Shi Congyun suddenly felt relieved.

What the eunuch said was the result of discussions between the official family, his cronies, and the Privy Council.

First of all, let’s start with the lower-level officers. The lower-level officers command the following (each command leads 500 troops according to the establishment, and the actual situation is about 200 to 400). Vice-captain; team leader (leading 100 people), corporal chief (leading 50 people), can be promoted and punished by each military department and office, but must be recorded and reported to the Privy Council later.

To put it bluntly, senior officials like Zhang Yongde and Shi Congyun can decide on the deployment, rewards and punishments of the grassroots officers of the armies under their front division, and the same is true for the guard division, as long as they submit a report to the Privy Council afterwards.

Then came the rewards for the many commanders and army commanders, most of whom went up one level step by step.

These people were all Shi Congyun's former subordinates, and he could think of many of them just by hearing their names.

After that, it is a higher level, to the rewards and punishments of the commanders of the army, the commanders of the army, the least is to lead one army, five commanders, the strength of the army is 500 according to the establishment, and at least more than 800.

At this level, they start to have weight. Many people's names are known in the army, and these people are all generals under Shi Congyun's subordinates.

Zhao Chao led the Jiedu envoy of the three towns of Heyang, paid homage to the inspector Taibao, and no longer led the forbidden army, but left the town of Heyang.

Shi Shouxin was promoted to Marquis of Yu, the capital of scattered members.

Dong Zunhui was promoted to the commander of the left wing of the iron cavalry.

Shao Ji was promoted to be the commander of all the cranes.

Shen Zhiyi was promoted to be the commander of both sides of the crane.

Wang Zhongzhuo was promoted to the commander of the left wing of Hujie.

Luo Yanhuan was promoted to the commander of Hujie's right wing.

Murong Yanzhao was promoted to the Jiedu Envoy of Zhenhuai Army and guarded Weikou.

Han Lingkun was the envoy of the Zhen'an Army, and he was in Chenzhou.

Si Chao led the Yulang Army to command envoys.

Li Chuyun leads Long Jie's left wing to command envoys and so on......


Everyone was promoted based on merit, and many of Shi Congyun's subordinates went from the commander of the army to the commander of the Xiangdu.

Almost everyone is awarded, with only a few exceptions. For example, the commander of the infantry guards dismissed Li Jixun and replaced him as General Youwuwei, because he was defeated by Liu Renshan in Shouzhou and lost troops.

But the final highlight is the ten high positions in the front office.

After the eunuch finished reading, he changed to an edict. This edict was much less written, but it weighed more.

The eunuch cleared his throat, and then read aloud: "Zhao Kuangyin is promoted to be the commander of the deputy capital of the Dianqian Division, and he is also the chief inspector and attendant."

Shi Congyun listened, this was originally his position, the commander of the deputy capital in front of the palace was a position with actual power, the captain was an honorary title and used for receiving salary, and the honor of servant had practical significance, that is to say, Zhao Kuangyin could Free to enter the palace to face the saint.

Zhao Kuangyin, who was standing in a row of black faces, knelt down excitedly to thank him.

After he finished thanking, the eunuch continued to read. There were too many people before, and the weight was not so important. They didn't need to thank each one. Now everyone has to give thanks grandly.

"Wang Shenqi was promoted to be the commander of the Guards and Infantry, and he paid homage to the inspector Taiwei and served as a servant."

Wang Shenqi, who has always been prudent, also blushed and even knelt down to thank her.

"Promote Shi Yanchao to be the commander of the deputy capital of the bodyguard Ma Bujun, pay homage to the inspector Taifu, and serve as a servant."

Hearing this, Shi Congyun clenched his fists excitedly, and the guards and horse infantry were all commanding envoys. Isn't that the second in command of the guards department!

And at this time, Li Chongjin, the head of the bodyguard department, was entrusted with a big task by the government to guard against the enemy in the south and control Huainan in Yangzhou. That is to say, although the old man was named the second in command, he was actually the number one!

Because Li Chongjin is not around, he must be the one to decide many matters of the bodyguard department!The higher the father's status, the more secure Shi Congyun felt.

The eunuch above went on to say, "Join Xiangxun as the Jiedu envoy of the German army, and give Tong Zhongshu the door of peace..."

