Emperor Shi paced along the field, brushing the sweet ears of wheat with his fingertips. The soldiers of the Imperial Army were waiting dozens of paces away. Zhao Shijian and Xiao Huanghua were waiting for him on the side of the road in the distance with their cloaks.

The green years are like the fragrance of wheat ears, but no matter how difficult it is for Emperor Shi to touch, the old father, the two mothers, Wei Renpu, Liu Renshan, Shen Yilun, Wang Zhong, Murong Yanzhao and other relatives and friends, loved the virtuous ministers and left one after another. Those golden and iron horses, the turbulent years are going away, only the ruthlessness of time is coming.

Dad returned to Yunzhou in the last few years of his life, where the fallen leaves returned to their roots, and he passed away safely.But Emperor Shi didn't know where he was going.They ended in brilliance, and Emperor Shi had to endure the loneliness and dullness after the brilliance and passion alone, and travel far alone.

Nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever.

"After the beginning of summer, it is very hot and humid, like being in a steamer, many soldiers suffer from diseases and epidemics, and the losses are great.

So far, there have been 720 casualties, of which [-] were killed in battle. Most of the people in those places could not survive the disease. Lu Duoxun was half a step behind and reported the southern battle report to Emperor Shi. After the summer, the situation began to gradually become unfavorable to the Qin army.

Because Lu Duoxun performed very well in Huangzhou and governed the place well, he personally led troops to ambush the nomadic cavalry in the north who harassed the border, and then joined forces with the cavalry of various ethnic groups in the northern states and counties, plus imperial artillery, and sent out to the Great Xianbei Mountains to attack the dissatisfied imperial court. Tribute to several tribes headed by Prairie Zub.

Although there were not many captured and beheaded, they were so frightened that they pleaded guilty and even resumed their tribute.Emperor Yingong Shi recalled him to the court last year to serve in the Privy Council.

"At present, some villages and towns in Jiuzhen and Nichinan have been abandoned, and the imperial army can only defend the big city. It is not easy to divide more than [-] people into different places."

Emperor Shi nodded, he is not the emperor of the court, he understands what kind of situation it is.

With 4 or 4 troops, one place can be destroyed when attacking. No army in the world can stop it.

For this situation, Emperor Shi could think of only one way, and that was to kill.

Just like Bai Qi's killing of the Six Kingdoms, the problem can only be solved if enough people are killed.

This is the history of mankind. The rise of Europe and the control of many colonies also depended on inhumane killings. Many places were killed to nothing. Apart from this, there is no other way. The resources and authority can only be resorted to by force. There is no other way.

It's like the Jews were massacred by the Germans, but they wanted to grab land with the Arabs instead of asking the Europeans for compensation to build a country in Europe. Why?Because the Arabs are weak and can be bullied, but the Europeans cannot be provoked.

Although people don't want to admit the bloody facts, most of the thousands of years of human history are the history of the strong raising their swords to the weak, and the weak to the weaker.

The rise and rapid expansion of the Han Dynasty was accompanied by the blood and tears of many other forces, countries, and nations. In the hands of Huo Qubing alone, there are more than 11 people with clear records of military achievements, and this number will only increase.

Ordinary people may be able to avoid it with a good heart, but as the highest authority and decision maker, Emperor Shi must know what to do, have a clear and calm understanding and remain cruel.

Don't even think about being a moral saint, otherwise it will be a terrible disaster for the country and everyone. The Northern Song Dynasty and the like are lessons.

So Emperor Shi reacted quickly, and he already had two plans in his mind, but he was still going to discuss it with the prime ministers.

Finally, after discussing the countermeasures, it came out the next day.

On the one hand, let the navy provide support, and be ready at any time to evacuate the soldiers of the Qin army by sea if the battle situation deteriorates to the point where it becomes uncontrollable. With the current capabilities of the Qin army's navy, as long as it does not exceed 5 people, it is not difficult.

Don't order the local Qin army to try to hold on for the time being, and wait for the summer to pass.

Once the combat effectiveness is restored, the local vital forces should be killed as much as possible. Even if it cannot be firmly controlled, it must be prevented from posing a major threat within a few generations, and lay the foundation for future generations to go south.


The Qin army has survived the summer, and began to leave the big city after the autumn weather turned cold to resume the offensive.

The difference from before is that the Qin army suffered a lot and suffered thousands of casualties. The methods of the Qin army were even more brutal. Almost all the enemy troops were killed, and the killing was even more serious.

When the war lasted until winter, the Qin army, relying on the advantages of firearms, killed more than 20 enemies within two years of this war. Considering the population of Li at that time, it almost wiped out a generation of young adults.

So the war lasted until winter, with almost no resistance, and the lord was captured by the Qin army from a village.

