Shi Congyun had already calculated step by step, and he was waiting for them to take the bait. After he went north, the Qin army immediately dispatched, and then the south of Yanshan quickly fell. , obviously not a day or two of planning, maybe they have been preparing for several years.

Everything made him feel that everything was a trap, and they were completely manipulated.

"I will find a way to send people out of the city to contact the tribe army in the northwest and ask them to rescue them." Xiao Siwen said the only hopeful way at the moment.

It is possible for Zbu and other grassland tribes to organize an army of [-] to [-]. If they come to Beijing to meet up on time, they are not expected to defeat the powerful Qin army, and they may be able to force the Qin army back.

"Tell them, I will agree to any conditions if I can get out of the siege." Yeluxian said repeatedly.

Xiao Siwen nodded, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Yeluxian stopped him: "Tell Chao Zhongwen Wu that we will continue to go to court tomorrow." He suddenly thought of this matter, the more it is at this time, the more he needs to stabilize his heart.

Xiao Siwen was taken aback for a moment, and then carefully said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that there are not enough people gathered. Many people have already taken their families and fled to Montenegro for refuge, and some have fled to the grassland."

"When!" Ye Luxian was shocked. After escaping, he had been busy making city defense deployments and recruiting young men, so he didn't notice these things at all.

"Before the Qin army completed the siege, many escaped from the north gate. At that time, it was too late to stop, and the minister was busy gathering young and strong..."

Ye Luxian's face flushed red, his suppressed fear was mixed with anger, and he couldn't hold back anymore, he threw a horn cup out of his hand, the clanging sound echoed in the empty hall, but he only felt deeply powerless.

Xiao Siwen saluted, "Your Majesty, I'll go and see the top of the city to prevent the Qin army from attacking at night."

Ye Luxian stopped him again: "Xiao Gong, is Yanyan there?"

Xiao Siwen was silent for a while, then replied: "Report to Your Majesty, you are here."

"I've been restless recently and can't sleep all the time. Let her accompany me..."

There was another moment of silence, and then Xiao Siwen replied: "Your Majesty, we have more important things to do right now, the enemy. It is also against the rules for Yanyan to live in the palace. It is a time of life and death..."

Ye Luxian was a little impatient: "I know, I'm just upset recently, you let Yanyan in!" He emphasized the last two sentences.

Xiao Siwen still did not agree, "Your Majesty, this will chill the hearts of the soldiers. It would be great if Your Majesty could go to the city for a walk."

Ye Luxian looked at Xiao Siwen in front of him, and his heart grew more angry. How could he not know that Yan Yan, who Shi Congyun called him repeatedly, and Xiao Siwen's eldest daughter was Shi Congyun's concubine, he had a way out, and he was better than himself. Many retreats!

Ye Luxian knew in his heart that the situation in Shangjing was critical and complicated, not only because of the pressure from the outside, but also inside the city. Xiao Siwen did not flee north with those dignitaries, because he didn't have to flee, whether it was his eldest daughter who was Shi Congyun's concubine, It was Xiao Yanyan that Shi Congyun asked for again and again, that was the magic weapon for the old fox Xiao Siwen to save his life.

Ye Luxian only brought back more than 1000 remnants of soldiers from the south, and the defenders were in the hands of Xiao Siwen and his son. This old guy is actually vacillating now, maybe he has other thoughts...

Ye Luxian gritted his teeth and let Xiao Yanyan enter the palace, not only to test Xiao Siwen's attitude, but also because he had hostages in his hands, but Xiao Siwen ignored his request at all.

Ye Luxian wished he could kill Xiao Siwen here immediately, so as to directly control the defenders, so he felt safer, but he also understood that it was not wise, the defenders outside were still in the hands of Xiao Siwen's son, if something happened to him, Xiao Siwen What if the family opened the city gate to let Qin Jun in...