He immediately realized that the officials wanted to keep Xiang Xun by his side to make suggestions, so he was granted Jiedushi, and added Tong Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhangshi, that is, the prime minister, who can handle state affairs with the prime ministers.

Just thinking about it, the old man and Xiang Xun have finished thanking each other, and the eunuch above has already read his name, "Zhuo Shi Congyun is the deputy capital in front of the palace, and he is the inspector Taiwei, who is also the servant, and the Tongzhong secretary." Things are going smoothly under the door..."

ah?Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, he knew that he was the deputy chief inspector, and he also knew that he would be given a salary as an inspector and lieutenant.

But what the hell is going on with Zhongshumen?Is it compensation for him not being able to serve as the inspector?

Chapter 173, Setting the pattern

Shi Congyun reacted quickly and immediately knelt down to thank him.

Later, there were some additional titles, such as Pan Meizhuo, the gate envoy of Xishangge, General Zuo Xiaowei, Cao Bin and General You Xiaowei.

Zhao Shijian once told him that both the Deputy Envoy and the Chief Envoy of the Xishang Pavilion Gate were close ministers of the emperor, and they were both signs of the transition from civil to military, and now Pan Mei was indeed appointed to serve as a military officer.

However, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were chaotic, the situation was chaotic, and the powers of various civil and military affairs were also very chaotic, so that in addition to the system of the two divisions of the Imperial Army, he actually did not understand many things in other places. It was too complicated, so he had to ask some questions." A person who understands the market.

Later, a group of civil officials headed by Wang Pu, Wang Pu, Lu Duoxun and others were rewarded.

Wang Pujia participated in the affairs of the Privy Council.

Previously, Wang Pu was the Minister of Zhongshu, and he worked with Zhongshu, minister of the Ministry of Rites, and supervised the revision of national history. Now he is added as a member of the Privy Council to allow him to participate in the military decisions of the Privy Council. I think Wang Pu also has military talents.

Lu Duosun added Zuo Supplements, became an academician of the Imperial Academy, and added knowledge to make patents.

There were many other civil servants who received awards, but Shi Congyun didn't pay much attention because he didn't know him very well, while Ludoxun knew him very well.

After this, the official stood up, and everyone immediately fell silent. The official looked around the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "Tang Kingdom has 33 prefectures, and now I take fourteen prefectures, almost half of them!

Since then, the Tang Kingdom has shrunk to the north of the Yangtze River, and has been unable to threaten our Great Zhou. "

"Officials' literary and military virtues will last for thousands of years." Before everyone could speak, Wang Pu spoke first.

Shi Congyun was very clever, he didn't know what good words to say, but Wang Pu took the lead, and immediately repeated Wang Pu's words: "The official family's writing becomes martial arts, and the merits will last forever!"

Everyone looked at him in amazement, and a few clever people began to follow suit, which quickly led the crowd, and gradually the entire court was full of praise for the officials.

The official was obviously happy, and he didn't stop everyone, which showed that he was very happy.

After everyone's voices quieted down, the official continued: "This time, many people have contributed to the pacification of Huainan and the acquisition of fourteen prefectures, but there are two people who have contributed the most. I am very grateful.

One of them was standing in front of me, and it was Shi Congyun, the envoy of Huainan Recruitment appointed by me personally. "

Shi Congyun has a flexible mind, and when he opened his mouth, he began to display his strengths like a glib tongue.

"Success dare not take it!

They are all opportunities for officials and courtiers to show their talents.There are not a few people with great talents in the world, and there are countless capable ones. Most of them are unknown and unknown to the world. ,

There are more than tens of thousands of talented people in the world, but the rulers of the world are only officials, so the ministers are lucky, and they should be grateful to the officials! "

These words are very nasty, but Guo Rong likes to listen, with a smile on his face.

"I remember all your achievements in my heart. You have contributed a lot to the battle of Huainan. Although there are many talented people in the world, you are willing to work hard for me."

After finishing speaking, he handed a memorial to Shi Congyun for everyone to circulate. Shi Congyun briefly glanced at it, and found that it was Li Gu's memorial. That is, the beginning of this year.

