Pan Mei is the shipping envoy of Heyang, responsible for overviewing all the supplies of the army. "

The people who were named stood up and took orders with serious expressions. These are the four most important positions in this battle.

Li Chuyun, the commander of an army, and Pan Mei, Lu Duoxun, and Shen Yilun, who were the three main personnel in charge of logistics.

Later, Emperor Shi made more detailed arrangements: "The West Route Army will go out of Yanmen, take Weizhou and Yunzhou, and detour from the side to Youzhou. Xiang Gong will be the commander of the West Road Camp, Yang Jiye and Dong Zunhui. , Gao Huaide, Fu Zhaoyuan, and Hai Jin followed the call."

"Li Chuyun of the Central Route Army is the commander of the Central Route Battalion. Murong Yanzhao, Meng Xuanzhe, Guo Jin, Li Hanchao, Liu Qingchuan, Zhang Zhengtao, and Zhang Zhenghai are in charge of leaving Gu'an and heading north to take Youzhou. If you succeed, you must stick to it. If Youzhou is stable, you can go northwest, and you can judge for yourself."

"The East Route Army has Si Chao as the commander of the battalion on the east route, and Liu Renzhen, Lin Renzhao, Meng Xuanzhe, and Jing Si obey the orders, take the sea route, go out to sea from Qidi, go north along the coast, take the Haihe River into the inland, and head towards Youzhou. Offensive, use naval artillery fire to support land forces, and if the route is smooth, it will be used as a supply route later, and it needs to be responsible for protecting ships at sea.”

"No!" Everyone carefully memorized the emperor's arrangement, and if they couldn't remember, they even found the pen and ink next to them to write it down.

Later, Emperor Shi made some detailed arrangements before asking everyone to comment.

Everyone speaks very fiercely, but most of them are talking about military matters.

Many of these people are veterans, and they all have their own opinions on how to beat the Liao people.

Only Emperor Shi noticed that the veteran general Murong Yanzhao looked bad.

He noticed that there was no one on Emperor Shi's side, so he quietly walked over and cupped his hands: "The official family, a certain is not convinced, why should Li Chuyun be the commander and the commander-in-chief of the official family!"

Murong Yanzhao looked unconvinced, and Emperor Shi felt a sigh in his heart. He knew before that Li Chuyun and Murong Yanzhao had a bad relationship, but he didn't expect them to be so troubled.

It stands to reason that the two of them are the most ruthless generals in the army. They are both famous for their cruel methods and iron-blooded style, but they are very incompatible.

To be honest, the two are completely different.

Murong Yanzhao is the style of the five dynasties. He is strict with his own people, and he is very cruel to ordinary people. He is even more cruel to the enemy. He took the lead in the battle, so the soldiers were also very convinced by him. On the border, whether at home or in enemy countries, Murong Yanzhao was a fearsome and ruthless character.

On the other hand, Murong Yanzhao was a fierce general brought out by his father's subordinate Long Jie, and his style was somewhat similar to his father's. Every time he returned to Daliang, his father would invite him to drink and brag at home, which was why Emperor Shi trusted him.

And Li Chuyun is not so ruthless, it is better to say that he is unscrupulous. He has spent too long in the difficult land where various ethnic groups in the northwest are mixed, and he pays more attention to the results when he does things.

For example, in history, he once cooked and eaten several fat prisoners when fighting Jingchu to scare the defenders, so that the enemy army directly opened the city and surrendered.

When he fought Huainan with him, he hung the heads of all the fallen Southern Tang soldiers on the side of the ship to intimidate the enemy. Although he really scared the morale of the Southern Tang army, he surrendered not long afterward, but many people would do anything to him. approach is quite opinionated.

However, it is completely different when it comes to dealing with ordinary people. Li Chuyun loves the people very much, while Murong Yanzhao is a general of the Five Dynasties and doesn't care about the people.

The differences between the two of them also came from these places. Back then, in Hebei, Murong Yanzhao's subordinate school, Si Yi, lived in the local army commander Wang's house. Yi summoned him to rebuke, and Si Yi went to Murong Yanzhao to falsely accuse Li Chuyun.

Murong Yanzhao fought fiercely and was very protective of his shortcomings. In his opinion, how did the local generals compare to his personal soldiers? At that time, he and Li Chuyun had a relationship. They reconcile, do not affect the war.

