The Empress Dowager is Empress Fu, and the so-called power minister actually understands his practical butt, referring to Shi Congyun or Li Chongjin.

Both of them check in front of the hall, and the guards and horse infantry command the envoys. They are the highest officials of the two imperial guard systems, the front division and the guard division.

The so-called political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. At this time, the two of them are the most powerful ministers.

Adding Empress Fu is actually a triangular balance of power, but once the historians and the Fu family stand together, the power will be unbalanced.

In fact, the historian and the Fu family have already stood together, because Fu Liumei married him, and he and Empress Fu also secretly reached some political deals...

Of course, these are just assumptions, and he is not sure about the future, because he has changed a lot of history.

So he was just planning for a rainy day and not only doing some of these things, but the first thing he wanted to do was how to defeat the Liao Kingdom and how to fight the Liao Kingdom.

The Liao Kingdom has a system of two chambers in the north and the south, and their soldiers are also divided into soldiers from the North Academy and soldiers from the South Academy.

The northern courtyard is the elite of the Khitan people, mainly nomadic cavalry, and they have been the main force for their expansion of territory in the southern and northern wars over the years.

The South Court is a mixed army of Han people, Xi people, female straight people and other ethnic groups, mainly infantry, and the combat effectiveness is not so strong.

This system maintains the stability of the Liao Kingdom, but it also complicates the situation of the battle, because it is unclear whether the Liao Kingdom will dispatch soldiers from the South Academy or the elite from the North Academy.

The troops you face are different, and the tactics and tactics must also need to be adjusted. These are all very troublesome...

Chapter 217, Northern Expedition Preparations, Expansion, Firearms Battalion

In mid-October, there was already a light snowfall in the sky in Daliang, and the gray sky could not see any light. From time to time, people could hear the crowing of chickens and dogs barking in the distance.

And taking advantage of the leisure time in winter, Daliang City also began a new expansion.

With the clearing of politics and the victory of foreign wars in the past few years, more and more people came to Daliang, including officials and their families, as well as business travelers. The reason is actually very simple, because people think that Daliang is a stable place. too much.

It is not easy to have a safe place in today's world.

It requires not only the military master's clear strategy, but also the victory and strength of foreign wars. Now there is no nuclear deterrence, and these countries don't even need too many reasons to fight between them. Sometimes it may just be a matter of thought, just like eating As normal as drinking water.

So stability is an opportunity, and the stability we want in today's era is also very difficult.

Because a large number of people poured into Daliang City, the area of ​​the city was obviously not enough, and the imperial courts in many peripheral places could not let them mess up their houses, so they decided to expand Daliang City.

According to the order of the government on October [-]th, the Bazuo Division under the Ministry of Industry was assigned to handle this matter. The so-called Bazuo Division can also be understood as the Royal Construction Team.

Shi Congyun is very interested in this, and often goes outside the city to watch them build houses and expand the city wall.

Of course, everyone didn't understand the various actions of his high-ranking commander-in-chief.

The other thing is the focus on gunpowder. Although gunpowder cannot determine the victory of a war at the moment, its lethality is limited, and there are many restrictions on its use. Most of the time, it can only be used as a surprise soldier.

But it is indeed the key to victory in the battle of Sanjiangkou.

There are not many cavalry in the Wuping army, but there are many cavalry in the Liao Kingdom.

Many war horses in later generations have to go through desensitization training. After constant repetition and coercion, the war horses are used to fire, loud explosions, etc., to ensure that they will not be frightened by the light and sound of gunpowder and run around on the battlefield.

That was later, and now he dared to bet that the war horses of the Liao Kingdom had absolutely no experience in facing the light and loud noise of gunpowder.

So if this thing is used against the Liao army, it may be more useful than against the Wuping army.

After thinking about this, he went to see Feng Jisheng in person, rewarded him with a lot of money, and asked him to recruit more manpower to increase the production speed of Tiehuolei as much as possible.

Of course, Shi Congyun also had new requirements for gunpowder operations outside the city.

