The Wu Yue army did not dare to cross the river to attack the Tang army who was waiting for work. They were waiting for the arrival of the rear army, and they were also thinking of various ways. While building a raft bridge across the river, they waited for the Chinese army to join.

But two days later, the Qin army suddenly appeared under the city of Changzhou through the woods, roads and fields from the north, and then attacked behind the Tang army's defense line.

The Tang army on the Hengtang defense line looked bewildered, and then there was chaos. Their fortifications were built in front of the Wu army, with the purpose of preventing the Wu army from crossing the river. Facing the Qin army who suddenly appeared on the back, they were horrified, and it was too late to organize the troops, so they turned their guns head.

The Qin army rushed into the tent of the Tang army's central army that morning, and then heard the shouts of killing from the north, and the Wuyue army who saw the Qin army's flag from the sentry tower did not wait for the Chinese army, and immediately forcibly crossed the river to launch an attack.

Under attack from both sides, by the time the sun was setting west in the afternoon, more than 2 Tang troops had been defeated across the board, and most of Wu's troops had completely crossed the Hengtang River.

More than 5000 Tang troops surrendered and were captured, and the rest, except for those who fled for their lives, and more than 1000 remnants fled to Changzhou City, but no matter what the outcome was, they were doomed to fail.

The Jiangyin army assembled by the Tang State was almost completely wiped out, which meant that the east was also wide open, and the Wu army could easily enter their borders.

Because of this, the situation in Runzhou is very critical. Changzhou is only about 160 miles away from Runzhou. The middle road is not difficult to walk, and it takes only three to five days.

Liu Cheng felt restless along the way, and in the middle of the road, he even saw people on horseback sneaking through the fields and villages in the distance. The guards around him were vigilant, with their hands on the handle of the knife. They all speculated that it might be the vanguard scouts of Wu Jun or Qin Jun who had arrived in Runzhou.

So as soon as he arrived in Runzhou, he didn't think about those vain rituals at all, he just wanted to enter the city as soon as possible. Almost all the people outside the city he saw along the way had avoided disaster, and many people went west with their families. The people at the mouth, the ox carts and carriages are crowded together.

After settling down that night, the next day the scouts discovered that Wu Jun's forward had camped at the foot of Nanshan Mountain in the southeast of the city.

On the third day, thousands of Wu's vanguards had arrived at Paoma Mountain in the south of the city, and set up camp. They said that the mountain was only a few tens of feet high, with a small slope of one or two miles long, with dense trees and streams on the mountain.

After that, the successive Wu troops did not arrive, and the number of troops increased by about a thousand every day, and there were more and more camps.

The soldiers asked to take the initiative to attack, taking advantage of the unstable foothold of the Wuyue army, to launch an attack first, otherwise they would have no choice but to wait for their numbers to increase, but Liu Cheng rejected this proposal, and rashly went out to fight on the grounds that when Shu was defending Kuizhou, As a result, he was defeated by the Zhou army, and took the opportunity to seize the past of Jiancheng to teach the soldiers.

Everyone was aggrieved, but in the end they didn't mention taking the initiative to attack Wu Jun.Half a month later, more than 1 troops of the Wu army gathered under the city, and the tents stretched for more than ten miles, and then began to besiege the city to the south, preparing to launch an attack.

The Tang army was forced to defend. Fortunately, the important town of Runzhou was high and strong. The Wu army launched several attacks and was repelled, losing hundreds of people. As the year approached, the Wu Yue army also slowed down their attacks and just besieged the city.

Until December, the weather was getting colder and colder. The Wu army had been besieging the city for more than a month, and the situation in Runzhou was critical.

They also hoped that the navy in the south would be able to save the situation. In the first few days of December, they heard loud noises like thunder from the river in the north all day long, but there was no rain or snow in the sky, just a little gloomy.

