Li Hao felt in his heart that Wang Zhaoyuan was an idiot. What kind of abilities did the Northern Han Dynasty have? How could it dare to touch Da Zhou?The Northern Han Dynasty was able to stay here because they recognized the Khitan people as their fathers, and even asked for forgiveness for writing such words in the country as "the father hides for the son, and I am willing to forgive him". The Khitan people sent troops to protect them, and they can survive until now. It was destroyed by the state of Zhou.

Now that the Khitan people have let Shi Congyun beat them to the ground, and let the Northern Han attack the Great Zhou, would he dare?

But Wang Zhaoyuan thought that the Northern Han Dynasty was in the north, and they were in the south. Sending troops from two directions would be a two-sided attack, which is highly respected in the art of war...

He also understands Wang Zhaoyuan's thoughts. On the one hand, because he is in Shu, he often compares himself to Zhuge, thinking that he is full of strategies and is looking forward to displaying them.

On the other hand, Wang Zhaoyuan has no achievements but occupies a high position. He is afraid that the current discussion will be unfavorable to him, and wants to prove his ability by fighting Zhou Jun.

Wang Zhaoyuan is the lord's favored minister, even though he is the prime minister, he dare not refute and can only follow him.

This time he brought all his colleagues to see him farewell, saying congratulations on his success in the expedition, and rejecting Zhou Bing's words, but in his heart he felt that such an idiot could stop Shi Congyun?Just dream, you can only hope that Zhou Bing may retreat on his own.

After all, the road to Shu is not easy to walk. If the stalemate persists, and the king is subdued and paid tribute, there may be a turning point.

Everyone praised Wang Zhaoyuan, the banquet was in full swing, a military officer came in to ask for instructions, the army had been waiting outside for almost an hour, the soldiers were agitated, should we go first.

Wang Zhaoyuan's expression darkened immediately: "A certain is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and the military orders prohibit it. The military book says that it is as swift as the wind, as slow as the forest, invades and plunders like fire, immovable as a mountain, difficult to know as cloud, and moves like thunder.

Now Xiao Hou can't stand it anymore, how to fight, go out! "

The officers could only retreat in fear.

Rebuking the officers and ordering the army, no one dared to refute, and it seemed that Wang Zhaoyuan was very proud of showing his majesty in front of everyone.

Everyone also flattered their horses. When the wine was in full swing, Wang Zhaoyuan also became interested. He often compared himself to Zhuge, but he didn't have a feather fan.

Wang Zhaoyuan holds an iron ruyi in his hand, and his command is determined. He compares himself to Zhuge Liang.When he was drunk, he raised his arms and called Hao and said: "My trip is more than just defeating the enemy. I should lead these [-] to [-] evil boys with carved faces, and take the Central Plains like a palm of the hand!"

Everyone said yes.

After the banquet, [-] elite Shu soldiers on the North Road went north to Lizhou and Jianzhou to meet with the Zhou division.

Chapter 271, Victory

In mid-February, the army arrived in Fengzhou along the rugged mountain road.

The army did not enter the city, but it also brought a lot of panic to the local people. Many people hid their money in the mountains, and many people sent their young daughters or wives to nearby relatives or mountains to avoid disaster.

Shi Congyun couldn't stop it, but repeatedly ordered the army to be restrained, and at the same time called the governor of Fengzhou to ask him to write more Ann Minbang, do more publicity, and appease the people.

Returning to Fengzhou again, Shi Congyun seemed to have passed away. This was the beginning of his fortune and the place where he started. Six years ago, he led an army to defeat the Shu army here and captured Fengzhou.

After that, Fengzhou was placed under the rule of Dazhou, and it has been six years.

The soldiers were so quick that Shi Congyun didn't stay in Fengzhou for too long, and immediately led his army to the south and crossed Malingzhai.

Malingzhai stands on the bank of the Jialing River, at a place where the river bends. If you go far away, you can see the sparkling river slowly heading south.

Shi Congyun, Wei Renpu, Wang Quanbin, Shao Ji, Feng Jisheng, Gao Huaide, Murong Yanzhao and more than ten people climbed to the top of the hillside of Malingzhai;

Down below, Malingzhai has been occupied by the Zhou army for many years. The fortress of the Shu Kingdom that once blocked them has become a frontier defense fortress of the Zhou army. More than 300 soldiers are stationed all year round, and it has become the most important frontier defense point in the south of Fengzhou.