Later, when marching along the Yellow River, Li Chuyun saw the soldiers entering the houses. After a while, the people in the houses cried out for help, so he immediately sent people to arrest them. Warhorse, he was furious and wanted to kill at the time, but was persuaded by left and right, saying that Murong Yanzhao was both a general and a close friend of the Emperor Taishang, so he whipped them on the back and released them.

After Murong Yanzhao heard about this, he got angry and killed them.

No one cares about anyone since then.

Shi Congyun understood that Murong Yanzhao didn't bring it up directly just now, because his prestige was too high, even a person like Murong Yanzhao could hold it down, so he told himself privately.

Emperor Shi decided to give some face to this veteran who had made great contributions, but he was not prepared to get too used to his temper. In fact, Murong Yanzhao was very old, and as a fierce general, he was injured all over, so it was really not suitable for him to charge into battle.

So he said: "Aiqing, just stay in Daliang. You have worked hard, and you are old. It is time to enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren.

"The officials have misunderstood me, and I will die for the official family. The old minister will never shirk. It's just that he can't get along with that Li Chuyun!" Murong Yanzhao continued.

Emperor Shi waved his hand and took his hand to a secluded place: "There is no comfortable time to fight, but it is forced by the situation and forced to do it, the general has worked hard enough.

I know your loyalty, and I also keep your credit in my heart. Wealth and honor will allow you and your children, don't worry, I will spend more time with my father when I have time. "

Speaking of which, Murong Yanzhao couldn't say anything, he could only hand over his hands and thank him, and he was speechless.


After waiting for a while, the discussion was about the same. Shi Congyun called Li Chuyun into the patio and told him what happened just now, but here, his words changed again.

Li Chuyun was shocked when he heard that Murong Yanzhao was going home to retire and that he was no longer leading the army.

There was a small pavilion in the middle of the courtyard, and Emperor Shi looked back at Li Chuyun: "I know you don't get along with him, and after thinking about it, I should let the old general rest. Since I am determined to entrust the army to you, I trust you wholeheartedly. Don't let people get in the way.

Your grievances and grievances have been going on for more than ten years. I told you directly here, and you can also say good things to him outside. Murong Yanzhao is also a man of merit, and I cannot let him chill. "

"Someone knows! The official family trusts me so much and arranges these things for me, and even if the liver and brains are rubbed on the ground, they will win Youzhou!" Li Chuyun knelt down with an excited plop.

Emperor Shi waved his hand to get him up: "I don't have any doubts about using people, but I don't need to use people who are suspicious. Since I let you command the entire army, I will naturally pave the way for you. As for the generals of the Central Route Army, there may not be enough people.

Wang Quanbin is more than 60 people, I can't bear him to go to trouble, Wang Shenqi I don't want him to go, but there are still two young people who can recommend to you.

One is Zhang Qixian, who was admitted as a Jinshi. This person can not only read, but also dance with guns and sticks. He has read a lot of military books. You take him to see and experience.

Another one is the head of the Imperial Army in the East and West classes. Your son, Li Jilong, is a good seedling. I have talked to him, he is very knowledgeable, and his subordinates have skills. You can also take it with you. "

Li Chuyun didn't expect his son to be appreciated by the officials, so he said, "No!"

Li Jilong was indeed the Inner Hall Zhi in the shade. Later, because of his superb military force, he was selected in the selection to be the emperor's personal guard for the Imperial Army, that is, the East and West Banzhizhong.

When Shi Congyun was out hunting, he found that this personal soldier pierced through Yang at a hundred paces, and his arrows were not empty. He was like Wang Shenqi when he was young. It's actually Li Jilong!

At that time, I had the idea of ​​promoting him to go to the front line to experience. Being a bodyguard is too subservient.


On the same day, after all the deployments were announced in secret, the next day, the generals returned to the station one after another and began to prepare for scheduling.

Among them, Murong Yanzhao stayed in the capital to enjoy happiness because he was too old.

The original Murong Yanzhao department was taken over by Guo Jin and Meng Xuanzhe. At the same time, Meng Xuanzhe was appointed as the Dingzhou defense envoy, and the army was stored in Dingzhou.

The news of these deployments and arrangements is limited to the high-level officials of the Qin state, and most of them are kept secret from the outside world. The emperor has already made a gesture of wanting to tour the south and can't wait to go to Jiangnan to spend the day and drink. Even the capital has arranged for Wei Renpu to stay in Tokyo as a result of his departure. Temporary ruler.

This further confirmed the speculation that the Son of Heaven had broken with Fan Xiang for his southern tour. After all, if this were not the case, the Son of Heaven would definitely be Fan Zhi who was out to preside over state affairs.

