Chapter 191, The War Machine Starts Again

In May, the weather began to get hotter, and Daliang City was extremely lively. Outside the city, tens of thousands of troops were waiting for the battle, and the streets were full of people from all walks of life.

After the north-south trade was opened, commodities and materials from the south went north along the Yangtze River, Bianshui and Huainan Avenue, bringing more commodities to Daliang.

It made these areas more prosperous, and the war indemnity of the Southern Tang Dynasty included a large amount of real materials in addition to gold and silver, and a considerable part of these fell into the hands of the soldiers.

So at this time the enthusiasm of the soldiers to fight is very high.

And because of the lessons of the separatist regime at the end of the Tang Dynasty, a large number of elite forbidden troops have always been maintained near Daliang to ensure that the central government can fight against local troops at any time.

However, most of this forbidden army is a professional army, and most of them are supported by the state. It is different from the army in the Han Dynasty and the early and middle Tang Dynasty, which leads to huge consumption, and the annual military expenditure is a large sum.

Therefore, it is often unsustainable not to fight a profitable war.

In the afternoon, Shi Congyun went to the big camp outside the city to check on the training of the recruits. When he rode his horse through the dusty, screaming camp, he could see that the soldiers were training harder.

Everyone wants to perform better in front of him, maybe this is power and prestige, Shi Congyun rides on the horse, looking around the densely packed figures in the camp tens of miles away, like a densely packed, well-trained, discipline-abiding Ant.

And many of these rules come from him. Sometimes Shi Congyun himself is a little dazed and unbelievable. So many people are under his control and command, why are people willing to obey him?So many individuals, the ultimate will is gathered in him.

Human beings are really interesting creatures, maybe this is one of the reasons why human beings are powerful, but he also became alert, thinking of what Zhao Shijian said to him, with the increase of power, he will eventually be involuntary, and many people will be attached to him, live by his breath.

So as his position becomes higher and higher, every decision and action will become more and more important and far-reaching.

For the trust of so many people, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

Looking around the camp, he got off his horse and chatted with the soldiers from time to time.

After walking through the camp with a radius of more than ten miles, it was already afternoon, so he ate something casually in the army, and explained some things to Wang Zhong and Shao Ji.

The lights in the big tent were dim, and when they heard Shi Congyun say that Fa Nanping and Wuping were not going to let the two of them go together this time, both of them became anxious, but Shao Ji hesitated to speak, and still did not speak, Wang Zhong Immediately shouted anxiously: "Brother Yun, you don't think I talk too much, do you? I talk too much, but I am not afraid of death in war!"

"Bullshit!" Shi Congyun rolled his eyes at him, then leaned over and whispered, "It's different now, I'm in this position, so I have to be careful."

He said in a lower voice: "Especially the movement in the capital, I can rest assured that there are trustworthy people in the capital at all times."

In fact, Shi Congyun has always been worried. What he is worried about is not entirely the officials. The officials may not trust him because of his power and prestige, but the officials will definitely use him.

Guo Rong is an ambitious person, and he can also gain the trust of the officials by virtue of his performance, but what if the officials are gone?

He remembered that Guo Rong did not live long in history, and would die of illness next year. If the official family suddenly disappeared, what would happen to him?

It's hard to say, when the new king succeeds to the throne, his fate is hard to predict, there may be many variables.

Just like when Empress Lu killed Han Xin, why was she so proactive in killing Peng Yue?These two people did not provoke her, the reason is very simple, her son is still young, and she is afraid that his son will not be able to control these two prestigious people if he succeeds to the throne.

Shi Congyun is also afraid that if there is any trouble in the official family, he will follow in Han Xin's footsteps. The young master Chai Zongxun was born a year before the Gaoping War, and he is only five or six years old now, but he has ministers by his side, such as standing on the side of Zhang Yongde Zhao Kuangyin, Fan Zhi and others who did not agree with him.

So he needs someone to help him keep an eye on changes in the capital, and the people left must have military power, influence, and be loyal to him.

After thinking about it, it is as for Wang Zhong and Shao Ji. They are now high-ranking officers above Xiangdu Commander and above, and they also lead a loyal army. If the situation in the capital changes when he is out fighting, the worst case is The fish died and the net broke.

Of course, it was to think about the worst. He felt that there were two people leading an army here. Even if there was an emergency, no one would dare to attack him, but caution was always necessary.

