Shi Congyun has kept many things in mind, but he is not in a hurry about this matter. It will take at least several years or even more than ten years for these arrangements and arrangements to start to show results slowly.

This is not something that can be rushed, nor can it be accomplished overnight, and requires long-term management.


"Officials, the veteran feels that this time the troops should not be taken lightly. If Li Yun dares to take the lead in raising troops, he must have backup." Lu Qiu Zhongqing in the Chui Gong Palace said.

Everyone was used to being casual, so they didn't say anything at this time, they all gathered around him, looking at a huge map in front of him, and people kept making noises.

Luqiu Zhongqing is now the privy envoy, he was the first to speak.

"I think there are two possibilities, either other Jiedu envoys, or the puppet Han north of Li Yun."

Feng Jisheng went on to say: "According to the Privy Council's letter, Li Jun's Zhaoyi Army has about 5 internal and external tooth troops. Even counting other foreign town soldiers and state soldiers, there can be at most [-] people.

With these strengths, he should not dare to challenge the officials. "

Shi Congyun nodded: "You are right." Luqiu Zhongqing said that the internal and external army, the outer town soldiers and the state soldiers all belong to the armed forces of the Jiedushi. a microcosm of .

The Jiedushi garrisoned in the head city of the area under his jurisdiction was called the Nei Ya Army, which was an elite confidant, and the one stationed outside the government office to defend the government office was called the Outer Ya Army, which was still the main force.

Generally speaking, the internal and external dental army is the most elite unit of a Jiedushi.

The outer town army is the army that obeys the orders of the Jiedushi and guards other states and counties.

Luzhou (near today's Changzhi City) where Li Yunzhi is located has maintained a large army because of its long-term resistance to the Northern Han and Khitan.

But Dazhou had 18 forbidden troops, not including the local troops. Even if the troops he sent out to guard the important places and the troops to defend the capital were excluded, he could mobilize at least [-] elite troops at any time.

This is the advantage of a big country. A small country like the Northern Han Dynasty had to send [-] troops, which meant that it had to give up most of its defense and the production and life of many ordinary people, and it took a long time to prepare.

But the state of Qin is different. As long as there is an order, there are huge and elite troops around the capital that can be deployed immediately and go into battle at any time.

The same is true for the Liao Kingdom. After they were attacked in Youzhou, they sent an army of [-] in just one month to rush thousands of miles to rescue them. There were also tribal armies after another. If they were in a stalemate for half a year, they might gather [-] troops The army is coming.

The same is true for the state of Qin now. If the whole country really wants to fight desperately, as long as 15 elite soldiers can resist or delay the enemy for half a year, and the follow-up troops will go into battle one after another, he can gather more than [-] troops within half a year.

This is the foundation of a great country....

"Li Yun is also a veteran, so he should know well... If he colludes with other Jiedu envoys, he should not have so much confidence. If he communicates with the puppet Han country, it will be more troublesome.

There should be tens of thousands of puppet Han bandits. If the two families unite, they should not be underestimated. "Wang Pu said, last year he went to Jiangling to prepare military rations, and then he was transferred to Hebei to handle errands. The prime minister in his thirties lost a lot of weight and became darker.

After he opened his mouth, Lu Duoxun and other civil servants also nodded: "Officials, if they cooperate with each other, it will indeed be a great hidden danger. I am afraid that the Shu army will not be able to compare."

Wang Quanbin immediately interjected: "The Shu army has not known soldiers for decades, is not good at fighting, and has nothing to show for it.

It is said to be 14, but in fact there are only a few hundred people who fought to the end. The Northern Army only had a decent resistance in the battle of Xixian County.

In addition to Kuizhou Gao Yanchou died in battle on the east road, then the flag was lowered and raised all the way to Chengdu.

However, the Zhaoyi army has been fighting against the Northern Han and Khitan all year round. Over the years, there have been many wars and small battles. If someone sees it, Li Yun's men must be stronger than the puppet Han army.

It is the puppet Han bandit soldiers who have been saved all year round by calling Khitan Laozi and being filial sons. Otherwise, they would have brought their heads back to Daliang when Emperor Shizong of Zhou was at the beginning.

