It is precisely because of this that the northern suzerain is very friendly to Wu Yue, whether it was in the previous state of Zhou or the current state of Qin.

It's just that the situation in the world is gradually becoming clearer, and Qian Chu is not a person who has no information and does not know the general trend of the world. He knows that Wu Yue can no longer maintain independence, let alone compete with the central government.

In Wuyue, because of the long-term peaceful environment and the thought of loving the people, outsiders once commented on the people of Wuyue, "The people will die of old age, do not know how to fight, play around in four seasons, and hear the sound of singing and drums... ..", such a Wuyue country and Qin country started a war, which is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

For Wu Yue, there was only one path left, and this path was already thought up by their founding monarch, and it was a national policy that had not changed for decades.

And with the integration of the south, Qin must be preparing to use troops to the north, roughly against Liao. Before that, he didn't want his Wuyue to be still in the south and become a burden, so that the Chinese soldiers could not go all out. .

So after weighing it over and over again, Qian Chu wrote a letter to the emperor himself, saying that he was going to go to the capital to congratulate him on the Shangyuan Festival.

At the same time, he has also prepared to give up power, hand over the land and people of the thirteen prefectures of Wuyue's first army to the emperor, accept the land and surrender, and realize the true unification of the world.

Although his parents have taught him earnestly, it is still very difficult to do such a great thing. He is also a little hesitant, thinking whether he will be scolded as a king of subjugation, and said that he is weak and incompetent. For people like them, the reputation of the front and back is very important.

But in the end, after offering sacrifices to the Taimiao and reading the teachings of his ancestors, he still decided to take this step.

Since Wu Yue is doomed not to last long, it is time to cut the mess quickly. The Qin State must have been waiting for it, and the world is one family.

Soon, Daliang wrote back, the emperor invited him to the capital, and allowed to lead soldiers into the capital as guards.

The emperor's enthusiasm made King Wuyue feel relieved, and at the same time, he also understood that the emperor must have understood his intention of entering Beijing.

Although Qian Chu believes in Buddhism, he is a person with great political foresight. He knows that what he fears most in this kind of thing is indecision and swinging from side to side. Instead, you should assume the attitude of a courtier.

On the one hand, he was going to take his family to Daliang. On the other hand, he had already thought about it. Although the emperor had good intentions, he didn't plan to take any extra people except the necessary guards. How could a courtier bring private soldiers when he came to Beijing.

In addition, his clothing and etiquette standards have to be changed, and he gradually adapts to his status as a courtier before entering Beijing.

Chao Wenwu also quickly learned about his decision, but almost no one opposed it. They knew the current situation in the world, and a few veterans who disagreed with it only shed tears, but did not publicly refute the matter.

So far, Wuyue, which has been separated for decades, is about to come to an end, but this ending seems to be expected. No one is surprised. Even Wuyue's subjects seem to have acquiesced in the logical result at this time.

In the winter of this year, with the demise of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the stability of Hebei, many things are getting better and better, and it is about to come to an end.

Chapter 491 , The world is united, the vicissitudes of life


This year was particularly lively. The celebrations brought about by the fall of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the joy of envoys from all over the world came to celebrate. The atmosphere was warm, and it complemented the prosperity of Qin State, which made people look forward to the future.

During the Spring Festival dinner, all the ministers of civil and military affairs who were able to enter the palace to eat with Emperor Shi all had red faces, and most of them were very excited and proud.

While Emperor Shi was happy, he was also a little absent-minded. What he was thinking about now was the Shangyuan Festival and the arrival of King Wuyue. He wished that life would pass faster and that day would come soon.

The last scene at the dinner party was said by the empress on his behalf, but everyone is not surprised by such things, the emperor has always doted on his harem.

The year was spent amidst the jubilation of the crowd and the absent-mindedness of Emperor Shi.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, before the end of the year, news came from the south that King Wuyue had not broken the promise. He had arrived in Yangzhou and was heading north. There were only more than 50 people in his entourage, and he did not bring too many guards.

Emperor Shi ordered that the Zhenhuai Army stationed near Yangzhou send elite soldiers to respectfully send King Wuyue and his party northward.

And ordered the Ministry of Rites to be ready to welcome, Emperor Shi and Empress Fu will go out of Chenqiao Station to meet King Wuyue in person.


On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Qian Chu, king of Wuyue, and his party arrived at Chenqiaoyi. Emperor Shi and the empress were also waiting in costumes of dragon and phoenix.

