Then Lian talked to him about their careful arrangements, how to arrange manpower, how to change shifts, the preparation of reserve personnel, etc., and clearly arranged the 5-person auxiliary army.

Hearing this, Emperor Shi was a little relieved. Si Chao was worthy of being a veteran who fought against him, and Zhao Kuangyin was indeed capable. He was a veteran who had fought many battles. He was very organized and experienced in many things.

Afterwards, Emperor Shi talked with them for a long time, talking about a lot of things that need to be paid attention to, how to cooperate with Wu and Yue's army, how to arrange the location of the supply base, the way of dispatching ships, etc.

During this period, it was not Emperor Shi who said, and the other two listened, but each expressed his own opinion, because both of them are also experienced veterans, and the three of them must have my teacher, and some of what they said Shi Congyun didn't necessarily want.

It wasn't until night that Shi Congyun took Zhou Xian to rest in the attic that had been prepared for them earlier, and many soldiers of the imperial army were settled by the local officials.

Early the next morning, Shi Congyun summoned the local officials who had been scolded by him yesterday, and praised them for their performance in arranging the imperial army. They were very efficient and handled things neatly.

The officials who were scolded bloody yesterday seemed to be picked up from the ice cave, and they all wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads to thank them.

Emperor Shi also took the opportunity to speak, his tone was much gentler, admonishing them to be thrifty and diligent, and then let them step down and perform their duties.

After lunch, Shi Congyun, under the leadership of Si Chao and Zhao Kuangyin, led a team of imperial troops to see the rest of the ships.

The preparation and construction of ships in Yangzhou has been going on for more than a year. Only now did Emperor Shi feel relieved after seeing the actual situation. War logistics is the most important thing. You must at least support the soldiers before you can count on others to kill the enemy desperately.

Then, under the leadership of Si Chao, he went to see the situation of the official warehouse of the logistics material reserve.

In this era, there was basically no meat in the marching and fighting. The staple food was steamed and dried rice, and then steamed and dried. After repeated operations several times, it was dried in the sun.

Or a cake made by crushing wheat flour, beans, etc. into powder, but it has to be steamed repeatedly and then dried in the air, so that the food is not easy to deteriorate, and it can be eaten with water when eaten.

As for the taste, if you are not hungry, you will basically not have any taste.

However, on the battlefield, with the current level of logistics, being able to eat is the most important thing, and there is no guarantee for other things, so we can only do it by chance.

After seeing the large amount of grain and grass in the warehouse with his own eyes, Emperor Shi was finally relieved.

Yangzhou, as the main supply base on the eastern front, was fully capable of supplying an army of [-] in Emperor Shi's judgment.

It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!

So in the next few days, he accompanied Zhou Xian to visit the mountains and rivers around Yangzhou, completely pretending to be visiting the mountains and rivers.

A few days later, Southern Tang also sent envoys to visit the emperor.

After all, his going to Yangzhou is not something that should be kept secret, it is known all over the world.

Emperor Shi received an envoy from the Southern Tang Dynasty, who was an old acquaintance Feng Yanlu.

Feng Yanlu seemed to be very scheming. After arriving in Yangzhou, his expression was uncertain, and he observed everywhere. After seeing the emperor, he presented gifts and Li Yu's condolence letter, and said some official words one after another, and there were clichés.

But he has his own way to deal with a vigilant and intelligent person like Feng Yanlu.

Emperor Shi continued to travel in the mountains and rivers for the next few days, but each time he took Feng Yanlu with him besides Yangzhou officials, and did not let him stay in Yangzhou city for a moment.

Feng Yanlu was getting old, and after running around for several days, he felt that his old life was about to be confessed there, and repeatedly begged for forgiveness, but Emperor Shi didn't care, and just pulled him away in a hospitable manner.

Within two days, the old man hurriedly bid farewell and went back to Jiangnan.

Feng Yanlu was easily dismissed, and Emperor Shi was almost ready to go back. Now that everything was ready and his last worry was put down, many things could start to work!

Chapter 459, Personnel

Zhao Kuangyin tied his shoelaces and asked his subordinates to help him put on his best armor.

