If you don't have enough strength, you can't cut the knife apart. Ordinary bows and crossbows are difficult to penetrate the armor unless they hit the gap of the armor ten paces away.

This is the biggest secret that elite soldiers can compete with ten. It is because of this that in ancient times, having a sword and gun could not indicate a rebellion, but hiding armor must be a rebellion.

However, the price of a good pair of armor is often dozens or even a hundred times that of a weapon.

After a quarter of an hour of hard work, several layers of armor were finally taken off inside and out. Shi Congyun breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his shoulders to relax.

"Are you afraid of me?" Shi Congyun said puzzledly to the little girl who was far away from her, "It's dirty every day, and I don't know how to clean it up. The girl's house doesn't like cleanliness so much."

"Hmph..." Shi Jian snorted and did not speak to him.

Shi Congyun was too lazy to bother with her, he was sweating all over and ready to go out to wash, so he casually reached out and pinched her cheek: "The face should always be clean, how old a person is still so sloppy."

He forgot that he was a year younger than the little girl.

Zhao Shijian backed away like a frightened rabbit, looking down at the ground without speaking.

Shi Congyun didn't tease her, and was afraid that she would cry, so he grabbed a cloth and ran to the back of the house.

There is a small river a hundred steps behind the house, which is one of the many small tributaries of the Yellow River. I took a cold bath in it before going home.


The two armies of Long Jie and Hu Jie are the main force of the guards and pro-armies of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They are the central elite forbidden army of the Zhou Dynasty and two of the four elite forbidden forces of the Zhou Dynasty.

Long Jie is an elite cavalry, Hu Jie is an elite infantry.

According to the organization, the two armies have left and right compartments, each compartment is full of ten armies, and the establishment is about [-].

There are indeed about 5 people in the left and right hatchbacks of the Tiger Jie Army.

However, because the Long Jie army is a cavalry unit, it has a small number of troops. In fact, the total strength is only more than 2, while the right wing of Commander Shi Yanchao has about 2000 people.

Among these people, the main combat force consists of three armies, each of which has about 500 soldiers, and [-] to [-] elite cavalry are the front army.

The rest is the auxiliary army, organized into four armies, each with only about 1000 people, responsible for security, cover and logistics. The Long Jie army is a cavalry unit. Even the fourth auxiliary army has horses, mostly old horses and pack horses.

In short, Long Jiejun was the elite of the Zhou Dynasty.

There are a total of forty commanders in the right wing. According to the establishment, each command leads a battalion, and the establishment is 500 people, so there must be 300 cavalry, but in fact, each commander only has [-] to [-] men.

First they were cavalry, certainly less than infantry.Second, in such a time of war and turmoil, it is very common for the army to die, and it is difficult to be full.

Chapter 2, Zhao's Young Lady

After returning home, the meal has already been cooked. For people like them, there is meat on the table, the rice can be filled, and the vegetables can be cooked thoroughly, which has exceeded [-]% of the families in the country.

Stir-frying did not appear until the Song Dynasty. It wasn't because people were so stupid that they couldn't think of how to eat it this way, but because of objective conditions. Iron was too precious, and there were wars every day. You wouldn't normally cook with iron. Most of the kitchen utensils were made of ceramics. Suitable for this type of cooking.

"Brother, when will Dad be back?" asked Shi Congmei, the second sister at the dinner table.

"The day after tomorrow, soon."

"What is Dad going to do?" The little sister was even more puzzled.

"I don't ask many questions about adults." The little girl taught her a lesson.

"I don't know either. When Dad comes back, you can ask him." Shi Congyun quickly finished his bowl and handed it over.

He knew in his heart that it might be that today's son Guo Wei can't do it.

But you can't talk nonsense, not to the cute little girl.

He was also uneasy, the biggest crisis was coming. He remembered that after Guo Wei's death, it was the battle of Gaoping. The Northern Han teamed up with their Khitan father and went south and was defeated by the Zhou Dynasty.

But what Shi Congyun cares about is not the outcome of the battle of Gaoping, what he cares about is that his eldest father Shi Yanchao died in this battle!This problem is bigger.

But he can't change anything now.

The second sister gave him a good meal, and Shi Congyun thought about it: "Let Uncle Wang, Aunt Wang, Aunt Gu, and Shijian also come in and eat together."

Uncle Wang, Aunt Wang, Aunt Gu, and Shijian are the four servants of the Shi family.

Everyone looked at Gu Ying, the mistress, she said, "Your father is not in charge of you."

Shi Congyun then got up and asked a few people to come in to eat together, so as to avoid trouble later, they would also have cold rice and cold dishes.

