This is not a big deal for soldiers who have been fighting all year round.

In the next few days, the atmosphere at Beikou became more and more depressed, and a big battle was imminent.

At noon the next day, looking from the mountain, the Liao army had already pushed hundreds of shield carts secretly built behind the Great Wall in Beikou to the front of the formation. Many Liao troops also began to add water to the cauldrons in Beikou Village, and then a large number of Liao troops came from east to west. The tents that were more than ten kilometers long gathered one after another. A large number of them gathered that day, but they did not start to attack.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sun rose, the Liao army from all sides gradually gathered. By the time of dawn, tens of thousands of people had gathered, and the river valley was filled with darkness, and more people were still gathering.

The scouts on the top of the mountain immediately went down to report the situation to Meng Xuanzhe in the valley, and then the cavalry of the Qin army who were waiting for the attack also began to gather quickly, and the tension suddenly intensified.

All the soldiers took a deep breath to calm down, and the horses were also smart enough to dig the soil. Everyone knew that the big one was coming. Since the war started, the Liao army's largest counterattack would probably start today.

Chapter 532, The Battle of Beikou ([-])

The Liao army gathered at the beginning of the morning, the orders were in order, the banners covered the sun, the mountains were full of people and horses, there were many swords and guns, the momentum was huge, and there was a tendency of black clouds to overwhelm the city.

When the continuous army was assembled at noon, it was three or four miles from east to west, shoulder to shoulder, without a tail behind, shield chariots lined up on the wall, flags spread all over the forest, and the sound of horseshoes resounded all over the field, which could be heard ten miles away. Even if the Qin army in the fort had artillery and thunder, they were very nervous.

It is roughly estimated that the Liao army mobilized at least [-] men and horses for this attack. As for the number, it is impossible to count, because the river valley is long and narrow from north to south, and the Liao army can no longer be seen behind.

With such a scale, their minds can be seen at a glance. They are going to concentrate their forces and launch an attack on the six forts at the same time.

However, after noon, the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and the heavenly work was not beautiful. The sky in early summer changed as soon as it was said. Gray and white, you can't see the mountains in the distance, only the vague outlines, and the sound of the four mountains is like the waves of the sea.

The rain was so heavy that even people couldn't stand upright in the rain, and their eyes were blurred by the lake. Just after gathering, the tens of thousands of Liao troops with great momentum were forced to disband and return to camp.

Unexpectedly, the offensive that the Liao army had prepared for more than ten days was suddenly resolved in this way...

The Qin army in the fortress was very nervous at the beginning and did not dare to relax their vigilance. The rain curtain affected their vision, making them look down on the situation of the Liao army in the distance. Isolate all other voices, and don't know anything else.

Afterwards, Meng Xuanzhe sent someone from the rear to touch them in the heavy rain, and they were also nervous to ask the Liao army's movements. The rain was too heavy, and they could not see clearly behind them, nor could they hear the situation ahead.

In the afternoon, the rain gradually slowed down, and the rain and fog cleared in the distance. Although it was still rainy, the situation could be seen clearly, and the Liao army had all withdrawn.

A sudden rainstorm interrupted the tense battle. The Liao army tentatively attacked for more than ten days and prepared for the offensive for more than ten days.

That night, the river surged, the road on the avenue was muddy, and the muddy ground was slippery. The water on the ramp gathered at both ends, rushing down the mountain, forming several streams. Fortunately, there were many years of lessons learned on the leading slope of Lianhuabao. The drainage system must be installed, otherwise the sediment on the slope will be washed away, which will affect the operation.

The summer rain comes and goes quickly, and in the middle of the night, the rain is over and the sky is clear, and the sky is full of stars, and the weather clears up.


The next day, the Liao army did not immediately organize an attack. Their offensive was interrupted by a heavy rain. Because of the rain, the water swelled, and some of the available flat land in the valley was encroached on. Moreover, the road was slippery, and there were water and mud ponds everywhere. , is no longer conducive to launching an attack.

The aggressive offensive of the Liao army was interrupted by such an accident, but such an accident echoed the strategic intention of the Qin army, which not only delayed the Liao army from the front, so the Qin army was not in a hurry.

After several days of waiting, by April 28, Gushui had dropped back to its original water level. The most important thing was that the road had dried up, and the accumulated water and soil had dried up. The Liao army immediately reorganized its attack.


This time, everything was in order, with the shield vehicles built hundreds of miles ahead to open the shield, and relying on hundreds of cauldrons in Beikou Village behind, the Liao army gradually began to divide labor, and the wind layer began to advance.

This time their formation was clearer, and the front line gradually became clear, because the weather was fine, there was no rain and fog, and the sky was clear and cloudless after the heavy rain.

The Liao army liked this kind of weather, and generally felt that the non-slippery road was beneficial to their cavalry.

