In the afternoon, the rain stopped, and there was fog between the woods and valleys. There was no wind but it was still cold.

All the soldiers were wet for a day, but none of them stopped. However, the horses still couldn't bear it at this time, so they could only dismount and walk, and continued to go north.

At night, I found a cave by the roadside, a big tree, wrapped in sheepskin and slept for two or three hours.

In the middle of the night, Xiang Gong was woken up by the cold, so he didn't sleep immediately, licked his chapped and dry lips, moved his aching hands and feet, and woke up the soldiers around him.

"Get up, go and wake everyone up, and continue on your way."

"General, it's not yet dawn," said the soldier.

"I can't wait any longer, let's go immediately, send someone over, and wake up the people on the opposite mountain." Xiang Gong said without any doubt.

Soon, the valley suddenly became busy, but the sound of snoring and grinding teeth was still there, and people complained from time to time, and some slept like dead pigs, unable to wake up no matter how much they screamed.

Xiang Gong was angry and anxious, so he got up himself, pulled out a slender shrub, wiped off the branches and leaves on it, and then went to beat them one by one, screaming as he whipped: "I know you are suffering, but Can't wait now!"

Indeed, after a few days of trekking and daytime raiding, many people woke up after only lying down for about two hours, but they were woken up by the stinging and stinging of the thin shrubs.

Xiang Gong asked the awakened people to help them out in the same way, and broke several wooden sticks in a row. After half an hour, he finally woke up everyone in the valley.

Immediately get everyone ready to continue the raid.

But at this time, the soldiers came to report that at least 20 people were too sick to get up because of the rain yesterday and the cold overnight.

Xiang Gong thought for a while, and left a battalion to take care of the wounded and sick soldiers here. After dawn, he slowly headed north to keep up with the brigade.

Immediately after the arrangement was made, the whole army began to gather under the cover of night, and continued to march north.

When the sun was rising and the water on the side of the road was still there, they saw a village from a distance from the road, touched about twenty or thirty families, and the road passed in front of the village.

Xiang Gong immediately said: "Go and ask, where are we now! Hurry up and come back."

The soldiers around him took orders, but they didn't dare to trust them, so they brought over 90 people, and the army stopped on the side of the road outside the village.

Those who asked about the place came back soon. Seeing their posture, the villagers were so frightened that their legs went limp, and they answered whatever they asked.

The soldiers came back and said excitedly: "General, this place is called Echidi, and you can reach Xigu Township a few miles north, and after passing Xigu Township, go north along the main road, and you will be able to reach Taiyuan in more than 30 miles!"

Xiang Gong was overjoyed, "Damn it! Wouldn't it be possible to arrive in Taiyuan in the afternoon!"

Everyone was also very excited. If they went to Taiyuan and captured the emperor of the puppet Han, what a credit it would be!

"General, let's go now!" The people around urged, some couldn't wait any longer.

Xiang Gong was also excited, but he was not overwhelmed by the excitement, "Don't worry, it's still early, let's walk there, feed the horses, and build up their strength. I don't know what's going on in Taiyuan. It will be troublesome if we rush to that man and run into bandit soldiers."

"Listen to the general!"

"Then walk on two legs first..."

Everyone talked a lot, you said something to me, quickly got off the horse, changed to walking and attacking, everyone was originally lightly dressed, all armor was put on the horse, chewing food and cakes while hurrying.

Before noon, Xigu Township had passed, and then the more than a hundred local militiamen in Xigu had never seen this scene at all, and had no intention of resisting at all. Most of them fled, and those who did not escape quickly let go of the checkpoint to let them pass.

In the afternoon, the weather began to clear up, the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, and the scorching sun returned to the sky. This time it was even hotter than a few days ago, and the water pool on the road reflected the sky light.

Xiang Gong felt that it was almost done, so he ordered: "The whole army is on horseback, and we will fight to Taiyuan. If we encounter puppet soldiers and horses along the way, we will not let them go!"

Everyone shouted, they had suffered a lot along the way, they were tense for several days and nights, and now they were finally going to Taiyuan, they all shouted.

Then thousands of cavalry gathered on the road, and soon formed a long dragon with a battalion as a unit, which was more than one mile from end to end, and galloped to the north.


Outside the city of Taiyuan, on the banks of the Fenshui River, Guo Wanchao, the commander of the Northern Han Horse Infantry Army, was angrily scolding his generals: "You are slow-moving, and you don't seem to do anything at all. If you can't do it in five days, I will feed your head to the dog. !"