The last time he escaped by boat and was defeated by the Qin army's navy, he saved his life. This time he was not so lucky. He kept arguing that he had no intention of refusing to surrender to the Qin Dynasty, but the court did not receive his memorial.

Qin Jun did not listen to any of his words and faithfully carried out the emperor's order, and escorted him to the capital to obey the emperor.

After the Qin army started killing, many local places finally gave up resistance, and the officials and troops sent by the Qin Dynasty gradually implemented the rule smoothly.

The Qin Dynasty established three military towns, Jiaozhi Road, Jiuzhen Road, and Rinan Road, and took over that area.

In the spring of the 20th year of Kangding, the land army began to withdraw.

Of the 3000 troops there, only [-] returned after two years of fighting.Therefore, some people accused Emperor Shi of wasting countless treasuries for his own face, causing Lingnan and Southwest to pay a lot, and ruining the lives of tens of thousands of good sons.

But now no one dares to say these words in the court, they will only say them in private, and they will only be recorded in the history books and the comments of the speech officials for future generations to comment on.

There were many memorials to impeach Liu Qingchuan, all of which were suppressed by Emperor Shi. The killing in the south was originally ordered by him.

Emperor Shi no longer cared about the evaluation of future generations.

When he started to send troops to Hetao, Hexi, Western Regions, and Vietnam, he knew that there was a high probability that he would end up with a mixed fate like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.But he will be better, because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was even more difficult, and many places were included in China for the first time, and they were real barbarian lands.

It may be due to the unique conservatism of the farming nation. Whether they are literati, poets, or officials and historians, many people have a derogatory attitude towards Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

In some places, pure conquerors like Caesar, Alexander, Napoleon, etc. will be more sought after.

Perhaps in their understanding, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty should not waste money and money to expand Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Vietnam, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, North Korea, Fujian, Hainan and other places.

The Han Dynasty should take good care of their own one-acre three-point land and live their lives well.

However, the later Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing would definitely express their opposition, and as a later emperor, he understood the preciousness of that inheritance.

That was the first time that many places were included in China's sphere of influence, and it was the land promised by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for the descendants of China for generations to come.

If you miss a lot of opportunities, you will have to pay a countless price.

No dynasty can last forever, even if it does nothing, it is as quiet and inactive as many literati and historians imagined, lying down and dying equally.Mergers of land and land, accumulation of contradictions, conflict of interests, internal corruption, etc. will eventually send it to the grave.

The key lies in what legacy it leaves for future generations when it is at its strongest and in its best state, so that future generations will remember it forever.

The same is what Emperor Shi thought in his heart. If he doesn't do it, future generations will suffer countless times, so let him bear the infamy.

He would rather go to another country to waste money and people, and he does not want his country to become a battlefield like the middle and late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.


In the Mid-Autumn Festival of the 20th year of Kangding, the world became peaceful.

All nations came to Korea, from the Korean Peninsula in the east, Central Asia in the west, Huangzhou in the north, and southern Vietnam in the south. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains returned to the control of the Qin Dynasty.

On this day, Emperor Shi was 50 years old and the father of 53 children.

There are more than 50 forces, envoys of the kingdom or the royal family came to congratulate.

The Lord of Dali was as frightened as the king of Wuyue when he heard about the killings of the Qin army in Jiaozhi, Jiuzhen, Rinan and other places last year.

Chapter 565, One Emperor Through the Ages (End of Text)

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, all nations come to Korea.

In the New Imperial City of Luoyang, Emperor Shi received congratulations from envoys from various countries, and then inspected the latest musket guard of honor.

These soldiers were neatly lined up and saluted,

These guns are the crystallization of the technology of the latest batch of confidential divisions, and now only more than 200 have been produced. The biggest improvement is the change from front loading to rear loading, and the rate of fire is greatly accelerated. Some decline.

After the military officers and soldiers tried it out, they all felt that the rear-loading gun was better, and would rather sacrifice some power to increase the shooting speed.

The soldiers and officers in the military parade are a new batch of military talents who graduated from the lecture hall.

Emperor Shi waved his hand and inspected the students in the martial arts hall under the eyes of all countries.

Then came the grand celebration and song and dance performances.

In the midst of everyone's celebration, Zhang Qixian quietly came to him and whispered a few words.

Emperor Shi nodded, and temporarily left the table to read the detailed battle statistics sent by the Privy Council and the Ministry of War in the apse.

300 people, the soldiers of the Qin army who died in the two-year southern expedition.

He sighed lightly...

Emperor Shi knew in his heart that these years of fighting in the north and south, and decades of endless wars, at least more than 20 soldiers died in battle.

He has used it for 30 years in a peaceful world, and the war has continued. It is time to start turning.

In terms of the speed at which he expanded his territory and annexed the world, he was already very fast and efficient.

