Now that Han Baozheng was captured by Zhou Jun, and he couldn't go to Chengdu to talk, it would be a wise choice to push him all the way. "

Zhao Chongtao's face turned red when he heard this, and he couldn't speak.

"Military Superintendent, it's one thing to think for yourself, this is also a big meaning, you have to be careful."

Zhao Chongtao looked at him, and grabbed the letter: "Leave it, I will present it to the commander after I think about it."

"Then you can hurry up." The staff member turned around and left after speaking, Zhao Chongtao looked at his back, feeling annoyed.

"The war is coming, don't think about the war but think about doing this!"

The Jiedu envoy judge next to him also sighed and whispered to him: "The general's affairs are annoying, Wang Shuai is different from you, you are a general, and wealth and power depend on military merit.

Wang Zhaoyuan is a jester, his power and wealth are all in His Majesty's pleasure.

The general leads the army, thinking about winning the battle.

The jester leads the army, thinking of how to please His Majesty, fighting the war is secondary, he is rich and powerful by pleasing His Majesty, what else can he expect.

Although it is a critical juncture now, his first thought is to get rid of the relationship and not lose His Majesty's favor. It is normal for the general to not understand. "

"The first thing is to retreat..."

"For the general, but not necessarily for Wang Shuai." The scribe-dressed judge said, Zhao Chongtao stopped talking, and there was an indescribable helplessness in the city. How could a jester be the commander, and the battle would be easy.

"Soldiers approaching the city, still fighting each other...... If the first emperor didn't value my family, I really want to let go of it." This kind of thing is more chilling than foreign enemies.


Unknowingly, it was the end of February, and Shi Congyun didn't know what happened in Lizhou City, but he once led troops all the way south along the west bank of the Jialing River, to the important town of Lizhou across the river.

Lizhou is also known as Guangyuan in later generations. From here to the southwest, you will soon reach the famous Jianmen Pass.

This is the place where two rivers meet. On the west side of Lizhou is the Jialing River, and on the east side there is a small mountain. The locals call it Dongshan, and some people call it Fenghuang Mountain.

To the north is Mantianling, with high mountains and dense forests.

The name of Phoenix Mountain in Dongshan has a lot of origin, and it is also related to Wu Zetian.

According to legend, in the early Tang Dynasty, Yuan Tiangang went south to Shu and arrived in Lizhou City on the day of the Duanyang Festival. He encountered a dragon boat race being held on the Jialing River, and the Lizhou governor and warrior Xun's family happened to sit on the official boat to watch the race.

At this time, an oolong sprang out from the depths of the river and flew towards the west mountain; at the same time, a phoenix also flew over with the colorful clouds, made a long cry on the top of the east mountain, and then flew north.

This actually symbolizes the meaning of Wu Zetian entering the Tang Palace from the north.

This was obviously made up to prove the legitimacy of Wu Zetian's succession to the throne. The local people happily talked about it to him, and Shi Congyun laughed it off.

I have a deep impression on this big city, because it is surrounded by water on three sides, and one side is surrounded by mountains. It's not dangerous enough, and the troops from the east can cross it casually.

However, it is considered a big city. After seeing this situation, Shi Congyun was actually quite relieved. He was afraid that Lizhou would be like Shouzhou.

Shouzhou is the situation that all Zhou Dynasty generals are most unwilling to face. They fought there for more than a year and suffered many casualties.

Where is Wang Quanbin's devious army?

They were not idle here either. The craftsmen of the Shenhuo Army rushed to build 36 ships, plus the previous ones, a total of 300 ships, and there were still some that were still being built, which could guarantee that more than [-] troops could be transported across the river at one time.

More than 300 people are enough to stand on the beach and wait for the next group of people to go back and forth.

On March [-]st, the spring weather warmed up. Everyone had just finished their meal in the afternoon. As usual, there were four battalions in armor and horses. banner.

Shi Congyun immediately got on his horse and rushed to the riverside to check, but he couldn't see what was happening on the other side. Shao Ji, Murong Yanzhao and others also came over.

However, he did not give the order immediately, fearing that there would be deceit on the other side, until the shouts of killing on the other side became louder and louder, and the Shu army on the riverside hurried to the east to support, and after seeing the Zhou army's flag on the other side from a distance, Shi Congyun Until Wang Quanbin arrived!

Immediately ordered to forcibly cross the Jialing River.

All of a sudden, many officers and soldiers who had been prepared for a long time boarded the boat, and with the help of the local boatman, they rowed to the opposite bank. Shao Ji and Murong Yanzhao took the lead in armor and rushed to direct.

