
After dealing with the affairs of the Shu Kingdom, Shi Congyun was ready to meet the Jiangnan envoy.

On the same day, he summoned more than 20 senior officials of the two divisions in the army, the prime minister under Zhongshumen and the servant of Shangshu, and the chief officials of the third division, to discuss the plan for the next five years in the side hall of the Chuigong Hall.

Shi Congyun asked the officials to speak one by one, some with great insights, some with nonsense, and some who couldn't figure out the situation at all, all kinds of things.

After everyone finishes talking and picks out opinions with a relatively high degree of unity for discussion, the final result is still similar.

Most people think that they should take advantage of the fact that the Liao Kingdom was terrified last year and the elite suffered heavy losses. In the next three years, the Northern Han Dynasty will be wiped out and Hedong will be regained.

If the time dragged on and the Liao Kingdom slowed down and sent troops to the east of the river when it was almost recovered, the Khitan people would probably intervene, and it would be difficult to handle at that time.

Shi Congyun also agreed with this statement, so in the side hall of the Chuigong Hall that night, the strategic history of the next five years was finalized by Congyun, "defend to the south and attack to the north"!This matter is very necessary. Only when the overall goal of a country is clear can things be handled easily.

After the strategy of defending to the south and attacking to the north is set, the next diplomatic, military, and political preparations will also have a center and a center of gravity, so that there will be no chaos.

Since the Northern Han should be dealt with first, the Southern Tang and Southern Han must be appeased and stabilized.

So Shi Congyun was also prepared to meet the envoys of the Southern Tang Dynasty. He had already thought about what to say and in which direction to guide the Southern Tang Dynasty, and planned to meet them the next day.

But the plan couldn’t keep up with the rapid changes. On the second day, Shi Congyun took Xiao Huanghua out of the entrance of the Long Live Hall, and Fu Zhaoyuan hurried to tell him that a mother and daughter in ragged clothes knelt in front of Xuande Gate all night, attracting many people to watch.

The imperial army went to ask her and said that she came from Xingzhou (Lueyang, Shaanxi Province), and had a big injustice, and came to see the emperor to sue the imperial court.

After learning the lesson from the Shu land last time, this little brother-in-law Fu Zhaoyuan didn't dare to make his own opinions, and would report to him as soon as possible about any trivial matter.

Shi Congyun was also very surprised. He came all the way here to file a complaint. It must be a great grievance and unwillingness. He immediately took it seriously.

So Fu Zhaoyuan was asked to bring the mother and son to the Long Live Hall.

When they arrived at the Long Live Hall, Baiguan and the envoys from the Southern Tang Dynasty just arrived. Shi Congyun told them not to talk, and then asked Fu Zhaoyuan to bring the mother and child in.

All the officials looked at the mother and son in puzzlement.

The mother and son were a little nervous after entering the hall. Shi Congyun saw that they were unkempt, skinny, ragged, with calluses on their feet and blood stains. It was obvious that they had traveled a long distance, and they were not pretending.

He said: "I am the emperor, let me hear what you want to sue, and I will make the decision for you."

The mother and daughter fell to their knees with a plop, and burst into tears in an instant. While crying, they spoke a Shaanxi dialect, talking about the wrongs they had suffered.

Shi Congyun was furious after hearing this!

Chapter 308, Jiangnan has talents

It turned out that the mother and the son were from Xingzhou, and they were originally ordinary farmers. The family's sheep were lost, so they reported to the official.

Zhao Yantao, governor of Xingzhou, personally tried the case and asked her husband. The husband said that the neighbor might have stolen it. Afterwards, the government servants did not find the lost sheep at the peasant woman's neighbor's house.

The governor Zhao Yantao decided that the peasant woman's husband had made a false accusation, and strangled her husband to death with his bare hands on the spot, and took out his heart and liver with his hands.


Shi Congyun's face was ashen after hearing this, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed. This is the general of the Five Dynasties!

Zhao Yantao is from Xingzhou. He was originally a general of the Later Tang Dynasty, and later became a general of the Later Shu Dynasty with Meng Zhixiang. At the beginning of this year, the King Zhaoyuan of Later Shu wanted to join forces with the Northern Han Dynasty to attack Zhou, so he sent Zhao Yantao and others to contact the Northern Han Dynasty with a letter from Meng Chang.

