When Shi Congyun entered the big tent, he immediately saw Shi Yanchao, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, because he stood out among the generals in the big tent, and it was difficult not to attract attention, so he shouted excitedly: "Father!"

Shi Yanchao looked at him, the excited expression in his eyes flowed, but he quickly calmed down, "In the army, you are now the recruiter of Huainan, and you are the leader of the army, and you are all at your disposal."

After finishing speaking, he introduced the people around him to him, "This is Murong Yanzhao, the commander of the left wing of Long Jie under a certain command."

"I've met the recruiter." Murong Yanzhao, who was older than his father, stepped forward and cupped his hands, his hair and beard were already white.

Shi Congyun nodded, and he also showed the appearance that a commander should have, went directly to the leader and pressed the knife on his waist and asked, "Have all the generals arrived?"

Li Chongjin promised: "Everyone is here except Li Chuyun from the Navy."

Although the generals surrounded the Southern Tang Army in different camps, the distance between the camps was no more than five or six miles, and it took no more than half an hour to ride a horse to hold a round trip.

Shi Congyun glanced around, Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, Li Chongjin, Zhao Chao, Shi Yanchao, Murong Yanzhao and others were all there, as well as several lower-ranking generals.

A young man is at the top, and there are older generals standing below. The picture is indeed a bit weird.

But as soon as Shi Congyun opened his mouth, the people below were completely silent, and they all looked at him and waited for the next sentence. Such prestige is really rare.

"Everyone, I think you all know that the day before yesterday, Si Chao, Zhao Kuangyin, and Shi Yanchao joined forces to attack Tu Shanshui Village, beheading and capturing more than [-] people from the Southern Tang Navy and capturing [-] ships of all sizes!

Tu Shanshui village is now under the control of Zhao Kuangyin. So far, Zhu Yuan's army on the north side of the river has cut off the water and land back roads, and there is no support from the navy. Li Chuyun has led [-] sailors and hundreds of warships to block the Huaihe waterway. .

The bandits might have peed their pants in fright at this time. "

Everyone laughed happily, and someone excitedly said: "The handsome is wise!"

"The commander-in-chief really knows how to command and predicts the enemy like a god! Then Nantang Zhu Yuan, Li Jingda and others are too obedient, hahahaha..."

"So that's what's going on, I only understand now!"

Gao Huaide directly stepped forward and handed over: "Marshal Shi, don't say anything, I thought you were going to fight here, but I didn't expect you to take Tu Shan with a feint!

I believe you, the current situation is very good, please let me be the vanguard, and take advantage of the opportunity to lead the army to pull out the camp of the birds! "

Wang Shenqi also came out, and said calmly: "I am willing to go with Gaodu Envoy!"

Seeing him coming out to speak, everyone stood up and begged for orders, expressing their willingness to send troops to attack the Southern Tang camp.

Seeing the high spirits of everyone, Shi Congyun was happy, but he was not in a hurry at this time.

He was really not in a hurry to fight, he waved his hand to make everyone stop: "What's the rush, I haven't finished talking yet!

Everyone is so happy, I also wish I could lead the troops to conquer the camp of the bandit army, kill Zhu Yuan, and then go to Haozhou to capture Li Jingda and present it to the officials. !That's no better than bleeding and sweating here. "

Everyone laughed again, Gao Huaide interjected, "I heard that Brother Yun used the official post to send love letters to concubines at home when he was fighting in Shu, and was impeached by those literati."

The big tent was filled with cheerful atmosphere, Shi Congyun didn't get annoyed, he waved his hand and said: "Quiet me, I haven't finished my words yet, you guys wait a little bit later, and I'll talk after XX finishes.

It's as if someone's family doesn't have many concubines..." Seeing that the old man was frowning again, his expression gradually turned pale, so he quickly returned to the topic.

"But! The lives of our brothers are also lives. Now that the water, land and food routes have been cut off, there is no need to fight to the death with the Southern Tang army.

They lost their navy and camped on the banks of the Huaihe River, just looking for death!

Let's keep encircling like this, gradually shrinking the encirclement, compressing them on the edge of the Huaihe River, forcing them to either feed the fish or surrender, and if they break through, they will fight back.

At the same time, people were sent to tell them from a distance every day that surrender would save them from death, and spread the news of the fall of Dangtu and the destruction of the navy to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the enemy. "

"In the past, they could supply water and land, but now Tushan is occupied, the supply on land cannot come, the waterway is blocked by Li Chuyun, and Haozhou can't send supplies by water. Forty to fifty thousand people are piled up by the river. Starve them to death there!" Shi Congyun said.