Coincidentally, the Qin army also likes this kind of weather. On sunny days, the vision is clear and the field of vision is wide, which allows their field guns and naval guns to better target the Liao army, which can be said to have achieved a win-win situation.

At noon that day, the two Lotus Forts in front of the Qin army finally had a rough look at the size of the Liao army.

Their army's infantry and shield chariots are in the front, and the cavalry is in the rear. They are divided into east and west in the east of the river, and each has more than ten positions. It can finally be confirmed that this time they have dispatched about [-] main forces as an offensive force. , ready for an all-out attack,

It means that each fortress faces at least five or 6000 attacking troops.

After noon, as the horn of the Liao army sounded, each formation began to advance one by one, and then attacked the six fortresses of the Qin army separately.

When the battle started, the river valley was filled with people, and many cauldrons of talisman water were carried to the front line. Before going into battle, all the Liao soldiers had to drink a bowl.

At noon, after drinking the talisman water, the Liao army officially began to attack.

Thousands of people from the two front groups took the lead in attacking south. Their intention was not to be in the two front forts, but to cross the front forts and directly attack the two southernmost Qin army forts.

However, when they pushed the shield car and moved south along the center of the avenue, they had just approached the open space in front of the two forts in front of the Qin army. When they were about a hundred steps away from the two forts, the two forts on the top of the slope sounded guns at the same time, which was almost invisible. Shells roared in the valley.

The firepower from the left and right of the first two fortresses poured towards the Liao army, making it impossible for the Liao army to defend themselves. Hundreds of people, many wounded, the team leader even ordered to drag the wounded back.

Yelusha, who personally supervised the battle in the rear, finally realized the power of the Qin army's artillery. Although Fushui can also reduce casualties, their artillery can injure people at a distance of hundreds of steps, which means that if they want to attack the fortress behind at the same time , It is necessary to pass through the blockade of the front fortress, and the Qin army fortress will fire at them from at least two directions.

If you go deeper, you will face the dangerous situation of flanking from all sides, or even flanking from six sides. Now, after so many days of probing and attacking, Yelusha and others are getting more and more aware of the dangers of the Qin people!

I thought they were arrogant...

Today, the Qin people use six fortresses and more than 2000 people to stop their [-] to [-] main troops from going south, making them gnash their teeth and feel ashamed and angry!

And His Majesty from the rear has sent people several times to urge them to go south, because the situation in the middle of the country is not optimistic, and the southern land has been occupied for a long time, and it will be difficult to calm people's hearts if they cannot be recovered as soon as possible.

So Yelusha couldn't give up. This time he had assembled all the elites. The Chinese army was preparing to fight against the 2 soldiers near Beikou, and the forward 2000 elites were all engaged in the battle.

"If we can't go deep, we'll hit them one by one!" Yelusha also snapped.

At this time, a young cavalry captain stood up and asked for orders, saying that maybe he could take advantage of the horse and pass through the six forts directly, ignoring the immovable forts of the Qin army, and go directly south to fight Tanzhou.

Yelusha thought for a while, and dispatched cavalry for him, "Go and try, if you can fight through, you will be the greatest hero, and His Majesty will promote you heavily."

The young captain was very excited, and immediately selected more than 800 elite cavalry, ordered them all to go into battle lightly, and rushed directly to the middle road in the valley.

Yelusha and the others watched intently, and they really achieved good results!

As soon as they approached, the fort on the mountain of the Qin Army opened fire, and the sound of cannons rang out, but they still rushed south regardless. During this period, only a small number of soldiers or horses were hit, and they quickly passed the first two fortresses of the Qin Army.

At this time, the two fortresses of the Qin army in the rear also started to fire, and the cannons in the valley suddenly rang out, and everyone stared at them nervously.

All of a sudden, artillery shells crossed and attacked from front, back, left, and right, and soon a large number of cavalry began to be knocked down, and many horses screamed and fell to death, falling apart. After a while, the two Qin army fortresses behind also rang out the sound of artillery...

Gradually, the dust and gunpowder smoke from the shells in the valley filled the air, and they couldn't see the cavalrymen anymore. They knew that the Qin army's guns stopped firing, and there were no horses screaming or screaming in the valley.

Yelusha and other generals of the Liao Army looked at the valley, holding their breath and waiting for the result, but there was no movement, and the valley was very quiet.

Two quarters of an hour later, there was still no movement in the rear, and everyone felt heavy, and they no longer had too much hope... Facts have proved that the artillery fire from the two fortresses of the Qin Army in front was indeed unable to effectively stop the galloping cavalry, but The Qin army's intentions were sinister. Their six fortresses intertwined with each other would form a dense firepower network in the valley.

The attack of the Qin army's artillery, it is useless to run fast in that situation.

In the end, Yelusha had no choice but to be cruel: "Launch a general attack from the north slope, and knock down the two northernmost buildings!"