He asked all the workers to move to live near the Gunpowder Works outside the city, together with their families. At the same time, he paid for and built a planned dormitory area outside the Gunpowder Works. Materials must be kept confidential.

In addition, Liu Qingchuan was directly ordered to lead a group of people from the capital to station near the gunpowder factory to protect it.

He didn't dare to do this in Daliang City. These generals can lead troops but have no right to deploy troops. The power to dispatch troops is in the hands of the officials and the Privy Council. Identity is still easy to do.

At the same time, Shi Congyun also began to inspire Feng Jisheng, don't be so rigid, always thinking about using gunpowder to blow people up, if you use gunpowder to speed up the iron block to kill the enemy, it's okay.

Shi Congyun had already had an idea in his mind these days, even if the gun barrel forging technology was immature, he might try to use artillery to attack the city.

People don't stand by the artillery.

You can cast a section of the barrel thick and thin, stuff it with gunpowder and then fill it with iron blocks or stones, lean it directly between the door panel and the ground, support the muzzle on the door panel, and support the end directly on the ground, then ignite and explode The moment it comes out, the impact force must be very strong. It can't be blown up several times at a time, and at worst, bring a few more barrels.

If feasible, the advantage of this method is that you don't need to bring bulky siege engines, or lay a siege for a few days in a field situation waiting to be built there.

The siege hammer truck is a big guy. It is not efficient, relies on manpower, and is also very heavy. In many cases, it can only be built with local materials. If it is pushed and followed by the army, then there is no need to fight, and you can take a walk.

But on-site construction is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it may be difficult to find suitable materials.

Shi Congyun drew a rough sketch and went to Feng Jisheng to discuss it. After seeing it, he also thought it was feasible and he could try it.

At the end of October, Feng Jisheng brought another surprise to Shi Congyun.

It turned out that he came up with a new method based on Shi Congyun's feedback that throwing fire and mines with a trebuchet was inaccurate and difficult to control.

Catapults are inaccurate, but bed crossbows are much more accurate.

The most powerful three-bow bed crossbow in the army uses the combined force of three bow arms, which is not only more accurate than the catapult, but also has a long range. Each crossbow arrow is about as thick as an adult's arm, and it can directly shoot a horse to death.

Feng Jisheng suggested that the Iron Fire Thunder could be made longer, and then its circumference be reduced, roughly made into a cylindrical shape similar to a pointed end, and then tied to the arrowhead of the bed crossbow, and fired from the bed crossbow after ignition.

This can not only act as a counterweight for the crossbow arrow, but also greatly improve the accuracy and launch more efficiently.

Moreover, the bed crossbow can be disassembled into parts for transportation, and can be assembled again after fighting. It can also be used on a ship, which is much more flexible than a trebuchet.

Shi Congyun couldn't help boasting: "You are really a fucking genius!"

Immediately, Feng Jisheng's plan was approved, and a large sum of money was allocated to him to do this.

However, the new thing can no longer be called Huolei, because it is used by bed crossbows, so it is convenient to call it Rocket.

Shi Congyun had a whim, then next year, will Lao Tzu be able to form a rocket army in the tenth century AD!

Of course, the killing effect of this new thing is still unknown, but Shi Congyun is very optimistic. It is much more reliable than Huolei, which is thrown with a trebuchet or thrown at close quarters. This should be a big improvement.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun selected people who could read and read from the whole army, or people who were originally craftsmen, and planned to expand the firearms battalion.

The positioning of the Firearms Battalion is still a rare soldier rather than a main force. Today, the number of forbidden troops in Da Zhou is almost 20.

Shi Congyun plans to select 2000 people from them to form a firearms battalion.

This ratio is quite small, because this primitive firearm is far from being able to determine the outcome of a war, but this development trend and general direction must be maintained in his hands.

By November, Shi Congyun had dictated and asked Zhao Shijian to help him write out a general plan for military expansion.

Since it is going to expand to 2000 people, it can no longer be called a battalion, but should be called an army.

It would be a bit petty to call the Firearms Army, so he didn't name it for the time being.

And the reason why he adapted it at this time was because he had found the right time, because the officials wanted him to fight Liao next year, and any action he took at this time had the reason to prepare for next year's war.

