The officials nodded in agreement, and Shi Congyun then set foot on the land of Jiangbei under the protection of many personal soldiers and the support of officials.

The fighting here has subsided, and after he boarded the road by the river from the beach, the news spread quickly, and after a while, the two frontline commanders, Wang Huan and Wang Quanbin, came to see him.

"Tell me about the overall situation." Shi Congyun said.

Li Wang Quanbin cupped his hands, and then said: "Reporting to the commander, the main force of the bandit army has been defeated and is fleeing south.

Only a group of enemies in the east retreated to the top of the hill to resist. I heard that it was General Wuping Yang Shifan.

We told him to surrender, but he ignored it. It seemed that he was going to stick to it, and he was stubborn. "

"Where's Li Chuyun?"

"Li Dushi led his army to chase south. He said that he might be able to enter Yuezhou City by coercing the defeated soldiers." Wang Huan replied.

Shi Congyun thought to himself, Li Chuyun is indeed a thoughtful person.

"Call the people from the Firearms Battalion back and tell them not to chase after them. Count how many fire mines are left and report them to me."

That night, Zhou's army crossed the Yangtze River continuously, reached the north of Yuezhou, and then began to pursue the defeated army.

Shi Congyun issued repeated orders and repeated orders, not to use the excuse of chasing down the rout soldiers to harm the local people, and if found, they will be severely punished.

That night, Shi Congyun camped on the south bank of the great river, and when the next morning, various news came pouring in.

First of all, there is great news from the south. Li Chuyun coerced the defeated army, and he successfully entered Yuezhou City, and had completely controlled the city defenses, but Zhou Xingfeng was not caught. According to Li Chuyun's speculation, Zhou Xingfeng may not have entered Yuezhou, and went directly to It retreated south to Langzhou.

After crossing the Yangtze River, there was no danger for Yuezhou to defend, and it was normal for Zhou Xingfeng not to dare to enter Yuezhou.

Next is the situation of the pursuit of the various armies. After the pursuit reached the vicinity of Yuezhou, the various armies began to withdraw and captured more than 700 Wuping soldiers.

To the west, the Sichao Navy has driven most of the remnants of the Wuping Navy into the east waters of Dongting Lake, and blocked the intersection of Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River.

However, when the overall front of the Zhou army advanced to Yuezhou, there was still a Wuping army in the north guarding a small hill by the river, about 300 people, who vowed not to surrender to the death.

Persuading them to surrender won't do anything, but they are still very tenacious in fighting, and they won't be able to win for a while.

Later, the commander of the Firearms Battalion came to report to him that there were [-] fire mines left.

Most of the used ones were used on the western front yesterday. After the army rushed up, they didn't dare to continue to use them, so not many were thrown out, but because the Wuping army didn't know what it was at all, they were unprepared and played It worked wonders.

After hearing this, Shi Congyun transferred the Firearms Battalion to the rear again and asked them to keep Huolei safe.

Next, the casualty reports of various armies were sent over one after another. After collation and summary by the officers around him, they were finally put on his desk.

In this battle, the Zhou army killed a total of 250 people, killed more than 3000 enemy soldiers, and injured more than [-] people.

The total casualties of the Zhou army were about 4000.

More than 4000 casualties were killed in just one afternoon, which shows that the battle was tragic. If Huo Lei did not act as a surprise soldier, the casualties would have been even greater.

The battle at Sanjiangkou was different from Huainan's two-year stalemate.

This is caused by the geographical environment. The Battle of Sanjiangkou is destined to be a one-war battle, and it will not be seen for several years like Huainan.

Because once the Zhou army is allowed to cross the Yangtze River, Wuping will completely lose the possibility of fighting them, and there is no danger to continue to hold on to the south.

On July [-], after Shi Congyun entrusted Wang Quanbin with the task of besieging Yang Shifan and guarding the prisoners of war, he personally led an army of [-] to go south, camped outside Yuezhou City, and entered Yuezhou City by himself. Li Chuyun personally brought people to greet him.

On both sides of the street, there are Yuezhou people with eyes full of anxiety and fear.