It would be better if they united! "

Wang Quanbin has completely different views from Wang Pu, Lu Duoxun and others.

Wang Pu and others believed that Li Jun's alliance with the Northern Han Dynasty was troublesome, and that the situation might be better if he joined with other Jiedushi.

Wang Quanbin thought it would be a better situation for Li Yun to unite with the Northern Han Dynasty.

The two sides argued with each other for a few words, and their expressions were a little bad.

Shi Congyun raised his hand to interrupt their argument: "In my opinion, the Northern Han Dynasty is destined to be an enemy. If he encourages other Jiedu envoys, it will be troublesome."

He looked at the map and pointed to several border envoys one after another. He also hoped that Li Yun's foreign aid would be from the Northern Han Dynasty instead of other envoys from the middle school.

On the same day, Shi Congyun immediately ordered Gao Huaide and Shao Ji to go out of the city to prepare for the battle.

At the same time, let Feng Jisheng go to assemble the Shenhuo Army, and let Meng Xuanzhe go with Feng Jisheng at the same time, which means to let him learn.

Let the army prepare for the war, and at the same time order again, let Mingzhou defense envoy Guo Jin send a letter to Li Yun, saying that the imperial court gave him one last chance to come to Beijing to be an official to protect his prosperity and wealth.

This was Shi Congyun's last attempt at diplomacy.

After all, even if the probability is small, you can give it a try. If Li Yun is afraid, and obediently surrenders his military power to the capital, it will not only deter the rest of the Jiedu envoys, but also reduce a lot of casualties and waste.

But at the same time, history of military preparations has not relaxed at all.

And this time he paid more attention and tension.

This is the first battle after the founding of the country!In any case, you can only win but not lose.

This is different from all the previous battles. If this one is lost, the newly established Qin State will be in jeopardy, because many Jiedu envoys will not be able to hold back, and they must be waiting and watching.

At such a critical moment, he did not dare to order those Jiedu Envoys to enter the capital. In case of emergency, he would join forces with Li Yun, which would kill him.


So this time, Shi Congyun paid special attention to it.

In the next few days, he not only solicited the opinions of the ministers extensively in the court, but also personally rode a horse to inspect the three armies in the camp by the Bian River to boost morale.

At the same time, he also began to consider who could replace him as regent.

Most Jiedu envoys will help whoever wins, and the first battle of the founding of the country seems to be a matter of life and death.

In history, when Li Yun united with the Northern Han Dynasty to rebel, Zhao Kuangyin was the one who conquered himself and left his brother Zhao Guangyi as regent, but he didn't have such a stinky brother.

The best choice is the queen's regent, but he is not here, and Liumei does not have the talent to manage a country well.

So in the end he just ignored it. At the beginning of February, he didn't care what other people said about his filthy temple. He directly and forcefully moved the Empress Dowager Fu from Wei Wangfu to live in the palace, and lived with Liumei in Kunning Palace, and told Liumei , when he is not in the capital, all things will be handled by Mrs. Fu later.

Later, he also explained the matter to Li Gu, Wei Renpu, Fan Zhi, Luqiu Zhongqing, Wang Pu, Wang Pu and other prime ministers.

They are well-informed, after all, they are veterans of several dynasties, they have never seen any scenes, and they are very calm.

After making these arrangements, Shi Congyun went to the military camp almost every day.

In addition to boosting morale, it is to supervise and train new tactics.

This method of warfare is a new method of infantry, cavalry and stone shooting artillery, a new tactic.

Because it was invented by him, the soldiers in the army called it the "Long Live Formation". Shi Congyun felt that it was old-fashioned. Besides, the important thing was not the fixed pattern, but the tactical thinking, but it was too late to argue with them.

Although he showed full confidence in this, he was still uneasy in his heart. Who knows if it will work if you haven't tried it?

What's more, if we want to fight next, it will be the first battle for the founding of the country, and we must not mess it up.

After all, the Zhaoyi Army was a frontier army that fought against the Northern Han and Khitan people all year round, and its combat effectiveness must be very different from the Shu Army, Wuping Army, and Nanping Army that fought before.Don't look at the 10,000+ of the Shu army, which seems scary, but more than [-]% of them surrendered directly.