The generals stopped talking this time, and even Li Chongjin didn't raise any objections, but quietly waited for his orders to deploy.

Originally, Zhu Yuan wanted to take advantage of the water army in order to take advantage of the water army, but he didn't expect that he would drive himself to death now.

With Tu Shan gone and the navy gone, he would cut off his own retreat and allow the Zhou army to encircle him better. He only had to take care of the three sides, not the Huaihe side.

The east side of them seems to be flat, but in fact the river network is intricate, there are many lakes and swamps, and many places are impassable. If you want to besiege them, you only need to guard a few roads.

To the west is Zijin Mountain, as long as you guard the main road into the mountain, you can be trapped to death, so in the final analysis, you only need to have enough frontal troops to besiege Zhu Yuanbu.

So Shi Congyun ordered Gao Huaide to encircle the west and transfer Wang Shenqi's troops to the south front. At the same time, some auxiliary troops were drawn from the tens of thousands of people guarding the city of Shouzhou to go north to assist the armies in building camps and trenches. , used fortifications to stop the Southern Tang army, and surrounded them to death by the river.


Just as Zhou Jun was preparing for the next move under Shi Congyun's deployment, the Southern Tang Army camp on the Huaihe River fell into panic.

Because since yesterday afternoon, there have been a large number of warships in the Huaihe waterway behind them, hundreds of them, with white sails covering the river surface, so densely packed that you can't see the end, and those warships belong to the Zhou army!

The soldiers on the boat shot arrows at the shore from time to time, with documents tied to them. A few literate people in the army took a look, and it was written that the Zhou army had captured Tushan, killed all their navy troops, and they were besieged from all sides. , Surrender quickly and save your life, otherwise there will be no good end!

What was even more frightening was that in the afternoon of that day, more than a dozen large ships of the Zhou army deliberately approached the shore within a hundred paces. , are all the heads of the Southern Tang Army Navy!

This situation frightened many timid recruits, and the bolder ones also felt a chill in their hearts, and the morale of the army was hit.

Zhu Yuan and the others stood by the Huai River and watched with livid faces. They ordered people to shoot arrows, but the other side didn't care at all. The distance was too far, and most of the arrows fell into the river.

"Who is the general of the navy on the other side!" Zhu Yuan gritted his teeth and asked, everyone shook their heads, and someone whispered: "I only know that the surname should be Li...it seems to be Li Chuyun."

"Such vicious methods are also used!" Someone cursed in a low voice.

Zhu Yuan hated and feared in his heart, evil is evil, but it works and it works!

Just looking at the reaction, many soldiers in the barracks were terrified, but he didn't force the soldiers to die, and even told the way to survive that they would surrender and not kill, which is really too vicious!

"Marshal, Tu Shanshui village is really..." Bian Hao asked in a low voice.

Zhu Yuan was very unwilling in his heart, he almost gritted his teeth, anger, unwillingness, humiliation and other emotions circulated in his heart, the resentment of being teased, the unwillingness to return to heaven, the humiliation of being humiliated by the opposing general...

He originally thought that he had seen through the intentions of Zhou Jun's coach Shi Congyun, and that everything was handled properly, as he expected, but he didn't expect that he had been manipulated and manipulated by others from the beginning to the end!

Shi Congyun, the commander-in-chief of the Zhou army, must have ridiculed him in his heart!The more he thinks about this, the angrier he gets, his chest hurts with anger, and he can only bear it.

He nodded and said: "Zhou Jun is here, what do you think." He didn't want to answer or admit it, but none of the soldiers were fools, so they could definitely guess it.

Zhou's army and navy have arrived, so it is self-evident what happened to Tu Shan......

Everyone fell silent, looking at the many Zhou army ships cruising in the Huaihe River, many of them were trembling in their hands and feet.

"Marshal, King Qi will send troops to reinforce us..." Someone asked in a low voice anxiously, and the voice quickly dissipated in the river wind.

Zhu Yuan actually heard it, but he pretended not to hear it, and turned around and said: "Everyone go back, tomorrow we will organize people to break out to the south!"

"But there are the most Zhou soldiers in the south..." Someone said worriedly.

Zhu Yuan didn't want to get angry at first, and he has experience in leading troops for so long, so it's not good to get angry at this time, but now he couldn't help it, and yelled: "Idiot! You don't have a brain when you talk!

To the west is Zijin Mountain. Shall we run back to the mountain and be surrounded by them?There are swamps and pools to the east, how can the army go!They guard the road and you can't fly over! "

Everyone was silent, and no longer dared to speak. Zhu Yuan shook his sleeves and went back to the big tent first.

