Baker smiled: "He shouldn't respond. He asked to strengthen the cleaning of the [-]th-level agents in the urban area. He believes that as long as retailers who are in direct contact with consumers are cut off, the signs of flour flooding can be slowed down."

Liang Xidao: "Retailers are the most easily replaced people. They don't need training or technical content. A newcomer can go directly to work."

Baker nodded: "We know, but their boss insisted on cutting off the black hands from the grassroots. Since the price dropped to 20%, the fan hunting team has been arresting people. When the price fell to 30%, the new boss thought of a new way. New The boss asked the captains to negotiate with the first-level agents and ask them to increase the price of flour, otherwise their sites will be completely cleaned up."

Liang Xi laughed: "This boss is awesome." It's no problem for a professor to be the director, anyone can be the director.But it would be a big problem to let a division chief become a professor. The administrators were transferred to front-line managers, and the people who were most familiar with the business were fired. The follow-up development can already be imagined.

Baker said: "In the seven districts of London, the number one boss is a man named Peter in the southern district. Peter didn't give any face, so he asked a lawyer to sue the fan team. This angered the new boss. Although the cleanup in the Southern District has yielded results, there are more complaints. This kind of cleanup has no precise target, and it is easy to touch and harm the interests of legal persons. Half a month ago, the judges no longer issued search warrants for the anti-powder team. Asking them to produce evidence before issuing a search warrant. The plan to clean up the South District was only a week away."

"You gloated."

Baker replied: "No, I sympathize."

1 Chapter Eighty

Helen's belly was already protruding, and after the two parties were courteous, Helen told Liang Xi a piece of information related to John's death.

As explained above, the grenade may still be usable in two years after 100 years.However, in order to ensure the safety of soldiers and reduce the failure rate, standard explosives have a shelf life, which is the time limit for recycling and processing, including bullets.

The road from London to Oxford has a side road with a soldier post and a recycling and destruction factory at the end of the side road.When checking the distribution warehouse last time, Liang Xi obtained a lot of information about K2, and talked about it during the occasional meal meeting with Helen.Helen checked the records privately and found that two months before John was killed, factory workers reported to the police that a batch of materials to be processed had been lost, including two 48 K2 cans.

When the police cooperated with the military police to prepare for the investigation, the factory claimed that the goods were not lost, and that the transport workers put them in the wrong warehouse.The police and the gendarmerie checked together and found that the goods were still there. After taking photos, the case was closed.Helen found that the inspectors did not open the box, but only photographed the nameplate on the box.Helen was going to contact several workers at the time, especially the worker who called the police, and found that the caller had been transferred by the company to work in the Middle East.

Helen said: "My husband has acquaintances in the Blackfire Company. I want him to help me find out the situation and see if I can find the contact information of the person who called the police."

Liang Xi hurriedly said: "No, no, more and more papers will be rolled up, you can't check like this, it's very dangerous."

Liang Xi said: "I told you, you can have a baby with peace of mind, don't worry about John's business."

Helen: "As far as I can, I am very careful."

Liang Xi said: "There is progress on my side. I suspect that John's death is related to Edward's treasure map. I recently took a copy of the treasure map and am studying it. Don't investigate the theft of Blackfire Company again, wait for me News here."

Helen: "Edward's treasure map?"

Liang Xi turned on the phone and showed Helen the photo. It was a rather cartoony treasure map with many annotations on it.Roads, manhole covers, and water droplets are generally in the shape of a machete.To unlock the secret of the treasure map, you must first find this area, then check the manhole cover, the meaning of the water droplets, and finally find the red X, which is the treasure spot.

The most troublesome and difficult step is the first step. How to find the machete-shaped area from the huge London underground city?Liang Xi explained each label, some of which were guesses.For example, water droplets, Liang Xi thinks they are sewer fences.The stairs are drops.The most important reference is a section of railway track. It is not clear whether the railway track represents the track or the platform, or it may be an abandoned mine shaft.

The treasure map is of course difficult. If it is not difficult, John has already solved it, and Thresh has solved it.Liang Xi has therefore given up the treasure map.He keeps the characteristics of the treasure map in his mind, and if he encounters similar terrain in the future, he can associate the treasure map with the terrain.If you want Liang Xi to go into the underground city to find the scimitar, Liang Xi will not do it.

Helen: "Blood Moon invited the mysterious guests to hold engineering drawings? Very professional drawings."