A few days later, they learned from the envoys from the south that it was not thunder, but the sound of the Qin army's artillery. The Qin army's water army defeated their water army on the north river, and more than [-] ships were sunk Now, the navy has retreated to the vicinity of Jiangning, and there is no way to support them. The Qin army may land in the north.

For a moment, everyone was ashamed. Liu Cheng and several generals grabbed the envoy's sleeves and repeatedly begged to tell the king that they needed reinforcements. They needed reinforcements. The Wu army already had tens of thousands of people. If the Qin army came again, They're all going to die.

The messenger nodded repeatedly, not daring to refuse.The generals immediately thought that the city gates needed to be reinforced, what if the Qin army used the legendary cannon to hit their city gates!

So the craftsmen in the city spent several days inlaying iron bars on the city gate, and some thickened several layers.Sure enough, years ago, they saw the Qin army coming from the north from the top of the city, and went to the camp in the south. They had many horses, and they were pulling black iron pipes with wheels. They should be the cannons of the Qin army. Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Fortunately, because of the Chinese New Year, they did not launch an attack. Qin Jun just entered Wu Jun's camp with those black pipes.

A few days later, Runzhou had been besieged for nearly two months, and supplies in the city began to be tense. They watched thousands of cavalry from the Qin army coming from the north. They should have come from the river, but they still rushed There are large flocks of sheep, each leading several sheep, floating across the avenue like white clouds, dazzling even if viewed from a distance.

They brought thousands of flocks of sheep into the distant camp of the besieged city. The Tang army at the head of the city couldn't see his own saliva, and it was about to celebrate the New Year...

"It's such a good life for these bastards, and they eat so well in war." Some soldiers complained with envy and jealousy.

Everyone didn't speak, and glanced at the commander, who didn't expect the commander to be indifferent, and said: "That's for sure, don't look at how much the lord pays them every year, it's all right now, those bastards are eating and drinking Ours is here to kill us." Such words affected the morale of the army, but those who were trapped here during the Chinese New Year were tired, afraid and hungry, and everyone was already full of resentment.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Liu Cheng, the prison guard, came up to the tower. Everyone was terrified. The commander who spoke just now made his face a little nervous. Unexpectedly, Liu Cheng didn't mean to blame him, but said: "It's not just us, where are we in the south of the Yangtze River? Lots of sheep."

"Supervisor, don't blame me, I'm a rough person who can't speak, I'm very stupid, I don't know anything..." The commander repeatedly bowed his hands and pleaded guilty.

Liu Cheng raised his hand,

"Those sheep probably came from the Liao Kingdom, but it's not just us in the south of the Yangtze River. The Liao Kingdom also pays tens of thousands of cattle and sheep to the Qin Kingdom every year. When the emperor was in Hebei, he defeated the Liao army twice in Hedong and killed 10,000+ Liao. How dare they refuse to pay tribute, who else in the world is the opponent of the Qin army." The commander and the soldiers around him looked at each other, and they looked at each other, this... this is fighting the Qin army, Should it be what the military supervisor said?

Liu Cheng ignored them and quickly went down from the top of the city.During the Chinese New Year, even at the top of the city, you could vaguely smell the smell of meat in the distance. However, the Qin and Wu armies spent more than a month besieging but not attacking during the Chinese New Year, which gave the defenders in the city a chance to breathe.

It's just that they all understand that once the new year is over, the assembled Wu army will launch the fiercest offensive. Will they be able to hold on then?

Everyone has no answer in their hearts, and the fear and pressure of being trapped in an isolated city is hard to understand for outsiders. Except for the sparse starry sky occasionally seen at night, there is no comfort.

In the distance, the starry fires in the enemy's camp made people dare not look down. The bright lights indicate that the enemy has a large number of people, sufficient supplies, and the battle will be very difficult...

Chapter 483, Burning Oil

Unexpectedly, the spring breeze blows sober, and it is the beginning of spring again. Emperor Shi took Zhao Shijian, Zhou Xian, and two brothers and sisters Shi Jin and Shi Min to go outing in the wild.