Zhao Kuangyin was a little unhappy because the servants who were serving him were a little messy, the officials were waiting for him!

After putting on the beautiful armor, he hurried out to get on his horse and passed through the alley to the north. Today the official family was going to Qujiang Temple, and he had to go with him. Originally, the official family didn't let him go, but he didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

He is over 40, but now he is just a small military supply officer.

Moreover, their Zhao family's life is not easy, their father passed away more than ten years ago in Hou Zhouxian three years ago, and he gave a posthumous gift to Taiwei and Wu Qingjun Jiedushi.

At that time, the scenery was the same, but now the time has passed, and no one remembers it.

His younger brother was originally an errand in Kaifeng Prefecture, but he was dismissed because he got drunk with his friends many times and failed to go straight on time. After that, he had no choice but to find a doorman to let him do it.

Now the entire Zhao family is very lonely, not as good as it was back then, the family is sparse, and all the big expenses are borne by him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help feeling very annoyed. He remembered that ten years ago, when the official family was going to Pingjing Lake, they personally offered him an invitation, but he refused...

He followed his younger brother's suggestion and went to Hebei with Zhang Yongde. Since that refusal, he made a wrong step and there was no room for repentance.

Afterwards, the official family won consecutive battles and their prestige was growing. At that time, he felt vaguely uneasy, because after more than ten years of fighting, the generals in the army, seventy to eighty percent of them were subordinates or retinues of historians. At that time, he regretted a little. It's not a wrong choice.

In fact, at that point, he already had a feeling that even the immortal Lord Guo Rong would not be able to restrain the army without relying on Shi Congyun. From then on, he already felt that he had chosen the wrong one.

What frightened him the most was that after that trip to the north, he undoubtedly became Zhang Yongde's best friend in the hearts of the officials, and he refused the kindness for Zhang Yongde.

After that, things really developed in the direction he expected. After taking control of the court, Zhang Yongde was dismissed as a member of the former royal family, and he was at home with leisure.

And Li Chongjin also rumored that he cried bitterly in front of the queen mother, begged for mercy from the official who was the king of Qin at the time, and voluntarily handed over all his military power, and was preserved by his family. Later, he also stayed at home.

Because he was considered to be Zhang Yongde's confidant, he has not been reused. He also wanted to show his loyalty, but he had no chance.

A few times he even felt that the officials wanted to use him, but he hesitated.

Zhao Kuangyin himself also suffers and can't tell. He only hates himself for being ignorant at the beginning, and he listened to his younger brother Zhao Kuangyi's words. If he makes a wrong step, it will be difficult to turn back. If he had accepted the official's invitation, it would be great to go to Pingjingchu together!

Since a few years ago, he has not been so affectionate to his brothers. Although Zhao Kuangyi was his younger brother, he was 12 years younger than him. Most of the time, he took care of and loved his younger brother as his son.

It's just that he gradually realized that his younger brother is unreliable in many things, and he is a little...good-faced, loves to show off, he can't be high but not low, it's okay when things go well, and he is just patient when he encounters setbacks not come down.

So many things he messed up.....

In retrospect, I shouldn't have listened to my younger brother's words at the beginning, but now it's too late to regret it. He, who is in his 40s, finally had another chance.

It is a rare opportunity for the officials to let him serve as the Yangzhou transit envoy to be responsible for all the logistics supplies of the East Army during the ensuing war.

Zhao Kuangyin cherishes it very much, thinking that he must do well no matter what, and leave a good impression on the officials.

Just thinking about this, he soon arrived at the north of the city where Shengjia lived. After greeting the imperial army, the other party went to report, and soon the emperor replied, letting him in.

Zhao Kuangyin was overjoyed in his heart, and even rode his horse in.


Originally, this was also the last two days that Shi Congyun stayed in Yangzhou. After spending two days with Zhou Xian, he was going back.

Feng Yanlu was sent away, and Zhao Kuangyin's enthusiasm made him feel a little uncomfortable. Lao Zhao came here every day in neat armor and followed his convoy. Although his big black face somewhat affected the lineup, it was not easy to refuse his loyalty. dedicated.