As long as the Zhaoyi army exceeds [-], it will make him feel pressured, not to mention that they are likely to have more than [-].

So these days I often run around on the edge of Bianshui.

Several wives feel sorry for him but they can't do anything about it. Power and material enjoyment come at a price.


On the sixth day of February, Guo, the defense envoy of Mingzhou in the north, came in to report, saying that the messenger sent by Li Yun was driven away by Li Yun, but the messenger was very clever, and he saw the flag and cavalry of the Northern Han Dynasty in Li Yun's Luzhou.

It shows that Li Yun's rebellion was allied with the Northern Han Dynasty.

This news made Shi Congyun a little relieved. At least the Northern Han Dynasty was originally an enemy. If Li Yun had united with them instead of other Jiedu envoys, it meant that the domestic pressure would be much less.

On the same day, Xiang Gong also wrote to him, saying that the Jiedu envoy of Hezhong expressed his willingness to go to the capital to meet the emperor!

This is a great thing. The Jiedu Envoy of the National Defense Army in Hezhong is also the Jiedu Envoy adjacent to the Northern Han Dynasty. Shi Congyun was worried before that he sent [-] soldiers to Hezhong to prevent Li Yun and the Northern Han from plotting Hezhong and Guanzhong. At the same time, he was afraid that he would fall to Li Yun and Beihan, because they were close.

Now the Jiedu envoy in Hezhong took the initiative to ask for his order to come to see him, which meant that he took the initiative to show weakness, surrendered his military power, and was willing to surrender!

Shi Congyun was naturally happy. Immediately after being excited, he called the Imperial Academy to write an edict of commendation, preparing to let him come to the capital, and even stamped the seal.

Just when I was about to send it out, I calmed down again. What if this is a temptation?

Li Yun and Beihan next to him are preparing to rebel, and the national defense army is under a lot of pressure. What if this is a kind of temptation...

Shi Congyun suppressed his excitement immediately and paced back and forth thinking.

After thinking for a while, he tore up the imperial edict and asked the Imperial Academy to re-draft the decree. The general idea is that the emperor has great trust in the National Defense Army. Now is a critical time. The country needs the National Defense Army. Jiedu does not come to Beijing. Sending the children of the family to defend the place well is the best support for the emperor.

After doing this, he became more and more aware of the turbulent undercurrents around him.

That night, I went to Kunning Palace to stay overnight, and explained many things about Liumei and Empress Dowager Fu.


On the eighth day of February, Gao Huaide, Shao Ji, Feng Jisheng, and Meng Xuanzhe reported to him one after another that the troops outside the city had assembled and were ready to leave at any time.

Shi Congyun immediately appointed Lu Duoxun as the third judge to prepare food for the army, and then announced to the world that Li Yun colluded with the puppet Han to cause chaos, causing chaos in the world, and he was a traitor...

Chapter 317: I heard about Yunzhong County in the past

"Officials, the preparations for the three armies have been completed. The first army, the second army, the third army, the fourth army, and the fifth army are all ready to launch at any time.

The Sixth Army, the Seventh Army, the Eighth Army, the Ninth Army, and the Tenth Army on the right wing of Hujie are also ready to start at any time.

Three hundred navy ships have left Bianshui and entered the waterway of the Yellow River, ready to turn away for grain and grass at any time.

The Shenhuo Army has 66 cannons, and the third division has sufficient food and grass, which have been transported to the Yellow River, and then they can cross the river.

According to the order of the commander in chief, Shao Ji led the tenth battalion of the Longjie Army to go ahead and seize the fortress in Taihang Mountain. "

In the small courtyard outside the Long Live Hall, Luqiu Zhongqing was reporting to him the preparations of the army.

"The officials are also well prepared in terms of food and grass. The warehouse on the north bank of the Yellow River has also hoarded 50 shi of military rations. The army has no worries. Several defense envoys in the north also began to assemble according to the order."

Shi Congyun nodded, and the little yellow flower next to him didn't understand what they said, but followed him curiously.

"How many civilians do you think need to be mobilized this time to ensure the army's logistics supplies?" Shi Congyun said.