Liang Xi nodded.

Helen said: "If that's the case, why does the mysterious guest invite Blood Moon to find the treasure? Relying on the original blueprint, the mysterious guest can't find the treasure?"

Liang Xi said: "This is not clear, there is too little information. It should be easy to find the treasure according to the normal treasure map. The most important point of the treasure map is the reference, such as where the entrance is. If you know where the entrance is, you can see it on the map I can basically determine the location of the treasure. I speculate that the treasure map in the hands of the mysterious guest is probably missing the entrance. There is only a map, no entrance, so he can only find a way to find the corresponding area of ​​the map. Professional treasure hunters to help."

Liang Xi said: "I don't understand the meaning of the treasure map now. Treasure hunters dug out the treasure and returned it to the British Museum. And then? Why did John die? Who was the murderer? What is the truth? After the treasure was released, the murderer killed me?"

Helen smiled wryly: "Don't tell me, my brain is not very good, if you need help, please contact me. Tell me if there is any new progress, I will do my best to help."

Liang Xi said: "You can give birth with peace of mind, I will contact you if there is any news."


Liang Xi got into the car after dinner, and when he was about to start the car, he took out a rolled up note from the bottom of the steering wheel: Detective Agency.

Liang Xi gave up going back to the apartment and went to the detective agency instead.After entering the detective agency, everything remained the same, Liang Xi wondered, looked around, even poked his head into the fireplace to search, but couldn't find a ghost.Then there was a knock on the door, Liang Ximao glanced at it and opened the door, turned sideways, and Kunta entered the detective agency.After Liang Xi closed the door, Kunta complained: "What kind of lock is this, I can't open it."

"This way, please." Liang Xi led Kunta to the office area. Double curtains were used in the office area, and the lights inside could not be seen from the outside.Liang Xi said: "As for being so careful?"

Kunta walked behind Liang Xi, and said, "You are more courageous than I thought, and you trust me so much?"

Liang Xi said: "Be born because of Mary and John, die because of Mary and John, the reincarnation of heaven."

Kunta said: "It's the same tone as John. But when John was your age, he was talking about which girl had long legs."

After sitting down, Liang Xi took boiling water to make tea: "I have a girl."

Kunta smiled: "You are better than John in this regard, he has evil intentions but not courage."

Liang Xi sat down: "I still have that problem, as for being so careful?"

Kunta asked, "Do you know how John died?"

Liang Xi didn't nod or shake his head. He knew that what Kunta was talking about was not the cause of John's death, but the reason why John was killed.

Kunta said: "20 years ago we went on a mission and finally retreated to the French safe house. You know? The staff of the safe house was killed and a little girl took her place. After we arrived, the little girl prepared food for us and they went to When I took a shower and went to lie down for a while, I watched the video tape in my hand."

The video was apparently shot from a stealing angle. In the video, Kunta's target was sitting on a sofa talking to another man, and only the other man's legs could be seen.The content of the conversation between the two was roughly: the mysterious man asked the target to assist in handling the procedures for several Afghans to go to the United States.The goal is obviously a conscious guide, I hope the mysterious man can say more in the video.

The mysterious man told a story. In ancient times, there was a small town rich in emeralds, which was very rich, so there were more robbers.Originally, the robbers robbed outside the small town, and later developed into attacking the small town.Under the high salary reward offered by the townspeople and the mayor of the town, a warrior formed a patrol team to protect the safety of the town.The warrior is not only superb in martial arts, but also has a good leader. In less than half a year, he expelled all the robbers around the town.Let the robbers dare not approach the town within [-] kilometers.

One year passed, and three years passed, and people began to feel that it was not worthwhile to keep the patrol team. The mayor also thought that the warrior wanted too much, so he fired the warrior.The wise mayor didn't dismiss the patrol.The warrior was in a very decadent mood. As a warrior, he married several wives and had many children, which was a huge expense.

His wife gave him an idea.A month later, bandits came and attacked the town.This time the bandit leader is very powerful, not only has a clear picture of the whereabouts of the patrol team, but even knows where there are valuable goods.A second attack soon followed.The patrols were unable to stop the robbers, and finally the mayor brought the warrior back, doubled his reward, and gave him a large sum of money.

Little did anyone know, that group of powerful bandits was actually a small band of bandits led by a warrior.

