Guo Rong laughed, and then said: "From the time he posted the statement "To guard the river, we must guard the Huai River", I feel that he is a young man with a strategy, but he lacks polishing.

In this way, I am relieved. There is a huge backlog of government affairs in Beijing and China. Fan Zhi and others wrote me early to let me return to Beijing. I have not left before because I am worried about the war in Huainan. Now it seems that as long as Shi Congyun sits in Huainan, I will have nothing to worry about. .

However, Li Xiang has to work harder, and you need to be in charge of the dispatch of the army's food, grass and supplies, so that I can really rest assured. "

Li Gu hesitated to speak, but he still agreed.

Guo Rong was pacing by the river, thinking silently about things that outsiders don't know, "If I use him early, I'm afraid Huainan will be pacified long ago."

For Shi Congyun, he always has a trace of complicated emotions, whether it is annoyance or other things, he can't tell, it is always indescribably subtle, probably because of human instinct, but also because of other things in his heart, such as ambition, Dreams and the like are suppressed.

But people's hearts are complicated, and things are not easy to talk about. If people are like that, they will be no different from grass, trees, mountains and rocks.

But this time, he fully understands a truth, he needs Shi Congyun, Da Zhou needs Shi Congyun, if there is no Shi Congyun, how many years would he expect Huainan to fight?Can it be successful.

Once I had this understanding in my heart, I became lenient towards Shi Congyun.

So when Shi Congyun saw Guo Rong again by the Feishui the next day, he suddenly felt that the emperor who had made him trembled was especially like a spring breeze. He didn't know what went wrong, but the kindness probably came from his speech , revealed between gestures.

Even Shi Congyun couldn't help but reflect in his heart at a certain moment, is he a loyal minister of Da Zhou?

Chapter 159: Proud!

"I will return to Beijing in five days."

Guo Rong stood under an old willow tree by the Feishui River, with his back to Shi Congyun.

"What do you think about the situation in Huainan?"

Shi Congyun was a few steps behind Guo Rong, so he could lower his head slightly and agree: "The officials, I think that the situation in Huainan is generally clear, and as long as we win Chuzhou again, the overall situation will be settled."

"What if we go further south?"

Shi Congyun hesitated for a moment.

Guo Rong looked back at him, and Shi Congyun went on to say: "I think it's very difficult for me to cross the river now, and I can't stand up if I cross the river. The national power of the Southern Tang Dynasty is not weak, but the ruler is incompetent. Without the courage of the officials, it is impossible." There is no official such determination and vision.

If Tiaoguan's family switches places with him, we won't be able to escape. "

Shi Congyun patted the horse indiscriminately, and flattered him in his answer. The key point was that what he said was indeed reasonable.

Historically, it took Hou Zhou more than three years to win Huainan, and the fight was full of twists and turns. It was because the high-level officials in the Southern Tang Dynasty were cowardly, seeking peace while fighting, and many places did not dare to kill them. Competed with the Zhou Dynasty.

A smile appeared on the official's face when he heard this, and he nodded, "That's right, what you said makes sense."

"I heard that you had spent a lot of your own money in attacking the Tang army's camp in Zijin Mountain and rebelling against the Southern Tang army by the Huaihe River." Guo Rong said suddenly, without emotion in his words.

There was a gentle breeze on the banks of the Feishui River, and Shi Congyun cupped his hands in an instant and said, "It's nothing to report back to the officials, the money of the last general was rewarded by the officials, and it should be used to do great things for the officials!

Besides, money is something outside of the body. If the official's great achievements are made, sooner or later a certain woman will have endless money, endless wealth, and endless entertainment by the official's side. "

Guo Rong nodded in satisfaction, "You have such a heart, I will keep it in my heart, but you are smart, use this to tell me what you want."

Shi Congyun smiled "simply and honestly", "The officials' eyes are as bright as a torch, and they can't hide anything."

"Money, wealth, women..." Guo Rong nodded, and said with a rare smile: "When you take Huainan, you can have whatever you want.