Immediately after meeting, King Wuyue led his family to perform courtiers' salutes in the open space outside the post station, which instantly dispelled Emperor Shi's doubts and worries, and understood their purpose of coming, so he happily excused him from the ceremony, and then took King Wuyue's hand Go and introduce Daliang to him.

Talking and laughing along the way, get along very well.

As a queen, Fu Liumei also fulfilled her duties, joking and joking with Princess Wuyue.

Entering under many civil and military guards along the way, Emperor Shi took Wu Yuewang all the way from Chenqiaoyi to Fengqiu Gate, and then all the way to the imperial city accompanied by everyone.

The banquet in the palace to cleanse the dust has been prepared, and Emperor Shi led his officials to the banquet.

At the banquet, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves, just like the previous banquets, but everyone seemed to be waiting and looking forward to something.

Many people present were well aware that many eyes had focused on King Wuyue from time to time since the beginning of Chen Qiaoyi.

At the banquet, Emperor Shi also broke the rules and invited an eminent monk from Daxiangguo Temple who he didn't like very much to accompany him to the banquet, mainly because King Qian Chu of Wuyue was a very devout Buddhist believer.

Ten years ago, he revived the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, and asked Zhijue to prolong his life as the first resurgence.He also invited Luoxi Yiji to lecture on the Lotus Sutra, and bestowed him with the title of "Master Jingguang".The repatriation envoys went to Japan and Koryo to ask for Tiantai Lectures, which caused tension in the view of Tiantai Religion.Pumen Temple was also built in Hangzhou, and Douli Temple was built in Qiantang.

Although Emperor Shi himself didn't like those bald donkeys who ate his wealth and taxes for free, he didn't mind using it for political purposes.

At the banquet, Qian Chu talked happily with the "masters" of Daxiangguo Temple, and they were very harmonious. These "experts outside Huawai", the eminent monks who are not in the secular world, also have high emotional intelligence and active brains. Otherwise, how can they be masters? .

They knew very well why Emperor Shi invited them to such an occasion. When discussing scriptures and Taoism with Qian Chu with an unfathomable face, they would tell him some "willing" and "willing" from time to time in a neutral tone of an outsider. Put down" and other Buddhist philosophies, which made Emperor Shi feel that these bald donkeys are quite pleasing to the eye.

Qian Chu seemed to be deeply moved by what he heard, and nodded repeatedly.

After a day of cleansing the wind and dust, the guests and the host had a good time, and then the officials of Honglu Temple arranged for a rest.

However, King Wuyue never did anything that Qin's monarchs and officials expected.

But the next day, an official from Honglu Temple reported that King Wuyue had asked for a face-to-face saint.

Seeing King Wuyue again in the Chuigong Palace, Emperor Shi's remaining anxiety immediately faded away, because King Wuyue and his concubine were dressed up, holding seals, memorials, and young children followed behind, holding jade that symbolized military power. Make an axe and prepare to return it to the emperor.

It turned out that King Wuyue was very particular about people and paid great attention to rituals. The occasion like yesterday was too hasty, and he was full of dust and dust, so he was not decent.

Today he burned incense, bathed and changed his clothes, changed into King Wuyue's robe and crown, and brought his concubine and children to meet the Son of Heaven. It is impossible to let him go back.

King Wuyue solemnly stated that he was willing to accept the land and surrender, so that the world would be unified again, and he also said some righteous words.

Emperor Shi nodded again and again, but he was so surprised that he was absent-minded, he didn't listen to him carefully, he just asked a few prime ministers who were in the political affairs hall to come over to be a witness, and also called the Hanlin Bachelor Records, and asked the living officials to come over .

Witnessed by everyone, under the records of Hanlin scholar and living man, Shi Congyun solemnly took over the seal, axe, and soldier charm of King Wuyue, and at the same time asked Hanlin scholar and living man to record the justice of Wuyue king.

Qian Chu was very moved. For a person like him, the posthumous reputation is often very important, and Emperor Shi gave him enough reputation.

After the symbolic things were done, the prime minister and Hanlin scholars also saluted King Wuyue one after another, and praised him for his righteousness.

Qian Chu liked such words very much, and with a red face, he began to talk to several prime ministers.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun left Qian Chu and the whole army to eat in the palace. This time, it was some home-cooked meals prepared by the concubine Fei. It was like a private dinner between two families, and they had a relaxed meal.

After the dinner, there are still many things that need to be resolved. The transfer of power is the guarantee of force first, and then the Qin army will be arranged to take over Wu Yue.

This is also a complicated job, and it is estimated that it will take several years to complete. Fortunately, Emperor Shi has an excellent Zaifu system. Most of these things don't require him to bother, especially the details, and give instructions in the general direction That's fine.