Chapter 501: Assembly in Daizhou

At the end of the month, the Tianzi fleet set off in mighty force. Under the order of Emperor Shi, the Emperor Shi Luan swaggered through the city. The Emperor Shi, dressed in Chinese clothes, left the city from Ni Nashui Bridge all the way, passing Longjin Bridge in the middle, a large residential area.

In less than half a day, the news of the emperor's departure from Beijing was known to everyone in Daliang City.

The scene of the trip was very lively, escorted by more than a thousand imperial troops along the way, and accompanied by a large number of horses and chariots.

Just as people's eyes were focused on the south, the army in the north had already begun to move quietly.


In Hebei, the cold spring has not dissipated, and the fields are full of busy people. Since the imperial government implemented the benevolent government in the past two years, a large amount of abandoned land in Hebei has been divided and cultivated by the people. For a time, the people are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

A large amount of land that was abandoned due to wars and famines has been cultivated, making this originally chaotic land suddenly enter a state of vitality and competition.

The whole of Hebei came alive in a flash. There were still many people shouting and singing in the fields, and there were fireworks everywhere.

But further north, on the banks of the Daqing River, the soldiers of the imperial army stationed urgently assembled, and many soldiers who were resting were also called back to the barracks, and the training became more frequent and intense.

Although Hebei is still full of vitality, on the border, more and more troops have begun to enter a state of preparation for war, ready to fight.

The smart people in the army have already smelled something unusual.


To the north of Xinzhou, a white-faced man was leading a large group of cavalry up the northern river valley.

The river valley is full of fresh green, new vegetation, and a large area of ​​red and green dots in the valley. There are thousands of mountains and ravines on both sides, and the valley is sloping. There are hundreds of people, all of whom are armored cavalry.

I didn't walk fast all the way, probably because I was attracted by the surrounding scenery.

"Dushi, are we heading north this time to go to Yanmen Pass to change defenses? Or do the officials want to fight the Khitan people?" The soldiers around asked curiously.

The leading middle-aged man replied: "How did I know that the transfer order is to let us reinforce to Daizhou, why do you care so much?"

Even though he said that, he also knew that the Yanmen Pass is located on the mountain in the north of Daizhou, and it can enter the border of Liao Kingdom in half a day to the west. It is the most important town at the forefront. He doesn't believe that the officials are not in the mood.

What's more, it's not just them. Many troops on the Hedong side have a tendency to move to the northern frontier, which is unusual.

The big man is called Hai Jin, not a Han, but a member of the Xi tribe in Liaodong. He went to Hebei when he was young. He was brave and powerful. He was famous for being good at archery.

More than ten years ago, he followed Zhou Shizong Guo Rong to conquer Gaoping, and was promoted to the capital of Longjiesan because of his military exploits.

Later, he followed the current officials to fight against Huainan, Jingchu and Hedong, all of which he contributed to. After taking down Hedong, the officials added him as a training envoy of the Xinzhou regiment and led troops to guard Hedong.

So he did not participate in the subsequent battle of Lingnan and the battle of Jiangnan.

Now that he has been stationed in Xinzhou for several years, the imperial army under him has changed two batches, and they were all in peace before, but now that all the troops in the south are being transferred to the north at once, it must be that the imperial court is planning to do something.

However, at his level, he can only know the news unless a war is about to start. He has no right to participate in the decision-making of major events and can only follow orders.

After they walked for a while, they climbed a small slope that was not high, and saw another group of people from a distance, going north along the riverside of the west valley.

There are hundreds of flags over there, marching in the shadow of the mountain to the west, avoiding the sun, mixing foot and horse, and strict military discipline, even in the shadow of the mountain, you can see from a distance that their armor rate is very high, they are definitely elite , and at the end there is a cannon pulled by a pack horse. If there is a cannon, it must be the imperial army.

"I'm afraid it's less than ten battalions!" someone said beside him.

Before Haijin could speak, the soldiers behind him lined up solemnly and raised their flags. The loose formation just now became strict, and no one wanted to embarrass themselves in front of their peers.

Soon, people from the opposite side sent people on horseback to greet them. After correcting the password, they found out after talking about it. The front army, the middle army, and the rear army also went to Daizhou to gather before they left the mountain pass.

The two sides had a friendly exchange, and then continued on the road.

This time, even if Hai Jin didn't say anything, the soldiers felt that it was not easy.

He whispered: "Looking at this posture, the officials must have a fight with the Khitan people."