It's also the first time I've seen your real ability. In just one month after taking command, the situation in Huainan has been turned upside down. I see your ability and will use it again. Don't let me down. "

Shi Congyun said: "A minister's meritorious service is not a meritorious service, it is a kindness of the monarch, and the general is still young at the end, if the officials did not give him the opportunity to make contributions, how could he be able to achieve today's achievements.

At my age, my father still doesn't trust me to do things, not to mention the [-] army that is the lifeline of a country. The trust of the officials is the root of a certain achievement today.

Just like how Huo Qubing was able to make great achievements back then, it was all because Han Wu Chong had a unique vision and courage in doing things. If he was given military power and let him take charge of major affairs, many people must be talking behind his back, and the officials should also bear the same pressure . "Shi Congyun is also a veteran in the workplace. If you want to say good things and flatter your boss without embarrassing the leader, the most important thing is to "put yourself in the shoes of others".

Guo Rong sighed after hearing this, and his expression changed. Although he didn't speak, he nodded with emotion. It seems that he has gone to the official's heart.

Guo Rong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Huainan is handed over to you, roughly how long the fight will last."

"One year at most." Shi Congyun said a conservative time.

The official shook his head: "I promise you half a year."

Shi Congyun nodded, he didn't dare to bargain with Guo Rong, "The final general will obey the order, and the whole territory of Huainan will be taken within half a year."

Only then was Guo Rong satisfied, as if thinking of something, he asked him not so seriously: "Li Chongjin said that you wanted to avenge yourself, so let him guard the pontoon bridge."

"The last general has absolutely no such intentions. Someone values ​​him. The possibility of Nantang reversing the overall situation is very slim. We can only start from the pontoon bridge, not to retaliate against him." Shi Congyun explained.

"Where did your hatred come from?" Guo Rong asked casually.

Shi Congyun immediately understood that Guo Rong didn't believe what he said, and he quickly thought that maybe letting Guo Rong know that he and Li Chongjin didn't have a good relationship would do him no harm: "He bullies others!"

Shi Congyun angrily told the officials about the conflict between the two for the vanguard before the Battle of Zhengyang, and also sued Li Chongjin by the way.

The official nodded after hearing this, and his expression became more relaxed. Finally, he untied a jade belt around his waist and handed it to him. Shi Congyun quickly knelt down and took it with both hands.

"Don't let me down." Guo Rong said solemnly.

Shi Congyun nodded in agreement, reassuring.

When he finally left the camp, Guo Rong verbally promised to add him as the inspector Taiwei.

It wasn't until he left Guo Rong's camp that Shi Congyun heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe he was guilty, but he couldn't explain why he was guilty.

As soon as Guo Rong left, he was the supreme commander of Huainan.


At the beginning of May, the official royal driver went down along the Huaihe River, and then went north from the vortex to return to Daliang.

This time the only military commander accompanying him was Xiang Xun. He had originally besieged Haozhou, and the officials wanted him to accompany him back to Beijing, so Shi Congyun sent Wang Zhong to replace Xiang Xun.

There are more than [-] soldiers from the Inner Hall Zhi and the East and West Bans.

Before the official left, Li Gu was asked to judge the government affairs of Shouzhou, Haozhou, Sizhou, Chuzhou and other Huainan states. To put it bluntly, the military was handed over to him, and the internal affairs of Huainan were handed over to Li Gu.

In fact, Li Gu was very unwilling. He wanted to retire a long time ago. He wrote two letters requesting to be appointed as an official but was rejected by the officials. Now he has entrusted the important affairs of Huainan to him.

After Guo Rong left, Shi Congyun moved the large tent of the Chinese army from Shouzhou to Tushan on the front line, shortening the distance between him and the other armies so that he could continue to command the battle.


On May [-], several consecutive summer rainstorms caused the water level of the Huaihe River to rise sharply.

In the middle of the night, the Weikou opposite Tushan suddenly shouted loudly, and the flames shot into the sky. Shi Congyun was awakened from his spring dream, and soon the soldiers on the other side came to report. .

Shi Congyun was shocked, he didn't expect him to guess it!

So he ordered Shao Ji to lead the troops to support Li Chongjin immediately!

The battle lasted all night, and there was constant shouting and killing. Shi Congyun stood by the Huaihe River all night, watching the fire on the Huaihe River in the distance, and there was an endless stream of messengers reporting the situation.