The generals of the Zhou army were passing through the Maling Village in an orderly manner, heading south along the Jialing River, the long procession could not be seen at a glance, and a large number of banners were unfurled among the mountains.

Fighting to the south, there are mountains and ravines, and most of the army marches on narrow roads, and it is difficult to deploy troops. There is no possibility of tens of thousands of troops directly deploying on a long front for several miles in the north and Liao, and it is possible to fight head-on.

This ancient road is also the main road from Guanzhong to Shu for thousands of years. Even if you walk along the Jialing River, the important towns and fortresses along the way are basically on the banks of the Jialing River.

Shi Congyun turned his head and said to the crowd: "This time going south, what do you think is the best way to fight?"

Wang Quanbin said: "Commander, I feel that the mountains are high and the roads are steep here, so I don't pay so much attention to fighting. The so-called meeting on a narrow road means that the brave wins. This is a road where you don't have to be afraid to fight to the death.

Someone is willing to be a vanguard, leading troops to clear the way for the commander! "

Wang Quanbin immediately invited Ying.

Wang Quanbin is a veteran. He has successively served in the Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou. He also participated in the transformation of Xingjiaomen.

If he was Shi Congyun's direct descendant from the beginning, he is afraid that he will rise even higher now.

Shi Congyun had great trust in his ability. He had fought in battle all his life and made great achievements in battle. It goes without saying that Wang Quanbin's ability is undeniable.

However, this person has historically plundered the land of Shu with troops, and of course Zhao Kuangyin is half responsible for this matter.

Old Zhao probably had a cramp in his head, perhaps to boost morale, or perhaps to show his trust, he actually explained to Wang Quanbin before dispatching troops that after he entered Shu, he only needed land and nothing else, and all of it would be given to the soldiers.

As a result, Wang Quanbin probably had a single mind and didn't understand politics, so he really believed it...

Moreover, the method commonly used by the ancient army was adopted. The emperor said no more. After entering Shu, let the soldiers go and grab it by themselves. If they grab it, it will be their own. In the end, he himself was in a state of desperation, and he wanted to break the jar several times and leave it alone. How can he control the released soldiers?

Shi Congyun looked at Wang Quanbin: "General Wang, don't worry if you go to XX.

However, there is one thing that needs to be explained. This time I entered Shu to win the hearts and minds of the people in Shu, so I must restrain the army and not harm the people. However, officials from the north can be dealt with seriously.

This is mainly to divide them. Meng Chang and others are from the north. We treat them differently, and they will also disintegrate internally. "

Wang Quanbin nodded, "Yes, my subordinates will obey the order of the commander in chief."

Shi Congyun immediately ordered: "With Wang Quanbin as the commander of the vanguard, and Gao Huaide, Han Lingkun, and Pan Mei as deputy, lead an army of [-] to attack Xingzhou. You decide how to attack Xingzhou. A certain rate of the rest of the army will follow up and ensure food supply. road."

"Promise!" Wang Quanbin, Gao Huaide, Han Lingkun, and Pan Mei all stood up to accept the order, and then went to execute it.

"Looking at these mountains, I feel that it is not easy to fight." Seeing the backs of several people going away, Wei Renpu felt a little emotional.

For people who have lived in Daliang and Hebei for a long time, it is really rare to see such endless mountains that cannot be seen at a glance.

Shi Congyun smiled and said: "Don't worry, Duke Wei, these mountains are also good for us, everything has advantages and disadvantages, there is no perfect thing in the world, and there is no absolute thing.

Such a mountain path is indeed conducive to defense, but such a mountain path also means meeting on a narrow road. The army cannot be deployed, and strategies and tactics cannot be used. They can only be brave and ruthless.

If the Shu army is not our opponent at this point. "

This is also one of the reasons why it is said that the road to Shu is difficult in history, but it is basically not impossible to attack the land of Shu. The road to Shu does restrict the use of foreign troops, but it also limits the deployment of the Shu army.

How can the people living and working in peace and contentment in the Land of Abundance compare to the wolves in the north who have been fighting all the year round.

Wei Renpu nodded.

"I'm afraid the price is not small..." Wei Renpu said with some concern: "Li Yun and those people are watching. If we delay here for a long time, or something goes wrong, I'm afraid those people will take action. I'm afraid that many people will die in Shuzhong."

Shi Congyun looked at the ravines and high mountains on both sides of the Jialing River, and said in a deep voice, "No matter how high the price is, we have to pay, this step must be taken."

