After hearing these words, Li Chuyun was relieved and accepted the order happily.

Shi Congyun gradually discovered that Li Chuyun is a very ambitious person, capable and ambitious, and very active. He often rushes to do things.

Then it was time to arrange the retreat of the army. Before this northward retreat, Shi Congyun rewarded the soldiers of the three armies with the savings of the Gao family, and once again emphasized the discipline of the entire army, and did not harm the people before leaving.

And with Wang Quanbin as the former army leader, he himself sat down after the suppression to prevent changes during the retreat.

After the edict was dealt with, it was a family letter. Besides the edict, there were also family letters from Zhao Shijian, Zhou Xian, and Fu Liumei from the north.

Both Zhou Xian and Fu Liu's family letters expressed their feelings of missing, which made Shi Congyun very excited to read, and he had already thought about how to communicate with them about similar feelings when he went back.

After that, Zhao Shijian's family letter was very different.

Zhao Shijian was as arrogant as ever, and his language was not so affectionate. He just asked him eagerly when he would be able to return to the capital.I told him in the letter that there was something important, and I could only discuss it face-to-face when I went back, and I couldn't say it in writing.

Shi Congyun is very curious, little guy, this time successfully aroused her curiosity, thinking that after going back, she must be trained and trained, even the posture has been thought out.

So it became more and more like an arrow to return, and the coach returned to his heart like an arrow, which had a very obvious impact on the entire team. Soon the army was fully prepared and began to march south.

Along the waters of Dongting Lake, retreat to Yuezhou in a mighty way, from the direction of Sanjiangkou to Jiangling, Jingmen area, and then go north to Xiangzhou.

However, Luqiu Zhongqing was still in Jiangling, and he had to wait for some time until the officials sent by the imperial court took over Wuping before he could go back. Before that, most of Wuping's political affairs were temporarily in charge of him.

It was late August when we arrived in Xiangzhou, and the weather began to turn cold, and the army was dispatched in summer, and the clothes to keep out the cold had not been distributed, and the rear was not ready, and it had not yet been transported to the front line.

If it is delayed any longer, the soldiers without winter clothes will definitely not be able to bear it.

Logistics is the premise of fighting. If there is not enough logistics supplies, no matter how powerful the people are, it will be difficult to fight.

So after arriving in Xiangzhou, Shi Congyun was going to personally thank Li Gu who was stationed here to mobilize food and grass for the army to supply the three armies, and thank him.

But I didn't expect Li Gu to be waiting for him five or six miles outside Xiangzhou City, and the first thing he said after seeing him was: "Beautiful fight!"

"It's only two short months. I originally wanted to stay here for at least the first half of the year. I didn't expect you to spend only two months. You are really awesome!"

Shi Congyun laughed and said, "No matter where, without Mr. Li providing food and grass for our army, we would not be able to fight. At least Mr. Li probably deserves the credit for this."

"Hehe, you don't have to say nice things to me, I'm old and I'm not confused." Li Gu refused his flattery, but the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but curl up.

The two walked while talking, walking on the embankment outside Xiangyang City, in the distance were business ships, and five or six steps behind them were many civil and military personnel.

"I have received the imperial court's order. You can go back to the army without worry. The old man will cut off the heir for you. You don't have to worry about military discipline. I don't have your fighting skills, but you may not lose to you in running the army."

"That's that, Li Gong's heart is the world." He really doesn't worry about this. Back then in Huainan, Li Gu strongly opposed the soldiers looting the people, and for this reason he punished many people, but his power was limited, and he was powerless in the end. .

"With the land of Jingzhou, the road to the world will be opened in all directions." Li Gu said.

Shi Congyun nodded, "Yes, in the future, my Great Zhou army can go wherever it wants, transit through Jingzhou, and it will be easy to fight anywhere. Just like the Kingdom of Shu, if you go north, you have to climb mountains and pass through Jianmen close.

Who can say for sure about a place like Jianmenguan, it is unknown whether it can pass, but now we can send troops directly from Jiangling. "

Li Gu nodded, "You have always had profound meanings, and the old man also agrees with your thoughts, and after having Jingzhou, there are more things to think about.

In the past, I didn't dare to think about many things at all. This old man can still see such a situation when he is over fifty years old. "

Li Gu said and looked to the south, "There will be more choices in the future, and there will be many more paths. Where do you want to go?"