It took him at least several generations of emperors to do these things in all dynasties. In the span of a hundred years, it took Emperor Shi 30 years.

Because his strategic thinking has never changed. Once the war machine is activated, it will not stop no matter what, until the world is wiped out and all directions are wiped out.

The state machinery was squeezed hard.

"Shi Liang, what do you think of the world today?" Emperor Shi looked at a huge map in the room, on which was the current territory of Great Qin, Zhang Qixian lit a lamp for him, the fire flickered, and the bright flames danced, like thousands of miles of rivers and mountains dyed blood red.

"The Son of Heaven is wise and the people are happy." Zhang Qixian didn't even want to agree.

Emperor Shi said: "Are you telling the truth?"

"En!" Zhang Qixian nodded, and Emperor Shi shook his head.

He poured himself a glass of wine and handed it to Zhang Qixian, "I remember the first time you fought in Youzhou, and you were also a scurrying novice, no different from any recruit except that you are not afraid of death.

Now you are the pillar of the country, at the head of the court, 30 years of continuous warfare, 20 soldiers buried in the battlefield, how many pillars of the country, how many husbands, sons, and family's hope are sacrificed for me... .It is a sinful thing to say. "

Zhang Qixian was about to say something, but Emperor Shi interrupted him by raising his hand, "There is no need to excuse Lian, I know that many people have something to say, but Lian Gangang is arbitrary and arrogant, they dare not say more, these things are happening today It's the end."

Zhang Qixian looked over, a little unbelievable.

Emperor Shi smiled, "I'm not an old Hutu, I don't know how time changes and people's hearts.

It's just that some things need to be done in one go, and can't be cut off in the middle.

Even if everyone criticizes you, you must grit your teeth and persevere, otherwise you will fail and regret for thousands of years...

It's time to call it quits. "

"Officials..." Zhang Qixian burst into tears, his lips trembled and he was speechless for a long time.


The next day after the Mid-Autumn Festival, all civil and military officials gathered.

The salute is fired, and the ceremony is over.

Shi Huang wore a red and black dragon robe, looked down at the crowd, and spoke slowly.

"I have chased south and north all my life, conquered east and west...

Thinking that...running across the world and looking down on all nations is invincible...

Want to come to the age of 15 to ask He Dong for one hundred...

30-year-old Ping Liao claims to be invincible in the world...

Destroy the Southern Han, Northern Han, Nanping, Wuping, Shu, Tang, Liao, and Li, conquer Wuyue, flatten Li Yun, conquer Dangxiang, flatten the Western Regions, think that they have made great achievements, and gallop thousands of miles...

Looking back at the age of 50 now... 30 years of constant wars, endless wars, poor livelihood, resentment, and barren land...

The old, the weak, the lonely, no one to look after, and the 20 loyal bones buried in a foreign country are all my sins. "

As soon as the words came out, all the officials knelt down one after another, and Lu Duoxun, the leader, shouted: "The official's Wencheng Wude shines on all nations, he is the watch of all people in the world, and he is the most capable lord since ancient times. I beg the official to take it back!" Say it!"

"I beg the officials to take it back!" All the officials agreed.

Seeing them laugh like this, Emperor Shi waved his hands, "Get up, get up..."

But still no one got up.

Emperor Shi ignored them, went down and limped in the hall, shuttled among the crowd, "I know what I did, you don't need to protect me.

You have your ideas, I have my difficulties, maybe we all have our own right and wrong...

Monarchs and ministers also need to be considerate of each other.

What I said today is also to make some plans for the next ten years.

In the future, when I am in power, my Daqin will focus on raising the people and emphasizing education, and will no longer start wars lightly. "

"The officials are sages!" All the officials shouted in unison.

Many people are sincerely happy, some of them are purely for their own interests, while some are really concerned about the common people, for the country and the people.

Emperor Shi also laughed, a little relieved, a little lonely, he may be a true virtuous and wise ruler, an emperor through the ages.


After this major court meeting, Qin's strategy began to change.

From the previous strategic offense to strategic defense.

Except for the small-scale battles of counterattacks, no large-scale wars will be launched.

At that time, Emperor Shi changed Yuan Yongle, and gave amnesty to the world. At the same time, he changed the name of the Qin Dynasty navy to the navy, and personally inspected the first iron-clad ship of the Qin army. He said that the iron-clad ship was actually a gunboat wrapped in iron.

Emperor Shi said some words of urging, talking about the importance of the navy.But he also knew that he was no match for the decisive effects of time and geography.

As a traditional land power, the navy can add to the icing on the cake when the country’s affairs are flourishing, and it looks pretty good. Once there is a trade-off, the land power must overwhelm the sea power, regardless of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties.

No matter how bad a person is, he can't beat the years and mountains and rivers.

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