't look at her pretending to be strong on the surface, never complaining, and she will silently grit her teeth and get things done even if she is bullied by him, but she is actually a sensitive person.

Poems such as "feeling the flowers and tears, and hating the birds are startling" are probably the most suitable for Zhao Shijian.

Sure enough, the little girl over there who hadn't spoken to him for several days raised her head when he heard him say so sadly.

Shi Congyun caught a glimpse and quickly continued to feel sad: "If the world is at peace, someone also wants to wait for the late spring, the spring clothes are ready, five or six crowns, six or seven boys, bathing in Yi, the wind is dancing, and singing and returning.

It's a pity that the world is not peaceful and the people are suffering. How can a warrior like a certain cherish his life and love his life? This is probably destined by God. "

The words were sentimental and generous, and he had just memorized half of the sentences from the "Analects of Confucius" in order to pretend.

Zhao Xiaoniang finally spoke this time: "Are you...really going to war?"

Shi Congyun was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Yes... of course!"

"Where to?"

"This is a secret of the court, I can't tell you, but the people over there are very powerful. I heard that one can fight dozens of people. If you go here, you may not come back, alas..." Shi Congyun shook his head and sighed again.

Zhao Shijian didn't want to be angry with him anymore, so he stood up and comforted him.

Shi Congyun pretended to be inspired again, nodded slowly, and resolved the Cold War crisis in a short while.

In the end, Zhao Shijian forgot about Shi Congyun's smashing of the stone inkstone that her grandfather left her, and even tried to comfort him and serve him attentively.

Shi Congyun was secretly delighted, a sentimental girl is easy to coax and deceive.

This also made him more and more determined to fight well, taking advantage of the idea of ​​​​making a great contribution to the soft persimmon of the State of Shu, otherwise how could he protect Zhao Xiaoniang and her family in the future, of course, the most important thing was his life.

Chapter 66: The Left Wing of the Crane Controlling Army

Time unknowingly arrives at the end of spring and March.

The weather was getting warmer, and the grass was growing and the warbler was flying. Shi Congyun went to the inner hall early as usual, and then led his troops to patrol the imperial city.

When I walked from the inner hall in the north of the city to the front of Xuande Gate in the south of the imperial city, I found a group of people in rags and tatters gathered in front of the gate and shouting something.

Immediately, he was frightened into a cold sweat, thinking where did these people come from?How to enter the inner city, pass through the imperial street, and arrive at the gate of Xuande, the imperial city, if this matter becomes a big one, it will be a great negligence of his inner palace.

So many unknown people came to the gate of the imperial city without a sound, and the emperor didn't care whether they complained to the common people or something.

Shi Congyun can't control that much. Judging by the clothes of these people, they may be poor people who have grievances or want to complain, but he is not a Buddha who rescued the suffering and people. He also knows that these people will definitely have no good fruit to eat in this kind of trouble, and maybe they will end up. Miserable, this is the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms!

Just as he was about to chase the people out immediately, he reprimanded Sergeant Neidian Zhi who had put the people in, but found that Pan Mei was watching with a dozen people on the side.

Shi Congyun suddenly felt that something was wrong, and Pan Mei was not an ignorant person.

He quickly hit the horse and asked, "How do these people deal with them?"

Pan Mei turned her head and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about it, we don't see what the ministers let us in."

Shi Congyun looked curiously and listened carefully to the ragged people crying loudly there, and more and more people were watching.

They said that it was the people of Qinzhou and Fengzhou, that the emperor of Shu was cruel and unkind, and that the taxes were heavy, and the people were miserable by selling their sons and daughters.

The local officials in Qinzhou and Fengzhou acted ruthlessly, seizing other people's wives and daughters, and taking the people's fields, and the people could no longer survive.

Therefore, he traveled thousands of miles to Daliang and petitioned Da Zhou, hoping that the emperor would consider for the people and send troops to recover Qin Feng's lost land.

Although the people who took the lead were dressed in rags and had disheveled hair, Shi Congyun glanced at his intact shoes and feet and knew that this guy had never traveled a thousand miles.