In the end, he could only suppress his anger, nodded and said: "Okay, I'm just talking casually, Xiao Gong has worked hard."

"Your Majesty, I'm taking my leave." Xiao Siwen said something, and then withdrew.

Chapter 544: Sheng Jia Arrives in Shangjing

At night, the footsteps outside the door were chaotic, and from time to time you could see the light of fire flashing across the wall. In the darkness, you would suddenly hear a terrifying roar, which resounded through the night sky. It was the artillery of the Qin army. The shooting in the city made people feel uneasy.

Many houses and tents were hit, and there were hundreds of casualties. The whole city was in panic, not just the defenders. They were trembling during the day and could not sleep peacefully at night.

The orderly shouting of the Qin army outside the city, as well as the loud military songs sung at night, all made people feel despair and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Xiao Chuo was awakened by the sound of cannons, and hid in panic behind a wall thickened by domestic slaves.

Yesterday afternoon, a shell entered the main hall of her house, punched a hole in the roof, and fell straight into the center. Although no one was injured or injured, everyone in the family was terrified.

The servants also panicked about who was killed by the Qin army's cannon outside, which was even more disturbing.

Second, he called in Chinese craftsmen to thicken the wall in the south of the house several layers. The craftsman told her to hide in the corner if she heard the gunfire again.

Ever since she arrived in Beijing, she has been living in her mother's former princess mansion. This mansion was rewarded to her mother by Emperor Sejong. After her mother got married, she followed her father to Nanjing. Only domestic slaves and relatives were left here to take care of her. This time she came back Used it again.

After a while, the sound of the cannon at Yunchu stopped, and she looked up from the window. The yard was quiet, but the outside was chaotic again, and she heard noisy noise from time to time, and the footsteps of the patrolling army moving from far to near and then far away again. A little bit involved her fragile and anxious heart.

Frightened and completely sleepless, she put on her clothes and went out to stand alone in the yard.

Looking at the bright moon over the mountain shadow in the distance, she felt a little dazed, the world was changing, it was unexpected and difficult to deal with, if it wasn't for the sound of the cannons, if it wasn't for the rush to the sky, the military song horn that seemed to be over the top of the city was loud and stern and hit people's hearts , she probably doesn't want to recognize the capital of the Great Liao Kingdom, the place where Emperor Taizu founded the country is now surrounded by the Qin army...

A few months ago, her father told her that she would become the empress of the Liao Kingdom, one of the two most powerful people in the Liao Kingdom. Power is generally greater than that of southern countries.

At that time, she originally thought that she should be happy, she finally surpassed her sister who always competed with her, and grasped the authority of one person under one person and above ten thousand people.

But when Yelu Xiezhen took her out of Nanjing that day, she felt restless in the car all the way, and her heart was disturbed for a long time and it was not difficult to be at peace.

She couldn't tell why, and she couldn't figure out why she was uneasy and afraid.

When she reached Shangjing, she heard the Qin army marching northward. From the back of the mountain, the long front south of Yanshan suddenly launched a full-scale attack. At least more than [-] troops were in a hurry.

It dawned on her, and she finally understood why she was so uneasy and afraid, because once they went north, they would completely disobey Shi Congyun, that frightening person who is in the south and has never met.

In the days that followed, she spent the rest of her life in anxiety, asking her father about wars from time to time. The Qin army in the south was like a broken bamboo, because most of the imperial guards in Youzhou were taken north to Beijing, and the south was empty. The Qin army marched quickly behind the mountain and south of Yanshan Mountain. , Many states and counties fell one after another, and even Nanjing was quickly defeated by the Qin army.

At that time, her father comforted her. The Qin army only won for a while because of the emptiness in the south. His Majesty has summoned the armies of Shan, Pishi, Gongwei, and the Sixth Army of the South Court. Listening to the tune in the capital, 39 armies are being assembled, and hundreds of thousands of troops will soon be called to the south to expel the Qin army and restore the lost ground.