It was only then that everyone realized that it was Li Gu who wrote a letter to persuade the officials to conscript.

"Li Xianggong is still in Huainan at the moment, and he is the second person I say to appease Huainan.

Shi Congyun led the expedition for me, and fought in the south and north, while Li Xiang supported the army for me, with enough food and clothing. Shi Congyun was my Han Xin, and Li Xianggong was Xiao He. "

Everyone was impressed by Li Gu's contribution, and they all started to praise Li Gu, and when it came to Li Gu, civil and military officials spoke in unison, because he was a literati after all, and the civil servants praised his contribution.

Li Gu is not an ordinary civil servant. He is an official who actually does things. Unlike Wang Pu and Wei Renpu who participate in political discussions and decision-making, warriors also respect them very much. Whether it is the Battle of Gaoping or the Battle of Huainan, the 10,000+ army is He was supported by Li Gu, and the soldiers also respected him. He also led soldiers. He was the one who won the first victory in the Battle of Huainan, and he was the first to lead soldiers to kill across the Huaihe River.

According to Shi Congyun, Li Gu is like Zhang Liang as well as Xiao He. Without Li Gu, the government would not be able to do many things.

This is also why Li Gu wanted to retire, and wrote several letters begging the officials to let him retire. After all, he was in his early fifties, but the officials would not let him retire no matter what.

Shi Congyun remembered that in history Li Gu had accidentally contracted an illness on the way back to Beijing, and Guo Rong had no choice but to let him retire. Even so, every time there was a major event, someone would be sent to his home to ask how to make a decision.

But because of Shi Congyun's arrival, history has changed. He played very smoothly in Huainan. Li Gu didn't return to Beijing halfway, and he didn't get sick. In addition, he was in a good mood and under less pressure. He is still doing well now.

The officials then looked at Tao Gu, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and said: "Qing wrote an article on behalf of me, praising Mr. Li for his merits and virtuousness. After writing, he presented it to me. After editing it, he personally rewarded Mr. Li."

Tao Gu, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, hastily cupped his hands: "Observe the order!"

This kind of emphasis made everyone in the hall very envious. In the era of constant wars in the Five Dynasties, it was easier to add officials to ranks than in other eras. One was that there were many wars, but there were few loyal officials. The emperor had no choice but to keep appointing officials and ranks in order to win over his courtiers. , but there are few emperors like Li Gu who write letters of praise in person.

After this move, the officials went on to say, "Previously, Mr. Li served as Sikong, the minister under the door, sentenced to Shouzhou government affairs (temporarily in charge of Huainan government affairs), and also betrayed the third secretary. After returning to Beijing, he was still sentenced to the third secretary."

Everyone praised it one after another, but Shi Congyun didn't quite understand it, so he followed suit.


After all the rewards were finished and everyone thanked them, the atmosphere in the hall was full of enthusiasm. Everyone congratulated each other and everyone had smiles on their faces. After all, everyone would like the rewards.

Shi Congyun's side received the most attention, and everyone didn't dare to walk around casually, but he could feel the gazes gathering.

After all, their historians can be said to be high-ranking and powerful at this time. The father and son are the second in command of the Guards Department and the Dianqian Department respectively. Moreover, Shi Yanchao, the second in command, is actually the head of real power. Can you not pay attention.

Just as everyone congratulated each other, the official spoke again.

"I want to promote Wei Renpu as prime minister to help me manage important affairs in the court."

Shi Congyun was taken aback when he heard that, huh?Wei Renpu is a privy envoy, isn't he the prime minister?

Before he could doubt, the crowd headed by Fan Zhi stood up and objected one after another. The reason was that Wei Renpu was not born in the imperial examination and could not be a prime minister.

Moreover, there were many people who said this, and the officials frowned, but they didn't speak. Shi Congyun had already seen that the officials were unhappy, and Wei Renpu, who was standing in front, was also a little embarrassed.

An idea came to Shi Congyun's mind. He wanted to win Wei Renpu over, but he hadn't been able to open his mouth before. Didn't he collude with the Privy Council officials in front of the officials? What if the officials are unhappy.

But now he felt that a great opportunity had come, and Fan Zhi had impeached him, because he had a grudge against him!