The land of Shu or Sichuan is a land full of disasters, but this kind of disaster did not occur in this period, nor in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

Even if the world was in chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty and the end of the Tang Dynasty, the land of Shu was at least relatively peaceful.

Although they are all foreign warlords, Liu Zhang and Liu Bei at the end of the Han Dynasty; Wang Jian and Meng Zhixiang at the end of the Tang Dynasty; they are all from the north, and they all broke into the separatist regime of Shu, but they all flattered the Han Dynasty and governed in the way of the Central Plains Dynasty. Shu land.

At least the people are not so miserable.

But it was different later on. Although people often say "five random China", compared with the later Song, Xia, Jin, and Ming Dynasties in that period, it was actually less tragic than in case, but those tragic scholars dare not say , the common people know little about it.

The worst time in Sichuan was at the end of the Ming Dynasty, when Zhang Xianzhong entered Shu, Li Zicheng’s remnants fled into Shu, and the Qing army entered Shu. They all carried out brutal and inhuman massacres one after another, on a large scale, according to household registration.

After it stabilized during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, the governor of Sichuan worriedly reported that there were only 9 or [-] people left in Sichuan.

What is this concept.

The establishment of water conservancy in the Qin Dynasty was the beginning of Sichuan's development into a land of abundance. The business development of Han, Tang, and Northern Song Dynasty was only half of the country in the Southern Song Dynasty, and most of it relied on taxation from the land of Shu.

By the Song Dynasty, the population of Sichuan had already exceeded [-] million. When Mongolia went south, more than one million people died in Chengdu and its vicinity. The Ming Dynasty recovered. After the chaos at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were basically no living people in Sichuan.

Later, in order to make up for the population of Sichuan, the Qing Dynasty used various policies to encourage people from all provinces to move to Sichuan.

In modern times, it is very difficult to tell the people of Sichuan from their blood, they are almost extinct, and all the people in the world are in Sichuan.

This is the price. Some people say why so many people have to die, blood and tears have to be unified?Why does China have to be unified, isn't it good for each to live its own way?

No, geography determines that China cannot live in its own way.

Think about the Han and Tang, and then think about the Song and Ming, and you will understand why this price is.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, no matter how chaotic the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were, and no matter how miserable the people were, they would not be driven to extinction. The strong military and cultural dominance of the Han and Tang Dynasties determined these.

It’s as if even if the Khitans or Xixia people conquer the world, they will at most plunder when they go south, but they will not kill all the people in the south, because their country is modeled after the Tang Dynasty, and the guiding ideology is also Confucianism, which is different from the Jin Dynasty. Those ethnic groups who went south also followed the example of the Han Dynasty.

But the situation in the Southern Song Dynasty was completely different.

The Southern Song Dynasty began to regard the Shu Han as orthodox, saying that Cao Cao's Wei State was no longer orthodox.The north beyond the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains is completely gone. Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Liaodong, Shanxi, Hetao, Shaanxi, Guanzhong, Hexi Corridor, and the Western Regions are all gone.

To the north is Xixia and the Kingdom of Jin. Who cares about you?

The influence has been less than hundreds of years in the northern grasslands, who knows who you are among the nomads?

When there is chaos in the south, after going south, you will not immediately imagine imitating the Han and Tang Dynasties that those nomadic ancestors had admired for a long time, and I imitate the Southern Song Dynasty?It is a fart, what qualifications does it have, since it is not one of its own and does not agree with it, it has no scruples about killing people.

The people of Shu now should be happy. There has been no war in Shu for at least several decades. The Han people from the north and the Shatuo people have indeed managed Shu well after they entered Shu.

But this history of happiness must come to an end, and the power of the world must be integrated, otherwise they may not be able to independently fight against the North and face the brutal massacre.

That afternoon, the scouts from the south came to report that the forward of the Shu army had arrived in Xingzhou, with a strength of about seven or eight thousand, and the leading general was Han Baozheng.

Shi Congyun led the rear army all the way to the south along the bank of Jialing River. There was a gentle breeze along the river, and the morale of the soldiers was very high. The Liao Kingdom was defeated, and it was no problem to defeat the Shu Kingdom. Everyone sang military songs loudly, and Shi Congyun was in high spirits Dafa, also sang with them.

It caused the soldiers to laugh, and then sang louder.

In addition to the ancestral temples and the country, when countries are established, they will also set ritual and music military songs, which are the rules of Confucian ritual and music education.

Liu Bei used "Zhang Wu" as a national ritual and music, and an army song.