As a result, Zhao Yantao came to Daliang with a letter to surrender, and gave Shi Congyun a reason to send troops. In order to reward his contributions, he was appointed as the commander of the Xingzhou horse infantry after taking Xingzhou.

Later, the Kingdom of Shu was destroyed, and because there were no disturbances during the guarding of Xingzhou and there were vacancies for officials, he was promoted to be the governor of Xingzhou.

Shi Congyun never expected that he would do such a thing in less than a year!

Since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, there have been many cruel and inhumane things because of continuous wars. For example, it is not an isolated case to use people as military rations. Has been eliminated.

It’s just that once something happens, it will definitely have an impact. The biggest impact is that the soldiers of the late Tang, Dao, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms will be extremely tyrannical and cruel. His soldiers are fine, but Shi Congyun’s long-term restraint and strict military law management are subtly affecting Change soldiers.

But the local and feudal armies are not. Many people still retain the idea of ​​showing off their bravery by eating or torturing their own kind. This is not just warriors, even some literati are proud of having eaten someone.

Shi Congyun always hated these bad habits, but he never thought that now there would be a cruel and innocent Zhao Yantao!

The common people have a lawsuit without careful investigation, arbitrarily adjudicating the case, killing ordinary people arbitrarily, and the methods are cruel!

He is also the governor of a state, so one can imagine the great influence and the bad influence!

Shi Congyun said angrily: "Dou Yi, tell me how to deal with this!"

All the officials could see that he was angry, and immediately became serious, Dou Yilian stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Report to the officials, Zhao Yantao is an official of the imperial court, he should be convicted by Zhongshumen or Yushitai."

"I let you speak!" Shi Congyun was dissatisfied, his tone was very serious, and the court was shocked.

Dou Yi thought for a while, and said: "You can resign, take responsibility, get tattooed, and be sent to a place far from evil."

This is a very heavy punishment for officials. If they are held accountable, tattooed, and distributed to remote places, they will probably not survive.

After thinking about it for a while, I was still very annoyed.

He asked Li Gu again, and Li Gu came out and said in the same way: "The old minister thinks what Dou Shaoqing said is reasonable."

Shi Congyun didn't speak, and quickly thought about how to deal with this matter. After thinking about it, he walked down, regardless of the dirty smell, and helped the mother and child who were kneeling on the ground to get up.

Then he paced and said: "Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world has been in chaos and wars have continued, so many civil and military people have developed a violent habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately."

As he spoke, his eyes were stern, he looked around at all the civil and military personnel in the hall, and then he said loudly: "But the situation in the world has changed now!

My Great Qin has swallowed the north of the river, defeated Khitan, merged Nanping, Wuping, and Naxi Shu, and the general situation of the world has become increasingly clear...  

Therefore, I am here to warn all officials that you also need to keep pace with the times and change your style and thinking, otherwise, if something happens in the future, I will never forgive you!

Zhao Yantao is an example today! "

Immediately ordered: "Zhao Yantao, as a local official, does not love the people, and enforces the law openly, kills people at will, breaks the law and discipline, and immediately sends people to arrest and escort the capital to death."

"Ludson!" he cried aloud.

"The minister is here!" Lu Duosun immediately came out.

"You write an article, write down all the main points of what I said today, and show it to me after writing, and then distribute it to all the officials in the world, so that they can wake up!" Shi Congyun said word by word.

Everyone could see that he was angry, and Ludoxun didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he quickly gave orders.

Later, Tao Gu came out to suggest that today's events should be written into an official document and pasted out, and he also encouraged the people to come to the capital to file a complaint if they were wronged.

Shi Congyun nodded, agreeing with his statement, in today's world, it is not as easy to come to Daliang to sue as in later generations, just like this mother and son came all the way from Xingzhou, it is a great fortune to survive in the capital, plus they are indomitable great perseverance.

If he insisted on coming to the capital to sue, then there must be a great grievance, Shi Congyun also agreed with Tao Gu's statement.

Then Shi Congyun called Lin Shanggong, and asked her to send eunuchs to arrange clothes, food and accommodation for the mother and son, and send them out of the palace after the case was over.