But a few months later, she heard rumors in Shangjing that the entire southern army was wiped out. His Majesty only took more than 1000 people and fled back to Shangjing. The rest of the more than [-] troops who went south did not return.

At that time, the city was full of wind and rain, everyone was in danger, and some people stood up and said that it was just rumors, nonsense gossip, demagogy, and various voices were inconsistent. She had a very bad premonition, because the opponent was Shi Congyun.

She is very smart. She thought that as soon as she went north, the Qin army would immediately launch an attack. It is said that there are close to 20 troops. The attack of so many people, no matter what

Whether it is logistical preparations or personnel transfer, it is absolutely impossible to be impromptu.

Shi Congyun said that he would get along with them in a friendly way and not invade each other, but in fact, he may have already planned this attack...

With his cunning and ferocity, thinking about the fate of those southern countries, Xiao Chuo became more and more frightened.

All the arguments, disagreements, and speculations will end in a few days, because the Qin army has arrived outside Shangjing, and their army will completely surround Shangjing two days later. There is no need to argue at this point, only stunned, fear and despair …

It is an indisputable fact that only more than 1000 people returned from the army of more than [-] under the Qin army.

Xiao Chuo had been unable to calm down for a long time. She thought of Shi Congyun's request with fear. Now that he is coming, she began to regret it. If she had satisfied him at the beginning, maybe it would not be the situation today, maybe they shouldn't have gone south Fight for the front, but give up the land south of Yanshan in exchange for strikes...  

No matter what she thinks, there are many thoughts and mixed feelings in her heart, and things can't be changed.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard, and she became nervous and asked, "Who is outside?"


She heard her father's voice clearly and went to open the door, but found that her father was not alone, there were many tall and armored family soldiers behind him.

My father ordered: "You will be responsible for protecting this yard from now on. No one can come in anyway, no matter what happens outside."

Those people obeyed the order and began to deploy around the yard under the leadership of the captain.

Only then did her father turn around and say to her, "Yanyan, you must remember that when I'm not around, no one tells you to leave, just stay at the Princess Mansion, it's the safest place."

Xiao Chuo's heart warmed up, and he nodded, "I know father."

Xiao Siwen once again solemnly emphasized: "Remember, no matter who it is! No one can take you away."

Xiao Chuo felt that his father's words were a little strange, so he nodded his head to assure him, and his father took people away afterward.

She was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why her father came to her at night, sent so many people to protect her, and repeatedly emphasized those words to her. After thinking about it for a long time, and thinking of her father's temper, she suddenly felt that maybe the situation in Shangjing had changed. Worse than she thought....


The continuous camps outside the capital are all over the place, from the south of the city to the west of the city, there are continuous Qin troops everywhere. At this time, the total number of troops deployed in the four directions outside the city has exceeded 5, and more troops are deployed in the northwest. Yelusha, the Prime Minister of the Liao army, has already explained that there are still some tribal troops on the way in the northwest.

Outside the big tent of the Chinese army by the Shali River, people were roasting a sheep around the fire, and several major generals of the Qin army were there.

Wang Shenqi said: "Commander, the deployment to the northwest has been completed. Most of the troops and artillery are deployed in that direction. No matter how many tribes there are in the northwest, we can stop them."

Xiang Xun also said: "We have completely controlled the bridge in the east of the city, and it is convenient to get water for camping along the Qingshui River. The soldiers have almost rested."

After speaking, everyone looked at him, and Li Chuyun naturally understood what they meant: "The south is also resting well, I know you all want to attack immediately, but..."

Li Chuyun changed the subject, "Your Majesty will arrive in Beijing in two or three days at the most. Don't you want to show off your bravery and abilities in front of the officials!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood, and then their eyes lit up. Li Chuyun is worthy of being a commander, and he not only knows how to fight.