Lu Duoxun was not in a hurry to speak. Luqiu Zhongqing, his old minister and close minister, directly cupped his hands and said, "The officials, I think it is enough to mobilize [-] people this time. The main transportation will be along the Yellow River, and it will be in Dacang on the north bank. This time it was not as difficult as the previous year.

The key is the section in Luoyang. In the past, that section was repaired all the year round, and the water transportation was smooth. However, since the official Luoyang was abandoned at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the water transportation near Luoyang began to be abandoned. It may take more time and effort to walk that section, otherwise 5 people would be enough. "

Shi Congyun nodded silently, and then said: "Lu Hanlin, you have to work hard on these things, and you can't make mistakes. The soldiers and horses have to go before the food and grass are used. The supply of food and grass for the three armies is the most important thing.

Back then, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty said that Xiao Xiangguo's first contribution was because of feeding the three armies. I am also a person who has fought all the year round, and I know the importance of food and grass. I entrust this matter to you and must do it well. "

"Your minister should be the head of the dead, and the dead should be the grass, and he will never disappoint the appreciation of the officials!"

Shi Congyun nodded, and stretched out his hand to help him up: "Go, make preparations early, I won't listen to you, I'll see you do it."

Lu Doxun stood up, then backed away.

Only Shi Congyun and Luqiu Zhongqing were left in the courtyard.

Luqiu Zhongqing was his old minister, who followed him from the beginning, similar to Shao Ji and Wang Zhong, and was one of his most trusted people, so he appointed Luqiu Zhongqing as the privy envoy as soon as he took office.

There were only two of them, and Luqiu Zhongqing said directly: "The official's family is keeping this old man, do you have something important to explain?"

Shi Congyun nodded: "It's about the middle school. This time I have to personally conquer the country. The queen is the regent of the middle school. But the queen is young after all, and there is no one in the capital, so I hope you will help her, especially Li Gong. Fan Gong, Wei Gong, Wang Gong and other ministers.

They have their own opinions and they are right, but if I am not here, they may not be convinced of the queen. "

After he finished speaking, he turned around and said in a deep voice, "Mr. is always different from them. You are in the capital, so you should help the queen more."

Luqiu Zhongqing cupped his hands: "The officials are at ease, the old minister understands the worries of the officials."

Shi Congyun nodded, Luqiu Zhongqing has always been a wise person with insights, "That's good."


The queen's power is greater than many people imagined, because she is the emperor's wife, the representative of the royal family except the emperor.

Although he, Shi Congyun, had never been an emperor, he had a good brain and a good understanding. The so-called head followed the buttocks. Once the buttocks sat on it, he thought carefully about the relationship between the royal family and the ministers based on his survival instinct.

The ideal state is that the imperial power does not leave the court, but only serves as referees, let the ministers be players, let them play by themselves, promote those who play well, and send off those who play poorly.

But now is the critical moment when he has no choice but to end.

He learned the lesson of the former emperor Guo Rong. In history, Zhou Shizong had confessed to let loyal officials such as Wang Zhu join the team of ministers before his death. Ignored the emperor's will.

In the era of the Five Dynasties, when the power of civil servants was so declining, such a situation unexpectedly appeared!

The important reason for this situation is that every time Guo Rong went to war, he let his close minister Zaifu be regent instead of letting the royal family supervise the country. Especially during the Southern Tang Dynasty, the emperor, empress, Li Chongjin, Zhang Yongde and other royal families all left. Now, hand over the entire court to the ministers under you.

Isn't this letting the minister himself be both a referee and a player?Slowly, the imperial power will definitely be emptied. After his death, the ministers will not carry out his last wishes. The coup d'état will have nothing to do with Zhao Kuangyin except for the king crying, except for the atmosphere and political mistakes.

Guo Rong is bold in military affairs, but he is indeed not general in politics.

Like Genghis Khan Temujin, he not only knew how to shoot big eagles, but also handed over the military power in the east to Mu Huali when he went to the west, but at the same time he let his three princesses supervise the country, and his relatives were in charge of the power of the New Deal, Mu Huali, etc. The general still needs to ask Princess Jian Guo for instructions on how to act, this move is very clever!

For ministers, they can be given power and freedom to make decisions, but the final decision must be in the hands of the royal family.

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