When they went to fight in Shanxi, they broke their shoes several times after walking for hundreds of miles. Many recruits walked with blood on the soles of their feet, while veterans woke up early with thick calluses.

Furthermore, although he spoke very emotionally, those who heard it were saddened and those who heard it wept, as if the lord of Shu had done so much heinous and bad things, but your Da Liang accent was completely exposed!

Shi Congyun was unable to complain. No wonder these people were able to enter the inner city and go outside Xuande Gate. The inner hall was not stopped by so many people patrolling. It turned out that there was a reason for everything.

In the next few days, everything will go through the process. Of course, the history of such a process cannot participate from the cloud, and can only hear various news.

Qin Feng people went to Daliang to petition, and the officials were furious when they heard the immoral actions of the lord of Shu.

The news quickly spread throughout Daliang City, and the people in the streets and alleys continued to scold the lord of Shu as not a human being, and for not doing anything. This kind of public opinion went down. At least in the country, the Dazhou army was a well-known teacher of justice.


After the officials made up their minds, the arrangements for the war were also very fast.

From the various reactions, Shi Congyun can also think that this battle can never be the surface that some people came from Qin Feng to Daliang to petition, and the officials were ready to send troops for the people when they were angry.

Because this time the army has been prepared for a long time, Xiang Xun got the exact news more than a month ago, and even visited the door and asked him to prepare.

On the other side, Xiang Xun had already headed south, and the soldiers in Zhen'an Jun Town were also waiting for the moment, ready to be dispatched at any time, and they could drive westward with an order.

Shi Congyun also approved for a long time, waiting for the order.

He did not know which army the court would send.

Sure enough, the next day, officials from the Privy Council came directly to the door and assigned him to be the commander of the first and second armies in the left wing of the control crane.

The Controlling Crane Army is one of the main forces of the Dianqian Division, with a staff of about 5 people. During the purge, a lot of young men were added, and there were also some veterans transferred from the Hujie Army.

Now after the rectification, the official family also has the intention of trying to control the strength of the He Army.

This official position means that the first army and the second army of the left wing of the control crane army belong to him.

The number of people in each compartment is over 500, and each army has a full establishment of [-] people, but most of the ordinary cavalry troops are not satisfied with the number.

As one of the main armies, the Crane Control Army is full most of the time.

The next day, Shi Congyun went to the Privy Council to greet Wei Renpu, the Privy Minister, and obtained the qualifications from him to transfer people, such as Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others.

After Wei Renpu knew his origin, he simply agreed, and before leaving, he said, "This is the first battle of the government's initiative to use troops abroad, and the beginning of sweeping the world, young people should pay attention, there are not many opportunities like this.

This time, the forbidden army and the vassal army are fighting together. We must work together, think more about the world's major affairs, and do not abolish the public privately. "

Shi Congyun handed over his hands: "Thank you for the point, I remember it."

Wei Renpu nodded and motioned for him to go back.


The next day, Shi Congyun took the three hundred personal soldiers, Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan and others with him, along with the letter of appointment from the Privy Council, to take over the soldiers outside the city.

A total of ten commanders of the First Army and Second Army of Control Crane were waiting respectfully.

Shi Congyun didn't hesitate after seeing people to say hello, and directly asked to assemble the whole army and order people.

Later, it was discovered that the first army and the second army on the left side of the crane control had a total of 830 people, which was less than 5000 people. Including the soldiers he brought over, there were already [-] people.

Shi Congyun felt a little emotional and excited, 5000 people!

The school field seemed to be covered in darkness, and the flags were densely fluttering in the wind. This was the most troops he had led so far.

Before Shi Congyun came, he had thought that some things had to be done quickly, not when they were on the battlefield.

So he stood on the platform, motioned the sergeants to be quiet, and shouted loudly:

"All officers and men, Shi Congyun, the envoy of your new capital, don't look at his youth, he has fought quite a few battles.

Fighting in Gaoping for half a year last year, I chopped more than 120 by myself!