That night, on the Zhou army warship on the river bank, many Zhou army soldiers sang loudly

Qi said without clothes?Go with the child.Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear.Have hatred with the son!

Qi said without clothes?Tongze with the child.Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear.Work with the son!

Qi said without clothes?Same clothes with the child.Division Wang Yuxing, repair my armor.Go with the son!

The orderly and majestic voice overwhelmed the waves of the Huaihe River, and could be heard clearly from miles away. The huge momentum made it even more difficult for the already panicked Southern Tang Army in the camp to fall asleep...

Zhu Yuan was so angry that he couldn't sleep all night, and when he thought of being played by Zhou Jun's coach Shi Congyun, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, angry, resentful, and regretful to the five Chen Za.

In the middle of the night, the sound of gongs and drums on the west side of the camp startled Zhu Yuan, who was still asleep. After asking someone to ask, he found out that dozens of soldiers had agreed to escape from the camp together in the middle of the night to surrender to the Zhou army. People can't run fast, and in the dark sky, they ran the wrong way and were caught by patrol soldiers.

Zhu Yuan was so angry that he ordered the beheading of the six people immediately to show the public and inform the whole army.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Yuan, who had not sounded all night and looked sluggish, ordered Xu Wenzhen to lead [-] elite soldiers to break out to the south to test how the Zhou army was defending.

As soon as Xu Wenzhen led the army to leave, the military officer came to him and said that the water and land supplies had been cut off, and the food in the army could only support the army for about ten days at most.

Zhu Yuan had no choice but to order him to reduce his daily supply and last for a few more days.

In the afternoon, Xu Wenzhen came back and told him that Zhou Jun had dug a deep trench in the south, and the fortress was strong, and he would not be able to break through for a while. past.

At the end of the day, Zhu Yuan fell into a deep sleep that night due to overwork. Early the next morning, the officer in charge reported to him with an ugly face that soldiers from all sides of the camp had defected and surrendered to the Zhou army that night. The total number was probably over a hundred. They captured 12 people and beheaded them.

Zhu Yuan's eyes darkened, and he almost couldn't catch his breath, but fortunately, he finally calmed down.

Continue to send Xu Wenzhen to lead troops to attack the Zhou army camp in the south, and he himself is going to go to the army to select warriors to break through with all his strength.

But before noon, news came from the south that Xu Wenzhen led [-] soldiers to surrender to the Zhou army directly in the south!

Zhu Yuan's mind was buzzing, feeling dizzy and dizzy, unable to hold on any longer, his eyes darkened and he fell down...

Chapter 156, Surrender

Zhu Yuan fell ill, but Shi Congyun didn't know it. The battle report he heard outside Shouzhou City was that Xu Wenzhen, a Jiedu envoy of the Southern Tang Dynasty, led 3000 people to surrender to the Zhou army before the battle.

Shi Congyun was naturally very happy. While sending the messenger who had experienced wars and could speak, to report to the officials in Huaibei, he transferred Xu Wenzhen and his 3000 subordinates who surrendered to Shouzhou.

The purpose of doing this is not to let them come to fight, nor to hope that they can capture Shouzhou City, but mainly to give Liu Renshan a mental shock and let him know that it is hopeless to rescue Shouzhou.

On the other side, more than 2 craftsmen and civilians who had originally built siege equipment under Shouzhou City were sent by Shi Congyun to the north to build trenches for the various armies, and gradually moved forward to narrow the encirclement of Zhu Yuan's army.

He knew in his mind that Shouzhou could not be conquered by force, and it would be a waste to keep so many craftsmen and civilians. It is better to build trenches in the north.

Many trenches and fortresses were gradually built on the east side of Zijin Mountain, and they continued to advance northward, compressing the living space of the Southern Tang Army on the Huaihe River.

The Southern Tang army organized two large-scale counterattacks, but they were no match for the Zhou army in the field. Now that the Zhou army relied on deep ditches and high fortifications, they had no chance of winning. Forced to retreat after the corpse.

After the supply was cut off, the Southern Tang army was in a more difficult situation. Every day, many people risked being beheaded and escaped from the camp to surrender. Shi Congyun specially explained to Li Chongjin that those who surrendered should be treated kindly, and those who have not surrendered should be treated kindly. example.

At the same time, the soldiers who surrendered were asked to go to the hundred steps in front of the Nantang camp every day, loudly persuaded those who did not surrender, and told them that there was nothing wrong here.

Of course, he is the commander in chief, and the commander in chief must have the presence of the commander in chief, and he cannot intervene in every detail.

Probably give Li Chongjin an explanation, how to do it, how to deal with it, and let their generals use their brains.

