"For such an important matter, the official family has its own sacred order, and the minister thinks..." Wei Renpu, the privy secretary, spoke first. This sentence was more of a test than flattery.

However, Guo Rong didn't want to detour with them. He raised his hand slightly to stop Wei Renpu from continuing to speak, and said bluntly: "I am hesitant in my heart, and I have this question. You all speak bluntly, and you don't need to worry about it."

Wei Renpu bowed his hands, and no one spoke at first, especially the prime ministers Li Gu, Wang Pu, and Fan Zhi did not stand up.

On the contrary, Zhang Yongde was the first to stand up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Zhao Kuangyin is a loyal, brave and talented person, and a certain thinks he will be competent for this matter.

And he has always had a reputation for being public, so he would definitely not be favoritism to do this. "

Zhang Yongde has a loud voice and speaks very directly.

Everyone listened quietly, and when he finished speaking, no one commented.

The Shang Shou Guan's family didn't speak, and seemed to be hesitant.

Originally in history, Zhao Kuangyin was only activated under the recommendation of Zhang Yongde. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, Zhao Kuangyin is not a senior official of the banned army. It is inevitable that the official Guo Rong will hesitate to hand over such a big matter to him.

However, Zhang Yongde is not an ordinary relative of the royal family. Due to his special status, Guo Rong, who is an official, must also seriously consider his opinion.

"Zhao Kuangyin gave up his life in Gaoping, and fought hard to attack the city in Taiyuan. I dare to assure the officials that he is a capable person..." Zhang Yongde continued hesitantly when he saw Guo Rong, who was the leader.

The hall continued to be silent. Although Zhang Yongde was young, his identity was there. Since no one objected, the matter seemed to be settled.

Chapter 59, Guo Rong's decision

The Hanging Hall is tall and empty, and it is one of the largest halls in the imperial city. It is used to meet ministers and hold court meetings.

Once such a big place is quiet, there is a unique strangeness that makes people irritable. Just like the current situation, after Zhang Yongde recommended Zhao Kuangyin, everyone silently responded, and the hall was silent.

At this moment, someone came out in front, and there was a slight noise. Under the extremely quiet, no matter how small the voice was, it was astonishing, and it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at the prestige, the civil and military people discovered that it was the Prime Minister Li Gu who stood up.

Li Gu was very important at this time.

Not to mention that his previous merits have made him ranked as Zaifu, but it is said that a few months ago, he returned after cleaning up the river troubles, and removed the troubles from his heart for the official family.

The weight is already heavy, but now that the great achievements have been made, it is accumulating layer by layer, and the weight is increasing. At this time, the words have the most weight.

This is how people's prestige comes. If after a few months, the credit for managing the Yellow River is forgotten, his words may not have the weight at this time.

Li Gu took a step forward and attracted everyone's attention, even the officials above.

Guo Rong originally sat in the audience arguing after he finished speaking, but now that Li Gu appeared, he subconsciously got up, and sat down halfway through, looking at the next song without speaking.

Li Gu has always been reluctant to be a director, and he always has an attitude of not interfering in any major event.

Only oneself can be placed there, gold will shine wherever it goes, and the emperor always wants him to do it.

Now that he encounters a major event, he actually stands up and speaks, not only the civil and military presence, but also the official Guo Rong is surprised.

Li Gu saluted, and then said: "Official family, the old minister recommended Shi Yanchao, the deputy commander of the front of the palace, to do this."

After speaking, most people looked surprised, and the most surprised was Shi Yanchao, who had been fishing all the time.

He didn't understand how he was recommended by Li Gu, and why Li Gu recommended him for no reason.This must be what many people are thinking at this time.

Guo Rong didn't speak, neither agreed nor opposed, but continued to look at Li Gu.

Li Gu understood, and went on to say: "Official family, it seems that only one person is selected for inspection in this matter, but in fact, it is a big matter. If the wrong person is selected, or the person who does the work is selfish, the consequences will be disastrous.

Old and new soldiers have the opportunity to win over, the soldiers who remain will appreciate his kindness, and the friends of the party members can arrange them properly. Just ask the officials, such a thing is not a big deal. "

Everyone was silent, these words have already mentioned a very dangerous situation, as long as they are not fools, they can understand the meaning of the words, and the next step is Lei Chi.

Guo Rong didn't react that much. He was probably an extremely confident king, and he often compared himself to a bright king like Tang Taizong.

"Is it that serious?"

"In the official family, it may not be so serious, but unscrupulous employment has been a hidden danger since ancient times.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and the details also need to be considered.You can't go a thousand miles without accumulating a few steps. If you want to travel a thousand miles, you need to walk well every step of the way. " Li Gu replied.

Guo Rong above nodded, agreeing with his statement.

