There is no shortage of talents in any era. The key is to have the policy soil to display their talents. In any era, only the support of ordinary soldiers and the people is the foundation of a strong army.

Shi Congyun has always emphasized military discipline, constantly strengthening discipline for several years, and constantly optimizing the rewards and punishments for the army, trying to be fair, and even selling iron to pay the army when he is too poor.

At the same time, after succeeding to the throne, he withdrew from the policy of benefiting the people one after another. The imperial court paid a lot of money to equalize the price of food, and it also paid for food, clothing and housing for the people transported by water.

When soldiers and people are willing to fight for him, the result is the current situation.

All he wanted was to let the rebels come over, and then counterattack with artillery. As a result, the soldiers directly let the rebels come over, and then massacred them in front of the formation!

The Eastern Front, which is the best to fight, even pushed forward dozens of steps, and the Northern Han Army was defeated steadily under the situation of numerical disadvantage, and now it has left and dare not fight.

If Shi Congyun hadn't sent someone to stop them because he was afraid that they would go too deep and get out of touch with the center formation and be surrounded, maybe they would have been able to fight further.

The battlefield at the west end of the village was the worst, because Li Yun placed the elite and reinforcements on the west side.

However, the defenders there are still under the organization of Wang Shenqi, Dang Jin, Li Hanchao and others. They fought very well. The enemy suffered heavy losses and could not fight in. The rear reinforcements were rushed by the elite cavalry led by Wang Shenqi before they entered the battlefield. Lanyao cut it off, then made a mess and retreated.

At the beginning, the frontal enemy army had a large number of people and high morale, but after fighting for half an hour, after the first wave was retreated by the Qin army's elite like cutting melons and vegetables, they completely lost contact and became consumed by retreating bows and crossbows. , rarely dare to step forward.

Their morale only comes from the large number of people, and they feel that they can bully the few with more. After being beaten in a wave, they immediately don't have the courage to attack on a large scale again.

The tight front line and high morale built an iron wall, and the effect was far beyond Shi Congyun's expectations. No one retreated in front of several times the enemy.

Therefore, he never gave the order to fire and counterattack until the morale of the enemy became lower and lower, and his soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought.

He finally felt that it was time to fight back, and then he ordered the Suzaku flag to be raised and the whole army to fight back!


The orange flames suddenly flickered on the ground, and the scorching light changed the color of the battlefield.

The rebels at the front couldn't react, and suddenly their flesh and blood flew all over them, as if struck by lightning, they fell down like wheat harvesting.

The power of the artillery lies in its powerful kinetic energy, which is inseparable from its speed. Almost all the stones are accelerated to fly close to the speed of sound when they exit the barrel, which is difficult for the naked eye to catch.

In the face of such kinetic energy, almost all armor is like a blank sheet of paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

Those elites who were placed at the forefront to protect the armed forces, wearing solid armor, are like tofu at this time, and they don't know how they died...

More than 20 stone-shooting cannons at the front of each front fired intensively, and a large number of howling stones hit the front soldiers at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The people behind were also stunned. The many crossbowmen who were hiding behind couldn't react to what happened. Many horses behind and on the flanks neighed amidst the sound of cannons resounding through the sky. They were so startled that they kicked and ran wildly. Walking around, chaos.

It's just that Qin Jun didn't give them a chance. Such drills have been practiced countless times by the banks of Bianshui.

As soon as Shi Congyun's command flag came out, the commando team that had been prepared early after sending out the position had already stepped out of the front line and rushed towards the three gaps opened by the stone-shooting artillery.

Hundreds of iron cavalry in front cleared the way and rushed into the enemy's formation at the fastest speed. A large number of infantry followed behind to increase their strength and open the gap to prevent counterattacks.

A large number of rebels who were killed or injured in the gap and had no time to evade were trampled by the first wave of heavy armored cavalry rushing in with lightning speed. mouth.

The opponent's army formation was in chaos immediately, and the gap opened by the concentrated use of artillery in an instant to kill a large number of people, the opponent could not react at all to replenish the troops and regroup, and it was already torn open.

Shi Congyun was excited. Looking down from the top of the mountain, he could clearly see three long dragons following the gap opened by the artillery, cutting through the enemy's formation all the way to the north. Little by little.

Although the Northern Han Army and Li Jun Army had a large number of people, they were instantly stunned by this style of play, and the formation fell into chaos.

As the Qin army suddenly entered the depths and rushed forward, hacking and killing on all sides, the formation on the opposite side became more and more chaotic.

