His words surprised Luqiu Zhongqing.

Shi Congyun didn't have any problem listening, "That's right, let's spit it out to the common people, but how much is still a problem, how about this, when I invite Gao Baorong, you take someone to raid his house, try not to cause trouble , without the King of Nanping, everything is easy to handle, and I will take care of the future."

Li Chuyun took the order, and immediately went to pick people.

He didn't come even if he invited him. It seems that Gao Baorong didn't understand the situation. He might think that even if he lost Nanping, he would still be the King of Nanping.

Little did they know that the official made him king just to appease their separatist regimes. Now that he has no territory, he is nothing. On the contrary, the official is more willing to find a suitable excuse to get rid of him, because keeping him is always an unstable factor.

At noon, Gao Baorong arrived in the army, still accompanied by four guards, dressed in red and purple robes, with jade around his waist.

After meeting, the two exchanged a few words of pleasantries, and then entered the big tent. Gao Baorong's speech was quite polite, and his attitude was acceptable, but when he heard that Luqiu Zhongqing was going to sit with them, Gao Baorong was a little dissatisfied.

"The commander-in-chief is the envoy of the imperial court, and the old man is the king of Nanping. How can everyone sit with you and me?"

Shi Congyun turned his head to Luqiu Zhongqing and said, "Sir, go out first, and you will come with Li Chuyun later."

Luqiu Zhongqing nodded, understood what he meant, got up and went out, took him away and saluted him and Gao Baorong, but Gao Baorong didn't respond.

Shi Congyun sat across from him, and said straight to the point: "I have invited the king of Nanping to come and explain that your family cannot stay in Nanping, but must go to Daliang.

The other things will be rewarded by the officials when they arrive there, so you don't have to worry, go at ease and just wait for the arrangements of the officials. "

"Marshal, you can't treat me like this. The old man is the king of Nanping bestowed by the court. He has made great contributions to guarding the border for the court, and he has fought with the emperor!" Gao Baorong said hastily.

"What do you want?"

"Give the old man half a month to clean up the things, and when the things are done, he will naturally go back to Daliang."

"Half a month, your family really has a lot of soft things."

"If the commander-in-chief is interested, I can prepare a generous gift for the commander-in-chief..." Gao Baorong leaned forward slightly, hinting in a low voice.

I want them all!

Shi Congyun almost said what was in his heart, but held back in time, and laughed loudly, "Come, come, drink, drink."

King Nanping also laughed happily, then became a little excited, his gray beard trembled wildly, and leaned over from the dining table, promising: "Have a good drink.

Commander, to be honest, our Gao family has been in Nanping for so many years, we have collected a lot of good things, as long as the commander allows our family to enter Beijing safely, I will pay [-]%, not half!

Giving half of the family's wealth to honor the Marshal will definitely satisfy the Marshal. "

Probably solved the most feared thing in his heart, Gao Baorong also drank happily, and when he drank to a high place, he couldn't help shouting proudly: "Seeing Master Wang enter the city, those ordinary people dare to laugh at the old man in the city, they understand Shit, they don't know anything.

They thought they could laugh when our Gao family collapsed, but they didn't know that with the help of a great commander, we could still live a good life. When we arrived in Daliang, the old man was still the king of Nanping in the imperial court, and he was still a master!They are still living in a low life and allow themselves to be exploited.

The world has been like this for decades, it's nothing more than changing someone to exploit them, what's there to be proud of, it's been like this for a hundred years, those untouchables still want to turn around! "

Gao Baorong became more and more angry as he talked.

"Did they scold you?" Shi Congyun calmed down instead and asked him.

"Hmph, those untouchables, I heard someone yelling and cursing on the street when I went out of the city, and I usually dare not speak, because I see our Gao family is about to fall." Gao Baorong blushed and said with a smile: "But they are Bai is happy, and the commander-in-chief doesn't have to argue with them."

"Outsiders call us Gao Hooligans. Our Gao family has been tyrannical in Nanping for decades. What can these bastards do?"

Gao Baorong continued to complain, but he was too old to drink, and soon began to talk loudly.

Shi Congyun looked at this old man and knew in his heart that among the warlords of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, those who simply sought wealth were considered a relatively good part.

And the top ones are either extremely perverted, or they believe that what they eat is what makes them healthy, and they are complete cannibals.