"Have a good rest for a few days, sharpen your knives and guns, prepare the shells, gunpowder, bows and arrows, there must be a time for you to show your power," Li Chuyun laughed, and everyone laughed too, munching on the fat mutton, In the distance, the resounding military song came to mind again, and soon it became continuous because of the soldiers' desire to win. After a while, it was remembered everywhere in the south and north of the city, and the troops from the west and east of the city also sang along. Absolutely.

The civilian officer accompanying the army got up, looked at the capital in the distance, and said boldly: "This is an ambush from all sides, besieged on all sides! Hahahahahaha!"

"Cultural people speak nicely! Hahahahaha..

...." For a moment, the camp was full of joy.


Two days later, the Tianzi Luan flag came from the south, and the big flag was particularly conspicuous under the stars of the crane, dragon, white horse, tiger and other feudal flags, and could be seen clearly from a few miles away.

Shengjia arrived in Beijing!

Soon inside and outside the city, both sides of the Shali River caused great shock, and countless soldiers shouted long live by the river, with overwhelming momentum...

Chapter 545, Northwest Clan Army

When the emperor arrived in Shangjing, it was destined to be recorded in the annals of history. All the civil and military personnel in the camp went out of the camp for a mile to welcome the arrival of Emperor Shi.

Emperor Shi was dressed in military attire, tall and burly, with a sword in his belt, and riding a tall horse, like a god of war descending from the mortal world, looking down upon all sentient beings. Thinking of the emperor's pioneering soldiers on the battlefield, he was defeated by a million people. Everyone bowed their heads and knelt on one knee. Dare to look up.

Emperor Shi got off his horse and said directly: "All without ceremony."

His attention was not on the people in front of him, but on the high city wall in the distance. Looking from a distance, he could clearly see the south wall of Shangjing. The high wall was about four miles long, stretching across the river. It was really unexpected to see such a city wall.

This city is not much better than Youzhou, but of course it is still smaller than Daliang and Jinling.

"Tell me about the situation." Emperor Shi asked Li Chuyun, who was accompanying him, as he walked towards the large tent of the Chinese army surrounded by everyone.

"Officials, Shangjing has been besieged. We have deployed about 1 more people to the north, because Liao officials told us that there are tribal troops on the grassland in that direction, and all other military camps outside the city have been controlled and captured. A lot of food supplies.

The Liao army retreated to the city to stand firm. There seemed to be a large number of people, but most of them were not armored. They should be young and strong recruited temporarily. We saw many children at the top of the city. " Li Chuyun said: "As long as the officials order a strong attack, the soldiers will be able to conquer the city within half a month. "

Soon, everyone arrived at the big tent of the Chinese army, and Li Chuyun used the sand table to explain the current deployment of the army to the emperor.

Emperor Shi did not express his opinion after watching it, but only said that Li Chuyun made the decision. He just rode a horse to the river and looked at the city wall of Shangjing on the other side.

"Shoot some letters of persuasion first." Emperor Shi said, "If there is no result after three days, then we will start a full-scale attack."

"Promise!" Li Chuyun cupped his hands.

Emperor Shi looked at Jiancheng in front of him. Although this place was strong, it was far from Shouzhou and Taiyuan. The most important thing was that there were rivers in the south and east of the city. The rest of the city was flat and suitable for siege. The army is stationed for a long time, the water is convenient, and the place is open.

Such a city is much easier to fight than Shouzhou, Taiyuan and the like.

The excitement in my heart was hard to suppress for a moment, as if the blood in my whole body was speeding up and converging towards my heart, I couldn't help getting off the horse, so that I could stand more firmly and not make a fool of myself in front of my subordinates.

This is Shangjing.

Emperor Shi had a lot of emotions in his heart. For more than ten years, he had thought about this moment countless times. Sometimes he would dream that he would come to the capital and cut off the Liao Kingdom. From then on, he would eliminate the biggest enemy and remove the threat from the north.