Shi Congyun naturally gave memorials to the officials.

The reason for the independent expansion of an army under his direct control is to better capture the city and capture territory in Hebei in the coming year.

He described the 2000-strong new army in his memorials as an army dedicated to building siege equipment and large-scale combat equipment, such as bed crossbows, catapults, and siege vehicles. Most of them were composed of craftsmen and literate soldiers. Still very apt.

The officials also agreed to him without hesitation, and agreed to let him set up a new army under the Dianqian department with 2000 people under his direct command.

In fact, there are quite a lot of such troops in the imperial army system, such as Inner Hall Zhi, Scattered Members, East and West Ban Zhi, Dajian Zhi, etc.

If the name of the army is named, there are usually a lot of people, such as the Iron Cavalry Army, the Crane Army, the Dragon Jie Army, and the Tiger Jie Army. The four main forces are less than 2 people, and the number is as large as the Crane Army, which has now expanded to 8 people. , There are also more than 2 people in the Navy Yulang Army.

Most of the other troops ranged from 500 to 2000 people. If they were led straight, they would guard the imperial city, meaning the imperial guards, and the officials directly ruled them.

And his new firearms battalion naturally couldn't be called straight, it could only be everything.

But Shi Congyun didn't expect it for the time being, but the selection of people has already begun.

At this time, Empress Fu asked Sixth Sister to bring news that people from the Fu family from Hebei had arrived. According to the agreement, Shi Congyun needed to arrange a position for him in the army.

Shi Congyun did not neglect, the Fu family is not a queen and a king of Wei.

They are a large political and military family that has spanned several generations.

Fu Chu, the grandfather of Fu Yanqing, the current king of Wei, was awarded the title of King Wu, and his father Fu Cunshen was awarded the title of King Qin, and now Fu Yanqing is the king of Wei, and the Fu family has been crowned king for three generations. Its influence can be imagined.

Especially Fu Cunshen's King Qin, that title is usually only given to princes who are extremely favored.

And this generation of the Fu family does not only have one Wei Wang Fu Yanqing, he is just the most prominent one among the huge forces of the Fu family.

Fu Yanqing's elder brother, Fu Yanchao, served as Jiedu Envoy of Zhaoyi Army and Jiedu Envoy of Taining Army.

The elder brother Fu Yanrao served as the governor of Caozhou, the defense envoy of Jinzhou, the envoy of Huazhou Jiedu, etc., and finally became the inspector Taifu.

And Fu Yanqing has many other brothers, Fu Yantu, Fu Yanneng, Fu Yanyi, Fu Yanlun, Fu Yansheng, etc. Five of their brothers in this generation served as Jiedu envoys, and the rest were also defensive envoys, governors, People like Zhizhou, General Jinwu, etc.

And Tianxiong Army Jiedushi, Wei Wang, Tongzhong Shumenxia Pingzhangshi Fu Yanqing is the most dazzling one among their generation of Fu family brothers.

Some of these people are dead, and some are still alive. They and their descendants weave into a huge network of family relations and influence, which cannot be underestimated.

This is why people who are so strong in the official family, compared to Tang Taizong, as the emperor, have to marry a widow from the Fu family who has been married and become a queen, and after the death of Queen Fu, quickly establish a second wife from the Fu family. The daughter is the queen, and because she does not marry and establish herself, the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty is not stable.

This is also the reason why Zhao Guangyi married Fu Liumei as the queen in history, because if he didn't marry, the country of the Song Dynasty would not be stable. If Zhao Guangyi hadn't married the daughter of the Fu family at that time, maybe Chen Qiao would not have dared to let go of the mutiny .

But now things have changed. He married the sixth child of the Fu family, but the marriage is a marriage, and the sixth sister is also very good to him. He thinks that the official family should feel the same as him, and they are dependent on the Fu family. Another defense.

Because the Fu family is too big and deeply rooted.

In the end, Shi Congyun was going to personally go to meet the younger generation sent by the Fu family from Hebei outside the Prince Wei's mansion.