Because of the attack in the rear, many of the Shu army on the riverside were transferred away. At this time, the Zhou army suddenly launched a forced crossing. The defense of the Shu army on the riverside was not tight. Most of the densely packed arrows were shot into the river, and most of them were blocked by shields. The boatmen also had special personnel. protect.

Bows and crossbows are not lethal, but a few of them fell into the river after being unsteady on the boat. They were covered in heavy armor, like a big rock. They plopped and became silent, and there was no room for struggle. They were basically hopeless. After a while , one of the hands and feet quickly untied some armor and floated up, and the rest of them didn't float up again.

Shao Ji and Murong Yanzhao led the team and quickly rushed to the beach, all armored. After the fierce and combative Zhou army rushed to the beach in a large scale, the Shu army was no match at all.

Zhou Jun immediately built a line of defense with shields, overthrew the Juma on the beach, set fire to Luzhai, and then did not rush to open up a deep front, but covered the follow-up troops to cross the river.

The follow-up ships were transported back and forth. Two quarters of an hour later, there were several round trips, and a team of nearly a thousand people transported there.

During the period, more than 100 war horses were sent to the river. The war horses did not need to take a boat to cross the river. The horses could swim by themselves. Only the soldiers sitting at the stern held the reins, and they could swim smartly behind the boat by themselves.

After the number of troops was almost the same, Shao Ji and Murong Yanzhao immediately organized troops on the opposite bank, released scouts, charged in depth, and flanked Wang Quanbin on both sides.

The beachhead was full of flames and smog, the Shu army couldn't stand it, all the people below ran away, only a few poor bastards on the sentry tower were surrounded and killed, and then the army rushed to the shore and entered the Xiaomantian village.

Later, Shi Congyun couldn't see the specific situation inside because of the smoke and the wooden wall of the camp, but by the afternoon, the killing noise had completely subsided, and Shao Ji sent someone to report the victory, saying that Xiaomantian Village had been completely occupied, and another 41 people had been seized on the other side. With only one boat, the army can cross the river.

While everyone was cheering, the craftsmen of the Shenhuo Army proposed another plan for crossing the river. They gathered all the boats in the river, connected them with iron cables, laid wooden boards on them, and built a pontoon bridge.

Shi Congyun agreed, and immediately asked Feng Jisheng to take the craftsmen and soldiers to work.

Because the water flow at the ferry is not urgent, this matter progressed faster than Shi Congyun thought. After a day of continuous work, by the afternoon of the next day, the army would be able to cross the pontoon bridge of Xiaomantianzhai to the opposite bank, and with Shao Ji, Murong Yanzhao, Meet Wang Quanbin.

Seeing him crossing the river, Wang Quanbin, Murong Yanzhao, Shao Ji, Liu Qingchuan, Gao Huaide and other generals came to see him one after another. Shi Congyun was overjoyed and said together: "Remember all of you's achievements, and you will be rewarded together after the battle. General Wang Yiyi used his troops like a god, which is really eye-opening."

Everyone laughed, and Wang Quanbin's old face turned into a flower. His face was filthy, his whole body was stained with blood, his hair and beard were messy, and his body smelled bad.

This is also difficult for him, the rugged mountain roads of more than 300 miles are circuitous, and the living conditions can be imagined after ten days of non-stop driving.

Shi Congyun then ordered Wang Quanbin to take a good rest, and specially sent him and his soldiers a lot of high-quality rice, wine and meat seized in Xixian County, so that the soldiers he led could also take a good rest.

Later, Shi Congyun took back the command of each army, and he unified the command, because the south is the last main force of the Shu army in the north.

Except for the 5000 people led by Pan Mei who were in Xixian County to take over Xingyuan Mansion, more than 2 troops joined forces at Xiaomantianzhai in the north of Lizhou and crossed the Jialing River.

To the south is the road leading to Lizhou, and Lizhou City is only ten miles to the south. …

276 Chapter [-], A Good Way to Defeat the Enemy

Mantian Ridge is in the north of Lizhou, which is the collective name of the local people for the mountains in the north. After the army crosses the river, the biggest obstacle ahead is the Damantian Village in the north of Lizhou.

Compared with Xiaomantianzhai, which guards the ferry, Damantianzhai is larger in scale. It guards the road south to Lizhou, and there are more defenders. There are six other small villages on the mountain around, guarding the trails and echoing each other. The largest camp of the Shu army in the north of the state.

Due to the difference in geography, the combat style is also very different. The Khitan people in the north like to engage in guerrilla warfare, engage in mobile warfare, and control the initiative on the battlefield; in the mountains in the south, most of them are mountain defensive warfare. , for passive defense.