Most Chinese people believe that the way of heaven is reincarnation, good and evil will be rewarded, but Shi Congyun does not believe it, because during the period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, many perverted and cruel people, even man-eating maniacs, enjoyed all the glory, wealth and status. High weight, dying of death.

So he doesn't believe in the reincarnation of heaven, good and evil are rewarded, that's a Buddhist saying, he believes in doing it himself, and having enough food and clothing.

So in the afternoon, when Gao Baorong got drunk, Li Chuyun led the soldiers out of Jiangling City.

A total of 86 carts of gold and silver property were brought back from the Gao family's palace, and the long motorcade attracted many people to watch.

At the same time, Li Chuyun also told him that there are more than 200 wives, concubines, maids, etc. in the Gao family's palace in Jiangling City, a small land of three states and seventeen counties.

There was also a palace built in the north of Jiangling City, with at least a thousand rooms. The entire north of the city was full of palaces. They didn't have time to take a closer look, but the soldiers had already controlled it.

At the same time, there are 30 shi of grain in the official warehouse in the north of the city, which should be savings for many years. No wonder he is not in a hurry to ask the king of Nanping to support tens of thousands of troops.

Because Gao Baorong was not at home, no one in the mansion dared to stop the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. After all, they were not Nanping Kings conferred by the imperial court.

In the evening, after Gao Baorong sobered up, Shi Congyun took Luqiu Zhongqing into the big tent, and Luqiu Zhongqing told him that the Gao family had been confiscated.Gao Baorong was stunned, then became furious and began to scold him. Shi Congyun pulled out his saber and put it on his neck.

"Do you think the officials want to see a dead King of Nanping or a living King of Nanping.

Don't you think that you, the king of Nanping, have much weight? Shi Congyun sneered and said, "Go to Daliang obediently. With your salary, you can live a stable life and save your life."

If you are still delusional and want to do some untimely actions, I will send the head of King Nanping to the officials to ask for credit. It's the same anyway, and it will save money for the officials. "

Gao Baorong was paralyzed by fright, kowtowed repeatedly and begged for his life. Shi Congyun didn't want to embarrass the old comrade, so he was sent back and put under custody.

After leaving the big tent, Shi Congyun said to Luqiu Zhongqing beside him: "Sir, I have temporarily appointed you as Quanzhi Jiangling, Xiazhou, and Guizhou affairs, and you will write the memorial yourself, and send it to Daliang when it is finished.

Afterwards, the affairs of Nanping will be handed over to you for the time being, and I will assign an army to you, and the officials below will appoint and dismiss you to make the decision.

As for Gao Baorong's stuff, let's send one-third of it back to Daliang and hand it over to the imperial court, and distribute the rest to the brothers. You are in charge of this matter.

There are only three prefectures and seventeen counties in Nanping, and 30 shi of grain should also be distributed to the common people with 17 shi. Let us keep the rest as military rations, which can shorten the supply line. "

"The minister takes orders." Luqiu Zhongqing cupped his hands repeatedly.


After dealing with the matter in Nanping, we will continue to go south and attack Wuping.

As early as after taking Nanping in early July, Li Hanchao was ordered to deploy scouts and went along the Yangtze River to the east of Sanjiangkou.

Wang Quanbin also led the main force of the army to march eastward with 3 people. Shi Congyun gave him the order to guard the Sanjiangkou to the east and build a defense line along the river to the north of Yuezhou to prevent Wuping's army from crossing the river.

According to the reports from Li Hanchao's scouts, after learning the news from Nanping, Wuping acted quickly. The army had arrived in Yuezhou, and quickly built a defensive front in the north of Yuezhou city to prevent people from crossing the river on the other side.

At the same time, hundreds of ships were cruising near Sanjiangkou, blocking the river, and some troops were stationed on the north side of Dongting Mountain in the west of Yuezhou to prevent anyone from making a fuss about Dongting Mountain.

It seems that a unified opinion has been formed in Wuping, and that is to fight.

Wuping is not Nanping. Wuping has nine prefectures, and its strength should not be underestimated. There are at least [-] troops.

So after handing over the matter of Nanping to Luqiu Zhongqing, Shi Congyun led the remaining army and Li Chuyun to leave Jiangling, go down the Yangtze River, and head for Sanjiangkou.