Today, these little things are not worth mentioning, and I am not showing off to you, but want to say that the opportunity for us to make a fortune and make contributions has come again!

You must have heard of how the Shu emperor of the dog days is not a human, so I will not repeat it.

Just to say one thing, the Kingdom of Shu is known as the Land of Abundance, it is fertile for thousands of miles, and the people of Shu are extremely rich!I heard that their soldiers are even made of brocade, and the commander's scabbard is inlaid with gold!

A lot of people don't want to talk, and they don't talk nonsense. You remember one thing. As long as you fight with a single heart, it is the Paoze brothers.

My Dazhou soldiers are all warriors who fought on the battlefield. I must teach the Shu rat generation how to fight!

Today, you hand over your life to Shi, who cannot guarantee that you will all come back alive, but he can guarantee that no one will die in vain!

As the chief general, X requires you all to be banned and absolutely obey X's military orders!

But a certain also assures you that Lao Tzu and you share honor and disgrace, advance and retreat together!


Shi Congyun once again used his talent to be tongue-in-cheek and met for the first time with the officers and men of the Controlling Crane Army. He won hearts and recognition with an impassioned speech.

Afterwards, he struck while the iron was hot, and when the whole army was hot and shouted that he wanted to kill the enemy together, he took the opportunity to place his personal soldiers in the head of each capital and the captain's subordinates, so as to control the whole army.

These action histories took only one afternoon from the cloud.

Chapter 67: Great Engineer Han Tong

After March, the deployment of the army began, and the cloud of war began to cover Daliang City.

In the following ten days, various news continued to spread. The officials of the Privy Council approached Shi Congyun several times, and more arrangements and information became clear.

However, there was not much movement in this expedition. The soldiers sent by the imperial court from Daliang were only the two armies under the left wing of the control crane, a total of 5000 people.

The main force of the remaining two units is the vassal of Fengxiang Jiedushi Wang Jing, who is also the commander-in-chief of this attack on Shu.

The area managed by Fengxiang Town is roughly the later Baoji City, which governs the central and western parts of Guanzhong, but the southern foothills of the Qinling Mountains are occupied by the Shu Kingdom, which is also the main area for this attack.

According to Pan Mei, Wang Jing is a veteran who has fought many battles and is very capable.

The other is Zhen'an soldiers. Zhen'an town governs Chenzhou, which is roughly the Huai'an District of Zhoukou City in later generations. Jiedu envoy is Xiang Xun, the envoy of the Xuanhui Southern Academy, and Xiang Xun is the deputy commander of the west expedition. Zhen'an is the leader. soldier.

In the end, the imperial court banned the army. The first and second armies in the left wing of the control crane under the command of the imperial envoy in front of the palace were led by the imperial envoy Shi Congyun.

The reason for this arrangement, Wei Renpu also told him, because there are many mountains from Guanzhong to the south, high mountains and narrow roads, which are not suitable for cavalry combat, so although he led the cavalry, this time he was able to lead the infantry of the He Army.

Shi Congyun has no objection to such an arrangement. This is a kind of self-comforting statement, because it is useless for him to object, and the minister of the Privy Council will not listen to him.

However, after talking to him a few more times, the privy envoy Wei Renpu gradually became willing to talk to him. In Li Gu's words, he is not like an ordinary military general, and his conversation is very unusual, probably Wei Renpu feels the same way.

In the days that followed, Shi Congyun lived almost in the military camp, gnashing his teeth and taking the lead in training every day, educating the soldiers to "endure more hardships in peacetime and bleed less in wartime".

Moreover, Shi Congyun knew a truth. If he didn't take the lead at this time, the soldiers would definitely be slack.

About two months before the expedition, he could have done nothing, but he was afraid of death!

The fear of death drives him to train his soldiers to the best of their ability before going out to battle, no matter what.

By mid-April, the temperature had gradually increased, and Shi Congyun was sweating profusely and went home. Zhao Shijian had already boiled water for him and prepared his clothes for the day.

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