When the emperor traveled to the edge of the Yellow River, the imperial army surrounded the mountains a mile away and circled a large area of ​​land. Because of this, Emperor Shi deliberately chose a place far away from the village so as not to disturb the life of the villagers.

The two brothers and sisters have completely different personalities. The eldest brother Shi Jin is very quiet, not at all like himself. He must have been taught badly by his mother Zhao Shijian. Boys, how can they be so quiet at such a young age.

On the contrary, his younger sister, Shi Min, is much more lively and always likes to pull his hair.In order to change the little guy, Shi Congyun took him to ride horses and row boats. My sister was very happy, and kept waving her white and tender hands, hugging his neck tightly in joy, soft and scared and excited, reluctant to let go.

In contrast, my elder brother has no expression and is very calm.Shi Congyun complained to Zhao Shijian, how could he teach children like this, and then stopped by to see the fields outside Daliang City to see the situation of spring plowing, the fields in the distance were full of people, Emperor Shi watched from a distance, I went to see the situation of spring plowing again, and chatted with the people in the fields about this year's weather.

Last year, the cattle and sheep from the Liao Kingdom were delivered on time, and [-] heads were rewarded to the soldiers in Guanbei, but more were sent to the front lines in the south of the Yangtze River, so that the soldiers who fought in the war had a good year.

Because the navy is strong and controls the power of the river, and the pontoon bridge at Caishiji leads directly to Dangtu, the supply line of the Qin army has never been smoother. It goes directly to Hezhou to cross the river in the east, and enters the river from Yangzhou in the west. It can easily supply the western line. .

A pontoon bridge shortened the Qin army's supply line, especially the West Road supply line, by more than 1000 miles, which not only made the war go more smoothly, but also saved at least more than [-] logistics personnel, greatly reducing war expenditures without wasting money.

We must know that when Emperor Wu of the Han conquered Mobei, he had a main force of 50 and was equipped with 40 logistics and supply troops; when he fought Liao in Hebei, he also had an army of more than [-], and was equipped with [-] and [-] logistics supplies. .

This time, due to the appearance of the first cross-river bridge in history, thousands of miles of distance have been reduced, and countless manpower and material resources have been saved. In this way, the soldiers can also fight comfortably after the New Year, because there is no pressure on logistics supplies.

If there was no such bridge, Emperor Shi would not have dared to wait until the army had a good year before attacking. The logistical supply pressure would be too great.

Looking at it now, technology is indeed the primary productive force, and Fan Ruobing's bridge can cost as little as 10 people's labor.

At the same time, along with the cattle and sheep from the Liao Kingdom, there was also Xiao Hunian, daughter of Xiao Siwen. Emperor Shi had met her before, and she was Xiao Chuo's sister. I was so busy, I didn't see much.

Because what Emperor Shi thought was that after he sent troops to the Liao Kingdom in the future, he would give Xiao Hunian a concubine, and then use her name to win the hearts of the people, so that he could rule the land in the north. As for women, Emperor Shi saw a lot, not that The kind of stupefied young man who can't walk when he meets a woman.

In the afternoon, a few officials in red robes were coming here on horseback from the avenue, and then the imperial guards patrolling outside came to this side and reported to him

"Officials, the battle report from the south is here." Emperor Shi put down the little Shi Min in his arms and handed it to Zhou Xian to take care of him. Then he walked to the side of the road under the old willow tree, and everyone followed him. He said to the clerk beside him,

"Let me tell you after reading it." The clerk nodded, then looked quickly, and after a while summarized and reported,

"Officials, the offensive on all fronts has resumed after the beginning of spring. The West Central Army has crossed the river. The pontoon bridge is stable. A large amount of food and supplies have crossed the river from Hezhou, shortening the supply route by more than a thousand miles. Now a large amount of supplies and personnel have been dispatched. Crossing the river, we joined forces with the West Road and advanced to the Qinhuai River. The Tang army deployed [-] soldiers by the Qinhui River, and they lined up for more than ten miles. The guard along the river was called Lu Jiang, and Marshal Cao said that he was indeed capable and arranged well. I saw him several times across the river personally leading troops to repel our army and force them to cross. The Tang army deployed many warships and ships in the Qinhuai River, and there were even more people."