So I explained to Wang Zhong and Shao Ji again, "I am outside, if there is any major event in the capital, immediately send the humanitarian front to notify me, if the matter is relatively serious, go to the mansion immediately, ask Zhao Shijian, and ask her what to do , Zhao Shijian knows."

The two nodded. Zhao Shijian had followed him for a long time, and the old man who followed him knew that she was his little maid and concubine.

"She is not as good as you in other things, but she must be more knowledgeable than you in this kind of thing. Of course it's best if nothing happens, but you can't take it lightly.

Another point is that unless the official personally orders, don't hand over the command of the army easily. If someone comes to take over the army, you must check carefully to find out whether it is someone sent by the official or not. It can be handed over, otherwise the command of the army must not be handed over, understand. "Shi Congyun asked again.

The two of them heard the seriousness in his words and nodded repeatedly.

Shi Congyun patted the two of them on the shoulders, "I can rest assured that you are in the capital. Anyway, we have reached this point now, and there is no way out anyway, so everything must be careful, and you should restrain yourself. The bad habits of the past , bad temper, drinking and fighting, and cursing others, try not to have it, and don’t be caught by others.”

"Ah..." Wang Zhong was depressed: "Then we are desperately trying to live a comfortable life, this..."

"You won't go home and pick up your girls? Didn't I send you the beauties of Shu and Nantang!" Shi Congyun scolded, "I will bear with you, and you can't go fooling around outside. I want to go home in style." .

Now is the critical time, endure for two years, and no troubles are allowed. "

Although Wang Zhong was not happy, he still agreed, and Shao Ji nodded without hesitation.

Shi Congyun couldn't tell him that the officials were likely to die in the past two years, and it was a sensitive period, so he could only ask for it.

After he explained these things, all the preparations were almost done.


In mid-May, Shi Congyun began handing over with the Third Division and the Ministry of War, and began to distribute supplies to soldiers preparing for the expedition, including new military uniforms, shoes, fire bags, water belts and other equipment. Many veterans have noticed the meaning of it.

At the same time, Shi Congyun told Li Hanchao and Wang Quanbin that they were going to take them on an expedition, and the two veterans were greatly moved.

Of course, the most important thing is Li Chuyun. Shi Congyun plans to use him as a pioneer. This is a very bold and radical decision, because Li Chuyun has not been with him for long.

Li Chuyun seemed to have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Although he was very excited, he did not refuse at all.

On May [-]th, at the Great Court Meeting, local officials came from Guanzhong and sent a letter to Chen Shu soldiers to harass and harass Guanzhong, burning, killing and looting.

Although everyone who understands knows that the Kingdom of Shu has long been frightened by Shi Congyun and Wang Jing, not to mention harassing Guanzhong, even the Qinling Mountains are afraid to go, but this does not prevent many civil and military officials from the Great Zhou Dynasty from being filled with righteous indignation and verbal criticism.

The officials also took advantage of this momentum, and immediately denounced Meng Chang, the leader of the Kingdom of Shu, in the court hall.

First of all, he was boastful, calling himself the Emperor of Dashu in the letter to him, and blatantly refusing to be a minister to Dazhou.

The second is to dare to continue to send troops to harm the people in Guanzhong, so that the people in Guanzhong suffer greatly, their wives and children are separated, their families are destroyed, and they live in dire straits.

Then he was filled with righteous indignation and said that although his own honor and disgrace could not be pursued, but in order to save the people in Guanzhong from being persecuted by the Shu Kingdom, he decided to send a righteous teacher to question the crime and crusade against the Shu Kingdom.

All civil and military officials praised him one after another!

Although some people are still wondering, why didn't they know this happened?But seeing that the senior officials in front expressed their intentions one after another, they quickly followed suit and agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the written imperial edict was issued through the Ministry of Shangshu, the military amulet was distributed, and the deputy capital in front of the palace was formally appointed for inspection, and Pingzhang Shi Congyun under the door of Zhongshu was recruiting envoys from the southwest, and the prime minister's attack on Shu.

Shi Congyun received the order, thanked the officials for their trust, and promised that he would not disappoint the officials. On May 25, he personally led his own soldiers to the camps outside Daliang City to give orders, and began to gather the No. 26 and No. 5 Crane Control Army. The first five armies of the second, third, and fourth chambers, Yulang straight to the left chamber, and the first three armies of the right chamber, totaling [-] armies with more than [-] horses.