Li Gu immediately turned to Zhang Yongde and said, "Zhao Kuangyin, who was recommended by Zhang Dianshuai, may be really talented, but if you think about Heshan Yonggu, it is better to use people who know the root and the bottom, and everyone can rest assured.

Deputy Commander Shi is well known for his loyalty and bravery, and he is famous for his strictness in governing the army. Almost everyone in the army knows it. Let him choose soldiers, and there will be no favoritism.

Earlier, the old man heard that many people came to see General Shi for the adjustment of the two armies. General Shi was bored and blocked the door of the house. "

Guo Rong's eyes lit up when he heard it, and seemed to be interested, and asked Shi Yanchao below with a smile: "Is there really such a thing?"

Shi Yanchao nodded embarrassedly, probably he thought it was a shame, how could he seal the door.If it wasn't his son who did this, he would have killed him long ago.

Li Gu went on to say: "Let's talk about what everyone knows. Shi Qianfeng was originally from Yunzhou, and he has a high position in the military. He is alone and has no wings. He will not be involved in many people. It is most suitable for him to take charge."

Hearing what Li Gu said, most people were persuaded, and there was a lot of discussion, nodding in agreement.

Among them, Wang Pu, Wang Wenbo and Li Gu have the best relationship.

Hearing Li Gu say so many things, he immediately stood up to express his support: "The official family, the minister agrees, even if Zhao Kuangyin recommended by Zhang Dianshuai is really talented, he is not as innocent as General Shi. People are separated from each other, who knows if Zhao Kuangyin has other thoughts. "

"What do you mean!" Zhang Yongde was dissatisfied and glared at Wang Pu.

Zhao Kuangyin is the person he strongly recommends. If Zhao Kuangyin has thoughts, doesn't it mean that he has other thoughts too?

Li Gu gave three points, but Wang Pu did not take it seriously.

Wang Pu has a straight temperament and is also very strong. He is not afraid of Zhang Yongde's identity, and directly said: "This old man means what he said, Zhang Dianshuai is smart, I must understand it."

"You..." Zhang Yongde was furious, and was about to refute, but Guo Rong raised his hand to stop him.

At this time, Li Chongjin, the commander of both the guards and the army of Ma Bujun, also stood up: "A certain also thinks that General Shi is a suitable candidate."

Li Chongjin's support was the most unexpected. Perhaps he was a straight-minded person. He felt that Shi Yanchao was a fierce general and never beat around the bush, so he had a good impression.

It may also be because he and Zhang Yongde have a bad relationship, so he deliberately demolished the stage.

In short, Li Chongjin also abruptly supported Shi Yanchao.

"Official family, I also feel that it is better to leave this kind of thing to General Shi, who has the least mind. This is a good thing for the whole army and it is more fair." Xiang Xun's confession was listed.

Xiang Xun was indeed persuaded by Li Gu's words, but there were also human considerations.

He and Shi Yanchao have an average friendship, but he has a good relationship with Shi Yanchao's son, Shi Congyun. Compared with Zhao Kuangyin, who is not very familiar, he naturally stands by the father and son of the Shi family.

Seeing this situation, several civil and military officials who saw the wind also stood up, expressing that they thought Shi Yanchao was suitable.

Unconsciously, the situation in the Hall of Hanging Arches changed completely because of Li Gu's opening.

It is still Zhang Yongde who supports Zhao Kuangyin, and Li Gu, Wang Pu, Xiang Xun, Li Chongjin and others who support Shi Yanchao.

Shi Yanchao, who was the center of the debate, was completely ignored, and he was even a little confused.

After Guo Rong listened to their words, he thought for a while and said, "Let General Shi take care of this matter."

His voice was not loud and his tone was not heavy, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, but he made a final decision when he opened his mouth.

Everyone listened to the official family's conclusion, and immediately stopped arguing, expressing that they obeyed the official family's arrangement.

The party Shi Yanchao was stunned from beginning to end, Zhang Yongde sighed and had to accept it.

For this result, Zhang Yongde is not very unacceptable. Shi Yanchao's reputation as the number one general in Zhou has made him gain many "fans" in the army. The veteran generals are fine, and the young and enthusiastic generals in the army follow him as an example.

Zhang Yongde has such feelings...


Chapter 60: Follow Lao Zhao's way, what will Lao Zhao do?

On September [-]th, the autumn air is high and the geese fly south. At this time, the power of human beings is still unable to reach the sky. Even in a prosperous city like Daliang, the sky is still a paradise for birds and raptors. Everyone is in peace.

This was also the most difficult day for Shi Congyun. He had already counted 250 geese passing by, but there was no news yet.

Shi Yanchao entered the imperial city that morning. When he led the inner palace to patrol straight up, he occasionally encountered important officials from the DPRK wearing official uniforms entering the imperial city.

At that time, he knew that the official family might have to decide an important matter.

In all likelihood, it is who will take care of the purge of the Imperial Army.

But until after returning home in the afternoon, I still did not see my father coming back.