Until the sky was about to light up, news came from downstream that the Southern Tang army that attacked the pontoon bridge last night failed, and was blocked downstream by the Haozhou fleet, capturing more than 30 ships and hundreds of Tang troops, including the Southern Tang general who led the team out of the city to attack this time. .

It was Guo Tingwei, the supervisor of Haozhou in the Southern Tang Dynasty who led the attack on the pontoon bridge. He actually fought back when Haozhou was surrounded by four sides.

Shi Congyun was a little surprised when the embarrassed Guo Tingwei was brought back to him, because the opposite was not a tall and thick man, but a thin 30-year-old scholar.

Seeing his appearance, Shi Congyun didn't worry about anything at all. He was in a big house in Tushan Town, so he ordered the soldiers to untie him, give him a seat, and give him drinks to calm him down.

The other party didn't refuse, just like in his own home, he tidied up his clothes calmly, then sat down with a drink, not afraid of him being poisoned.

Shi Congyun was surprised by this demeanor, felt that he had some skills, so he asked, "Do you know who XX is?"

"It must be Zhou Jun recruiting envoy Shi Congyun."

Shi Congyun nodded, looking discerning, "You've heard of me."

"The general's name is known to everyone in the world. In Huainan and Huaibei in the Central Plains, the two sides of the river are like thunder. I don't know about An Neng. I have heard of it for a long time, but I haven't seen it before. Today, I am a prisoner. carry on."

This made Shi Congyun very comfortable, so he asked with a smile, "Why did you think of attacking the pontoon bridge at the mouth of the vortex? You are a scholar in the army, and you are quite courageous."

"I'm just good at reading, and I'm also good at riding and shooting." Guo Ting said, clasping his hands: "Your master is good at fighting on foot and cavalry. Our army is good at water warfare. Foot cavalry is no match for your teacher. If you don't dare to fight on the water, then just go straight to the white horse." Su Yi bowed to the north and surrendered, so why use swords.

Now that the general is using his troops like a god, the general trend has been established. If he wants to shake it, he can only make some fuss about the vortex floating bridge. What choice do we have next? "

When he said such words, Shi Congyun was even more surprised, and asked curiously, "Where is the ancestral home of the military supervisor?"

"Xuzhou Pengcheng."

Shi Congyun nodded: "I see that you are very strategic and courageous. How about surrendering to our army? We need talents like you to expand our territory in the Great Zhou Dynasty. I also hope to have people like you to help."

Guo Ting said that he dared to fight a near-death battle, and dared to lead a small number of people to attack the vortex. Fortunately, he let Li Chongjin garrison him, otherwise he might have succeeded.

Such a person should be similar to Liu Renshan, very upright and tough, so Shi Congyun just asked.

Unexpectedly, Guo Tingwei cupped his hands and said: "I wish to surrender and serve the commander in chief."

This confused Shi Congyun, and asked him curiously, "Why did you surrender so simply?"

"After the commander-in-chief made an emergency landing on Zhu Yuan and others, Li Jingda, king of Qi in Haozhou, and Chen Jue, the superintendent of the army, had already abandoned the city and fled back to Jinling.

The minister's festival is over, and the loyalty I can do for the lord ends here. Now that I am imprisoned, the family is still in Haozhou, so what if I don't surrender. " Guo Ting said with a wry smile.

Shi Congyun admired this person quite a lot, "That's what a man should do, and now he should consider his family. You are from Xuzhou, and it is only natural for you to go north to the Central Plains.

You stay with a certain person first as an officer, and I will write a letter to His Majesty immediately, and I will arrange another appointment after the reward is awarded. "

"Thank you, Marshal." Guo Ting said cupped his hands.


On May [-]th, Shi Congyun visited the city of Haozhou in person. Haozhou's counterattack was defeated, and he saw the legendary Zhou army commander Shi Congyun visit the city in person.

Wang Zhong and Si Chao organized troops to attack the city, and quickly broke through Yangma City. After that, the defenders in the city took the initiative to open the city and surrender.

Shi Congyun distributed money to reward the siege soldiers, and at the same time ordered not to disturb the people, otherwise he would be dealt with by military law. Until now, his prestige in the army is very high, and the military order almost prohibits it.