"Needless to say, there are [-] in Taiyuan, and we have [-] here. I heard that people from several states in the south are coming, and there must be tens of thousands. With the domineering behavior of the government for so many years, the Khitan people will definitely be beaten up." .”

"Is the gathering in Daizhou going to Yunzhou from Yanmen Pass in the north? I heard that the official family is from Yunzhou."

"Then we must take Yunzhou back!"

Everyone nodded, "That's the land of Longxing, how can it be in the hands of the Khitan people, it's not good for our Great Qin."

"I don't think it's easy to take down Yunzhou. Last time we fought all the way to Youzhou on the other side of the Wuding River, the Liao people didn't even dare to fart. I thought that Youzhou was going to be taken down at that time, but the officials The family is too ignorant, they actually withdrew their troops after asking for a woman from the Liao Kingdom, there are so many women in the world, the official family is really ignorant."

Hai Jin glared at him: "Take care of your stinking mouth! You know what a fart, officials are thinking about national affairs, how can they be as dirty as you, what do you know!"

The soldier didn't dare to say anything, but looking at his small eyes, he was obviously not convinced.


At noon the next day, they arrived in Daizhou. Only ten miles outside the city, a local official came to meet them, saying that they had planned a camp for them and took them to camp.

Only then did Hai Jin and the others know that they were still muttering about the number of people going north. There were camps in the distance, and many rangers were yelling and going back and forth on the avenue. Every once in a while, there would be a large group of people passing by. people.

Most of the camps are located at the foot of Yanmen Mountain in the northwest of Daizhou. They are arranged from northeast to southwest along the river outside the city. Looking at the scale of the camps and the numerous flags along the way, Haijin opened his mouth. He still underestimated the size of the camps in Daizhou. The size of the assembled army.

This is not just 2, at least more than [-], and troops assembled from everywhere like them are still arriving one after another.

Looking at the flags and equipment, most of the people who came here were the same as them, the elite of the army.

The soldiers around couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The government has gathered so many elites like us here, it seems that they are determined to take back Yunzhou!"

Everyone had different expressions, both excited and nervous, and the official who led the way said: "The first one arrived half a month ago, and our Daizhou hasn't been this lively for a long time since the official heavenly soldiers went north many years ago.

The magistrate Xiang is in the city, and he asked all the soldiers not to enter the city, but he asked the Haidu envoy to meet after he settled down, and he had something to discuss. "

The local officials were very respectful when they spoke, after all, these were the Central Forbidden Army of the Qin Dynasty.

Hai Jin was surprised, "Xiang Shuai is here too!" Then he said, "Okay, you go back, I'll go there as soon as I'm settled."

The officials walked away, they were setting up camp, and in the distance, more and more flags were gathering from the valleys and mountain passes in the south, Haijin's face was solemn, he knew that although the order had not yet come, the officials must be preparing to fight country.

He thought differently from those big soldiers. The officials must retake their hometown Yunzhou, but they must not only send troops from the east side of the river. If there is a fight, the Sanguan army east of the Taihang Mountains will definitely go north.

In this way, it is not just a battle of tens of thousands of people, it is very likely that an army of 10,000+ will go north on two fronts, east and west.

Thinking of this, he was both nervous and excited, feeling the blood rushing in his chest, this is a great opportunity to be promoted!He missed the Battle of Lingnan and the Battle of Jiangnan before, and many of his colleagues were riding on his head. Now the opportunity seems to be on his side!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to say: "You guys fix the camp, so I'll go to see Shuai Xiang and ask for a good job!"

Chapter 502, The Grand Plan Begins

The army in the north was waiting for the battle, but in the south, the emperor, the most powerful man in the world today, was very leisurely. When the fleet arrived in Yangzhou and settled down for a while, they went straight along the river to Jinling without stopping for a moment.

After taking Jiangnan, Emperor Shi ordered to change Jiangning to Jinling Mansion.

Along the way, Emperor Shi handed over his daughter Shi Min to the nanny to take care of, and he couldn't wait to take Zhou Xian to relive the old dream.

After the fleet entered the Yangtze River, Emperor Shi looked at the surging river from the bow of the ship, feeling infinitely sad in his heart. It was seventeen or eighteen years ago that he entered the Yangtze River for the first time.

When he came back to his senses, Zhou Xian was already standing behind him.

"It's windy outside, be careful of catching a cold." Emperor Shi said, pulling her over, leaning slightly to block the river wind for her. The river is very windy in spring, and the sails are full of wind.

"Have you written to your family?"

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