After breaking through the frontier elite with a high armor rate, many soldiers in the rear are mostly unarmored reserve soldiers and auxiliary troops, and there are even cases where they are filling up.

Looking from a distance, the enemy troops in the rear were all in a panic trying to avoid the Qin army rushing into the formation, so they squeezed in the middle one after another, but soon found that there was nowhere to escape, and they turned instinctively backwards. flee.

In less than a quarter of an hour, this trend intensified, and then, like a gap in the embankment, the raging flood could no longer be stopped, the retreat turned into a retreat, and gradually turned into a desperate escape...

A large number of banners fell to the ground, and the enemy formation began to gradually collapse backwards.

Shi Congyun could see clearly from the mountain, and immediately ordered: "Pass my general order, the whole army pursues, and captures Li Yun!"

The civil and military soldiers and messengers around were also very excited at this time. Seeing the emperor's command and planning, always as stable as Mount Tai, tens of thousands of troops collapsed immediately, and many bandits and bandits fled desperately.

Little did he know that Shi Congyun was almost unable to stand up anymore. Although his acting skills had always been at the level of an emperor, the pressure of such a big battle was still too great. His tense nerves relaxed, and he almost sat down on the ground in embarrassment.

However, since he is the emperor, he had no choice but to "elegantly" sit cross-legged on the ground, and then said, "Sitting here, looking north, everything behind me is my Great Qin country!"

Everyone shouted Long Live, and they all felt that the official's speech was extremely domineering and meaningful...

The battle situation was good across the board, with the red sun slanting to the west, the Qin army immediately abandoned their position, uttered overwhelming shouts of killing, and rushed out from everywhere like a tide, chasing and attacking to the west.

In the fields and fields in the distance, only a few enemy troops were still fighting, and more people fled north like black ants, fleeing from the fields and roads in the direction of Zezhou.

At this point in the battle, the victory has been decided. This time the firearm is no longer a supporting role in determining the outcome like in previous battles, but has become the protagonist, dominating the battlefield.

Looking north, the Qin army is still pursuing bravely in the afterglow of the sun...

328 Chapter [-] , Get an inch

As the sun slanted to the west, the scene in the sky gradually dimmed, and fires lit up on the land in the distance.

Shi Congyun gathered his own troops around him, and there were still about 3000 people, so he asked them to guard him, and without rest all night, he drove towards Zezhou along the main road with a luan flag, accompanied by many civil and military personnel.

The sky was dark, and the accompanying guards took out fish fat stored in earthen jars from the luggage and spread it on the linen cloth, then wrapped it around the end of a wooden stick, and lit it with an open flame.

Shi Congyun rode his horse and walked along the road. The main battlefield was just now on both sides of the road.

A lot of flags, armor and weapons were scattered by the side of the road, and the thick blood and gunpowder smoke smelled very bad.

Several civil servants accompanying the army couldn't help vomiting.

Along the way, the army advanced rapidly, and Shi Congyun actually didn't dare to go too fast on horseback. It was already dark at this time, and he was afraid of getting lost, and it was unclear how many remnants of the enemy remained in the north.

All he had to do was act as if the emperor was marching with his soldiers.

But during specific actions, he can slow down the speed of the horse. If there is a battle report from the front, he will stop and look at it for a while, pretending to be very serious, and it will take a long time to look at it.

All kinds of good news were sent back from the front, because after the pursuit, the coercion between the troops was also loose, and many battle reports were directly reported to Yujia.

In the night, the troops from all walks of life did not stop chasing, and the red light flickered and gathered the long dragon, winding north.

After walking in the middle of the night, Shi Congyun ordered people to camp at the mountain pass instead of moving forward, and then stopped to give orders.

That night, the fast horses in front kept galloping back and forth, and the accompanying officials were extremely busy but excited, because almost all the reports came back with good news.

In the middle of the night, Shi Congyun relaxed, arranged for people, and fell asleep for about two hours, then woke up immediately.

When he woke up, it was daylight.

The accompanying eunuch came in and reported to him in a low voice, saying that someone from the front had come back to report and had been waiting for a long time.

Shi Congyun stood up, Ali didn't rush to wash his hands and said, "Let them all come in and report."

When he sat down in the big tent, there were already more than a dozen people waiting. Shi Congyun called the secretary in charge of the army to take notes beside him, and then asked them about their situation one by one.

Everyone was happy and reported to him one after another.