The Sanjiang Estuary is at the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Dongting Lake basin, where the Yangtze River has turned five major bends in succession, and the waters are in charge.

Originally, crossing the river near Jiangling could also directly take Langzhou, the seat of Wuping, but after crossing the river upstream, there are large areas of mountains, swamps, and lakes. It is very disadvantageous to march south.

If the army wants to attack Langzhou, the last way is to cross the river from the vicinity of Sanjiangkou, occupy Yuezhou on the opposite bank, and then walk along the Yuan River along Dongting Lake to reach Langzhou directly.

In this way, not only bypassing the many mountains and lakes in the north, but also marching along the waterway, speeding up and saving energy, the army can advance smoothly, which is the best marching route.


On July [-], Shi Congyun arrived at a peninsula north of Sanjiangkou.

Walking through the avenue in the woods and looking across the river, you can already vaguely see the flag of the Wuping Army, soldiers on the shore, sentry towers, and many Wuping warships cruising on the river.

On the river bank in front of him are the fences set up by the Zhou army, the horses, the wooden sentry towers built, and many soldiers patrolling back and forth.

Wang Quanbin said beside him: "Yesterday, the bandit army tried to rush to the beach once, trying to hit the north bank, but we killed them."

"There are knowledgeable people on the opposite side, and when they find something wrong, they know to garrison at Sanjiangkou as soon as possible." Shi Congyun said looking across the opposite side, and the two armies just faced each other across the river.

But here is not like the lower reaches of the Yangtze River like Jinling, where the river is much narrower than there.

The average width of the Yangtze River near Jinling is four to five miles, and in some places it reaches an exaggerated ten miles or so. It is very difficult to cross the river.

The width of the Yangtze River in front of me is about one or two miles, because it belongs to the middle and upper reaches.

"Where is Si Chao's navy?"

"About fifty miles downstream."

"Immediately send an order to bring the navy here." He thought for a while and then said: "Pull up the firearms battalion behind, there are too many people on the opposite beach, and the casualties will definitely be high if we forcefully cross over, let's try some new tricks. "

Chapter 199, The Battle of Sanjiangkou ([-])

"This place is really fucking tormenting." Li Hanchao pulled out his legs from the muddy roadside. His whole body was covered in mud spots, his thighs and thighs were stained black, and a dozen or so people scattered in front of him were lying on the side of the road. Under the shade of the trees, I lay in the grass and didn't want to move.

The sun was shining brightly in July, and it was hot and stuffy. Everyone took off their shoes and poured the sand out of their shoes. Many places along the river were sand dunes with a lot of mud. The roads around here were not easy to walk.

There are many beaches by the river, the white sand is soft and hot under the sun, the sun above the head is bigger than the bucket, and the disturbing birds and cicadas are everywhere in the woods and grass, chirping endlessly Yes, it makes my head buzz.

After crossing the Huaihe River in the Qinling Mountains, the regional differences began to appear. Everyone was distracted by the hustle and bustle of summer. It happened that there was a light rain at night, and the scorching sun during the day was like a steamer.

In the army at Sanjiangkou, more than [-] people were already sick, mostly with fever and dizziness.

"The commander-in-chief has ordered the sick people to be placed alone, and I don't know if it will work or not." Someone said, and everyone hid in the shade of the trees to rest. Most of them came from the north and were not used to the heat and humidity.

Li Hanchao is very experienced, "I have seen this situation a lot, and it can't be solved in a day or two. The best way is nothing more than two, either withdraw the troops, or fight quickly, without delay."

"The Wuping soldiers in Gou Ri are all cowards. They hide on the other side and dare not fight. If they are killed, they will cry." Someone said angrily.

Since the previous gun beach failure, the opposite side has completely huddled on the south bank and no longer goes north, taking a completely defensive posture.

Li Hanchao walked to the river, poured some cold water on his armor to cool down, and then said: "They know how to fight. We have come from a long distance, and the advantage is to fight quickly. Their last resort is to stick to it. The more angry you are, the more they will deal with it." Your method is more useful."

The subordinates were aggrieved: "Everyone, what should we do then?"

"The commander-in-chief has his own way, so there's no need for you to worry about it.

Aren't we just going to do big things, let's go, don't delay the big things of the commander, when the time comes, you and I can't afford it. "Li Hanchao said as he kicked his subordinates who were still resting under the tree, then he brought the horse that was grazing not far away, and dragged everyone's food and water to continue walking along the river.