Shi Congyun thought for a while and then said: "Of course the officials will decide on such a big matter, but I want to go west and take Shu from Jiangling and Guanzhong."

Li Gu stroked his beard and asked, "Why?"

"From the point of view of war, when entering Shu, you can send troops from the west and the north, and respond to each other. If the north is blocked, there is a west road, and if the west road is blocked, there is a north road. It is better than putting all your eggs in one basket.

If we consider the overall situation, the state of Shu is very rich, and we will be fully replenished after conquering the state of Shu, and then we can increase our troops and have the strength to continue to conquer the world.

On the contrary, if we go to fight the Southern Han Dynasty, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, whether it will be successful or not is still a matter of opinion, and if it fails, there will be no chance of remedy. "

Li Gu nodded, and then said: "You think well, but what if the officials want to attack Khitan."

"Liao Kingdom?" Shi Congyun was taken aback, "No way." But he quickly took the words back, "Actually, it is not impossible for Liao Kingdom to fight, but it is difficult to control. It is best not to start a full-scale war first. Once the war starts, there will be no energy left to deal with the southern countries.

And if you fight in the south, you can make a profit as long as you destroy the city, but not in the north. Fighting in the north is a war of attrition. "

Li Gu stopped and said in a low voice, "I have a worry......"


Li Gu glanced at him and nodded: "Actually, I'm a little worried that the officials want to hold a prisoner presentation ceremony. In the past few years, they have won many battles one after another. I'm afraid that the officials will underestimate the enemy."

Shi Congyun immediately understood what Li Gu meant. In fact, he was also afraid. There are too many examples in history of being defeated because of successive victories and underestimating the enemy.

The well-known Cao Mengde, because he successively defeated Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Zhang Xiu, Lu Bu, Wuhuan, etc. in the north, ended up drifting away. Chibi was defeated and lost the opportunity to dominate the world. The historical situation was completely changed. The troubled times of Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.

In the current period of the Five Dynasties, there are actually quite a few heroes. At the beginning, the Houliang fierce generals were like clouds, and they also had the posture of swallowing the world, and then the Later Tang Dynasty also had the victorious spirit of victorious battles. Well, what these separatist regimes fear most is arrogance and complacency.

Because there are many battles to be fought in order to tidy up the world, successive victories can easily make the monarch or courtiers inflate their pride and feel that they are invincible in the world. In fact, if they calm down and put their eyes on the world, no matter how many wins, they will still be far from the unification of the world. what.

This point is much better for Shi Congyun who looked at ancient and modern history. He has seen too many such examples, and he also understands how big the world is, how big the world is, and their big week is nothing in it.

Don’t look at the fact that the Great Zhou Dynasty has indeed won four or five years in a row. The Northern Han Dynasty, Shu Kingdom, Southern Tang Dynasty, Nanping, and Wuping have all fought once, but in fact there are Shu Kingdom, Wuyue, Southern Tang Dynasty, Southern Han Dynasty, and Dali in the south. There are also the Northern Han Dynasty, Khitan, Jingnan Army, Dangxiang, and the extremely powerful Liao Kingdom.

There are also various intricate forces in the Hexi Corridor and the Western Regions, such as the Liugufan, the various branches of the Uighurs, the Guiyi Army, and so on.

In fact, Da Zhou still has a long way to go to see no hope......

He actually sees very far, at least all the territory of China in later generations is in his sight.

When I think about it this way, I suddenly feel a little sad.

"Li Xianggong, my ambition in this life may never be achieved." Shi Congyun said.

Li Gu glanced at him and said: "That commander's ambition is really great."

Shi Congyun grinned, did not argue with him, and silently watched the bustling boats passing by in the distance. He was not joking, the road that gradually became clear to him was too arduous.

The Qin Dynasty unified the world and ended hundreds of years of Warring States. It was the efforts and inheritance of several generations of monarchs and people.

The Han Dynasty established the main territory framework and culture of China for the next 2000 years, but she was actually about the same size as the Qin State at the end of the Warring States Period from the beginning.The land east of Hangu Pass is controlled by princes and kings of the opposite sex.