Yelu Xiezhen and Handerang nodded and accepted the order.

Yelu Xiezhen encouraged the crowd: "If we attack from the north slope, the two fortresses in the back will not be able to attack us. We have a large number of people, and with Fushui, we can reduce casualties. As long as you are brave enough to fight, rush to the corner with all your might. They can't hit that gun."

After hearing this, the generals nodded and agreed, and decided on the next tactics.

The guns of the Qin army are indeed powerful, but based on previous siege experience, the closer they are to the city wall, the safer they are, because they can use their bows to fight back, and the defenders must stick out if they want to attack them. The crossbow is still rolling wood, stone, gold juice, etc., and it will be able to counterattack at that time.

The cannons of the Qin Army were a huge iron pipe, which seemed to weigh hundreds of catties, and it didn't seem like it could be pushed out of the city, but could only be used from a distance.

That's the reason. Everyone agreed to this tactic and began to prepare.

But after so many days of attacking, Han Derang felt a little uneasy in his heart. Qin Jun's cunning and formidableness had already impressed him deeply. The fortress of the Qin army, which could be broken day and night, made it difficult for them to advance.

The 2000 army was blocked by [-] people. These days, about [-] people were injured and killed in battle, and they hardly hurt the Qin army at all.Although people kept reporting that they had shot Qin Jun to death, and they kept preaching in the army in order to boost the morale of the army, and they shot and killed a few Qin Jun that day, but as a high-level general, he was very clear about the real situation. There is a high probability that the Qin army did not suffer casualties...

This is the frightening and desperate fact. If they pay so much, even if it can cause damage to the Qin army, no matter how much it is, it is a way. Otherwise, there will be no hope...

This has already made Han Derang extremely uneasy, but at the same time, he always felt that Qin Jun might be more cunning and terrifying, and they still had a backup...

Such a shadow always made people restless, but they dared not speak out for fear of affecting the morale of the army. Just as Prime Minister Yelusha worried, they had no way out, and His Majesty still sent people several times to urge them to advance quickly.

He had no choice but to take a deep breath, ride his horse down to the valley, and prepare to organize the army according to the order and launch a large-scale attack.

Chapter 533, Battle of Beikou ([-])

The pungent smell made his nose sour, and the ringing in his ears never stopped. He was used to the sound of the artillery on the top of the mountain.

The sound of shouting and killing was still there, and a dozen soldiers were carefully pushing the catapult truck to the foot of the slope.

In fact, if they pushed over, they would soon be defeated by the Qin army. The Qin army's artillery was farther, more accurate, and more terrifying than the catapult, but it could always share some pressure for the soldiers at the front.

A large number of soldiers in front were rushing up the hillside, and there were people all over the hills and plains. The four fortresses of the Qin Army in front and behind were constantly firing, and people kept falling down on the slope, screaming again and again.

From time to time, there were injuries sent down the slope. Many of them were missing limbs, bleeding profusely, and screaming again and again.

Handerang watched the battle on the slope nervously. The one at the front was almost approaching the corner of the Qin army, and there were corpses and wreckage everywhere along the way. However, after a while, some people couldn't hold on and started running back.

Han Derang was furious, seeing that he was about to reach the top of the slope, wouldn't it be a failure to retreat at this time.

But just as he was about to fight to stop it immediately, the shells whizzed past suddenly, and the catapult beside him, more than ten steps away, exploded at once, and the wood chips flew everywhere, hurting many people. Blood, shouted in panic and couldn't see anything, and the soldiers who were closer to the catapult had lost their heads and fell limply to the side.

The surroundings were in chaos, and Han Derang was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. He even rode his horse back, feeling chills on his back, and chills all over his body. If he had just stood a few steps over, he might have disappeared.

He didn't dare to stop until he was two miles away from the Qin Army's fortress. When he turned his head, all the soldiers in front had been defeated. Just tore a gap in the crowd and brought down a large number of people.

It was very tragic on the slope, Han Derang was shocked to see it, and they almost rushed to the corner, almost...

Soon, the captain who led the first wave of attack came to plead guilty to him, "We suffered heavy casualties, almost all the people in front were wiped out, and many arrows were shot at the top of the city, and many Qin soldiers should have been shot to death. "

Han Derang nodded, because he himself retreated, so he couldn't blame his subordinates. There was a commotion from the east. He looked over and saw that the attack on the west side of the river was also repulsed by the Qin army, full of soldiers were heading towards Podi fled, and the attack over there was organized by Yelu Xiezhen, and it seemed that there was no result.

They thought for a while, "You take people down and settle the wounded."

Then he turned around and ordered: "Let the next team go..."

This is the reason why the siege teams take turns to fight. Even if this team is demoralized and mentally broken, the other teams that have been resting behind will not know it, and they can immediately devote themselves to the battle.