After entering the city, Li Chuyun told him that they had captured Zhou Xingfeng's first wife Yan Shi in Yuezhou.

Chapter 204, Dust Settled

Shi Congyun hosted a banquet for Zhou Xingfeng's first wife, Yan Shi, at the Yuezhou Yamen Office.

Yan Shi was wearing a very simple blue dress. She was about 37 or [-] years old, and she was indeed charming. It could be seen that she must have looked good when she was young.

However, Shi Congyun was not very interested in Yan's appearance, not because he had changed his ways, but after sleeping with Zhou Xian, his vision instantly became much higher.

He heard that Zhou Xingfeng was a henpecked person.

He was deeply impressed by Zhou Xingfeng, and Sanjiangkou's difficult fight also showed that Zhou Xingfeng was indeed capable.

He didn't think Wu Pingjun was Zhou's opponent, but Zhou Xingfeng's deployment was very appropriate. If Zhou Xingfeng could be made to surrender, then the remaining eight states would not have to fight one by one, and even if there was resistance, it would not be difficult to deal with.

Unexpectedly, seeing him, Yan could not stop crying, and even wanted to commit suicide several times, without any intention of talking to him.

This made Shi Congyun very nervous, and comforted him: "My great Zhou's righteous army is invincible. Hebei Han, Shuzhong Shu, and Jiangnan Tang are all opponents. It is easy to defeat you Wuping.

But our Son of Heaven is benevolent, and we do not want to drive you all to extinction. Your Zhou family is also a meritorious minister. As long as you come to Beijing with me, you will definitely be able to increase your official position and become rich and prosperous. I hope you can understand these principles and talk to your husband well. talk about it.

I will arrange for someone to take you back, and I won't embarrass you. Go back and persuade your husband well. "

Therefore, Shi Congyun ordered Yan's release, and specially asked his confidant Liu Qingchuan to bring more than a hundred riders to escort her back to Langzhou and hand her over to Zhou's family.

Shi Congyun was just hearsay and didn't know whether Zhou Xingfeng valued his first wife or not, but no matter what, it was better to send her back.

If you don't pay attention to it, putting it here will make him suspected of being a hostage. He won with dignity, but he made it look like he was insidious and cunning. Is he that kind of person?

If Zhou Xingfeng paid attention to it, then whether he was locked up or killed, it would only strengthen Zhou Xingfeng's determination to resist.


On July [-]th, Yang Shifan, the stubborn Wuping general in the north, was finally captured. The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and finally captured the hill guarded by Yang Shifan. He fought hard against the Zhou army and suffered more than ten wounds.

After that, he would rather die than submit, refused treatment, and finally died.

Shi Congyun ordered him to be buried generously, and asked an official to write a letter to the official, requesting that Yang Shifan be posthumously named.

After that, Shi Congyun stayed in Yuezhou for a day.

On July [-]th, after entrusting the affairs of Yuezhou to Li Chuyun, Shi Congyun personally led an army of [-] to continue southward along the waters of Dongting Lake, preparing to enter Langzhou, the seat of Wuping.

On that day, Si Chao sent people across Dongting Lake and sent news that the Wuping navy, which was trapped by Zhou Jun's navy in the east of Dongting Lake, surrendered to Si Chao one after another after learning of the defeat at Sanjiangkou.

Zhou Jun got more than 5000 boats and ships, and captured more than [-] people from the Southern Tang Navy.

Shi Congyun ordered them all to be sent home. At this point in the war, Wu Ping's hearts were already scattered.

On July 500, across the water from Yuezhou, a battalion of more than [-] soldiers stationed at the foot of Junshan surrendered.

By July 22, there were more than a thousand ships in the navy, large and small.

Shi Congyun simply ordered Si Chao to mobilize all the ships to the vicinity of Yuezhou, and directly let the soldiers take the boats, enter the waters of Dongting Lake into Yuanshui, and reach Wuling. He didn't bother to march slowly on land and fought all the way there.

Going straight to Huanglong and taking Zhou Xingfeng, wouldn't all the problems be solved?