After several generations, more than a hundred years of continuous efforts, and countless blood and sweat, the core plate of the Chinese territory that people will know in the future was finally established, and it was determined that Chinese culture overwhelmed all surrounding cultures and became the dominant culture, and it will last for a long time in the years to come.

Many world-class achievements cannot be achieved in a few months, a few years or a dozen years. They often need to be followed by successive generations, and they need the efforts and inheritance of generations, and are full of risks and accidents.

Therefore, the Confucian view of destiny has become the best choice. Do your best, listen to the destiny, be yourself, and let the future be at the mercy of the destiny.

Because life is limited, many things cannot be grasped.

For the first time, Shi Congyun felt the weight of history. One generation does the work of another generation, trying to live a short life, and then handing over the achievements to future generations. This is probably the most comforting thing for him at the moment.

Otherwise, thinking about the countless separatist forces in the world, he wouldn't even see a way out.

Now he also hoped that Li Gu was wrong, that the successive victories did not make the officials feel complacent, so that many things could continue.

The next day Shi Congyun bid farewell to the officials and led his army back north to Daliang City.

As the army advances, the distance from the beam is getting closer and closer, and the morale of the soldiers is also high. It is another triumph. How many times is this?

Most of the soldiers can't remember clearly. They only remember that they have never lost a battle with the commander-in-chief Shi Congyun.

Shi Congyun was joking with Zhou Xingfeng, "If you feel ashamed, cover your face when the time comes, it's okay to be shameless."

Zhou Xingfeng's face turned darker.

I don't know how many times this is the first expedition. The soldiers are very familiar with the procedures, and they fully understand what to do after returning. It is much easier to command and dispatch.


Once again, Shi Congyun came to Chenqiaoyi.

Looking up at the big characters on the plaque of the station, I sighed for a while, Chenqiaoyi Chenqiaoyi was famous before coming to this world.

I didn't expect that after arriving, every time I dispatch troops and class teachers, I have to pass by here.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites and academicians from the Imperial Academy have come to hand him over to him, including his old acquaintance Lu Duoxun.

The officials of the Imperial Academy were headed by Lu Duosun, and when they saw him, they were extremely enthusiastic, and they cupped their hands and said: "The commander-in-chief has made great achievements, and I will come to meet the commander-in-chief under the orders of the officials, and hand over some matters."

After bowing his hand, Shi Congyun returned the salute, laughed and said: "Scholar Lu is out of touch, and you are also responsible for this big victory. If it wasn't for Scholar Lu who went to Jingchu to draw a picture for us, the army would not have progressed this time." so smooth.

This credit has been written clearly in the memorial to the official. "

Lu Duoxun froze for a moment, and soon couldn't hold back the smile on his face: "Marshal, how dare I be that." The colleagues around him also cast envious glances at him.

"Dare to act, dare not." Shi Congyun said: "Everyone, come in, and speak slowly when you have something to say."


As a result, in the hall of Chenqiaoyi, everyone was seated, and many soldiers guarded the periphery before they began to talk about things.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites and the Imperial Academy spoke one by one this time, and when they talked about things, it was as expected that they were talking about the prisoner offering ceremony.

Shi Congyun was 1 unwilling, but he could only agree. This was the intention of the officials.

That night, the officials of the Ministry of Rites handed him the etiquette, and the officials of the Hanlin Academy wrote out the words to be said tomorrow and handed them to him, asking him to recite them overnight, and the next day he would follow what was said above.

Shi Congyun wrote them down one by one, knowing that things could not be reversed, so he could only agree to them all.

Shi Congyun also knew that Lu Duoxun was the master of ceremonies, and thought of Zhou Xingfeng's black face, so when they finally left, they stopped Lu Duoxun and said, "Scholar Lu, there is something I want to ask you for."

Lu Duosun turned his head and didn't agree immediately. He seemed like an old fritter, "Let's talk about it, Commander."

"It's not a big deal, please read the words quickly tomorrow, don't waste too much time."

Lu Duosun nodded, "It's easy to do, the commander-in-chief just asks."


The next morning, when the sun was rising, Shi Congyun put on gorgeous ceremonial armor and rode a gorgeous war horse wearing a five-color vest. Behind him were many soldiers holding ceremonial halberds. After that was Nanping Wang Gao Baorong. Dushi Zhou Xingfeng, as well as many Nanping Wuping officials.