The general begged for mercy repeatedly in fear, "Commander, the rain is delaying the matter, we all want to finish it early!"

"You think? You can't work when it rains! Now you are still trying to hide from the rain, and the Yangma City can't be repaired, so what are we going to do to defend the city!

This important matter of life and death cannot be delayed by a little rain. If the Qin army arrives and does not fix it, we are all finished! " Guo Wanchao scolded.

The general was a little unconvinced, and muttered in a low voice, "Marshal, Zezhou is far away...where can we get there in half a month..."

Guo Wanchao kept a straight face and said nothing. He wanted to say that there was news that Qin Jun had arrived in Fenzhou yesterday, but he didn't dare to say it. First, he was not sure. He also felt that Qin Jun could not be so fast. Did they fly over with wings?It may also be a small group of enemies, or the scouts of the Qin army, or even the bandits in the surrounding area, or the governor of Fenzhou who lied about the military situation.

Secondly, he was afraid that the words would scare away the craftsmen and soldiers outside the city. If the Qin army arrived in Fenzhou, how would they dare to stay outside the city.

He thought that in the evening, the first wave of the five battalions of the defenders transferred from the north of Tuanbai Valley would arrive in Taiyuan, and then they would be deployed on the periphery to protect the craftsmen, and the situation would improve.

So he could only move the emperor out temporarily: "Hurry up, otherwise I won't be able to explain to His Majesty, and it will be hard to talk about it then!"

The generals under him didn't dare to complain anymore, so they obeyed orders. Just as they got up and wanted to shout to the soldiers who repaired Yangma City outside Taiyuan, they suddenly felt the ground under their feet tremble.

Guo Wanchao was taken aback, and asked in a daze, "What's the matter?" When he looked up, there was a faint black line on the southern avenue, swaying and jumping on the horizon...

335 Chapter [-], Divine Weapons Descended from Heaven

The ground was shaking, and the figures in the distance gradually appeared. It was a large group of people and horses, undulating and shaking in the grass and bushes in the distance, like a billowing flood tide coming from the south, the ground also shook with it, and there was still a pool of water on the road. Ripples appeared, and the reflection of the sky also became twists and turns.

Countless figures in the south, I saw them galloping and yelling, and quickly crossed the gentle slopes, bushes, roadside grass, post station...

In the blink of an eye, the murderous face of the other party could be seen clearly. A few soldiers on guard in the distance were shot by arrows from their horses before they could run away.

The few people in front stopped in front of Juma Luzhai, and then dismounted and lifted Juma and the corpse, and the people who followed jumped over the front and rushed towards the city wall.

Looking at the thousands of troops and horses that suddenly appeared outside Taiyuan City in the distance, Guo Wanchao was dumbfounded. The outer Yangma City has not been repaired, only half of it, and it has not been fully repaired. What's more, the Yangma City in the inner city In addition, it was built next to the moat. In order to facilitate the transportation of earth, stone and wood from outside the city, they built a basic wooden bridge on the moat.

Now the bandits suddenly descended from the sky in the distance, killed a few sentries, and rushed towards this side. The craftsmen and soldiers on the periphery also reacted. Seeing the endless mountains and plains, the bandits turned around and ran away in panic. A few of them stood at the top of the city building the wall, slipped their feet in a panic, and fell into the moat with a plop.

This is because no one paid any attention to the wooden planks on the moat. They just wanted to escape for their lives. Some soldiers held spears and knives and hesitated on the edge of the moat, but when they saw the enemies coming from all over the mountains, they finally lost their weapons. Turn around and leave.

Guo Wanchao reacted quickly without any hesitation at all. In a panic, he was supported on his horse and galloped away to Taiyuan City immediately.

He walked fast on his side, approaching the city gate, and a four-legged horse was faster than a two-legged man. He quickly left behind his staff and many craftsmen and soldiers, and only a dozen or so soldiers on horseback could follow him. on him.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, the gatekeeper couldn't see the movement in the distance clearly. He could only see the smoke and dust everywhere. There was a lot of movement, and they had to be questioned. More than ten riders had rushed to the gate, and almost knocked down the gatekeeper in the goatee and green robe. The car was about to enter the city, and seeing this posture, it even twitched a few times to get out of the way.

Passing through the city gate in a blink of an eye, Guo Wanchao immediately reined in his horse and turned down, rushed to the top of the city and shouted loudly: "Close the city gate, close the city gate!"