Anyway, Wuping did not have the strategic depth and lasting national power of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The defeat at Sanjiangkou has already dissipated people's hearts, and soldiers in many places fled directly.

Si Chao complied, and then the mighty boat captain Changlong, consisting of more than 1000 large and small ships, headed south along Dongting Lake at high speed.


On the other side, on July 21, Zhang Wenbiao, the governor of Hengzhou, rebelled against Zhou Xingfeng, and under the banner of a courtier of the Great Zhou Dynasty, attacked Tanzhou to the north and killed the defender of Tanzhou.

Then an envoy was sent to contact Shi Congyun in the north, expressing his willingness to obey the command of the Zhou army commander, and hoped that the emperor of the Great Zhou would agree to his surrender.

When Shi Congyun got the news, he was on Dongting Lake admiring the scenery of the lake and mountains, marching all the way west, and will soon lead his army into Yuanshui.

He immediately understood that Guo Tingwei's persuasion had succeeded, and he wrote back to agree with Zhang Wenbiao's request, and also commended his "loyalty" to Da Zhou.

In this way, Hengzhou and Tanzhou in the south were all surrendered to him in an instant, greatly shortening the process of his sending troops.

On July 27, the army followed the Yuan River without encountering any obstacles, and arrived at the city of Langzhou smoothly.

Where Langzhou is located in Wuling, Shi Congyun only knows that the people of Wuling in the Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty were fishing.

Now when I lead an army of tens of thousands to Wuling, I find that there is not a single fisherman in sight. The former army has successfully landed, set up the siege equipment outside Wuling City, and set up the siege camp. It was done in an orderly manner.

According to reports from the forwards, they did encounter a little resistance outside Wuling City. The scale was not large. At most, there were five or six hundred people at one time, and at least less than a hundred people. They were all defeated, and there was no more resistance after that.

The people in the villages and towns outside the city had already run away, and there was no major obstacle when the army arrived.

When Shi Congyun arrived at the foot of Wuling City, a large number of siege equipment had already been built, ready to attack the city at any time.

Shi Congyun sent people to shout out, asking Zhou Xingfeng if he was in Wuling City, and asked them to surrender, but no one answered.

So Shi Congyun said: "This city is far inferior to Taiyuan, Jinling and others. I didn't want to fight at first. We have a large number of people, so there is nothing to worry about. Let the troops prepare and start attacking the city in two days.

With Wuling taken, our trip is almost complete. "

All the soldiers were gearing up excitedly.


In fact, Zhou Xingfeng fled back to Langzhou with a small number of people as early as July 24, and then remembered that his wife was still in Yuezhou, so he went crazy and wanted to gather troops to fight back.

However, there were not many troops in Wuping. The main army of [-] was completely defeated in Sanjiangkou, and the hearts of the people had already dispersed. Many generals and soldiers had fled on the road, and they couldn't gather troops at all.

Fortunately, his wife Yan came back unharmed a few days later. He was so happy that he hugged his wife and laughed, and he didn't have time to scold this stinky bitch running around.

Afterwards, the two were happy and hugged each other, and after intensely telling each other about their lovesickness and worries, Zhou Xingfeng asked and found out that it was the young Zhou Jun commander Shi Congyun who ordered her to be released.

Zhou Xingfeng couldn't help crying with joy this time. The previous defeat and the worry that he was almost separated from Yin and Yang made him, a man in his early forties, tearful.

Afterwards he asked his wife if Zhou Jun let her come back with a message, and she said no.

If Zhou Xingfeng didn't believe it, Marshal Zhou Jun would not let her go for no reason.

After repeated questioning, the wife finally opened her mouth, and complained: "You always say that I am a woman who doesn't understand anything, so I don't tell you. I'm afraid it will affect your thinking."

Hearing the words brought by Zhou Jun's coach, Zhou Xingfeng was a little shaken in his heart. He is not afraid of death. He has never seen anything along the way, but he has experienced so much, but he is reluctant to part with the woman in his arms. People always have to lose Only then did I realize how precious it is.