However, there were still a small number of soldiers who disobeyed military orders and looted the people. After being caught, Shi Congyun directly ordered beheading for public display to deter others.

Afterwards, Shen Zhiyi stayed to guard Haozhou, and Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, and Si Chao continued to lead the army eastward with him, heading towards Chuzhou.


At the beginning of June, Li Chuyun, Si Chao, Wang Shenqi, Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Zhao Chao, Zhao Kuangyin, Shi Yanchao, Murong Yanzhao and other troops joined Shi Congyun in the northwest of Chuzhou City.

The total strength of the Zhou army gathered under the city of Chuzhou exceeded [-]!

The ships in the waterway are connected end to end, stretching for dozens of miles. The land is full of flags, people and horses are everywhere, covering the sky and covering the earth, full of oppression in the wildness between heaven and earth.

More than 300 ships and more than [-] men and horses supported by the Southern Tang Army from Jinling were in the south of the city. Under the personal command of Shi Congyun, the two sides launched a battle in the south of Chuzhou City.

The battle broke out on land and water at the same time, and the shouts of killing pierced through the wilderness, and the sound was like thunder, which could be heard more than ten miles away.

Under Shi Congyun's command and dispatch, Murong Yanzhao, Zhao Kuangyin, Shi Yanchao, Wang Shenqi, Zhao Chao, Shao Ji, Wang Zhong and other soldiers and horses from all walks of life of the Zhou army marched out together, occupying a numerical advantage and encircling the south on three sides. Tang Jun, drive them towards Chuzhou City.

I want the guards in Chuzhou city to open the door to save their own people, and take the opportunity to attack the city in one fell swoop and take Chuzhou.

The two fleets of Sichao and Li Chuyun joined forces to fight fiercely with the Southern Tang navy.

As a result, the Chuzhou guards were extremely resolute and had no intention of opening the city gate at all. Many Southern Tang soldiers were besieged outside the city. After fighting for more than an hour, most of them were killed.

In the face of absolute superiority in military strength, the Southern Tang army could not resist, and the same was true for the water battle. By the afternoon, the Southern Tang navy was also completely defeated.

The waterways near Chuzhou were complicated, so many warships of the Southern Tang Dynasty had no time to escape and were blocked in the riverway. Si Chao and Li Chuyun combined captured more than [-] large and small ships.

After this battle, the last counterattack force of the Southern Tang Dynasty was completely defeated outside Chuzhou City.

The morale of tens of thousands of Zhou troops was high. Under the leadership of Shi Congyun, they sang in unison.

And this horror must not only stay in Chuzhou, it will soon sweep across the north and south of the river with the scorching summer wind, impacting the hearts of countless people.

At this time, the morale of the generals was high, and they all asked for a battle to capture Chuzhou.

There are only more than 1000 soldiers and the guard Zhang Yanqing in Chuzhou City, so there is nothing to fear.

Shi Congyun did not agree to this request, and sent someone to persuade him to surrender, but Zhang Yanqing ignored it at all, so he ordered Shao Ji to lead his troops to besiege the city, but did not attack by force.

At the same time, Commander Si Chao and Li Chuyun led more than [-] water troops and [-] warships, entered the canal from Chuzhou, and directly went south from the waters of the Huaihe River to the waters of the Yangtze River, deterring the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Jinling, the capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty, is on the banks of the Yangtze River!

At the same time, Zhao Kuangyin, Shi Yanchao, Wang Shenqi, Wang Zhong, and Murong Yanzhao were ordered to march south.

Zhao Kuangyin and Wang Zhong went to attack Taizhou in the south.

Shi Yanchao attacked Yangzhou.

Wang Shenqi attacked Liuhe and then marched into Chuzhou.

Murong Yanzhao attacked Chuzhou from behind and cleared Liuguan.

Now that the war has been fought, all the resistance forces of the Southern Tang Dynasty in Huainan have been almost destroyed. Shi Congyun dared to march boldly and asked the generals to enclose and occupy land.

As for why Chuzhou didn't fight, it was because he had the advantage of foresight and knew that Zhang Yanqing was not an ordinary person.

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