Although the next handover will take several years, under the witness of everyone, King Wuyue understood the general situation and took the overall situation into consideration. The news that the land of the thirteen states and one army was included in the Qin State, and the real unification of the south spread quickly.

In the eyes of the people of the world, the world is now unified.

As for King Wuyue's arrangement, Emperor Shi naturally gave him the most generous treatment among all the lords. The capital chooses its own foundation, and the eight divisions build a house for him.

At the same time, he was granted the title of King Deng, and the enshrining to him was also at the level of a real king. At the same time, he was allowed to form a certain scale of private armed forces to ensure that he still enjoyed power in Qin State. , Kaifu Yitong Sansi, guarding the grand master, and giving swords to go to the hall, and writing edicts with unknown treatment.

And Wuyue's thirteen prefectures and one army were all under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. Wuyue's territory was not very large, but most of them were very rich.

Thirteen prefectures include Hangzhou: Qiantang, Qianjiang, Yanguan, Yuhang, Fuchun, Tonglu, Yuqian, Xindeng, Hengshan, Wukang ten counties.

Yuezhou (East Mansion): Jurisdiction over Kuaiji, Shanyin, Zhuji, Yuyao, Xiaoshan, Shangyu, Xinchang, and Shan eight counties.

Huzhou: Jurisdiction over Wucheng, Deqing, Anji and Changxing counties.

Wenzhou: Jurisdiction over Yongjia, Ruian, Pingyang and Yueqing counties

Taizhou: Jurisdiction over the five counties of Linhai, Huangyan, Taixing, Yong'an and Ninghai.

Mingzhou: Jurisdiction over the six counties of Yin, Fenghua, Cixi, Xiangshan, Wanghai and Wengshan.

Chuzhou: Jurisdiction over six counties including Lishui, Longquan, Suichang, Jinyun, Qingtian and Bailong.

Quzhou: Jurisdiction over Xi'an, Jiangshan, Longyou and Changshan counties.

Wuzhou: Jurisdiction over seven counties including Jinhua, Dongyang, Yiwu, Lanxi, Yongkang, Wuyi and Pujiang.

Muzhou: Jurisdiction over five counties including Jiande, Shouchang, Suian, Fenshui and Qingxi.

Xiuzhou: Jurisdiction over Jiaxing, Haiyan, Huating and Chongde counties.

Suzhou: Jurisdiction over five counties including Wu, Jinzhou, Kunshan, Changshu and Wujiang.

Fuzhou: Jurisdiction over eleven counties including Min, Houguan, Changle, Lianjiang, Changxi, Fuqing, Gutian, Yongtai, Minqing, Yongzhen, and Ningde.

The first army was the Anguo Yijin Army (now Lin'an District, Hangzhou City), which was the birthplace of Qian Liu, so it was specially promoted to the Yijin Army.

All these places were included in the Qin State, and the edict was issued on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, announcing it to the world. Since then, the unified Qin State and an integrated south will serve as the rear.

These visions that Emperor Shi had conceived sixteen or seventeen years ago were finally realized in nearly 20 years under his hard work.

He has changed from a young man who was drifting with the tide just to survive, to the leader of the country, a man in his early thirties, the father of many children, and the husband of several beautiful wives. They all sighed.

So he said to the living man next to him: "In retrospect, when I was in Hedong, I was young and energetic. I killed more than 120 soldiers of the Northern Han Dynasty by myself. Now I feel a little old. What a time." Like a shuttle."

Living man recorded the words of the emperor truthfully, and then said: "The official family is in the prime of life, how can they be old!"

Emperor Shi laughed, looking at the map in front of him, he really felt like the sea has changed...

Chapter 492, Integration

With the return of King Natu of Wuyue, the south completely returned to unity.

Huainan, Jiangnan, Wuyue, Jingchu, Lingnan, and the south were unified again after a hundred years. On the 25th of the first lunar month, a hundred officials ruled.

King Wuyue entered the court as a courtier for the first time. Although Emperor Shi gave him the treatment of entering the palace with a sword, he did not stand out from the crowd. He wore official uniforms like ordinary officials and did not enter the palace with a sword.

At the Great Court Meeting, hundreds of officials came out to congratulate the emperor for his unification of the world.

Emperor Shi solemnly praised King Deng for his righteousness, and then made some young job arrangements.

The main thing is to take over Wu Yue's affairs. There are many arrangements in this regard.

This matter is usually arranged by the Political Affairs Hall, but because this matter is of great political significance and does not involve any military secrets, there is no need to keep it secret, so Emperor Shi felt that it should be done with great fanfare and let all the civil and military ministers know.