The soldiers on guard at the top of the city had already seen the scene in the distance, and the cavalry who came from the south all over the mountains and fields beat the drums on the top of the city to give an early warning.

"But general, there are still people missing us outside..." The defenders at the top of the city hesitated. Many soldiers and craftsmen outside were running down the city in panic. The enemy troops behind had already crossed the moat on wooden planks.

Because there are not many bridges, they can only gather in a few places to cross the moat, which slows down the speed of pursuit.

However, there were still soldiers who escaped and were stabbed and shot to death by the vanguard troops crossing the river near Yangma City.

"You idiot, if you don't close the door, 10 people in Taiyuan City will suffer. How can you care about those at this time, you should act quickly, or I will chop you up!" Guo Wanchao was also anxious, and yelled angrily.

The defenders at the top of the city did not dare to dawdle, and began to stir the winch, and the heavy city gate below began to slowly close.

The gatekeepers outside the gate and some people who were waiting to investigate and enter the city reacted at this moment, and even rushed in. The grandparents driving the ox cart behind also found that something was wrong. They wanted to enter the city, and they were reluctant to part with the ox. , Then the door slowly closed, and they also fell outside.

The guarding soldiers rushed up, and more than a dozen people worked together to fix the huge iron bars and horizontal wooden latches, and completely closed the main gate of Taiyuan.

Guo Wanchao roared and ordered people to deploy defenses at the top of the city, saying: "Quickly go and notify the other gates, the Qin army has killed too much, immediately close the gates of the city!"

Although the drums at the top of the city rang, it was still not perfect. At this time, the soldiers were frightened by the Qin army descending from the sky all over the mountains and plains in the distance, and they did not dare to delay at all.

The craftsmen and soldiers in front of the runway outside saw this situation from a distance, and they all ran desperately inside, but they saw the opposite side running. Seeing this scene, many people even waved and shouted, and even cried bitterly.

After seeing no intention of opening the gate at the top of the city, some people were so frightened that they ran away along the corner to the east and west sides, while others broke down and cursed.

Half of the sheep and horse city hindered the speed of the Qin army's advance, but only temporarily, a large number of Qin army cavalry quickly crossed the unsuspecting half of the sheep and horse city and rushed to the city, surrounded the craftsmen, soldiers and the pair of grandparents and grandchildren, and then experienced The rich Qin army did not approach.

Instead, they were divided into several teams, dozens of cavalry as a group, and surrounded them from west to east under the city, followed by a burst of cavalry and shooting, without approaching at all, giving the people in the corner of the city a chance to fight to the death.

The densely packed arrows were like locusts, buzzing relentlessly into the crowd from forty or fifty steps away. The desperate people kept squirming in and huddled together, some were crying loudly, some were begging for mercy, Qin The army all returned arrows.

After a few rounds of horse racing, the people in the corner of the city were already dead and wounded. The grandparents and grandchildren who hadn't entered the city couldn't squeeze the young and strong soldiers, and were left outside. The first wave fell to the ground with arrows.

The rest broke down crying and begging for mercy, some broke down, muttered to themselves, some ran around, and some rushed towards Qin Jun who was dozens of steps away like crazy, and soon fell down halfway, with It's an arrow.

The rest of the Qin army did not kill them all, but let them escape, and then the forwards were divided into two teams, and began to search west and east along the city wall.

More and more Qin troops in the distance behind crossed the moat and gathered under the city wall, but there were still many in the distance who had not crossed the moat, but began to think about moving east.

The soldiers on the top of the city and Guo Wanchao were terrified, their legs and feet were still trembling, if they were half a step late, their lives would have been confessed outside the city!

If it was half a step later, the Qin army would have already entered Taiyuan by now!

He was also terrified in his heart, "Where did the Qin army come from? Why are they so fast..." the guard at the top of the city asked tremblingly.

"You ask me, which one is I asking!" Guo Wanchao said angrily, and he could only use his anger to cover up the fear in his heart.

"What are they going to do...why don't they come here?" The soldiers around him swallowed and looked at the cavalry of the Qin army in the distance in puzzlement. They left a lot of people on the south side of the moat river and did not rush over. They just guarded the two ends of the wooden boards that came over, and then began to demolish Yangma City.

Many people in the rear did not rush in the direction of Taiyuan City, but went to the east road.

Guo Wanchao watched Qin Jun's movements in the distance, his brows were furrowed, and then he broke out in a cold sweat, his back felt cold, and his lips trembled a little: "They...they want to help because they see that they can't enter the city!"