The mysterious man told the target that the world will undergo great changes in the future, and I am deeply honored to be a participant in the great changes.

The mysterious man seemed to trust the target very much, and said to the target that it was a pity that his holy flag plan was rejected by the higher authorities.One day when he takes power, he will definitely restart the Holy Banner Project, hoping that the target can help him then.

After Quinta and others were imprisoned, John went to the Argentine prison to meet Quinta, and through his own relationship, he secretly met with Quinta alone.Kunta told John about the videotape.John explained that the target was dead, and you were framed as his murderers.The video tape disappeared. To find out, the mysterious man in the video tape must be found.

Kunta told John about a detail in the video tape. The mysterious man mentioned that he would have dinner with Jenny at night. Jenny was a very famous female lyric singer in London 20 years ago.But Jenny ate with many people, and the time of the video tape could not be determined, and the mysterious man who ate with Jenny could not be found.

According to John's speculation, it is normal for MI5 to send Kunta to Argentina, but MI5 does not know the identity of the target.The criminals may have been looking for the target, because MI5 intelligence helped locate the target.The criminals first extorted a confession and killed the target, but did not find any items such as video tapes.At this time, Kunta and the others arrived at the target's house, found the library card, and got the video tape.

Why did the gangster frame Kunta after getting back the video tape?Also attacking Fiona's father who supported Kunta and the others?John thinks the idiot Kunta didn't rewind.The film tape needs to be rewound after it has finished playing.Otherwise the next person playing will find out that someone has seen the tape.John asked Kunta not to tell anyone about watching the tape.

John told Kunta that he would definitely find out the facts.But also let Kunta prepare mentally, this is a protracted battle.

Then there is the endless waiting. John always goes to Argentina once or twice a year to see Kunta, but there is no good news.Until three years ago, John told Kunta that there was a group of terrorists named Shengqi in Europe.More than a year ago, John traded blood moon gold coins for a list of people that Jenny had dined alone with 20 years ago.He is checking the people on the list and looking up the recent situation of these people.

John was killed three months later.

Liang Xi thought of John's will. John may have identified several suspects at that time, but John also felt the danger, so he left a will.When the criminals killed John, they deliberately burned the secret room, not because of the treasure map, but because of John's investigation materials.

It can be judged from the inference and description that Shengqi is not a spontaneously formed terrorist gang.It was a terrorist gang formed by someone.This gang is doing bad things, but the boss behind the scenes is manipulating what bad things they do.Some bad things cannot be done, which will harm the interests of the boss, and some bad things should be done, which can promote the interests of the boss.

This is the story of the warrior, who needs robbers to keep his glory and wealth.Robbers can plunder money with the help of warriors.The difference is that in the real version, the bandits don't know that the warriors are using them.

Shengqi is a gang of terrorism, and its business is mainly based on terrorism. The European police have not been able to find the capital chain of Shengqi.Different from traditional terrorist gangs, the target of Shengqi is determined by the boss behind the scenes.Maybe the boss didn't prevent Shengqi from making his own decisions, but only vetoed attacks that hindered his own interests.

No wonder John said that as long as he dug out the holy flag, he would know who the real culprit was.Once you dig out the holy flag, you will know what attack proposal the holy flag has vetoed and what target it was asked to attack, so it is easy to deduce the identity of the beneficiary.

Breeding evil slaves existed in ancient times.In ancient times, some people with big families and great careers, or adults, still had to talk about etiquette, justice, integrity and shame on the surface, so as to distinguish their rank and relationship from ordinary civilians.However, there are many things that a gentleman cannot achieve.At this time, the evil slave played such a role, not only helping the master to do bad things, but also being punished afterwards to prove the master's reputation.

The most classic example is naturally the story of the cruel officials during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

For the fear of Shengqi, someone who is willing to donate money to help their cause, in their view, is a group of people, a group of people along the way.Perhaps the senior officials of the Holy Banner knew they were being used, but they were willing to be used.Because with the help of the boss behind the scenes, they were able to succeed.

The question is: who is behind the scenes.No, it is who the interests represented by the boss behind the scenes are.Raising holy flags is definitely not something that one person can do.

Liang Xi said: "It's a pity that the holy flag in London has been swept away."

Kunta nodded and asked, "Is the Tom you said today the real murderer who attacked Fiona?"

Liang Xi said: "There is a certain degree of credibility."