All of a sudden, there were many figures in the camp outside Daliang City, and the war horses neighed, and it became lively and busy, and the huge war machine of Dazhou was running again...

Chapter 192: The Four-way Army

The 26th Battalion of the 120th Army has a total of more than 6 people, which is not a small number.

The last time he commanded the Huainan War, but most of the time, the armies were led by various generals, and they did not gather in one place on their respective battlefields.

Now the [-] troops gathered outside Daliang City, the banners all over the mountains, and the teams that could not be seen at a glance, all made Shi Congyun feel a different kind of surging feeling in his heart.

Of course, so many troops will not start at the same time.

The population density of this era is far less than people imagined. The war from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the present has caused the total population of the entire Chinese land to be almost the same as the total population of the two first-tier cities in later generations.

Such a population is distributed in a vast area. As a result, except for the core urban areas, many places are deep mountains and old forests, with few people, few roads, and even fewer good roads.

In many cases, it is normal to walk for ten days and a half months without seeing any people.

It happened several times before, some areas were theoretically under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, and people lived there, but it took decades until the end of the Tang Dynasty to suddenly discover that there were other strange native tribes living in the deep mountains and old forests, and they needed to be appeased by the court. Or send troops to suppress.

Therefore, there are not many avenues for the army to march. It is impossible for 6 people to walk in a pile. The road conditions do not allow it, and it is not safe.

Moreover, due to the limitations of communication technology, if more than 2 troops get together and are not divided among the generals, they will not be able to command effectively. Shi Congyun feels deeply about this.

Just like the Song Dynasty sent more than 10,000 troops to attack Liao, it was divided into several groups. The Mongolian army of 4+ attacked the Southern Song Dynasty was also divided into three groups.

Shi Congyun is also considered a veteran, although he is only nineteen years old this year, so on the day of the dispatch, Shi Congyun summoned the generals, began to deploy, and arranged the order and route of the march.

In the big camp outside Daliang City, there were more than 50 officers above the commander of the military capital. Except for a dozen people who could sit, everyone else stood behind.

Shi Congyun stood at the top, and on the wooden shelf behind him hung a map drawn on sheepskin, which was brought back by Li Chuyun following Lu Duoxun.

In this big tent, the sound of horseshoes outside and the orderly footsteps of many troops can be heard.

Shi Congyun stood above, staring at his many generals and said: "Everyone, this time we sent troops, we said to the outside world that we were going to attack Shu, but our purpose is to take down the Jiedu envoys of Nanping and Wuping. Take back the land of Jingchu, you must be well aware of this, but you can’t say it openly, anyone who speaks nonsense will be severely punished.”

"No!" Everyone said in unison.

Shi Congyun nodded, and continued: "There are two points that need your attention in this dispatch of troops.

Firstly, veterans who have fought with certain people must know that certain people have always been the most concerned about military discipline. As long as you make meritorious deeds and kill the enemy, you should be rewarded at all.

However, whoever dares to kill good people and pretend to be meritorious, looting and disturbing the people along the way will definitely be killed no matter how meritorious they are!I killed more than 100 people for this kind of thing when I was conquering Shu before. After returning, I will explain clearly to all your soldiers. "

As soon as Shi Congyun changed his previous smiling face and spoke murderously, everyone immediately became serious and stood up to promise. Most of them were old people who understood his rules of conduct.

So he went on to say: "Second point, this time the troops are dispatched to stop the killing, so don't expand the killing. After all, Nanping Wuping is all about the Chinese nation..."

Then he paused, because he saw that everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the concept of the Chinese nation did not exist in this era. The concept of the Chinese nation was only proposed after 1901 by Liang Qichao after the rise of nationalism in the West.

He wanted to say Han people, but he didn't think it was appropriate, because there were many Shatuo people and other generals and soldiers in the Zhou army.

I had no choice but to explain, "I mean, everyone is a family..." Everyone looked at each other, and then nodded in confusion.

Shi Congyun was at a loss for words, so he had to continue, "Anyway, it's best to be wise." He swallowed the next words and didn't continue.

Pointing at the map with a wooden stick, he began to explain the logistics and supply arrangements for the march, "For this march, the food and grass are still shot by the left servant, and Li Gong, the official of the third division, is sentenced to mobilize and deliver supplies for our army. After that, the officials of the third division It will be sent directly to each army.