He had already figured it out in his heart, no matter what, he had to send the descendants of the Fu family to this kind of political deal. Guo Tingzhi, Zhang Zhengtao, and Zhang Zhenghai would have a better life in Hebei.

If he has the ability, put him in the army, if not, stay with him as an officer, hang around for a few years, and just ask him for a reward.


On the second day of the first winter month, the streets of Daliang City were covered with thick snow, covered with snow, and everywhere was white.

Shi Congyun got up from Zhou Xian's belly early in the morning, feeling a little weak in his legs.

Because it was too cold last night, a hearty battle was launched, and the shy Zhou Xian struggled to support.

It has to be said that under his nourishment, Zhou Xian, who was already beautiful, is now even more glamorous. The beauties in the south of the Yangtze River can make people's index finger move just by looking at them.

Just in the past few days, something happened in the Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Jingsui, the younger brother of the lord Li Jing, was awarded the title of General Tiance, Marshal of Jiangnan Xidao Bing, Governor of Hongzhou, Taiwei, Shang Shuling, and King of Jin. , but was poisoned to death on the way back to the fief. Many people suspected that the present prince Li Hongji did it.

Since Li Hongji was Li Congjia's eldest brother, the prince of the Southern Tang Dynasty, he was a murderous person, and he probably felt that his uncle threatened his succession.

However, the truth is still under investigation. If it turns out that the crown prince did it in the end, maybe the Southern Tang Dynasty will change.

When such a big event happened, Li Jing didn't dare to hide it, so he hurriedly reported it to the court, and Shi Congyun knew about it.

Shi Congyun talked to Zhou Xian for a long time, and flirted with him for a long time. He suppressed the excitement of making a comeback, and got up under Zhou Xian's service, because he still had important matters today.

Wrapped in a coat, he left the Shifu through the back door, and called his soldiers to go to Wei Wangfu to meet the descendants of the Fu family from Hebei. Yesterday, someone brought news that he had arrived, saying that he would come to Shifu to pay a visit.

Shi Congyun thought about it for a while, it's better that he was in the past, he was inspected before he was promoted to the palace, and there were a large number of people waiting to see him outside the door every day, and there were so many people.

Ben was on a street, and it didn't take long to walk all the way to the vicinity of Prince Wei's Mansion on the east section of the street.

This was the first time he had entered the Prince Wei's Mansion opposite the Daxiangguo Temple, and he brought only two soldiers with him. After explaining his identity outside the Zhuhong gate, the guards at the gate immediately became respectful and went in to report.

After a while, an elderly steward came out to meet him in person and escorted him to the parlor.

When he arrived, he was invited to sit on the upper seat, and he was quickly and thoughtfully brought tea and snacks.

Shi Congyun said directly: "I'm here to meet people, you don't have to be polite."

The other party understood what he meant and quickly went to call someone.

After a while, a figure hurried in from the lobby, and when he saw him, he bowed respectfully, "I wish to fulfill my wish, and I have met the commander-in-chief."

When he raised his head, Shi Congyun was a little surprised, because this man's voice is immature, and his person is also immature...

He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

He couldn't help asking: "Your sister asked you to come with me from Hebei?"

The young man looked at him with bright eyes, and nodded repeatedly, "Exactly, the elder sister asked me to come to Beijing to work with the commander-in-chief, please rest assured, the commander-in-chief, I will follow the commander-in-chief faithfully, and obey my words.

A certain man heard a lot about the deeds of the general in Hebei, and he admired him very much. It is a great honor to be able to work with the general. "

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good, but you..." You are considered a child laborer!Shi Congyun thought to himself, is there no one in the Fu family? How did you get such a child?

"how old are you?"


Shi Congyun's face was full of bewilderment, at this moment, a woman with a veil walked out from behind the screen in the back hall, and said directly: "Why, do you look down on the man of our Fu family!"

"Ah, it's not that I look down on him, but I'm afraid that he's too young. It's not a national family to fight a war. It seems that he has never slept with a woman. What if he dies?" Shi Congyun shook his head.

"You..." The woman was speechless for a moment.

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