This experience made him understand the importance of family members more and more. Although his death was easy, what about the family members left behind?

His wife, and his youngest son Zhou Baoquan, who is now only five years old, are all in his heart...


On the first day of August, the Zhou army began to storm Wuling City, and the shouts of killing on the city walls shook the sky.

The Zhou army did not send anyone to attack the city that day, but only bombarded the city wall with various siege equipment. The strange iron melon that once defeated the Wuping army, flickered with fire, made a thunderous sound, and could hurt people dozens of steps away was also destroyed. When thrown into the city, many people were injured and people panicked.

After one day, Zhou Xingfeng knew that Wuling City could not be defended. If it continued like this, the Wuling City Wall would not be able to withstand it after more than ten days.

So the next day, he had to shout at the top of the city, hoping that Marshal Zhou Jun could see him.

Sure enough, Commander Zhou Jun also saw him, fifty steps away from the city, surrounded by many guards.

Looking from a distance, he was indeed a young man, such a young man commanded an army, and beat him to such a desperation, Zhou Xingfeng felt unwilling and admiring.

"Marshal of the Northern Dynasty, I know that leading an army to resist a big country is an unforgivable crime. I am willing to open the city and surrender today, but I hope you can agree to a few conditions." He shouted at the top of his voice. He thought about these words all night.

"Say it!" The other party responded loudly.

Zhou Xingfeng said hastily: "First, we have already met in the army after all. I don't want to be rich, nor do I want to protect myself. I just hope that you don't harm my family and leave a way for them to survive."

"Okay, I promise you." The other party nodded, although they were far away, they could still hear clearly.

"Secondly, the people of Wuling City have no grievances or enmities with you. I did everything. I hope you don't blame them. You can't kill a single person after entering the city."

The other party nodded again, "I promise you!"

Zhou Xingfeng saw that the other party agreed happily, but he didn't know if the other party would keep his promise, so he could only hope that the other party would keep his promise.


After Zhou Xingfeng put forward all the conditions, Shi Congyun outside the city was a little confused, his thought was "It's gone?" "That's it?"

The conditions offered by Xingfeng this week are too simple!

However, he quickly realized that Zhou Xingfeng came from a poor background, and he didn't know how to ask for prices and pay back money everywhere. He was a decisive and ruthless person, so he became popular, but he was not good at talking.

Even at the end of the negotiation, he directly showed his cards, without any intention of bargaining with him.

Wuling can definitely be taken. At worst, they bombarded the city day and night with siege equipment for dozens of days, and threw fire and thunder into the city. There must be problems with the city wall. This is not Shouzhou.

However, it will take time and effort for the Zhou army, and it is certain that many people will die, so Shi Congyun's principle is that it is best to win peacefully, and only attack the city when he has to.

That afternoon, Zhou Xingfeng really rode a horse alone, without armor, with his upper body bare, and came out with weapons to surrender. When he saw him, he got off his horse and knelt down.

Shi Congyun treated him courteously, and dismounted to help Zhou Xingfeng up, and ordered him to put on a coat. Afterwards, the army entered the city, took over the city defense, and formally declared the occupation of Wuling City, the seat of Wuping.

On the fourth day of August, when the governors and generals of the remaining states heard the news, they wrote letters expressing their willingness to surrender, and they all rushed to Wuling City to visit him.

Shi Congyun treated them all preferentially, and sent soldiers to various places to take over the city defense.

So by the ninth day of August, the whole territory of Wuping was under his control.

So far, from the dispatch of troops in June to the first two months of August, Shi Congyun led his army all the way from Jingmen to the south, captured the land of twelve prefectures under the rule of Nanping and Wuping, and once again expanded the territory of Dazhou by a large area.

At the same time, it pierced through the passage to the Shu Kingdom in the west, the Southern Han Dynasty in the south, and the Southern Tang Dynasty in the east.

But all this happened so fast that many people didn't react at all. Whether it was the Shu Kingdom that was trembling with fear, or the Liang court, the news may not have been fully transmitted back...

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