After the end of the court that day, his original good mood was also interrupted by half because of this incident.

I also realized that the atmosphere in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties has not changed. It is just that some people come from thousands of miles to complain, so what about no one?Or was it directly murdered?

There are many states and counties in the world, and there must be many such things, because during the period of the late Tang and Five Dynasties, many people were proud of eating one person and killing someone.

He remembered a well-known general who firmly believed that what he eats is what he eats, and he took a lot of courage to kill people, but he still didn't become more courageous, surrendered very quickly, and ended up with a good death.

There are also Zhao Kuangyin's brother-in-law Wang Jixun who raised and killed hundreds of young women in captivity. After the incident was revealed, Zhao Kuangyin was furious and punished his brother-in-law.

There are many examples of this kind, such as the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. This trend did not subside until the Song Dynasty after the continuous efforts of several emperors.

Now, Shi Congyun is also beginning to face the same problem.

That afternoon, he was a little irritable, so he ordered the officials of Honglu Temple to meet the envoys of the Southern Tang Dynasty in the royal garden in the east of the city instead.

Shi Congyun asked the eunuch to prepare a carriage, and then let Xiao Huanghua get into the carriage, and under the guard of the imperial army led by Fu Zhaoyuan, he went out of the east water gate to the royal garden outside the city.

History Congyun had been to this garden before, it was a place to escape the summer heat, when the officials entertained many of their generals, now he himself is the host when he goes there again.

There are many ancient trees and clear streams in the gardens in the east of the city. The scenery is beautiful, and it is indeed a good place to escape the heat in summer.

After arriving, Xiao Huanghua curiously wanted to go down to play in the water. Lin Shanggong, who was accompanying her, felt that it was impolite, and he hesitated to speak several times. He saw it and said directly: "Don't worry about her, just let her go."

Little Huanghua grew up in the mountains and had never seen such a garden before, so she was naturally full of curiosity, so Shi Congyun rolled up his sleeves and trouser legs and wanted to go down to play with him.

Lin Shanggong cautiously said: "Officials... the envoys from the Tang Kingdom will arrive later, and they haven't brought a change of clothes. Is it... not good." After speaking, he even lowered his fear head.

Shi Congyun heard what she said, and joked: "Lin Shanggong is right. I will obey your order today and prepare some clothes for Xiao Huanghua. Don't let her catch a cold. I will go to the front hall and wait for the envoy of the Tang Kingdom."

After saying that, he left, leaving Lin Shanggong with a shocked expression on his face.


In the front hall, Shi Congyun waited for a while before Lin Shanggong came out and offered him tea.

The first thing Shi Congyun did when he entered the palace was to tell Lin Shanggong to change the way of drinking tea.

"Why lower your head." While drinking tea, Shi Congyun took out a military book he had hidden from his arms and looked at it. He felt that he also needed to read some books, even if he didn't understand, he could use them to pretend.

As for how to fight, he agrees with Huo Qubing's point of view. Fighting depends on adapting to the situation and having one's own opinions. Reading ancient military books is useless.

Lin Shanggong raised his head in fright.

"What are you afraid of?" Shi Congyun asked in confusion, and Lin Shanggong shook his head repeatedly.

"Forget it, you will stand next to me later, making a big splash."



After a while, Fu Zhaoyuan brought in the envoys from the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the leader was actually someone he knew.

The other party handed over the document, and Shi Congyun took it to express his reception to the envoy.

Then the envoy who took the lead bowed down and said: "I have seen Your Majesty, the minister is Feng Yanlu, Minister of the Household Department of the Tang Dynasty in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Let me give you a seat." Shi Congyun said, besides Feng Yanlu and several other people who came with him, they all took their seats.

"Mr. Feng, I didn't expect to meet again after three years." Shi Congyun said with a smile, and Feng Yanlu quickly offered his hand to express his gratitude to China for its kindness.

Feng Yanlu is indeed an acquaintance. When Zhou Guo attacked Huainan, he defended Yangzhou as an official of the Southern Tang Dynasty. He was captured by Zhou Jun and sent to Daliang.

The officials also appointed him an official. During the several years of service in Daliang, he was also an official in the Ministry of Punishment. He was released to Southern Tang three years ago.