And the military song set by Shi Congyun is "Qin Feng. Wuyi". Qin Shihuang said it, but he didn't do it. It was all done by the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, "Han" has become a deep national brand, and because of this, few people in Qin, which once opposed Han, went back to use its country name, and of course no one used related songs.

Shi Congyun is a cultural desert. He really couldn't think of any ancient music, such as Liu Bei's "Zhang Wu", which he had only heard of, so he casually used the famous piece in the Book of Songs.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, he was really named the King of Qin.

The singing that resounded on both sides of the Jialing River became appropriate at this time.

"Why don't you say that you have no clothes? The same robes as your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!

Qi said without clothes?Tongze with the child.Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear.Work with the son!

Do you say no clothes?Wear the same clothes as your son.Wang Yuxing division, repair my armor soldiers.Walk with the child...."

It is reasonable for King Qin's army to sing about Qin Feng.

Shi Congyun thought it was a coincidence that the meandering army headed south along the Jialing River, along the winding river bank.

And passing through valleys and ravines, cliffs and high mountains, more than 100 miles south from Malingzhai, to the south is Xingzhou, a border city of the Kingdom of Shu on the Jialing River.

Xingzhou is on the east bank of the Jialing River, surrounded by mountains, but it is not dangerous.

Because there is a flat and open area in the middle, about a few miles, and it is precisely because of this that it becomes a suitable area for inhabitation.

The army marched for two days. At noon on February [-], Shi Congyun's army was marching south along the Jialing River. The front reported that Wang Quanbin's troops had arrived in the south of Xingzhou City.

Shi Congyun thought for a while, and immediately asked Shao Ji to lead the central army, and he himself took Murong Yanzhao, Fu Zhaoyuan and other generals, and led a thousand cavalry to the south, walking along the shady and lush grassy avenue by the river.

Because it is close to Xingzhou, the road is well rested. From time to time along the road, some stragglers are encountered. It was Wang Quanbin who stayed behind to repair the road for the rear army. After seeing him, he greeted him excitedly one after another.

Shi Congyun nodded and asked them about the movements of Wang Quanbin's former army.

Everyone spoke one after another, Shi Congyun knew the general idea, and then speeded up.

On the [-]th, I fell asleep in the mountains, woke up drowsily, washed my face by the river, and then moved on.

At noon, I saw a group of more than 100 people guarding the main road. They were wearing the military uniforms of Zhou Jun. The flag was leaning on the big tree next to the roadblock, which also belonged to Zhou Jun.

After seeing him, he immediately stood up straight, and a leader came to report to him that they were guarding this place under Wang Quanbin's order. The trail here can go up the mountain, and Xingzhou City is about five miles ahead.

Shi Congyun said with a smile: "Come and see the battle situation. What commanding heights are nearby? Can you see Xingzhou City?"

Dutou volunteered to lead them up the mountain from the path next to the main road. After walking for more than half an hour on the rugged mountain road, they finally reached the top of the hillside. Everyone was wearing armor and was sweating profusely.

It's only when the wind blows on the top of the mountain that I feel comfortable. From here, I can see Xingzhou in the valley in the distance.

"Marshal, this place is called Majiapo. It's a bit steep to go down to the back of the army, but you can barely get down without a horseman. General Wang left me to wait and guard the path." Nadu explained.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shi Congyun nodded.

"If it's not hard work, it's not hard work. Anyone who fights will die. Hard work is nothing." Du said repeatedly.

From this point of view, behind the half-mountain is a lush forest with dense trees. On the hillside in front of it, there are patches of cultivated land among the forests. Further away, there is a flat valley at the foot of the hillside, surrounded by high mountains on three sides. The Jialing River is on the west side of the valley. The city with low walls stands there.

From this point of view, the two armies on the outskirts of Xingzhou have already set up their positions.

Probably the defender of the Shu Kingdom also knew that Xingzhou was not a strong city and could not be defended, so he simply went out of the city and lined up with his back against the city wall. Densely packed soldiers spread out around the city wall.

A few hundred steps later, Wang Quanbin's army also deployed, but there are still a large number of reserve teams waiting in the rear.

Wang Quanbin used the Yanyue Formation that Zhou Jun was best at. The cavalry was on both sides and the infantry was in the center. The front line was only two or three hundred steps away from the Shu Army.

Wang Quanbin seems to have sent envoys to persuade the opposing generals to surrender, but nothing happened after a while.

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