"Officials, our army has already chased to the west. When it was about to dawn, the commander Zhao Yan sent someone back to report. I can't remember how many people killed, let alone more than five hundred, and captured more than seven hundred bandit soldiers along the way. People, all commanders are still leading people to pursue to the northwest." Shi Congyun nodded.

"I remember the achievements of your army." The secretary in charge next to him wrote down all of these.

Soon someone came up to report the results of the battle to him, explaining the position of the troops.

After several times, someone stepped forward and said, "Commander, our army has captured Lu Zan, the supervisor of the puppet Han army, and has already escorted him out of the tent. The striker has already arrived at the city of Zezhou last night."

Shi Congyun was very happy: "Pull it in and let me see."

After a while, a middle-aged man in ragged clothes and bloody face was escorted in by two soldiers, one on the left and the other on the right.

But the material of his clothes is better, although his face is pale from fright now, but his skin is smooth, he looks like a rich man.

After Lu Zan came in, he didn't have much integrity. He kowtowed and bumped his head one after another, but he didn't dare to look up at him at all.

Shi Congyun is not happy, he is not a devil, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, okay, stop kowtowing, if you kowtow again, I'll chop off your head and see what you kowtow with." Shi Congyun said dissatisfied.

Luzan turned pale with fright, and begged for mercy: "Our country does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and dared to entangle people and horses against the heavenly soldiers. Now it is indeed defeated. I only hope that the emperor will be magnanimous and spare the life of the ignorant villain! Please forgive me, poor old man!" After speaking, she shed tears and began to cry.

Shi Congyun took many prisoners, and saw a lot of spineless people. Lu Zan is not surprised by this. He has seen only a few people who still have backbone after being captured, such as Yelv Talie, the king of the Southern Academy of Liao Kingdom. .

Shi Congyun is not interested in his people, but more interested in the intelligence he may know...

So he said directly, "It's okay to spare your life. I'll ask you something, and you answer truthfully. If you don't match up in the future, I will feed you to the dog."

"Even if the Son of Heaven asks, the villain will know everything and say everything!"

"How many troops are there in your puppet Han country? Do you know the defense map?" Shi Congyun asked.

Lu Zan immediately said anxiously: "Reporting to the Son of Heaven, I have sent more than half of the soldiers and horses of the Northern Han Dynasty this time, and there are about ten thousand soldiers around Jinyang. A few Jiedu envoys... seem not to obey orders."

"You should know the defense map of your country."

Lu Zan continued: "I only know about Tuanbai Valley and its vicinity, and only Taiyuan inspectors know about the surrounding capital."

Shi Congyun was overjoyed and immediately ordered, "Give him a pen and paper and let him draw!"

He said again: "Lu Zan, as long as you tell the truth clearly, not only will I not kill you, but I will reward you. Sooner or later, I will clean up your Han country that defied the sky. Now is your rare opportunity. Don't make mistakes." , a rare opportunity in the world.

Send him pen and ink, and you draw the defense plan. "

"Yes, even if I have the guts of a bear, I will not dare to bully you!" Lu Zan repeatedly assured, and then the officials accompanying him brought him pens and inks, Lu Zan thought for a while, and immediately began to draw.

Shi Congyun watched intently.

The defense map is a country's military secret, just like Daliang's defense map, which is a state secret. It was drawn up by the Privy Council in Daliang, and then issued to the generals. Only when the chief and deputy generals are present can they be opened together.

If the deployment of troops is leaked, it will cause irreparable damage.

The simplest way is to go north from Liaozhou to Taiyuan, usually through Tuanbai Valley to the north, but that's just ordinary, the sky and the earth, tens of millions of people are nothing at all on the vast land.

So in fact, there are many alternative roads, but they all have risks, and there is not only one road to go in Tuanbai Valley.

But once they knew the opponent's deployment of troops near Tuanbai, they could avoid the real situation and go northward, avoiding the key defensive position of the Northern Han Dynasty, and directly cut off their logistics and food routes.

In another well-known example, Cao Cao's defeat of Yuan Shao in the Battle of Guandu was not because he never thought of attacking Yuan Shao's granary at the beginning. With Xu You's defection, the situation of the war was reversed as soon as the deployment was leaked.

So what he was most concerned about was the deployment of the Northern Han Dynasty. After the victory, he had greater ambitions, and wanted to take advantage of the situation to go north, capture Taiyuan, and destroy the Northern Han Kingdom.

This is not an act of will.