Standing up to oppose Fan Zhi now, since he helped Wei Renpu, the officials probably wouldn't think so. After all, warriors go straight, and it's only natural to hold grudges.

Shi Congyun immediately stood up and began to refute Fan Zhi in the hall, "Officials, I feel that what Fan Situ said is wrong.

Wei Shumi is strategizing in Beijing, planning a grand strategy to attack the world, and has a strategy in mind. What if he didn't come from the imperial examination?Do all capable people read books?

Those powerful people in ancient times were not all born in the imperial examination. Today, when the world is not peaceful, and it is time for capable people to serve the country, how can they pay attention to whether they are born in the imperial examination? unknown! "

Shi Congyun immediately responded to Fan Zhi's words, but the old man Fan Zhi gave him a look and was about to refute.

The officials above have already snatched the words: "Shi Congyun is right. The world is still uncertain, and it is time to employ people. How can we stick to those red tapes? From now on, Wei Renpu will be added as the Minister of Zhongshu. Privy envoy."

The matter was settled like this, and Fan Zhi and the others had nothing to argue about, so they didn't say any more.

The court meeting lasted for more than two hours. Many things were discussed and decided, and a new pattern in the court was established.

After the court was over, many generals surrounded him and congratulated Shi Congyun, more than his father Shi Yanchao.

Because many people are his subordinates, and they were promoted after winning battles with him, especially Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Wang Huan, Si Chao, Pan Mei, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan, Li Chuyun, Wang Shenqi, etc. , It is not an exaggeration to call him a confidant.

While everyone was chatting and laughing excitedly, Wei Renpu also came over to thank him, Shi Congyun didn't put on airs, he just said that it should be done, Wei Renpu is a privy minister, major military affairs are decided by the privy council, they are a family.

Wei Renpu nodded and smiled, as if he agreed with this statement.


However, Shi Congyun still has a lot of questions in his stomach. After all, the official position and power are too complicated, and he is not so clear.

For example, what does it mean to add a Tongzhongshumenxiapingzhangshi to him?

This is something to ask the experts.


At night, the sky is high and cloudy, slightly cool.

Zhao Shijian's face was flushed, and he lay limp and powerless on his chest, his hair was messed up and gasped for breath, and he pulled the quilt to block his fragrant shoulders.

Shi Congyun was complacent, and asked her some puzzled things in the court today. After all, many officials must have their own meanings in awarding rewards and dispatching officials, but the meaning behind them cannot be fully understood for all official titles and powers. For Shi Congyun, he was a little embarrassed.

"Why do you say the officials added me to the same level?" Shi Congyun asked.

Zhao Shijian lay on his chest, and whispered: "Pingzhang is no longer a very important official, just like the servant.

At the beginning, the meaning of shizhong was to assist the emperor. From the literal meaning of these two words, we can also see that in the Han Dynasty and after that, shizhong was added to mean that he could enter and leave the Palace of Imperial Guards, walk in front of the imperial court, and ask to see the emperor.

It was the most prosperous in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and it was almost the actual prime minister, and it was still used in the Tang Dynasty.

But from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the present, there are too many people in the servants. In addition to showing the emperor's trust and dignity, it is to grant the power to enter the inner palace to meet the saints, which is no longer the power it used to be.

It's the same with Zhongshu Menxia Pingzhang... Don't touch your hands..." Zhao Shijian interrupted him, and pressed his big hand with a blushing face.

"Okay, okay, let's continue with the business." Zhao Shijian was angry, his pretty face was completely red, he took a deep breath and calmed down, and said to him, "Pingzhang affairs are dispatched in nature, not formal official positions, but represent honor and power.

The official added this to you, which means that you can consult memorials with the prime ministers of Zhongshu Province and Menxia Province, make decisions on major national affairs, and participate in political discussions.

However, it should be noted that Zhongshu and Menxia only have decision-making, deliberation and authority, but no execution power, so Pingzhangshi also only participates in discussion and decision-making, and cannot intervene in execution matters.

From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the present, there has been a flood of official additions in Pingzhang, Li Chongjin and Zhang Yongde in the current dynasty have both added Pingzhang.This is for sure, they are the heads of the two divisions, or the royal relatives, and the officials will definitely allow them to participate in decision-making.

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