Among the four, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang have been with his father for seven or eight years. Aunt Gu is a relative of her mother, Gu Ying, and Shijian is a relative of the little mother, Zhao Jin.

In a military family like the Shi family, the servants who can go around and follow them naturally have feelings and loyalty, and they are considered their own family.Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang have children, and they all stay in the Bianliang area, unable to bear the pain of following the march.

After dinner, there is no entertainment, and the aunt and the aunt can get together and talk about the woman's family.

Shi Congyun fell asleep after a tired day.


The night was quiet, and I could hear the rushing water of the river, and the night wind whistled past the window, rolling up the fallen leaves and withered grass, sometimes causing a clanging sound from nowhere.

In the dark hut in the north courtyard, Zhao Jin was lying on the bed, holding Zhao Shijian in his arms, stroking her hair lightly.

Zhao Shijian is actually the daughter of Zhao Jin's elder brother Zhao Yicong. The Zhao family is in the middle of the road, and it was difficult to survive in the past few years, so he thought of letting Zhao Shijian come to Shi to follow her as a maid, so that he could have a place to live and not worry about food and clothing.

Zhao Jin said in a low voice, "Brother Yun seems to be interested in you."

Zhao Shijian remained silent.

Zhao Jin went on to say: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with Brother Yun, or... you can follow him."

"No." Zhao Shijian shook his head.

Zhao Jin was helpless, sighing and stroking her hair: "I know what you think, you have studied with your grandfather since you were a child, you want to avenge your grandfather, and you want to find a gentleman who is knowledgeable and wise beyond the courage of a man.

But now that the world doesn't know how to rely on martial arts, Yun Ge'er is a bit wild, but he has a good temperament. I can see that he treats people well, as well as you and me.

Besides, Lang Jun (Shi Yanchao) is now the defense envoy of the new dynasty, with a high position. In the future, as long as Brother Yun is more careful, he will definitely have a good future. There is.

This is already a way of living that many people dare not even think about. In the past, your grandfather was a high-ranking person, and we didn't have to think about that, but now the situation has changed, and we have to live in reality. "

Shi Jian raised his head slightly: "Sister-in-law, it's not that I can't see the situation clearly, I don't understand the situation, it's just...it's just that that person is too hateful.

A rude warrior, rude and rude in demeanor and speech, if he knows a little about etiquette, I wouldn't dislike him so much.

During the day, he frivolously pinched my face with his hands. "

Zhao Jin smiled,

"Okay, okay, then you can be more careful every day in the future, in case Brother Yun sees your beauty and can't help it.

As for your grandfather's hatred, don't think too much. There are many things in the world that can't be done just by thinking. This thing is more difficult than going to the sky.You don't have to carry such a burden, and sometimes it's better to admit that you're a weak woman.

Just like your uncle, before marrying him, everyone said that he has a bad temper and treats others badly, but now he seems to be very good, why should he be so strict with himself.

Your father, your uncles, those things that husbands dare not think about, why should you, a daughter's family, force it. "

Zhao Shijian bit his lip and did not speak, only to hear the sound of the wind whining back and forth outside the window.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep, don't think too much." Zhao Jin gently stroked her back, and fell asleep after a while.

However, Zhao Shijian couldn't sleep, and his eyes flashed with unwillingness.


Early the next morning, Shi Congyun got up early, finished washing up, and then called the reluctant Shijian to help him put on his armor.

The little girl lowered her head and didn't look at him, and couldn't see her expression, but she must have been angry when she woke up. For some reason, Shi Congyun liked to be angry with her like this.

After wearing the armor, he did not forget to tease him: "It's very inconvenient for you to run back and forth between the house, the young master is thinking of you, move to my house to sleep in the future, and wear the armor for me every morning and night."

The little girl froze for a moment, and was so frightened that she ran away.

Shi Congyun laughed in the back, turned around and went out to lead the horse away.


When he rode to the gate of the camp, the soldiers outside the fence greeted him quickly.

Shi Congyun nodded, dismounted and entered the camp. He first tied the horse, and then went to the school grounds to prepare for training with the soldiers.

He brought all Shi Yanchao's personal soldiers, the elite of the elite, and the Shi family's cronies. He felt that at this time, he had to draw more reliable cronies, and he might be able to find an opportunity to save Shi Yanchao on the battlefield.

Normally, the soldiers should have been waiting at the school grounds by this time.

On the way there, I heard riots and noises in Xiying from a distance, and many people rushed to the west.

He frowned, not knowing what was going on, so he stopped a soldier to ask, and the soldier said excitedly: "Commander Zhou wants to scrape new recruits, let's go and see the excitement."