Afterwards, the official sedan chairs landed outside the north gate, surrounded by countless people watching, it was a grand occasion.

It was said that it was a prisoner offering, but in fact Shi Congyun took everyone to bow down in front of the official's house, and then reported their identities one by one, and the crowd of onlookers burst into exclamations one after another.

The officials were very satisfied with this effect, and immediately asked Lu Duoxun to come out and read out the imperial edict, comparing this captive offering to Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, and Shi Congyun to General Zuo Xiaowei, Governor of Youzhou, Su Dingfang, Duke of Xing, It made Shi Congyun's old face flush.

Fortunately, ordinary people don't know who Su Lie is.

After that, the officials showed their magnanimity, pardoned Zhou Xingfeng and others on the spot, and gave them official positions.

Immediately the officials waved their hands, and the eunuch stepped forward and took out the edict and read it aloud, and named Shi Congyun as the envoy of the Yicheng Army Jiedu, guarding the grand master.

Chapter 212, Hot Potato

That night, a grand banquet was held in the palace to show the great grace of the emperor and pardon many sinners, including Zhou Xingfeng and Gao Baorong.

In the end, many officials each received rewards, among which Gao Baorong retained the title of King of Nanping, and Zhou Xingfeng was awarded the title of King of Chen.

The rest of the officials also had their own arrangements. For Shi Congyun, Shi Congyun sat at the top left at this banquet, and his colleagues who were not good at the banquet raised glasses to him, such as Wang Pu, Wang Pu, Wei Renpu and others.

Soon there were maids performing songs and dances, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

On the way, he got up to go outside the hall to have a shower, and Wei Renpu followed him out. The air outside the hall suddenly became much fresher. Shi Congyun turned around and asked curiously, "Why did Privy Councilor Wei come out? Could it be that the lady inside is not pretty enough?"

Wei Renpu laughed: "What's the matter, the handsome is young and ambitious, but the old man is old, with more energy than energy." He spoke frankly, without any shyness, and he was also a funny person, and Wei Renpu was like that.

Shi Congyun grinned, "I thought Wei Shumi couldn't stand stimulation."

"I think so, but it's a pity that I don't have that ability." He said while stroking his beard and laughing.

The atmosphere was relaxed, and the two exchanged a few gossips. Wei Renpu suddenly said while talking, "The officials have decided to go to the Northern Expedition."

Northern Expedition.......

When Shi heard these two words, Shi suddenly jumped out of Yun's heart, and then asked: "Northern Han or Liao Kingdom?" At most, the country sends troops to rescue, and it may be soldiers from the South Court (a mixed army of Han, Xi, female straight, etc.), not elite soldiers from the North Court.

However, things backfired, Wei Renpu opened his mouth and said: "Liao Kingdom, the officials want to take advantage of the victory to take back the sixteen prefectures."

Shi Congyun was a little anxious, "As for Shu, the Southern Han, Southern Tang, Wuyue, and Northern Han are all still there."

"The officials have their own views. The officials think that they should continue the victories one after another and immediately go north to solve the problem of the sixteen states. Although I agree with Wang Wenbo (Wang Pu)'s view that the south should go north first, I also feel that the officials said Makes sense, the Northern Expedition can give it a try, maybe it will succeed.

The officials have already made up their minds, the old man just let you know in advance, lest you get too excited when it happens. "Wei Renpu said.

Shi Congyun sighed, understanding Wei Renpu's kindness, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Privy Councilor Wei, for letting me know."

Wei Renpu nodded, looking at the lights of the imperial palace in the distance, the moonlight was clear tonight.

After a while, Wang Pu and Wang Pu also just came out to blow some air, so they just met again, and they clasped their hands together and talked together.

"Actually, what the officials said is also reasonable. If you can win Youzhou in one go, many problems will be solved immediately, and a lot of things will be saved in the future." Wei Renpu said.

Shi Congyun opened his mouth, wanting to say from the perspective of a game of chess in the world that the time for a full-scale war with the Liao Kingdom has not yet come, but he quickly stopped because he knew that Wang Pu must have said it.

Since it's useless for Wang Pu to say anything, it's useless for him to say it.

"I understand. Since it is the official decision, I will obey it."

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