It's just that when this moment came suddenly, when his army arrived at the capital, he was in an inexplicable trance again. The hard work and accumulation of more than ten years finally came to fruition. The result was unexpectedly good. He caught a The fleeting opportunity to attack decisively at the most vulnerable node of the Liao Kingdom turned out to be better than expected.

When Shangjing is taken down, it is impossible for the Li Clan King Xiping and Liaodong to remain isolated, and many things will happen naturally.

Afterwards, Emperor Shi withdrew to the back of the big tent and deployed the reserve force to Li Chuyun to command. At this time, the Qin army had about [-] main forces, gathered under the capital, and surrounded it. The Qin army was in all directions. It has become an isolated and dead city, the main force of the Liao Kingdom has been dispersed, the Liaodong reinforcements have been cut off by Lin Renzhao in the east, and all Nanjing and the rear of the mountain have been occupied by the Qin army. Except for the tribes on the northwest grassland, it is impossible to go to Beijing And then any reinforcements.

Two days later, there was no news from the city, but news came from the northwest. The soldiers who besieged the city from the west found that there were people on the Northwest Avenue. They came from the valley west of Shangjing. They should be scouts sent by the tribal army on the Mobei grassland.

After they found someone near Shangjing, they didn't dare to approach rashly, but wandered around the river valley.

The scouts of the Qin Army reported that they should have 6000 to [-] people, and there may be more troops behind them, but the exact number is hard to say, because they are close to the river valley behind, and the valley is narrow, so the scouts dare not go in. I don't know if there are any follow-up troops inside.

The purpose of the other party's visit was unknown, and the guards in the west and north camps reported the matter to the coach Li Chuyun at the same time, and Li Chuyun reported it to Emperor Shi.

Emperor Shi only found out after asking Han Derang that those were the northwestern clan troops.

They were the ancestors of the Mongolian tribes of later generations. They were active in the Mobei grasslands and submitted to the rule of the Liao state. However, apart from the hint of paying tribute every year, the Liao state had neither garrisons nor officials in those places.

After the start of the war this year, the lord of the Liao Kingdom conscripted their soldiers, but they postponed it for various reasons. Now the war has been going on for several months before they came to Beijing to assemble.

Having said this, Emperor Shi understood the situation better, so he was going to send an envoy to contact the tribal troops on the grassland, inform them of the fact that the Liao army was defeated and the country was about to perish, and asked them to surrender.

Han Derang volunteered and expressed his willingness to be an envoy for the emperor.

Emperor Shi agreed, and allowed him to take a group of people to explain the situation to those tribal armies as envoys, telling them that the emperor who ruled all the land south of Shangjing until the end of the sea arrived in Shangjing, and was about to attack the Liao Kingdom, and asked them to surrender.

On the same day, Han Derang brought people over to negotiate, and the planned siege plan was temporarily postponed. When the army outside the city was not clear whether it was an enemy or a friend, he did not dare to attack rashly when the Qin army was strong.

Qin Jun watched Han Derang's men and horses approaching from a distance and raised his hands to indicate that he was not armed. Then he communicated with the people over there in a language they could not understand, and soon someone rode over and took him into the valley.

Then there was waiting. While waiting, Li Chuyun also gradually increased his troops to the northwest, especially the artillery. Almost [-]% of the artillery was mobilized there to ensure that even if the situation changed, the cavalry from the grassland could be quickly defeated.

However, Han Derang came back the next day, bringing more than a dozen envoys from various tribes, most of whom were relatives, brothers, elders and other nobles of the tribe leaders to visit the Southern Emperor.

The leaders of their tribe dare not come over for the time being.

Han Derang also quietly told Emperor Shi that there were only more than 7000 of them here this time, headed by the Zoubu Department, they were willing to surrender and return to the grassland, but hoped that the emperor would give them some rewards.

It is said to be a reward, but it actually means to leave after the benefit, without making trouble.

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