His face darkened, he knew the commander Zhou, and after a moment he went to the school grounds and shouted, "Wang Zhong, bring the brothers with me!"

Hastily took more than 20 elite soldiers to the west camp.


When they arrived at Xiying, there was a large circle of soldiers watching the fun outside the fence, and when they saw him coming, they all made way.

The West Camp is on the edge of the Yellow River. There is a large open space and the facilities are simple. Only some fences surround the area. This is the place for training recruits. Two battalions of soldiers are stationed in the north to prevent the recruits from escaping.

In order to supplement some vacancies in the Longjie Army, a group of new recruits were recruited in Zhengzhou after the year.

When he came to the front, Shi Congyun saw panicked recruits standing in the field touching more than 100 people

At the front of the field, a thin and thin soldier was stripped naked and tied to a standing stake.

There was a wooden basin in front of him, and there was a sharp knife in the basin, and the soldiers tied to the stake had already cried with fright.

Commander Zhou Xin, with a beard, big black teeth, and a tall man, said sharply to the recruits below: "This bastard wanted to escape last night, but was brought back by Laozi, I know that many of you must be holding The same mind!"

He looked around at everyone and said viciously: "I will let you die today! I dare not have such intentions!"

As he said that, he picked up the knife in the basin and gestured against the soldier's face, which made the soldier shiver.

"Come up to Lao Tzu one by one, and use this knife to cut pieces of meat off him. If you dare to escape later, this is the end!"

Zhou Xin smiled viciously and threatened: "Whoever dares to cut him to death will die with him, and whoever can't do it will die with him!"

Chapter 3, Five Generations of Soldiers

The recruits were already pale with fear, and the soldiers who were tied to them were directly scared to pee.

Commander Zhou Xin laughed loudly, showing two rows of big black teeth, pulled out a recruit in the front row, and shoved the knife to him: "You go first!" After saying that, he pulled out the horizontal knife that was shining brightly around his waist, and the threat was obvious.

The recruit was frightened to cry, but he could only stand tremblingly with a knife, ready to cut flesh from the recruit's thigh on the stake.

The veterans watching outside were unstoppable, but instead shouted loudly.

Shi Congyun was instantly disgusted when he saw it.

This is the Five Dynasties. The chaos of the Five Dynasties at the end of the Tang Dynasty is different from the chaos of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. It is a chaos of moral collapse, a chaos of loss of human relations, and a chaos of human nature. Zhou Xin is a typical soldier of the Five Dynasties.

Shi Congyun stepped forward and grabbed the knife from the recruit's hand: "Go back."

The recruits, who had been shaking like a sieve, glanced at him, as if receiving an amnesty, and hurriedly returned to the team.

Wang Zhong and others also followed, and the fierce commander Zhou Xin put away the knife in another respectful gesture: "Why did the owner of the small compartment come to Xiying? Do you have any instructions?"

"What did he do?" Shi Congyun pointed at the thin and naked soldier tied to the post.

"He fled at night and violated the military law."

"How to deal with it according to military law?"

"Beheading for public display."

"Then what are you doing, is this stipulated by the military law?" Shi Congyun was furious, killing anyone who would kill him. How could he torture his own people for fun?

Attacking your own people with heavy punches, encountering enemy soldiers with their own promises, scum in the army!

Zhou Xin also heard something, and his expression became disrespectful: "This is using him as an example, so that these new recruits know what will happen if they dare to escape in the future, that's how it is."

"The deserter should be beheaded and displayed to the public. If you behead him, take his head to the Central Army and show it to the public. Let's do it now." Shi Congyun's voice rose.

The onlookers noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and they didn't dare to make a fuss.

Zhou Xin's face was ugly and he didn't give in, "I said why, and the owner of the small room also saw it with his own eyes. Today, a certain discipline recruits is to let them have a long memory. He must be scratched, and these people will not do it again in the future! "

Shi Congyun suppressed his anger, and rationally told him that Zhou Xin was in charge of the command of hundreds of soldiers and should not conflict with him, "Command Zhou, go back, I will ask another commander to discipline the new recruits."

Zhou Xin's face was flushed, his eyes full of anger, not afraid of his identity, a typical arrogant soldier.

"You don't agree?" Shi Congyun asked. Although he was only fifteen, he inherited Shi Yanchao and was almost as tall as Zhou Xin, an adult sweaty.

"I don't accept it!" Zhou Xin stretched his neck and said angrily: "You give three points of face on weekdays, but do you really think that you are the owner of the car?

Lao Tzu has killed more people than these recruits put together. Is the owner of the small room doing something for a recruit?Nasu asks the owner of the car to come!Otherwise, I have the ability to cut off a certain head! "

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