"Hurry up, send someone to tell the state soldiers on the Tuanbai side not to come to Taiyuan!" Guo Wanchao shouted anxiously, but everyone looked at it like a fool, and then refused to agree.

Seeing them like this, Guo Wanchao immediately understood that they didn't dare, and if they went down now, they would die.

But what about the reinforcements on Tuanbai's side!

Taiyuan's edict has been issued, and state soldiers from all over the country are gathering. They are all small local troops with one battalion and two battalions. What will they do if they meet the Qin army in front of them!

He was burning with anxiety, like an ant on a hot pan...

Chapter 336

In just one hour, Taiyuan City was suddenly surrounded by the Qin army. By this time, the city was in chaos and people were in panic.

There were not many defenders rushing to the top of the city from all sides, looking at the Qin army below the city in horror.

After the Qin army arrived at the city and crossed the moat, they immediately began to move east and west, surrounding the moat to clean up the remaining enemies outside the city. At this time, as long as they stayed outside the city, they would basically suffer. All attempts to enter the city were refused.

The closed city gate is like a moat, completely isolating people outside the city.

The Qin army didn't come to do good deeds, and when they met, they used swords and arrows to reason. Many people fell outside the city. After the first round of arrow rain, they knelt down and surrendered before they were killed.

A large number of people were captured by the Qin army, and soon many ordinary people were released directly. After trying to enter the city but unable to enter, they began to cry.

But the defenders at the top of the city remained unmoved. The Qin army was outside the city, and they did not dare to act rashly.

Soon thousands of dense crowds gathered in front of the south gate of the city, crying to enter the city......


"General, don't we care about it?" Next to Xiang Gong, the adjutant who followed him pointed his horsewhip at the people in front of the city gate in the distance. Arrows from the city had already started to drive them away one after another, and a few unlucky ones were shot to death and injured.

"What do you want to do, pull them over to raise them or just kill them all, we don't have much military rations, and we can't support too many people if we rob them on the way." Xiang Gong was dissatisfied.

"But the officials said they should treat the people well..." The adjutant was an official from the Privy Council. He used to be a civil servant and read a lot.

He is also a man who can endure hardships all the way and follow the army to kill here, but at this pass, he and Xiang Gong have a disagreement, "We can't just watch, those people will die sooner or later if this continues, bring them here and settle down here go outside."

"Not enough manpower." Xiang Gong said perfunctorily.

"It doesn't take many people, give me 100 people, and I can take them to settle down."

"We also killed a dozen before." Xiang Gong reminded.

"That's different. We are the teachers of justice. We are here to deter the enemy. For the great affairs of the world, they are purely massacring innocent people." The adjutant retorted.

"Besides, if we save people at this time, we can win the hearts of the people in Hedong, which is more effective than knives and guns."

Xiang Gong was silent for a while, and looked at the city gate in the distance, the guards at the top of the city were mercilessly dispersing the people outside the city with arrows, "It will take time, I don't care so much now, it's already benevolent and righteous not to kill them. "

Then he said coldly: "Besides, I hope they can let people in. There are thousands of mouths in the city, and they don't have much preparation. There must be not much food, but it will be beneficial to us."


The adjutant still wanted to speak, but was interrupted loudly by Xiang Gong: "The most important thing now is to send people as soon as possible to kill the reinforcements coming to Taiyuan from all over, before they gather."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the adjutant and began to dispatch troops on his own.

"You...will tell the officials about this!" The adjutant said angrily.

Xiang Gong snorted, "Do whatever you want, I'm fighting a war, if I win, I won't be afraid of being gossiped, the officials will naturally know what XX means, otherwise they wouldn't trust XX to lead the army.

If you want to save people, you should do it yourself, so stop talking here. "

As he spoke, he ignored the adjutant whose face was flushed with anger, and dispatched his troops. He knew that the troops rushing to help Taiyuan should be on their way, but as long as they didn't gather together, they could easily defeat each of them with superior strength. At that time, Taiyuan had no more reinforcements.

Over there, the adjutant really hit the horse alone, ventured to the bottom of the city, kept yelling, and brought back a large number of people from the bottom of the city.When he came back, he was shot by an arrow in the back shoulder, but fortunately he was wearing leather armor, so it was only a flesh wound.


That night, Xiang Gong arranged the siege camp, and then the whole army blocked the road and had a good night's rest outside the city.

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