However, he was not angry, because his visit this time was prepared to be used by Su Qi.

Seeing them coming down, Liu Qing stood up and greeted Su Qi with a smile: "Sister Qi, I'm here to see you."

Those guests also saw Liu Qing and recognized him.

——Liu Qing can't remember their looks, but it's impossible for them not to remember the appearance of the group's new prince.

The appearance of this prince at Su Qi's place made them feel surprised - aren't those two families rivals?Not long ago, I heard rumors that Ding Yun joined forces with Gu Jianguo to evacuate Su Qi, why is Liu Qing now at Su Qi's house?

This "Sister Qi" confuses them even more—is it so affectionate?Could it be that through the relationship chain of Ding Yun and Su Yi, they discovered that they are half-siblings?

When Liu Qing called out "Sister Qi", Feng Zhixuan, who had been displeased with him at first, looked at him with gratitude.

——What is Su Qi's current situation, she knows best as a personal assistant.

As long as he can bear it, he will not bow his head to ask Ding Yun for peace.

For Liu Qing to be so affectionate in front of those company executives, this is a gesture of support for Su Qi.

I thought to myself: "Although he is a grasshopper, he is considered a good one among the grasshoppers."

Seeing Liu Qing, Su Qi smiled even wider, and said:

"Liu Qing, you're here, did you drink the tea I gave you last time? How does it taste?"

"It tastes good," Liu Qing said nonsense with her eyes open, "Do you have any more? If you want me to get a few more cans."

"No problem," Su Qi said with a smile, "You like to take more. Some friends know that I like to drink tea, so they brought too much. I can't drink it all by myself."

This casual chat doesn't look like a competitor at all, just like a good relationship.

Those senior executives of the group were a little dumbfounded—oh, what's going on?

Su Qi didn't ask to introduce to them: "This is my younger brother, Liu Qing, who brought his friends over to play today."

Everyone thought: "He is Liu Qing, we know it, but when did he become your younger brother?"

Although I feel that they can also have a sister-brother relationship by talking about it, it still feels very strange.

Su Qi then introduced those people to Liu Qing: "These people are from our group, they just happened to come over to be guests today, this is,"

Standing there, he introduced Liu Qing again.

The two sides got to know each other again.

This time the number of people was relatively small, and Liu Qing finally remembered their surnames and positions.

After introducing a few people, Su Qi suddenly approached Liu Qing, brushed his hand on his shoulder, a broken leaf appeared on her finger, and said, "Look, you didn't even notice such a big leaf."

This action can be said to be very intimate.

Xiaowen and Feng Zhixuan, who were watching from the side, couldn't help pouting.

--Really annoying!

Chapter 155 The crystallization of interests

Su Qi sent away those group executives with complex expressions, and when she returned to the hall, the smile on her face also subsided.

Always laughing and getting tired easily.

The moment of blank expression is also a kind of rest for her.

At this time, she especially misses her father.

When her father was around, she was escorted by her father, so she didn't need to learn how to smile.

I used to think that the capital beyond my own ability was zero, and my position in the group was obtained by relying on my own ability.

It was only after my father died that I realized that was not the case.

Less than three months after her father's death, she, a high-achieving student at an Ivy League university, was forced to struggle by an illiterate who had just gone to elementary school and was forced to learn how to keep a smile and how to be kinder to her. people communicate.

Walking up to Liu Qing, he said seriously:

"Thank you for being here this time."

Come to support.

Although she understood that Liu Qing came here for his own benefit, not to help her.

However, it did help her.

In her, you need to be thankful.

Her thanks made Liu Qing stunned for a moment, feeling very embarrassed, and said with a smile:

"Don't be so serious, you embarrass me like this."

He came here to express an attitude to the top management of Tianyuan Group. They will not fight each other, the company will not face the risk of breaking up, everyone can work with peace of mind, and there is no need to rush to stand in line.

He also thought about how Su Qi would release the news.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that the only way to let the company's senior management know that the relationship between the two of them is okay is to post a group photo of the two of them in Moments, eating together, drinking tea together, etc.

——However, if Huo Zhenzhen encounters such a method, it is probably another article on the official account of "How to identify p-picture scams" that was reposted.

Unexpectedly, Su Qi's solution was to meet with the senior management of the group.

You don't need the low-key method of posting on Moments, and you can show the good relationship between the two people three-dimensionally in front of the company's senior management.

This is better than him.

As for why the timing was so coincidental, it should have been prepared a long time ago.

In front of outsiders, be affectionate.

But they themselves know that they are competitors.

And there are still some hated competitors.

Without the presence of outsiders, they can't show affection, and there is no need to show affection, which will only make both parties more unnatural.

It's all here, but it's not good to leave immediately.

After chatting awkwardly for more than ten minutes, Su Qi went upstairs again and took out the gifts they had prepared for the three of them.

Only then did Liu Qing realize that she had come to be a guest, and she didn't even buy a gift, which made her feel quite embarrassed.

When he was a child, his family encountered such accidents, and he really didn't understand much about the ways of the world.