Kunta said: "I haven't met Tom. The A and B you mentioned today are my brothers. They are doing cheese processing on a ranch in Cambridgeshire. In addition, your reasoning is wrong. I have eaten with them and they know My temporary address and whereabouts, I even stayed at the ranch for two days. They didn't need to attack Fiona just to find me. I entered illegally because I was going to kill people, and then I left illegally."


Kunta said: "I thought the police had suspected murderers who killed John. This time I came to London to avenge John. I didn't expect it to be because of the incident caused by the video tape 20 years ago. After Fiona was attacked, my brother gave I called and said that the police were looking for them for questioning and that they had found my tracks. The police suspected that I was attacking Fiona in retaliation. When I was about to leave the country, I was targeted by the national defense police detectives. I ended up having an oolong and was sent to the hospital. Killed a few villains and turned into a hero. Haha!"

Kunta smiled and said: "After I was sent to the hospital, someone began to monitor me. So I can't meet with you alone for too long, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the monitor, and suspect that we are in collusion to investigate John's case. I am not afraid of death , you are young, and you are John's descendant, I don't want such a beautiful female agent to be sad."

Kunta: "Fortunately, I can be bad. The monitors dare not approach me, so I let them go. One purpose of my meeting with you today is to explain the situation. The second purpose is to tell you that your level is far behind John. Three purposes, you have to help me find the real culprit who attacked Fiona. Although I am a hero now, Fiona's father has been staring at me. Fiona is his only daughter. He would rather kill the wrong one, Don't let it go, I won't let me threaten his daughter's safety. I can understand that if we switch places, for my daughter's safety, I will definitely kill my opponent. So what if I kill him wrong? It can only be your bad luck."

Kunta said: "20 years ago, I was doing intelligence work in the bacteria side, and now I am a powerful figure. Fiona's father is definitely not a good person, and his hands must be darker than Mo. Remember, don't believe anything that this kind of person says .I am going back to MI5 now. How many resources will I have? I will definitely pursue John’s case to the end. Now let me see your skills and see if you are qualified to assist me in tracing John’s case. If you only brag , I suggest you forget about John and take good care of Mary, even if it is doing John a favor."

Kunta said: "I have to go... What kind of broken lock is this, so powerful? I can't even open it with a jammer." The nemesis of the electronic lock is the jammer. In order to deal with the jammer, the electronic lock will have an anti-jammer Electronic locks.

Liang Xi said: "You are out of date, uncle. This lock looks like a fingerprint electronic lock, but it is actually a biometric scanning lock. In addition to fingerprints, you also need to scan your face for verification. It can only be opened if it is correct. Interference is equivalent to an error. The lock cannot be opened." .”

Seeing that Kunta didn't quite understand, Liang Xi said, "The market price of this lock is two thousand pounds."

"Fack." Kunta looked at the detective agency in surprise: "Does the detective agency cost two thousand pounds?"

Liang Xi was speechless: "You have to go." A reminder.

Kunta cut off and left. Before leaving, he carefully observed the lock that blocked him for a while, and then reluctantly left: This thing is two thousand pounds?John seems to have raised a prodigal son.

After Kunta left, Liang Xi walked outside the door and studied the lock for a while. Is this thing really two thousand pounds?

Chapter 181

Karin was being trained. She informed her family members of the uncertain diagnosis and treatment information without authorization. Although it was justifiable from an objective point of view, it caused the patients to not cooperate, which had a great negative impact on the diagnosis and treatment.Worse than being scolded, there was a man outside Qin's office who was gloating.Like a primary school student who did something wrong, Karin obediently listened to the reprimand, and then reported the current situation. It was confirmed that it was a rare family genetic disease, and she apologized for her previous judgment.

Qin waved her to leave, Karin left the office obediently, closed the door gently, stepped forward and pulled the smiling Liang Xi by the ear and left.

"No! Why is it your fault that my ear hurts?" Liang Xi asked angrily when he was pulled aside.

Karin said: "You never come to the hospital to look for me during my working hours, you only leave me messages, and you don't call me."

Liang Xi asked, "Is there a mistake?"

Karin said: "The purpose of your visit today will cause your ears to hurt."

Liang Xi smiled: "You guessed it right, so I came to see you first and invited you to participate."

Karin smiled in satisfaction, looked left and right for no one, and kissed deeply with her probe, and then looked left and right with a blushing heartbeat as if she had done something bad: "Let's go."