In the final analysis, these tactics are caused by geographical reasons, but no matter how they change, the main body of the war is still people.

Fighting all the way to the present, the morale of the Zhou army has reached its peak. On the fourth day of March, more than 2 troops crossed the Jialing River and assembled on the east bank.

Many soldiers asked for the battle one after another, with high morale.

Shi Congyun knows that the battle has reached this level, and he doesn't need him as the coach to do anything. The so-called harmony between people is just like that.

The Damantian Village in front seems to be strong and dangerous, with sufficient troops, but it is definitely unstoppable in front of Zhou Jun, who is dedicated to the three armies and the generals are united.

However, as the coach, how to minimize the casualties of the soldiers is still what he has to consider.

In the afternoon of that day, Shi Congyun summoned the commanders of all the armies, and all the commanders and other generals discussed matters by the riverside. Everyone sat around on the grass by the riverside to discuss how to attack Damantianzhai.

Everyone was chattering, and many people didn't come to discuss it at all, but they all felt that they should do it themselves.

Especially the Chinese army, which has never fought before, is the most noisy at this time. It is almost entering the Chengdu Plain, and they still have no military achievements, so they are also anxious.

Maybe it was because the fight was too smooth before, which gave the soldiers a lot of confidence, and many people wanted to rush to make meritorious service.

Shi Congyun wasn't angry, but it was easy to understand, and he thought of the reason why he was rushing to fight the Shu Kingdom back then, and there were not many opportunities to make meritorious service and meet easy enemies, and it was better than going to fight the Khitans. The previous wins along the way also made everyone's confidence skyrocket.

The crowd debated for a long time without reaching a conclusion, so Shi Congyun simply asked Wang Quanbin for his opinion.

Wang Quanbin thought for a while: "The Chinese army has never fought, so it is reasonable to give the Chinese army battalions."

"How can wars come in turns? It's not fair. Everyone in wars depends on their abilities. Those who are capable work more, and those who are capable get more.

Our vanguard battalions first took down Xingzhou, Xixian, and Sanquan. If we don't take these places, can the army get here? This is the meat in our pot, why should the Chinese army grab it! "Because of Liu Qingchuan's eloquence, he was promoted by the generals to be the representative of the forward armies, and he really made a point.

The generals of the forward armies booed and applauded.

The Chinese army was not convinced either, and a commander stood up and said, "What is there to say? If I were to change it, I would have already fought in Lizhou. The other side has never been beaten. What kind of wolf are you pretending to be? Let us get one instead." You can go to Chengdu in a month!"

"What are you bragging about..."

"Do you dare!"


The two sides quarreled more and more, and it seemed that they were about to make gestures. Shi Congyun raised his hand to stop them, "Okay, okay, shut up for me, I know how to fight."

When he opened his mouth, everyone stopped and looked over.

Shi Congyun took a stick and drew it on the ground, and everyone gathered around.

Shi Congyun drew a circle, "This is Damantian Village, and this is Jialing River." He also drew a road beside it.

"The main body of Mantianzhai is on the hill next to the road. I think there are three ways to attack. One is to take the road and attack along the road by the river. This is the most difficult place, but the road is also wide and many people can pass."

As he spoke, he stroked his stick upwards, "There is a mountain road in the north, and you can drive from the mountain to the south along the ridge.

There is another way to go over the mountain ridge, go to the east side of the mountain, and drive from the east side of the mountain. This road is usually the road used by Damantianzhai to transport supplies. It is also relatively wide, but it takes a few more miles to walk. "

After Shi Congyun finished speaking, he looked at the crowd: "Since you all want to fight, then fight together. The armies are separated, and the commanders come to me to draw lots to decide which way to fight. When the time comes, the three sides will attack together. Whoever gets in first will be the first!" achievement."

Now everyone was speechless, and they all agreed with Shi Congyun's statement.


On the sixth day of March, all the armies were ready, and then Shi Congyun ordered all three groups to march towards Damantianzhai in the south.

For a while, the mountains and plains were covered with the banners of Zhou soldiers and horses, and the soldiers rushed up the mountain with a groaning roar, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the valley.

Shi Congyun rode a horse and watched from a distance. The Zhou army on the riverside avenue was the fastest, but the pressure was also the greatest. The Damantian village was primarily to contain the enemies on the riverside avenue. Arrange a large number of bows and crossbows, and continue to roll stones on the avenue.

However, Zhou Jun is also an old fritter after all, and the method he adopted was to turn back immediately after the first wave of people rushed in, and the sharpshooters behind stared at the people who showed their heads at this time and shot them.