However, in terms of arrangements, many officials are still just going through the motions, and most of the people who can really participate are people from the second government and the third department.

At the end of the court meeting, with the unification of the country, Emperor Shi finally announced that he would amnesty the world, change the Yuan to Kangding, and take this year as the first year of Kangding.

Of course, the so-called amnesty didn't go anywhere, it just pardoned some petty crimes.

In the spring of the first year of Kangding, Emperor Shi led civil and military officials to sacrifice to heaven and earth in the outskirts of the city, and then to the Taimiao to tell the ancestors the achievements of unifying Kyushu.

Of course, Youzhou and Liaodong are still in the hands of the Liao State, but the unification of the situation has been completed.

In the days that followed, the entire state of Qin was in a festive atmosphere.

Because of the arrival of King Wuyue, not many people cared about the arrival of Li Yu and the officials in the south of the Yangtze River. This is not a bad thing for Li Yu.

Because he was busy taking over Wuyue, Emperor Shi didn't have the mind to try or deal with Li Yu seriously, and finally gave him the title of King of Nanning under the discussion of the officials, and asked him to receive a good salary to support his family.

His mansion was also arranged by the Bian River, so the treatment was naturally not as good as that of Qian Chu.

Later, Emperor Shi called him into the palace and entertained him at a banquet. Shi Congyun didn't shy away from anything at the banquet. Li Yu brought his five daughters-in-law and twelve servants here.

Emperor Shi allowed him to find a nursing home in Daliang, and told him at the same time that he had nothing to do to write more poems and songs. Although he was not good at governing the country or fighting wars, he still wrote good articles.

Although Li Yu was older than Shi Congyun, he still nodded with a teachable expression.

When Emperor Shi went to Jiangnan, what he hated the most was that Li Yu always wrote some poems for him to recite. When he was studying, he wanted to tear up the textbooks, but later he figured it out. Now that Li Yu wrote it, he couldn’t recite it. !That is left to future generations to recite.

He is an ancestor now, how can he not seek more benefits for the younger generations after a thousand years, let Li Yu write more, no thanks, it should be.

But in general, although Li Yu's treatment is not as good as that of Qian Chu, especially in military and political affairs, he has no say. The title given to him is only to give him a salary, but the treatment is much better in comparison, because he voluntarily opened the city and surrendered. of.

Some of the civil and military personnel in Jiangnan were also appointed by the Qin State. Emperor Shi also considered that if the land in the south of the Yangtze River was included in the Qin State, then the people in the south of the Yangtze River must be given corresponding powers.

Just like Xu Xuan who was tough before, although he spoke righteously and fearlessly, after calming down, he did not refuse the emperor's appointment, and entered the Imperial Academy to become a Hanlin Bachelor.

Xu Xuan is a well-known talented scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, with outstanding literary talents and rich knowledge, which is more than enough for him to be a Hanlin bachelor.

Han Xizai, a northerner who had no ambitions, had to feast every day to avoid suspicion in Jiangnan to dispel the suspicion of the king. He originally wanted to use it, but he didn't expect that he died of illness at home when the Qin army captured Jinling because of his family's poverty.

Chen Qiao, the prime minister of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was a very good talent. Lu Duoxun also told Emperor Shi, but he didn't think that he was too strong and loyal. On the day the Qin army entered the city, he hanged himself at home.

Similarly, Lu Jiang, a patrol inspector along the river in the Southern Tang Dynasty, died of a hunger strike after being captured.

Although Zhang Zize had a tough mouth, he was very polite when the officials of the Ministry of Officials went, and he surrendered smoothly without any resistance, and was appointed by the Ministry of Rites.

And Xiao Yan was the toughest, and he was the Minister of Dali Temple in the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Dali Temple is in charge of the world's judiciary, which is equivalent to the Supreme Court of later generations. It is responsible for the trial of criminal and prison cases, and generally requires upright people to preside over it. The minister of Dali Temple in Qin State has long been concurrently held by Dou Yi.

And Lu Duoxun has been in the south of the Yangtze River for so long, and when he reported to him, there were only three people who thought he was the most talented person. Tang Yanjiang inspector, Zhenjiang Jiedu envoy, Wuchang Jiedu envoy, and the general Lin Renzhao who stayed behind in the southern capital.

The three of them, Chen Qiao, committed suicide and died for the country, and the remaining Xiao Yan and Lin Renzhao were the ones that Emperor Shi paid close attention to.

Needless to say, Lin Renzhao had fought against them in Jiangbei more than ten years ago, and he was a capable man.

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