Liang Xi came to see Fiona. Fiona was in the physical therapy department of the inpatient department. She was giving up crutches and walking slowly indoors with the help of the nurses.She saw Liang Xi knock on the door, and the door was open.Fiona smiled and was about to say something, but when she saw Karin appearing behind Liang Xi, she immediately put away her smile and said to the nurse, "Please help me to sit down."

She knew that Liang Xi was coming, otherwise Liang Xi would not be able to reach the ward without her permission.But I didn't expect that Liang Xi also brought a small tail.But Xiaowei was very sensible, he didn't enter the ward, and left by himself after saying a few words with Liang Xi at the door.But you leave as soon as you leave, what do you mean by kissing deeply in front of your face?Once again regretted to the point of annoyance, why didn't he eat Liang Xi at that time.

Fiona didn't say anything on the phone, and Liang Xi didn't expect that there were other people in the ward.A middle-aged man in his 50s made a phone call from the next room and looked at Liang Xi. Fiona introduced, "My father, father, his name is Liang Xi."

Of course Fiona's father is not called Fei's father, so there are so many coincidences.Her father's name is Phil.Phil nodded: "I know, sit down."

"Nice to meet you, General."


The nurse leaves and the guard outside closes the door.Phil didn't want to be the protagonist, but he didn't leave. He walked to the side and sat down, giving up the space.Fiona blamed: "Little Apple, why did you bring your new girlfriend to piss me off?"

Liang Xi said with a smile: "If you don't bring your girlfriend, and she gets angry later, it's my bad luck. Let me weigh it, it's more economical for you to be angry with me."

"Haha!" Fiona suppressed her laughter and sighed, "Unfortunately, I don't have the right to bully you now. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Liang Xi nodded and asked, "I'll get straight to the point. Before you were attacked, were you working on a case?"

Fiona said: "You know, it's about Hammy Company."

Liang Xi asked again: "What else?"

Fiona shook her head: "I was sent to work at your residence, you know. It's about the Internet celebrity festival."

Liang Xi asked, "What about private individuals?"

Fiona asked back, "Liang Xi, what do you want to say?"

Liang Xi took out his mobile phone, opened Tom's photo and handed it over: "Do you know him?"

Fiona glanced at her father and replied, "I don't know him."

Liang Xi accurately grasped the problem, and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll go to Yingla for questioning."

Phil stood up immediately when he heard it, and Fiona shouted to Phil before Phil could speak: "Yes, I still have contact with her, she is my friend."

Phil ignored the presence of outsiders and said: "What have I asked of you these years? I only ask you to do this one thing. Yingla is a member of the Orphan Society, and she is a criminal. No matter how clean she is, she is still a criminal. I am Bacteria, you are a policeman, we are not qualified to make friends with criminals, do you understand?"

Fiona couldn't refute, and angrily grabbed the pillow and threw it at Liang Xi: Let you be troublesome.

Phil said: "If you are so stubborn and don't listen to advice, I can only solve this matter in my own way. Fiona, you have no idea how difficult it is now. I hold the scale and maintain the balance, no I hope the balance will be tilted because of your screw. You think about the love of children, and I think about national affairs. You are my daughter, and you have an obligation to maintain my image. Once you are caught, you know what? Consequences? Don’t you still understand why I put you on the blade? Self-discipline and restraint.”

Fiona broke out: "Your image? For your image, I went to serve in the military, to the special team, and to face the terrorists face to face."

Phil said: "The princes of the royal family also serve in the military, and many people are as dangerous as you. Charles' son drove the Apache helicopter to fight the enemy head-on many times. I only have you as my daughter. I am sorry to make you suffer a lot, but you It has to be done."

Liang Xi said a lot: "Actually, she doesn't dislike it. She just wants to quarrel with you to cover up her anxiety about doing something wrong. By the way, she will vent her emotions to the person she loves the most."

Fiona turned her head to look at Liang Xi, and said angrily, "Rotten apples."

Liang Xi spread his hands and signaled: "Go ahead."

Phil said, "Talk about it, Fiona..."

Liang Xi hurriedly said: "General, please don't explain and ask, otherwise she won't say anything." Fiona and Karin have opposite personalities, she is very emotional.The old lady said it when she was happy, and she didn't say it when she was not happy.Once Phil told Fiona to answer the questions truthfully, Fiona would have rebellious emotions: I would not answer truthfully.

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