Even so, some people were unable to withdraw in time, were hit by rolling stones, and fell down in the avenue.

Soon there were shouts of killing on the mountain, and the battle on the mountain ridge was much more straightforward. Unlike the condescending avenue, you can climb in by stepping on people's shoulders or taking a small ladder. However, the Shu army deployed many people, and the defense was tight and densely packed. The spears are no joke either.

The warriors in several layers of armor in the front held the crossbows and spears of the Shu army, and lifted their giant axes to cut directly at the outer wooden fence. The many crossbowmen behind them cooperated closely and alternated with each other, firing arrows at the top of the Shu army city without stopping.

Relying on this reckless way of fighting, dozens of warriors wearing several layers of armor insisted on using axes to chop down the wooden pile fence and city wall outside the Shu army camp, and then they did not rush in, but First let the crossbowmen go in and shoot and then retreat, and after several times in succession, most of them will flood in and enter the inner wall to compete.

The inner wall is a masonry wall, but it is different from the sharpened large wooden pile wall outside. With a ladder on it, Zhou Jun soldiers can climb up and attack the city.

The battle immediately entered a fierce battle for the top of the city.

Originally, the siege party was extremely disadvantaged, but Shi Congyun saw from a distance that the soldiers of the Zhou army actually killed all directions after climbing to the top of the city.

If you look closely, it's not how powerful they are, but that the Shu army did not dare to approach them. Some people retreated a few steps away, and some people copied their bows and shot.

At the beginning, they didn't dare to risk their lives to drive the enemy down, but soon they couldn't stand it anymore. More and more Zhou army soldiers who were not afraid of death came to the top of the city one after another, killing all directions at the top of the city, and their advantages became bigger and bigger. , and began to chase the Shu army at the head of the city.

With the breakthrough from above, the battle situation on the side of the avenue has gradually improved. Some soldiers have already touched the front along the lower corner and began to cut down the outer fence.

And the history of the battle in the east can't be seen from Yunyun, but it should be similar.

Sometimes Shi Congyun himself has to feel that the war is full of variables. At the beginning, 10 of them were blocked by Liu Renshan's Shouzhou City in Huainan for more than a year.

Although Damantianzhai is not as strong as Shouzhou's now, it is not so unbeatable. If the soldiers at the top of the city hadn't flinched and fought them desperately, the ending might be different.

But they retreated in fear, and let many generals of the Zhou army take the opportunity to climb to the top of the city. No matter how powerful the generals were, they would not have expected these things.

In the afternoon of the battle, the general situation was settled. After half a day, under the siege of Zhou army on three sides, Damantianzhai was breached. Some Shu troops surrendered, and some ran south over the wall.

The situation was settled, Shi Congyun sent Shao Ji to lead his cavalry to chase down the deserters, and they chased them all the way to the south of the city of Lizhou before reining in their horses and returning. This move did not kill many enemies, but Shi Congyun's purpose was to intimidate the defenders of Lizhou.

Seeing the enemy army chasing down the city, the feeling of oppression and fear of being defeated by one's own army is what he wanted to bring to Lizhou City.

Shao Ji understood his intentions very well, and chased him all the way to the city of Lizhou, and then led his iron cavalry to tour the city for a while, before leading his army back.

This move must have dealt a huge blow to the morale of the defenders in the city.

Damantianzhai was breached, and most of the Shu troops in the surrounding small camps fled that night, and some came directly to him to surrender because they heard rumors that the Zhou army would not kill the prisoners.

Of course, Shi Congyun would not kill them, but directly reorganized them into a new army temporarily. They all brought their own weapons and armor. They fought with the army and were mainly responsible for logistics and leading the way.

After that, the army rested for a day in Damantian Village, and the Shu Army also hoarded a large amount of military supplies in Damantian Village, which were squandered by Zhou Jun.

The next day, Shi Congyun ordered the army to go south and besiege the city immediately after reaching Lizhou. There is only five miles to the south, and the army arrived outside the city of Lizhou in less than an hour, and the soldiers approached the city.

The black army marched in line, coming from the north, like a slowly flowing tide, with neat armor, reflecting the sun, and gathering into a sparkling ocean.

Many iron cavalry raised the flags of dragons, tigers, and cranes with their fangs and claws, rolled up dust and cruised around the periphery to protect the advancement of the Chinese army, and entered the large open space outside Lizhou City.

The highly mobile cavalry cruising on the two wings, protecting the main force into the battlefield, and deploying the array is a routine operation for the Zhou army who has fought countless battles. Even the recruits must be very familiar with this process.

However, tens of thousands of people cooperated closely and moved in an orderly manner, which gave the enemy another kind of chill.

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