"However, in the battle report, Marshal Cao said that they are building a pontoon bridge and rafts. It is only a matter of time before they cross the river. They plan to use artillery in the middle of the month, and then launch a general attack to cross the river." Shi Congyun nodded. He was not so worried about the temporary loss. There is no one who is undefeated in a war. Even Dang Jin was captured in Wuchang, but at his level, it depends more on the success or failure of strategy.

In general, the Tang army has no possibility of stopping them, because all the important towns in the west have lost their natural barriers, and the biggest natural barrier relying on the Yangtze River has also been breached. As Cao Bin said, at this point, a Qinhuai River can only be defeated. time issue.

Shi Congyun nodded,

"Qinhuai River, that means soldiers are approaching the city."

"That's right. It has only been half a year since the imperial soldiers of the official family went south, and now they have arrived at the city of Jinling. I think the Tang Dynasty will be defeated within the year. Congratulations to the official family, congratulations to the official family." Shi Congyun laughed, and was also very happy in his heart. Separate, divided into inner Qinhuai and outer Qinhuai.

The Inner Qinhuai River passes through Jinling City, and the Outer Qinhuai River flows outside the city. It is already the last line of defense for Jinling City.

If the rest time during the Chinese New Year is excluded, the marching time is actually only three or four months. In three or four months, it is already quite fast to directly hit the opponent's capital city.

"The water army defeated the Tang State water army on the river north of Runzhou, destroyed 26 ships, and injured more than 80 ships. The Tang army water army fled westward to the water village near Jinling, and dared not leave the village. Now the entire river has been controlled. Commander Cao Bin ordered the [-]th battalion of sailors to go to the vicinity of Caishiji to protect the pontoon bridge, and Luo Yanhuan to lead the [-]th battalion to guard the mouth of Wankou and Wanshui River, and build a water village to block the possible approach from Hongzhou Tang Guo reinforcements."

"The war in the east is also progressing smoothly. Since Changzhou joined forces to defeat the Jiangyin army, the Wuyue army has encircled Runzhou. General Liu also transported two artillery battalions from the west with dozens of field artillery for reinforcements. The Wuyue Army must be able to capture Runzhou soon after the spring. After Runzhou, the West Route Army will also come to the city." Shi Congyun nodded, thinking about the current situation in Jinling in his mind, which is encircled on three sides. The army then laid down Runzhou and encircled them. They couldn't defend the Qinhuai River if they wanted to, and had to retreat to the city and be trapped.

Most of the soldiers and horses in the towns in the south of the Yangtze River have been defeated. Shi Congyun recalled the situation, and asked the eunuch to bring a map and hang it on the old willow tree by the roadside. He looked at it for a while and said: "The threat now is not in Jinling. , they have not been able to make any waves. It should be noted that Hongzhou in the southwest is here, where the main force of the Tang army is still there. If they have the will to resist, they may gather a large army and go up the Shuojiang River. Dangtu's pontoon bridge is like what Lin Renzhao did more than ten years ago." The clerk nodded, then took out the pen and paper that he carried with him, and with the help of his attendants, he would record his words.

"Tell Cao Bin that it is up to him to beat him like this. I only want to say one thing, that is, we must be prepared for the relief of the Tang army in the southwest. They still have three military towns with soldiers and horses that have not moved. Maybe they can gather 6 or [-] people. It is best Take precautions in Wankou, Caishiji and other places, don't let them be Zhou Yu."

