Have you ever been to some messy places, have you come into contact with some messy people?

"Mr. Liu is relatively self-disciplined," Ye Wanrong said honestly, "he has been busy with mask factories and media companies during this period of time, basically there are no gatherings, and the only few times are also for the company's business."

"Have you ever been to a club or something?" Ding Yun asked.

Ye Wanrong shook her head: "I haven't been there."

Then he added: "Maybe it's because I've been with him all the time, he hasn't expressed that kind of thought."

"It's fine if you don't have one," Ding Yun said, "You can't touch any of the three things about pornography, gambling, and drugs. If you see such a sign, stop him quickly, and you can use any method. I won't blame you." , I will give you a reward."

Ye Wanrong smiled and said, "Chairman, don't worry, I am confident that I can control this."

Ding Yun asked again: "Does he have any thoughts about you?"

This question is a bit embarrassing to ask.

Ye Wanrong's expression was quite calm, and she said: "Maybe I have some ideas, sometimes I will say a few words, but that's it, I don't have too strong thoughts."

"Does he have anything to do with that little girl?" Ding Yun asked again.

Ye Wanrong said hesitantly: "They are quite close, but they seem to sleep in their own rooms every night. There may be something wrong, but I haven't noticed it,"

A look of worry appeared on Ding Yun's face:

"Xiaoye, tell me, my son won't have any physical problems, right?"

Chapter 149 The Worldly Old Lady

Ding Yun is afraid that his son will be exposed to pornography, gambling and drugs.

No normal mother would want any of these three things in her son.

In Huang's opinion, it was a nest of viruses, and it might be fine once or twice. I have walked a lot by the river, and the possibility of not getting my shoes wet is too small.

Not to mention poison, any normal Chinese person knows that being exposed to that stuff is equivalent to ruining a lifetime.

Much more serious than Huang Ke.

Gambling on such things is not a good thing.

If her son becomes a gambler, the tens of billions of assets may not be able to withstand losing.

It's not that there is no such thing as the big boss breaking the capital chain because of gambling, causing the company to go bankrupt.

If Liu Qing gets involved in these three things, Ding Yun can only find a way to train a new heir.

She never imagined that in her later years, her family property would be wiped out by such a useless son, and she would end up with a miserable evening.

I agreed with Ye Wanrong to be Liu Qing's bodyguard, because I felt that this girl was a little arrogant and would not be afraid of Liu Qing, the boss, and could control him not to mess with those things.

If she was a submissive person who listened to the boss everything, she would hesitate instead, and there was no way to help her keep an eye on Liu Qing.

——Many parents have the desire to control their children, but as their children grow up, they lose that ability and have to give up this idea.

When the ability is still there, few parents are willing to give up that idea.

Including marriage and career, parents like to point fingers, not to make suggestions, but to give orders.

——Of course, generally speaking, the views of parents with more life experience in this regard are often correct, but it is not easy for their children to understand.

Ding Yun has that ability now, because the wealth is in her hands.

And she is also convinced that the control of Liu Qing is correct and necessary.

The circle she came into contact with were all wealthy families. Of course, those families had some high-quality talents, but most of them were playboys who had lost control and completely let themselves go, and there were not a few who went bankrupt.

She had heard so many stories like that, and it was absolutely impossible for her to let Liu Qing develop freely.

Judging from Ye Wanrong's feedback, her son is doing pretty well and is focusing on his career.

Although she didn't have much confidence in whether that career would bring benefits.

But at least this kind of performance is considered excellent among those rich second generations.

However, Ye Wanrong was sent to follow Liu Qing for more than a month. During such a long time, this son had nothing to do with other women, which made her worry again.

Not being close to women is of course a very good quality, which can avoid many mistakes.

However, this quality may not be so good in the eyes of parents.

Especially in the case where the son is not yet married and has not yet reproduced.

If you abstain from sexual intercourse now, how can you get it?

Ding Yun couldn't help feeling worried, wondering if there was something wrong with her son's body.

If there is any problem with the body, we have to borrow technological means to see if we can perfunctory future generations.

——In this respect, she is just an ordinary mother.

Facing her worry, Ye Wanrong couldn't help laughing:

"Chairman, there is no need to worry about this. I think Mr. Liu is in good health. He exercises every day and is healthier than most people."

Ding Yun said in a low voice: "It's not obvious, either."

Ye Wanrong thought to herself: "Why can't you see it? When I saw me wearing black silk, the changes in his body were so prominent that you could tell it at a glance."

There is no way to say this to Ding Yun.

Ding Yun looked at her again: "Xiaoye, what do you think of my son?"

Ye Wanrong felt that the other party's eyes had some other meanings, she was inexplicably flustered, she forced herself to be calm, and said with a smile:

"I think Mr. Liu is pretty good. Although he has no culture, he is serious in doing things and has no bad style. He lives a more self-disciplined life, which is much better than other rich second generations."

This passage praised Liu Qing, but the core idea is just one sentence-your son is uneducated.

Ding Yun understood, she gave up the question on her lips, and sighed: "My son's biggest shortcoming is that he doesn't read too much. This is because I hurt him,"

Ye Wanrong could only comfort her: "Mr. Liu has reached such a height, education is not so important. Besides, cultural accomplishment can be learned not only in school, but also in society."