Looking from here, you can still see Wuping's troops on the other side of the river.

They set up heavy defenses along the Yangtze River in the north of Yuezhou, along the long river bank for several miles, preventing them from crossing the river.

There are no bridges on the river, and it is very difficult to cross the river. In fact, there are not many places to choose. First, the current should not be rushing, and finally, there should be shallow places with less sediment.

This is completely different from building a pontoon bridge. The current is too fast and the boat cannot reach the shore. If the soldiers are not careful, they may be washed away by someone.

On the other hand, building a pontoon bridge needs to be at the narrowest part of the river, where the current is the most urgent, and there must be stones on both sides of the bank, and there should be as few shallows as possible. fixed point.

Although the river bank is long, there are actually very few places that can be crossed by force. Generals with a little experience will know where to fortify, which also makes it very difficult for them to cross the river.

Li Hanchao led the people to continue walking down the river. In the afternoon, when the sun was setting and the air was not so hot, they finally saw their destination.


At the end of his eyes in the distance, densely packed warships were moored by the river, and the camps on the north bank of the river were full of smoke, which was the place where Si Chao's army was stationed.

There are many sentry posts for several miles around, and they were discovered when they approached. After revealing their identities, the sentry immediately took him to the east, and when he arrived at the riverside ferry, there were hundreds of Qiyun warships from the Zhou army in a row. The sails are all docked by the river.

Li Hanchao asked his men to wait on the shore, while he followed the soldiers leading the way onto the big ship, and saw Si Chao, the commander of the navy, on the upper deck.

Li Hanchao looked at the younger man in front of him, feeling a little jealous in his heart.

This person is in charge of the army alone, which shows that Marshal Shi trusts him very much. Although he is older and has more qualifications than him, he is far behind him. It really depends on whether he can follow the right person.

"The last general has met the chief envoy, and the commander-in-chief asked someone to deliver the order, and by the way, be a guide to the chief envoy."

Si Chao returned the salute, not in a hurry to talk, but first verified his identity and got the password right, and then started to talk.

Li Hanchao thought to himself, this man is really cautious, and immediately began to speak: "The Nanping army has a large number of sailors, with more than four hundred boats of different sizes.

The commander-in-chief hoped that the general would lead his army to the west and arrive at the North River in Yuezhou at around noon on July [-]th three days later. Chance. "

Si Chao nodded: "Our navy can fight, but I don't know how the commander is going to cross the river?

Should we send side troops to land on the north bank? If the bandits defend the beachhead with all their strength, it will be very difficult for the main force to cross over. "

Li Hanchao clasped his hands and said, "I don't know about this. The commander-in-chief also said that this is the overall combat plan, and the specific deployment department will decide on its own."

Si Chao thought for a while, paced on the deck, and then said to Wang Huan, the adjutant beside him: "There is an island in the middle of the river upstream, which divides the river into two streams, and the current is moderate.

There is a place called Tongguling on the south bank of that place, beyond which there is a large river bay and shoal, suitable for landing, our scouts discovered.

At that time, the main force of the navy would still go along the big river, and go directly to Sanjiangkou to fight the Nanping army. The king's envoy led [-] elite soldiers to land from Tongguling River Bend, attack the enemy on the south bank from the side, and cross the river from the side. "

Wang Huan cupped his hands, "I will wait for the general's orders!"

Si Chao thought for a while, and then ordered: "General Wang should also pay more attention to time, and it is best to move with the army on the north shore, otherwise you will be alone and helpless."

Wang Huan nodded, "I know, I will pay attention."

Li Hanchao was a little surprised by Si Chao's adjustment and deployment. Logically speaking, they didn't need to take the risk of dividing their troops to land. The commander only let them follow the river to attack the navy at Sanjiangkou.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, Si Chao would rather take some risks by himself, maybe this is the reason why the commander appreciates him, Li Hanchao thought to himself.

"The commander-in-chief asked the old man to lead the way for Si Dushi. I am familiar with the terrain near Sanjiangkou, so the old man will stay here."

"Thank you, General Li." Si Chao nodded, and then sent messengers along the north bank to report back to Shi Congyun on the upper reaches of the river. They have received orders and will launch the Wuping Navy in the direction of Sanjiangkou on July [-]th. To attack, the army should cross by force.

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