"No!" The clerk bowed his hands solemnly.That day, Emperor Shi dealt with important matters at the edge of the field, and returned home with his two children and two concubines in the evening. The war in the south of the Yangtze River resumed its full-line offensive after the beginning of spring, but he was not in such a hurry.

...But the turning point of the matter came very quickly. In the past ten days, new news came from the south. Cao Bin organized the artillery of the Eight Battalions, concentrated the use of artillery, and launched a full-line assault after intensive firepower strikes. They broke through the defense line of the Qinhuai River, wiped out more than 2000 enemies, beheaded more than [-] of them, captured more than [-], and many fled, and some remnants fled into the city.

Now the army of the Qin army has completely surrounded Jinling.Emperor Shi was very happy when he saw it. He made people read the good news when he went to court that day.

The battle was far smoother than they had imagined. Less than half a year after the troops were dispatched, the capital of the enemy country had already been besieged. On the western front, the Wuyue army also reported to him that they would launch a strong attack on Runzhou.

The battlefield that had been calmed down due to the Chinese New Year is like a raging fire cooking oil...  

Chapter 484, The Last Hope

On the surface of the river, the spring cold has not dissipated, the fire is flickering, the sparkling red lights are like a sea of ​​fire, and the Moon River is burning and floating, raging and burning.

It would be even better if it could swallow its dense ships, Lu Jiang thought to herself, but unfortunately she can only think about it.

Chewing dry food that has been boiled and dried in the mouth, cooked and dried several times, and processed repeatedly so that it tastes like chewing wax, covered by trees, looking at the brightly lit and rampant Qin fleet in the distance, just like the back garden of your own home Average walk.

In 100, Jiang defeated his country's naval army. Those guys fled back to the vicinity of Jiangning in horror, saying that more than [-] ships were sunk by the Qin army, and how powerful the Qin army's artillery was, and they never left the water village since then.

In any case, the order has been prevaricated for various reasons.

Chen Gong had no choice but to transfer his troops to the west to strengthen the defense line of the Qinhuai River, and completely gave up the struggle for control of the Yangtze River.

In [-], the Qin Army launched several tentative crossing attacks on the Qinhuai River, but they were all forced to retreat. The losses were as strong as a tentative defense.

The generals were very excited because of this, and even used the words "defeat" the Qin army several times and "behead" the Qin army more than 3000 times to Jiangning City.

Lu Jiang was outraged by this, and the Qin army tried to cross the river several times, two or three hundred each time, more like trying to test the method and position of crossing the river, and retreated as soon as they counterattacked, losing a total of more than a dozen, how did it change!

Huangfu Jixun, the commander in charge of the Imperial Guard Department of the Imperial City Defense Department, said that in order to boost the morale of the army and the people, he praised it, and used stability to let things happen.

For such a reason, Lu Jiang also felt quite reasonable, so she asked again. Unexpectedly, after the incident was reported to the city, Chen Gong, who was in charge of military affairs, immediately sent eight thousand soldiers to the east to rescue Runzhou on the grounds of being capable and powerful.

Runzhou Jiedu envoy Liu Cheng repeatedly wrote letters asking for help. Runzhou was in a hurry and needed support.

Yu Chen ordered [-] battalions to support Runzhou. If Runzhou was broken, the defense line of the Qinhuai River would basically be maintained.

In fact, Lu Jiang was willing to run the state. In her heart, the Qinhuai River defense line could not stop the Qin army for a long time, and the only thing Jiangnan could rely on was Jiangning City.

He wanted to use the Qinhuai River to block the Qin army, kill and injure the Qin army, and then retreat into the city to defend the city, forcing the Qin army to retreat with the strong city of Jiangning.

And guarding Runzhou, just like guarding the Qinhuai River, will be broken through sooner or later.

After some battles, Lu Jiang also realized the reality, that she would fight the Qin army head-on on the battlefield no matter what.