Shi Congyun roughly understood his appeal, Lao Zhao urgently needed to show his loyalty, and urgently needed a chance to prove himself.

This is also his use of Zhao Kuangyin as a transfer envoy in Yangzhou, because in this state of eagerness to prove himself, I believe Zhao Kuangyin will do things the best.

And Zhao Kuangyin is not a mediocre generation. Whether it is the battle of Gaoping or the battle of Huainan, his military exploits are among the best. He is a general who is used to fighting and knows side affairs.

It's just that Shi Congyun has always had a grudge in his heart. Although Zhao Kuangyin's Chen Qiao Mutiny did not happen, what happened was his Chen Qiao Mutiny.

To be honest, the current Zhao Kuangyin does not have the slightest threat to his capital, but in the bottom of his heart, Shi Congyun is still a little worried, so he activated it, but not as a leading general, but as a transfer envoy.


In the afternoon, surrounded by everyone, Emperor Shi and Zhou Xian toured the mountains and rivers in the north of Yangzhou City.

When he came back in the afternoon, Emperor Shi finally called Zhao Kuangyin and Si Chao, and prepared to transfer Si Chao back to the capital to listen to him. He made up his mind to hand over the military in Yangzhou and its surrounding areas to Zhao Kuangyi.

"General Zhao, you are a veteran on the battlefield. I wanted to entrust important military affairs to you a long time ago, but you were in a hurry back then, and now I want to entrust you again."

"My minister will not refuse to die. I owed my favor to the officials at the beginning. Please rest assured that this time, I will handle the matter well no matter what. If there is any mistake, I will apologize with my head!" Zhao Kuangyi was a little excited and vowed.

Shi Congyun seemed to have made some major decision: "After I go back, I will issue an edict to add you as the commander of the town's navy, and the soldiers of Jieshui Town and surrounding counties in Yangzhou will be in command for you in the future.

Once the war starts, I will use you as the transshipment envoy in Huainan, and the army on the east road will take care of the supplies, and you will be responsible for all the logistics and supplies. After receiving the book, you will start to think about it.

However, it is still necessary to keep it secret at this time, and you must be careful in doing things, and don't let Jiangnan get wind of it. "

"Promise!" Zhao Kuangyin clasped his hands and promised, "I will definitely carry out the official edict."

Shi Congyun nodded: "General Zhao, the food and supplies are related to the life and death of an army of [-], and the success or failure of the war. I will entrust you with this important task. Don't let me down.

And if there are courageous people in the Southern Tang army on the opposite side, they may get along with attacking here to break through. If that happens, you have to stand up. "

Zhao Kuangyin nodded very seriously, his old black face was full of seriousness, "If they dare to come, they will definitely come and go!"

Seeing him like this, Shi Congyun felt relieved. Yangzhou, the big city closest to the frontline battlefield, can go straight to the Yangtze River in the south. It is very reasonable and convenient for the logistics supply to supply troops here, and for the backup troops to gather reinforcements here.

This wealthy city will become a solid rear for the army once the battle starts.

The advantage is that it is very close to Jiangnan, but let it go, if there are some courageous and knowledgeable people on the opposite side, they may also think of attacking this rear to relieve the front line.

This is an important reason why Emperor Shi wanted to arrange it in person, and Zhao Kuangyin was appointed as the transshipment envoy in Yangzhou.


After finishing preparations in Yangzhou and staying for a few days, Zhao Kuangyin and Yangzhou local officials bid farewell to the Tianzi fleet at the ferry. Emperor Shi began to leave Yangzhou waters slowly, went north along the Caoqu, and returned to Daliang.

Chapter 460: Zhou Xian's Sisterhood

Along the Huaihe River, the mountains and rivers on both sides are beautiful, and there are large areas of pink and peach in the mountains and forests, bright and moving, and the scenery along the way is particularly charming.

The fleet went all the way north, and the new gunboat needed to drive along the Huaihe River and do various tests, so it will not return to the Bianhe River for the time being.

On the bow deck, Emperor Shi looked at the lake and mountains in the distance, flirting leisurely with his concubine Ai.