After six days of siege, Zhou Jun's frontier fortress had been built only one mile away from the Southern Tang camp. This distance, the Southern Tang Army was already under Zhou Jun's eyes, and he couldn't sleep well even if he slept.

Shi Congyun has already returned to the city of Shouzhou, and people keep coming to report to him about the situation in the north every day.

He was looking forward to the Southern Tang army's surrender as soon as possible, not because he was afraid of their counterattack, but because of the plague.

In history, when the Jin army besieged Bianliang, the people inside opened the city and surrendered in the end. It was not that they couldn’t hold it, but that the city was plagued by plague, and countless people died every day. The plague was more terrible than the Jin army.

A lot of people gather together, eat, drink and scatter there, and the hygienic conditions cannot be guaranteed, which can easily lead to plague. This kind of thing is very common.

Plague kills are much more efficient than people kill.

By mid-March, some military officers from the north also wrote to him privately, saying that they felt that Li Chuyun's method of Yulang Zhidu Yuhou Li Chuyun was a little too much.

Li Chuyun chopped off the heads of many Southern Tang soldiers who died in Tushan, strung them up with hemp ropes and hung them on the ship's side to scare the Southern Tang soldiers and strike the enemy's heart.

Many officials and generals wrote to him privately, feeling that this approach was a bit excessive.In any case, the Southern Tang soldiers also died defending their homes and defending the country. Besides, the dead are the most important, so there is no need to do so. What is the difference between this approach and the barbarians?

Shi Congyun read these letters in Shouzhou Daying, and felt very relieved. He was still happy that someone among the soldiers of the Five Dynasties could raise such a question, which shows that at least until now, after decades of turmoil and fighting, rational And civilization is gradually returning, and some people are already afraid of the endless killing and realize that it can't go on like this.

Shi Congyun knew Li Chuyun quite well, and Li Chuyun was one of the famous generals he knew best in the Five Dynasties and early Song Dynasty. Because this man was very good at psychological warfare, he was also a contradictory character, so he paid more attention when reading history books.

For Li Chuyun, scaring people with their heads is considered light. In order to frighten the enemy, he once asked his subordinates to pick out ten of the fattest captives and cook them for food.Put the rest of the captives back, and let them bring back the news that the Song army cannibalize people, and directly scare the enemies in the city to collapse without fighting, and just like that, Jiancheng was taken down.

Seeing him as a demon king.

However, Li Chuyun was exceptionally kind to the common people. Everywhere he went, various policies favored the common people, and he understood the sufferings of the common people very well.

He died in depression also because Murong Yanzhao indulged his soldiers to harm the common people. He couldn't stand it, and dealt with those soldiers himself, which led to his estrangement. In the end, the Northern Song Dynasty chose to keep the older Murong Yanzhao.

So for Li Chuyun, Shi Congyun felt that he was not the kind of person who could go anywhere.

It's just that there are two types of people who pursue morality in this world, one is utilitarian and the other is moralism.

Utilitarians believe that for the sake of morality in their hearts, they can do all kinds of dirty things, and the means can be dirty, as long as they are always beneficial to the morality in their hearts.

Moralism believes that the means must also conform to morality, and must conform to the morality in the heart from the beginning to the end, otherwise they would rather not do it.

Li Chuyun obviously belongs to the utilitarian type of person, who doesn't care much about fame and means.

Shi Congyun asked Luqiu Zhongqing to write back and praised those who asked him questions, but he didn't let people reprimand Li Chuyun or stop his actions, because it was indeed conducive to the collapse of the morale of the Southern Tang army, and early surrender could solve many problems and prevent many bad things. occur.


When the siege ended in mid-March, the soldiers who had escaped from the Tang army camp told the Zhou army that the food in the barracks was about to run out, and now their daily rations were less than one-third of what they used to be, and all the horses, mules and other pack animals had been killed. I'm hungry.

Some people were so hungry that they wanted to catch fish by the river, but they were shot and killed by the sailors in the river. Those sailors would come to the boat every day at meal time and let them watch the meal.

They were afraid and hungry, and they couldn't stand the torture.

And Zhou Jun also felt it. The Southern Tang Army did not launch a counterattack in the next few days. It must be exhausted or completely desperate.

I'm afraid that if it weren't for the high level of the army still struggling to support, many soldiers under him would already have the intention of surrendering.

After Shi Congyun learned the news from Shouzhou City, he directly said to the messenger: "Let Li Chongjin come and see me, I have something to explain."

The next day, Li Chongjin came to see him on horseback across Feishui. Shi Congyun and many soldiers were moving stones to the trebuchet in the south of the city, and then threw them in the direction of the city wall of Shouzhou.

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