The soldiers in the army are braver, experienced and good at fighting, and they are well-equipped, well-trained, and have indestructible artillery.

So I think, to defeat the Qin army, we need to rely on fortified cities and food for sneak attacks, rather than confronting them head-on.

His position was destined to influence the situation. Looking at the unscrupulous Qin fleet in the distance, thinking of his wife and children waiting at home, he couldn't hold back and said: "The jade capital is bleak in autumn, and the painted eaves are rising and the plane trees are falling. The pillows are quiet and empty. Word,

The moon is gone and dreams come true.With the lamp behind, weeping in secret, the sound of the anvil is urgent.Meidai Mountain saves,

Plantains are born in the evening cold.

The breeze is bright and the moon is deep at night, it is too late for the dustpan Lu Lang to hate.

Rimeng's family made an appointment, and we will meet again..."


Second, when the leading troops arrived outside the city of Runzhou, they could see the Wu army camp in the distance. Look for opportunities to repel Wu Jun.

Soon, the city wall to the west contacted the city defenders, so many people could see it outside the city.

Runzhou Jiedu envoy Liu Cheng wrote back, stating that Huicheng would stick to it, and asked the outside of the city to respond.

The two agreed that if the Wu family attacked the city, they would attack the Wu army from outside the city. If the Wu army attacked, the city defenders would respond from the side of the city and attack from both sides, so that Runzhou could be defended.

Seeing the letter, Lu Jiang suddenly felt that Liu Cheng was reliable, and it was the best way, so Yu Xin readily agreed, wrote a reply and asked it to be sent to the foot of the west wall, and hanged from the top of the city.

As a reliable comrade-in-arms, Lu Jiangdun felt that Runzhou might really be able to hold on.

As time goes on, more and more disappointed.

The Wuyue Army did not launch a large-scale attack on the city, nor did they intend to retreat. It seemed that their attitude was obvious, and they dragged Runzhou City.

More than [-] years later, there was news from Jiangning that the Qin army had breached the Qinhuai River across the board and had crossed the river to besiege Jiangning City.

And a few times later, taking advantage of Wu Jun's attention, he led troops into Runzhou City, thinking of adding troops to the city and strengthening its defense.

This move made Liu Cheng quite quick to get along, and he began to be on guard and suspicious, and the good impression he had at the beginning disappeared.

Slowly, almost one month later, the [-] horses did not break the siege of Runzhou, so they launched a tentative attack and sent four battalions, nearly [-], thinking of forcing the Wu army to retreat from the west to try to break the siege.

Just arrived at the foot of Paomashan Mountain, and was shot by the artillery of the Qin army half a mile away, and then the Wu army rushed to repel them, losing more than 200 yuan before barely retreating.

For the first time, let him see how powerful the Qin army's artillery is, and understand that even though the Wu army is as good as the Qin army, it can also fight.

Just like that, it dragged on for almost a month, and the situation did not improve at all, and the siege of Runzhou was not relieved, but the situation in the east was getting worse.

Liu Cheng's sudden proposal also changed the situation of the battle, and more than 8000 people played a role, and Jiangning's side was the most important, such as asking the leader to rescue Jiangning.

Lu Jiang agreed, and there was really no way to break the siege, and Liu Cheng got along well. Thinking of the battle report that the Qin army had already crossed the Qinhuai River, Yu asked Liu Cheng a few words to run the state. just fine.

Yu left more than 3000 of his [-] to Liu Cheng, and then led his troops west.


In Runzhou City, seeing the arrival of reinforcements from outside the city greatly boosted the morale of the whole army, and the originally suppressed and silent city burst into some vitality again.

At noon, Liu Cheng's own official office summoned Wang Guan, the commander who spoke at the head of the city.

Wang Guan was very nervous at first, remembering what he said in the city, he thought that the prison guard would take care of him, so he went into the house nervously.

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