"Apart from that Xiaowen, does my son have any other female friends?" Ding Yun asked again.

"I didn't find it," Ye Wanrong said, "I think Mr. Liu is most concerned about the mask factory he invested in. When the production of the mask factory is not on the right track, he probably won't have the leisure to worry about others. of."

Ding Yun frowned: "How long will it take to get on the right track?"

Ye Wanrong thought for a while: "I don't know very well, but I guess it should only take a month or two."

Ding Yun let out a cry.

It is understandable that the son is busy with his career now, and he is eager to prove himself.

Especially after making the bet with Su Qi, the importance of that mask factory increased linearly.

It's just a month or two, but it's nothing.

She can afford to wait.

Then he asked Ye Wanrong: "Xiaoye, you are a university student, tell me, if my son had a child with that Xiaowen, would he be very short?"

Ye Wanrong said: "Genetics will have some influence on height, but the main thing is the intake of nutrition. Besides, Mr. Liu is not short. If they really have children, it is unlikely that they will be taller, but they will definitely be able to have normal body height." height."

Ding Yun let out an oh, and didn't dwell on this topic any more.

Although I am not very satisfied with Xiaowen, nor can I accept such a girl as her daughter-in-law, but as a reproductive tool, I can accept it relatively.

Yes, is better than nothing.

When eating at night, there are seven people around a table.

They are Ding Yun, Geng Xia, Sister Wang who does cleaning, Sister Chen who cooks, Liu Qing, Xiaowen, and Ye Wanrong.

Ding Yun didn't like to eat with too many people before. When her son was still there, she either ate with her son, or with Su Yi, a family of three.

The rest of the family did not eat at the same table as them, but waited until they had finished eating.

Later, her son died.

Later, Su Yi also died.

Then she found that eating alone was boring, so she asked everyone in the family to eat at the table.

In the past, there were too many people who didn't like eating together, but now they wished for as many people as possible.

She still felt that it was not enough for seven people to eat at a table.

If there are a few more grandchildren eating together, it will be called lively.

——As you get older, your mentality will also grow old. Although you have tens of billions of wealth in name, you are still a secular old lady at bottom.


PS: Regarding the rhythm and character setting of the novel

When this book was released, when Chapter 4 was written, some people scolded the author for not counting words.

Such scolding has been accompanied by this book, until now.

The setting of the story is that the protagonist was reborn two years ago, which also determines that the pace will not be too fast.

The idea of ​​writing this book is to write a book about reality, and to write in some familiar people and stories the author has heard in his previous work, which can be regarded as an account of the past.

At that time, I was not optimistic about the prospect of this book, and felt that it would be good to be able to enter the second round of recommendations.

In my impression, there are not many readers like this.

Because it is uncomfortable, it does not conform to the current market positioning of online texts.

For subscriptions, I don't think it's possible to exceed one hundred.

To be able to go all the way to Sanjiang now, frankly, I feel a little surprised.

With this achievement, I still want to work hard and try to retain readers as much as possible.

There was no pressure at first, but because of this, there was a lot of pressure.

After all, the author has been out of work for a long time because of his health. It is of course the best to earn more manuscript fees and solve the plight of life.

It's not that I haven't listened to readers' suggestions and added some things. However, the effect doesn't seem to be good. The original readers didn't sell it, and it also caused a lot of criticism.

The author believes that those who suggest speeding up the pace are out of good intentions, and thank you here.

However, there is a general arrangement for the rhythm of the story and the subsequent plot. The author is worried that rash changes will collapse the entire structure, so the current idea is to write it according to the original rhythm.

I dare not ask readers to be more patient with the author, but I still hope that some who like this book will continue to like it.

There are more than 2 collections of this book, and more books are abandoned halfway.

Every reader has every reader's preferences.

During the writing process of this book, the appearance of every character is accompanied by scolding.

This is true from the main characters to the supporting characters.

The book never attempts to create a perfect character, each with its own flaws, including moral ones.

Among the people the author has known over the years, he has not found a perfect person.

What I want to write is some shining points in the muddy life of some people with various defects.

It's normal to dislike such a description.

Accept criticism.

But there are some curses that make people feel sick.

Some people who call girls less than 1.5 meters tall are funny, but they can stand on the moral high ground and scold a girl who has only had a few boyfriends and has not harmed anyone. Broken shoes, let the author fall into deep confusion.

(Note, some, not one.)

There are also people who, because they don't like a certain character, post in the comment area to start a fight.

After setting the speech limit, some people even offered a reward of [-] coins to speak for the purpose of insulting and attacking.

Just reading this book, I don't know where the hostility came from.

Legitimate comments, including criticizing the author, are acceptable, but those rhythmic and provocative ones will give readers a preconceived impression and directly affect the performance of the book.

In this regard, the author cannot accept it, and if he finds one, he will ban and delete one.

Criticism can make a person improve, but verbal abuse cannot.

If setting a speech limit of [-] fans can't block those who lead the fight with rhythm, then it can only be set to [-] fans.

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