All of your 26 armies are commanders, and you must hand over all matters related to food supplies with the officials of the third division before the army leaves. "

Luqiu Zhongqing got up, bowed his hands to everyone, and recognized his face: "The old man is waiting in the Chinese army tent today and tomorrow, if you have anything to do, you can come here to find me."

The commanders and envoys of the 26 armies agreed in unison.

Shi Congyun saw that everyone's morale was good, so he directly deployed and said, "The marching route will be planned, and a map will be sent to you later, and you can draw it on the map. If you don't understand, come to the Chinese Army to ask Luqiu what to do.

Next is the specific marching arrangement, the generals will obey orders! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone straightened up and looked at him with serious faces.

"Li Hanchao."

Li Hanchao stood up and said, "The end is here!"

"You lead a certain scout battalion, walk in the forefront, twenty miles ahead of the forward, try to let the scouts disperse as much as possible, and all the wind and grass along the road will come to my ears."

In the past few months, in addition to engaging in gunpowder, Shi Congyun also expanded a scout battalion, selected the most powerful soldiers in the army to join, greatly expanded the number of scouts, and expanded the ability to obtain battlefield intelligence.

Li Hanchao, a nearly 50-year-old veteran, took the order, "The last general obeys, please rest assured, commander."

Shi Congyun nodded, "General Li, a certain war has always attached great importance to scouts. A large army's scouts are like a person's eyes and ears. If a person is blind and deaf, no matter how strong and powerful he is, he has no chance of winning. Find a smart doll and kill him with a knife.

This important task is entrusted to you, I hope you will not let everyone down. "

Everyone laughed, and then looked at Li Hanchao.

Li Hanchao reassured excitedly: "Please rest assured, the commander-in-chief, the old man will never let go of trouble."

Shi Congyun nodded, then pressed his shoulders to let him sit down, and continued to deploy at the top, "Li Chuyun."

"The end is here!" Li Chuyun immediately stood up, and he was even more excited.

Shi Congyun said to the 30-odd men: "This time, you will be the commander of the vanguard, leading the 1 men from the first five armies of the Crane Control Army as the vanguard, and set off first to clear the way for the army.

You are most familiar with the terrain of the two places, and you know how to read people's hearts and disintegrate the enemy. You can go forward as much as you can, and if you encounter a situation, send information to the Chinese army as soon as possible. If you encounter an emergency, you can handle it yourself without asking for instructions. "

"The order of the last general! Thank you, Commander, for trusting me. I will definitely not let him down." Li Chuyun said excitedly. Shi Congyun allowed him to be arbitrary, which is a great trust.

Shi Congyun patted him on the shoulder, "I believe you."

He has read a lot, and he knows the importance of trusting the generals in front. The so-called do not use suspicious people, but do not use suspicious people, just like when Mao was commanding a big war, he often telegraphed the front-line commanders to respond accordingly without asking for instructions; In this way, because he understands that the front-line commanders always understand the specific situation they are facing better than the people behind, and what the rear needs to check is the overall strategy.

And in history, those who like rear micro-manipulation, one Zhao Guangyi, one Jiang Guangtou, they really have a lot of food.

Shi Congyun then ordered, "Si Chao is the commander of the navy capital, and Wang Huan is the deputy commander of the capital. The navy will set off on the 26th."

The two got up and agreed.

"The Chinese army is led by Wang Quanbin, including the first four armies of the second chamber of Konghe, the first four armies of the third chamber, and 26 soldiers. They set off on the [-]th and marched with Si Chao's army by land and water."

Veteran Wang Quanbin got up and excitedly agreed.

"The old general is the most experienced and has fought the most battles among the generals sitting here. If you talk about the number of battles, he is far less than the old general."

This is not flattery, Wang Quanbin participated in all the wars he participated in, and he fought many battles when he was still playing in the mud, but the credit was not as great as him, so the status was not as high as him.

"Don't dare, the old man can't compare to the handsome Wentao Wulue!" Wang Quanbin said hastily.

Shi Congyun untied the sword at his waist and handed it to Wang Quanbin, "In this battle, the Chinese army has a large number of troops, and all of them are entrusted to the old general. Your ability, qualifications and experience are the highest among all the people. I can trust you."

Wang Quanbin was so excited that he knelt down on one knee, raised his hands above his head, and took his sword, "I will definitely not let the commander down!"

Shi Congyun helped him up with both hands, and then made the final deployment.

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