"Let's go to Jiangnan if we have a chance in the future." Emperor Shi took Zhou Xian's little hand.

Zhou Xian nodded: "The officials don't have to worry about me. The little girl has no great wisdom. It's just some nostalgia. The officials should focus on big things."

"What do you mean don't worry about it? I'm sincere, and you can't let me down." Emperor Shi started to move his hands as he said that.

Zhou Xian blushed slightly, and squeezed his big hand.

Avoiding the warm breath on his neck, with a beautiful face: "Don't tell the officials, you run into my palace every day, the sisters have complained recently."

"That's why I like you." Shi Congyun didn't even want to go back directly.

"Huh..." Zhou Xian snorted, and lightly pinched the soft flesh on his waist: "Do you think I don't know... I run there every day because I want to see Yuying That's all, did Feng Yanlu tell the officials?"

"Who, who is Yuying?" Shi Congyun pretended to be confused and asked.

"Still pretending!" Zhou Xian tapped his chest, "Where do you look every time you come to the palace, I'm not a fool......"

"Haha..." Emperor Shi smiled awkwardly. Unexpectedly, the clever Zhou Xian had already guessed his reason for coming.

But his biggest advantage is his thick skin, "Oh, you are indeed my darling, so smart, you can see it right away.

In fact, I don't mean anything else, I just heard what Feng Yanlu and the others said, and I'm a little curious. "

Talking about hugging concubine Ai, "Besides, you are as beautiful as a fairy, who else in the world can compare with concubine Ai. With such a beautiful sister, I am of course curious about what that sister looks like."

"Hmph..." Hearing what he said, Zhou Xian's face calmed down a little, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, "Slick tongue..."

Emperor Shi had a thick old face, and put his arms around Zhou Xian's slender waist: "What is glib, I'm telling the truth, you are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Hmph, that's what you said at Sister Zhao's place too?" Zhou Xian asked him with a half-smile.

"Ahem, no..." Shi Congyun shook his head.

The boat sailed for a while, and there was only the sound of waves on both sides of the bank. The green hills in the distance were dotted with milky white mist, and pink peach blossoms could be faintly seen, scattered among the mountains like pieces of fallen leaves.

Zhou Xian looked back at him resentfully, leaned on his chest, and said: "Little sister lives outside the city, how can outsiders be allowed in the palace casually, it's against the rules.

If the official wants to see her, just tell me, why do you need to be so sneaky. "

Shi Congyun laughed awkwardly: "Curious, just want to see?"

"Really just want to see?" Zhou Xian asked a question that hit the soul.

Emperor Shi felt guilty, "Of course."

"Then I'll send her back to Jiangnan after reading it."

"Don't, you sisters finally met, sisters love each other deeply, how could you go back so soon..." Emperor Shi was in a hurry, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Zhou Xian looked at him with a softer expression: "How can I not know the temperament of an official, but... Yuying is my younger sister, embarrassing."

"What's the matter, what's the embarrassment, sisters should be closer." Emperor Shi said quickly.

Seeing that he couldn't wait, Zhou Xian couldn't help pinching his soft flesh again, "Little sister actually wanted to see you a long time ago, but I won't let her see, she's still young." He looked at Emperor Shi with a half-smile .

Then the topic changed, "She is also eighteen this year, it's time to meet the officials, otherwise what else can I do, if I let her go elsewhere, won't the officials remember me forever."

"No way, my beloved concubine is my favorite." Shi Congyun was in high spirits whenever there was a happy event.

The fleet sailed slowly in the river, the green hills on both sides of the bank retreated slowly, and the sound of the waves continued. Emperor Shi was very happy and excited along the way, but the soldiers and accompanying officials didn't understand why the emperor was in such a good mood. Only he and Zhou Xian knew.


In the east of Wuchang City, in a courtyard on the top of a hill by the river, an old pear tree stands in the middle, and there are guards in soap and green short jackets with spears standing at the door, and some of them are wearing blue official uniforms with round collars, embroidered with grass and wood patterns. officials, the two talked to each other and went down the mountain along the path.

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