In history, the two dynasties of the Later Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty fought successively for more than 20 years in order to destroy the small Northern Han Dynasty that occupied half of Shanxi.

There were four large-scale battles before it was finally destroyed.

First, because the northern part of Shanxi is close to the nomadic peoples, it is the frontier to resist the northern invasion, such as Yanmen Pass, Yunzhou to the north, etc., because it has been tempered by war for a long time, it has been able to fight well since ancient times.

The second is the support of the Liao Kingdom. Guo Rong won the first large-scale conquest of Shanxi, but later Yelu Talie, the king of the Southern Academy of the Liao Kingdom, led his troops to the south to support him, and was immediately beaten to the point of losing his troops and retreating from Hedong in a panic.

If he hadn't come to this world, father would have died at that time in history, at the hands of Yelv Talie, the great king of the South Court of Liao Kingdom, but now he is fine, Yelu Talie was captured by him.

Later, in addition to small-scale wars, Zhao Kuangyin conquered the Northern Han Dynasty twice, and each time he came to Taiyuan, and then the Liao army immediately went south to support.

However, Zhao Kuangyin's strength lies in the fact that although he was worried that Taiyuan would not be captured by two sides, he was causing great damage to Liao's reinforcements.

So when Zhao Guangyi sent troops for the last time, the Liao Kingdom did not dare to send any more reinforcements. If the Liao Kingdom did not come to rescue, half of Shanxi's territory and population in the Northern Han Dynasty would not be able to sustain it.

But now Shi Congyun feels that he has achieved the effect of Zhao Kuangyin after the two Taiyuan battles.

First, the elite of the Northern Han Dynasty was exhausted, Zhe Deli in the north, Yang Jixun surrendered one after another, and the North and South have formed a strategic encirclement of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Second, the Liao Kingdom had a high probability of not daring to send troops after a big defeat the year before. He had already played the effect of Zhao Kuangyin's two Northern Expeditions to Taiyuan in the First World War.

Thirdly, many people in the north-central part of Shanxi are unwilling to run dogs for the Liao Kingdom like the ruler.

The people were very dissatisfied with this. During the first battle of Gaoping in [-], when he was an unknown soldier, he remembered that the local people hoped that the Zhou army would win.It's a pity that the government couldn't restrain the army at all at that time, and incidents of burning, killing and looting happened from time to time, coupled with the forced requisition of food, which disappointed the fathers and villagers in Shanxi.

Fourth, the Jiedu envoys of the world need to be deterred. It is hard to say what the position of Zhe Deli, Yang Jixun and others who are newly surrendered in the north is. If they are tough at this time, they can deter the world.

Fifth, Hebei's grain harvest has been bumper for three consecutive years, which can support military operations for a longer period of time. Such an opportunity is rare and must be seized.

With various reasons, Shi Congyun had made a decision in his heart, defeated Li Yun, took advantage of the victory and went north, solved the Northern Han Dynasty in one fell swoop, and pushed the defense line north to the vicinity of Yanmen Pass.

Over there, Lu Zan had roughly marked the location, and then knelt on the ground to explain: "Your Majesty, look here, after Taiping Station is Bi County and Wuxiang County, and the troops are mainly deployed at Liang Hou Station, about ten miles northwest of Bi County.

The granary is in Shangqu Village, [-] miles away in the north valley, where all the grain from the nearby counties is gathered for the defenders. "

"As for Wuxiang County, which is further north, there are actually not many soldiers. The middle school felt that it was not easy to defend there. Sooner or later, it would be taken by Li Yun, so there was no heavy army.

The mountain road from Lianghouyi to Tuanbai Valley is steep, and there are many military villages in the middle, and there are not many defenders. The most important Fenshui village often has four battalions of troops stationed there. "

Lu Zan pointed to a point he had drawn between Bi County and Taiyuan and said to Shi Congyun, and the clerk next to him wrote down all these words.

"Further to the north, there used to be a large camp near Tuanbai, but now they have been mobilized to the south. In fact, it is empty. There are almost no defenders near Tuanbai. As long as you leave the mountain, you can reach Taiyuan.

As for the deployment of Taiyuan, I don't know, the villain knows so much, every sentence is true, if there is a little bit of lies, it will make my whole family die, and the sky will be thundered!Your Majesty trust me! "

Shi Congyun had his drawings carefully put away, and took the clerk's notes in person to see if he had recorded them all, and then said: "Well done, I will save you from death, and when Master Wang succeeds, I will give you Reward him for his merits, take him down to rest."

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