Now remember, when you go to someone else's house in the future, you have to bring some gifts.

Su Qi gave Liu Qing a tie.

Seeing such a gift, Liu Qing felt rather complicated, and even suspected that this lady was mocking her own background.

——When he was a security guard, no matter it was severe cold or hot summer, he needed to wear a tie, which belonged to work attire.

It does look a little more upscale, but it makes my neck uncomfortable every day.

Especially when the weather is hot, the first thing after get off work is to quickly tear off the tie.

It can be said that this thing is quite disgusting.

After quitting security, he never wore a tie again.

Unexpectedly, Su Qi gave him a tie, which made him feel mocked.

I thought to myself: "The next time this elder sister gives me a gift, will she give me a set of "Junior High School Question Bank" or a set of "Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation"?"

Anyway, it was his wish. Although he felt the irony, he couldn't say anything.

——He also knew in his heart that he was probably too sensitive.

What Su Qi gave Ye Wanrong was a string of platinum necklaces.

What was given to Xiaowen was an LV bag.

Both of them refused, but they didn't succeed in refusing. After making three concessions, they still left with Su Qi's gift.

Liu Qing didn't bring tea from Su Qi - she hasn't developed such a hobby yet.

After they left, Su Qi sat in the hall, stunned for a while.

I used to think that if I knew business logic, I could flex my muscles in this business world.

She didn't expect to have to learn these ways of the world in the end—something she once thought was feudal dross.

Feng Zhixuan is someone close to her, who knows her difficulties during this time, and feels wronged for her:

"If the chairman didn't write such a eccentric will, Mr. Su, you could get half of the shares. Why do you need to be angry with that old witch and look at the faces of those people?"

Su Qi sighed leisurely, shook her head, and said wearily: "At that time, my father was also doing it for my own good. My mother killed someone's son, so she should give some compensation. You don't know, a person's life Think about how crazy it would be if it was empty like that."

"Is she still willing to die with Mr. Su?" Feng Zhixuan said.

"Who knows? People in that situation can do crazy things." Su Qi said.

She leaned her head against Feng Zhixuan who was standing behind her chair, closed her eyes and rested for a while, then said suddenly:

"Zhixuan, believe it or not, I even had a thought in the past few days—whether I should just marry Liu Qing."

"Ah?" Feng Zhixuan was startled, "Boss Su, how could you have such an idea? Don't you just dislike men?"

Looking at Su Qi, she looked disappointed and a little sad.

I thought to myself: "Sure enough, love will disappear,"

"Even if I like a man, I wouldn't like him," Su Qi smiled wryly, "It's not a question of whether I like it or not, but a question of whether it can bring me benefits."

"Will marrying him solve all these problems?" Feng Zhixuan asked quietly.

"Yes," Su Qi analyzed to her, "After marrying him, we are a family and own 60.00% of the group's shares. I haven't made any mistakes in the management of the company, and I can continue to run the company after I'm done. The company. When we give birth to a child, it will be the crystallization of the interests of both parties. With the existence of common interests, there will be no need for internal fighting, so that the group can develop smoothly, and it can be regarded as fulfilling my father's last wish. "

Feng Zhixuan had only heard that children are the crystallization of love before, but this is the first time she heard that children are the crystallization of interests.

It felt absurd at first, but made sense on reflection.

Just feel a little sad.

——In this goddess-like heart, can marriage be traded?

After being silent for a while, he asked in a low voice, "Then why don't you do it?"

"After thinking about it for a while, I am willing, but others may not be willing."

Su Qi laughed,

"A person who owns 50.00% of the five shares, why should he marry me, who only has 5.00% of the shares? Thanks for that?"

Chapter 156 Can I Dance With You Another Dance

The big Benz drove back to Pengcheng.

The seven-day National Day holiday has come to an end here.

When entering the urban area of ​​Pengcheng, night had already fallen.

Seeing the bright lights along the way, Liu Qing felt inexplicably warm in her heart.

Although he was not born in this city, he has lived in this city for more than ten years. He came to this city to seek a living when he was fifteen or sixteen years old, and he already has a sense of belonging to this city.

In the hometown in my memory, the houses I used to live in are already other people’s houses, and it seems that they were knocked down and rebuilt later.

He also went to visit the tomb every year during the Qingming Festival, and left after worshiping. He didn't stay at anyone's house, and came and went in a hurry.

Everything about my hometown has been blurred, I only know that it has changed its appearance, and it can't be superimposed with the hometown in my memory.

On the contrary, after staying in this city for more than ten years, he has become very familiar with it, and it has become his second hometown.

He doesn't know where his future home will be.

Probably not in his hometown.

Because there is no one he knows well there.

But this place gave him more sense of belonging.

"I'm going home soon," Xiaowen, who was sitting next to him, leaned on the car window and looked outside, and said to Liu Qing, "Brother Qing, don't cook by yourself today, can you have a meal outside?"

Liu Qing looked at her amusedly: "Did the few days off make you lazy?"

"Yes." Xiaowen admitted confidently.

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