Unexpectedly, Li Jing of the Southern Tang Dynasty sent him on an envoy again this time, probably because he thought he understood the situation in the Central Plains.

Feng Yanlu was not stage-frightened either, he got up first to salute, and then said solemnly: "This old minister came to see the Emperor of Qin, and also brought the meaning of the king.

Our country ordered the old ministers to congratulate the official family Long on his ninth five-year position, opened the ancestral temple and the country, spread his grace and power throughout the world, and presented gold, silver and jade articles to congratulate the court.

At the same time, it also made it clear to the officials that the worship and etiquette of the former Zhou State in the Tang State were inherited by the Great Qin Dynasty, and Jiangnan still regards China as the suzerain to the north, paying tribute every year, and proclaiming ministers every year, and dare not neglect.

I also hope that the officials will uphold benevolence, be broad-minded, benevolent to the world, accommodate small countries such as us, continue to abide by the previous covenant with Zhou, and not use weapons and axes to join Jiangnan. "

Shi Congyun nodded after hearing this, and he was slightly relieved. Nan Tang admitted that his Qin State was a good thing.

He had thought that with the courage of Li Jing and Li Yu's father and son, he would not dare to disobey him, but before the matter was settled, he still had some doubts in his heart.

"I agree with your lord's intentions, and I also agree to the conditions you said. I, Qin, inherited Zhou, and I will naturally accept these, but I still want to ask you about some things." Shi Congyun changed the subject, and his tone suddenly Seriously, he is not a good person. It is good for Nan Tang to surrender, but the intimidation and deterrence that should be there cannot be stopped.

"Please tell the officials." Unexpectedly, Feng Yanlu was still very calm.

Shi Congyun said: "I just conquered Shu Kingdom this year. I heard that Shu Kingdom sent envoys to ask you to send troops. Why did your ruler communicate with the rebels?"

Shi Congyun sternly said that he just wanted to use this incident to intimidate Nan Tang and frighten them. At the same time, he also told Nan Tang that he had their reasons and be honest, otherwise there would be other reasons for sending troops.

But what he didn't expect was that Feng Yanlu didn't panic or panic after hearing it, but instead said: "Your Majesty only knows that our Lord communicates with Shu, but doesn't he know that the Lord has actually participated in it?"

Shi Congyun was startled suddenly, and Fu Zhaoyuan and others around him also looked unhappy.

Feng Yanlu said to himself: "At that time, the envoys from Shu had a secret talk with the king in the side hall of the court hall, and the veterans also participated in it.

The lord of the country said to the envoy of Shu that it is not a bad thing for a country to strive for strength and seek the world, which is also true in history;

But plotting the world also depends on the timing. When the Zhou Kingdom attacked Khitan in the north, you didn't send troops when the south was empty. Now the time has come.

The lord said: Your Majesty (Shi Congyun) pointed at Jianfeng, the Liao Kingdom suffered a disastrous defeat, Jingzhou was pacified, and our Tang Kingdom is also willing to bow down and serve as a minister to the north for generations;

The great army under his command is invincible in the southern and northern expeditions. There is no one in the world who dares to be in charge. The majesty has been determined, and the gods will be easier. God will do.

Therefore, the Lord of our country immediately sent back the envoys to Shu, and instead of sending a single soldier to help Shu, he emptied the Yangtze River waterway so that the ships of the king's division could flow unimpeded. "

What Feng Yanlu said was well-founded, well-organized, and soft but tough. He not only complimented his military prowess and military power, but also pointed out that the lack of support from the Southern Tang Dynasty was one of the reasons for the rapid collapse of the Shu Kingdom. Southern Tang Dynasty meritorious service.

It actually made Shi Congyun a little happy and angry for a while, he was happy to hear that the horse was well photographed, and he felt comfortable.

I'm upset because I originally wanted to scare him, but I didn't expect to be scared!

So he said: "I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers today, do you think it is enough to cross the river?"

Feng Yanlu cupped his hands: "With your Majesty's military power, the three armies of the Qin State are so powerful that no one in the world can resist them. If we send troops to the south of the Yangtze River, we will surely perish.

However, Jiangnan has a lot of experience in operating for decades. There are tens of thousands of guards in Jinling, all of whom are soldiers of the ancestors.

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