He paced back and forth under the old willow tree anxiously, not even thinking of eating tofu while practicing calligraphy with Zhao Shijian.

Zhao Xiaoniang didn't understand why he was doing this, but silently cleaned up the house for him as usual, brought lunch, and then cleaned up the dishes.

Take out the quilts and sheets in the good afternoon to pass the sun.

In autumn, the night has already begun to be cold, so that the bedding can be kept warm for a day, and the night will be very warm and comfortable, and it will be easy to fall asleep.

Zhao Xiaoniang was accustomed to these trivial matters, and it was also to block Shi Congyun's mouth, so that he wouldn't let Zhao Xiaoniang sleep with him under the pretext of warming the bed all night, which was annoying.

In the afternoon, he went to the front hall to finish dinner with the aunt and the aunt, played with the little girl for a while, and then went to the kitchen to bring Zhao Shijian chicken legs and mutton, and gave her a snack.

The little girl is still thin now, and she can't feel her hand.

Until the two of them packed up the dishes and sent them back to the kitchen, Dad still didn't come back.

Until the sky darkened, Shi Congyun took Zhao Shijian to look around outside the gate, chatted with the concierge for a while, and finally saw his father coming back.

"Father!" Shi Congyun was so excited that he immediately greeted him.

Shi Yanchao dismounted, glanced at him and Zhao Shijian, who was following behind him, and said, "If you think about it, I will find you a matchmaker someday."

"Father, don't talk about that, what did you say when you entered the imperial city today?" Shi Congyun hurriedly asked, not listening to what the father said at all, and not paying attention to the little girl behind her biting her lip and lowering her head.

Shi Yanchao strode home and said, "It's not a big deal, the officials want someone to take the lead in purging the forbidden army."

Such a big event was just a simple sentence in Shi Yanchao's mouth, but Shi Congyun was stunned on the spot, unable to say a word.

He turned around to support Zhao Shijian's shoulder, and said excitedly, "Damn, I changed history! I changed history!"

Zhao Shijian looked at him blankly, and then anxiety appeared on his small face, and he asked cautiously: "Do you want me to invite the doctor..."


Shi Congyun never thought that he would succeed in taking the road of Li Gu!

In fact, he didn't have too much hope. After all, it was Zhang Yongde who recommended Zhao Kuangyin.

He didn't know what happened in the palace at all, he only knew that Zhao Kuangyin's first step in the yellow robe was cut off by him!

That night, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he called Zhao Shijian up all night to help.

He dictated, the little girl recorded, and recorded the names of his personal soldiers in Longjie Army and most of the establishment.

Shi Congyun understood the character of his father. Shi Yanchao was a proud person, and he disdain to do those things.

What Dad believes in most is force, and what he respects most is head-to-head battles, no sneak attacks, no conspiracies, and a kind of positive hard steel.

So if Zhao Kuangyin is wearing a yellow robe, Shi Yanchao will probably fight to the end like Han Tong.

If Shi Yanchao came to purge the Imperial Guard, he would not bother to show favoritism.

But there are always exceptions to everything, and Shi Congyun is that exception.

Dad can be brave and not afraid of death, but if he is the one who dies, Shi Yanchao will be afraid.

Dad can disdain favoritism, but if the object is him, Shi Yanchao will definitely open up!


The next day, Shi Congyun, who had stayed up all night with dark circles under his eyes, cheered up and washed his face with cold water. Zhao Shijian was busy all night, his wrists were stained with black ink, and he fell asleep on the table.

He picked up the little girl, gently took off her shoes and socks, revealing her beautiful pink and tender feet, carefully placed it on his bed, and covered the quilt.

However, in a trance, he almost fell asleep on Zhao Shijian's body.

Shi Congyun bit his tongue and immediately cheered up. Before his father went out, he hurriedly sent the list to him, and said that he wanted to take the opportunity of his father's purge of the forbidden army to transfer the old minions who had been born and died before. to the ideas at hand.

Dad was furious after hearing that!Directly scolded him to the point of being bloody, scolding him for doing things randomly, scolding him for his villainy behavior, and scolding him for not being upright and doing some tricks.

But the old man scolded him, and he just told him to get out of the way. In the end, he didn't tear up the list that Shi Congyun sent, nor throw it out. He just chased him out and told him to go back to sleep. will inform.

Shi Congyun understood Shi Yanchao's character and immediately obeyed. He was so sleepy that he wanted to lean against the wall when he walked, and fell asleep when he returned to the small courtyard.


Until he woke up in the afternoon, Zhao Shijian had arranged delicate meals for him on the table beside the bed.

When Zhao Xiaoniang saw him open her face, her cheeks were flushed, and she whispered, "Get up to eat, the master and the mistress have already eaten.

The master asked me to tell you that he will help you to report your illness on the side of the inner hall, so you don't have to go to the straight today. "

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