Soon, the second team who was resting in the rear was called up, and he summoned several captains to come over and explain: "The front team has rushed to the city, and their arrows have caused a lot of casualties to the Qin army. You must fight hard to kill the enemy." , don’t let them down, and don’t let down your Majesty’s expectations.”

The few people were full of confidence, and they all promised that they would go to the city wall.

Soon, the second round of siege began, this time with more troops, and after a large number of soldiers prepared, they began to advance from the foot of the mountain.

But this time, everyone didn't expect that not long after the army went uphill, suddenly the shells roared, and the Qin army's shells hit the team flag for a moment, knocking down more than ten people in an instant, and the flag was also knocked down, and it was in chaos immediately stand up.

After that, several shots were fired into the crowd. Dozens of people were killed and a lot of people were injured before reaching Banpo. The team was in chaos and soon broke up and fled.

Han Derang was furious. He wanted to find a few people to kill to frighten the army, but there were too many escaped people, and he didn't know who to kill. Then he wanted to kill the leading captain, Zhengfa, but soon someone from the front came to complain to him. The Qin army killed the leading captain with the first shot, and almost cut him in two. That's why the soldiers were terrified, had no fighting spirit, and were defeated at the slightest setback.

Han Derang was so angry that he didn't know where to vent his anger. He couldn't speak for a while, so he could only let them take the wounded to rest and bury the captain.

By this time, it was afternoon, and the hundred days were going westward, and they had paid

The casualties of 600 people still did not hit the Qin army's city.

At this time, the prime minister stationed at Beikou also sent someone to inquire about the situation of the battle. Han Derang didn't know how to answer, so he could only say to the envoy, "Please report to the prime minister. There were many casualties, and we will continue to attack tomorrow until we win."

After listening to the envoy, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so he went back to report, and Hande made himself feel a little guilty.

Next, he organized another attack, this time with a smaller number of people, only about 100 or [-] people. However, learning from the previous lessons, they no longer dared to arrange densely, but tried to form as loosely as possible, and immediately released arrows after approaching.

However, they were quickly repelled, and the sky darkened. After dark, the fortress of the Qin army was brightly lit, and they also knew to give up their attack temporarily.

In the evening, Han Derang went to visit the wounded in person, only to discover a horrible thing. After a day of fighting, more than 300 people were killed in battle, but the number of injured was far more than that killed in battle. More than 900 people were injured, and the camp for the wounded was almost overcrowded. Yes, and most of them are seriously injured!

Most of those who survived were seriously injured with missing arms and legs, especially the number of broken legs. Not to mention the tragic injuries, they must have completely lost their combat effectiveness...

Many people cried and described to him the horror of the situation. Those invisible and terrifying shells flew close to the ground, and bounced up after hitting the ground. If they were not careful, they could break the legs of a bunch of people. They were so cruel that they were terrified. .

Han Derang felt blocked and could only comfort these disabled young people...

After coming out, he looked at the brightly lit Qin Army Fortress on the mountain, and he felt very heavy in his heart, knowing that the battle was not over yet.

He suddenly had a sense of guilt, feeling that he was driving these soldiers to die, but he had to do it. The situation in the north was tense, the Qin army was attacking the city in the south, and the country was at stake. More people will suffer from Qin Jun's poisonous hands, he can only convince himself that.

Afterwards, Yelu Xiezhen from the west also rode over to communicate with him about the situation.

What surprised him was that the battle in the west was even more tragic. After a day of fighting, more than [-] people were killed or injured!

The fortress of the Qin Army still hadn't been captured, and Han Derang was also shocked. Then Yelu Xiezhen gritted his teeth and told him that he had been fooled by the Qin Army. I think so.

So staring at the Qin army's artillery rushing to the corner abruptly, it was expected that there was a deep ditch in the other corner, but what happened next took them by surprise. Those strange fortresses of the Qin army were specially built , Their cannons can easily hit any corner from the top of the city, there is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it, a large number of soldiers were killed in the trenches in the corner...

Han Derang was dumbfounded after hearing this, and also frightened for a while, but fortunately, they haven't hit the corner yet.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the powerlessness and fear in each other's eyes. No wonder those fortresses of the Qin army were strangely shaped and puzzling. …」


No matter what the two generals in front thought, the envoys from Beikou Yelusha had already arrived at the front line early the next morning, urging them to continue to attack the city, take down the fort as soon as possible, and open up the passage.

So on the new day, Han Derang also became ruthless, bit the bullet and continued to organize people to attack the Qin army's fortress.

Chapter 534, Battle of Beikou ([-])

On May [-], the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and the camp was full of stench.

In addition to the smell of herbs, the stench of maggots and rotting wounds, and stinky feces and urine, not all the wounded were taken care of, not to mention that many of them were seriously injured with broken legs and hands.

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