Going to work is still boring.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Qing was sitting in the sentry box idly watching the pedestrians coming and going on the street outside the gate, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she saw a ten-year-old boy in a floral shirt walking towards him .

The little boy's clothes, body and appearance overlapped with the little boy who stole the bicycle in his memory.

When the little boy pushed open the side door of the community next to the sentry box and entered, Liu Qing stopped him:

"Wait, are you from this community?"

The little boy said confidently: "I came to play with my classmates."

Liu Qing snorted and waved her hand: "Then go in."

I wanted to ask him to stop him, but after thinking about it, it doesn't make any sense to stop him from going in.

There are two gates and four side gates in this community, and every gate is broken. If you stop him here, he will enter through other gates.

There is no evidence to catch him stealing the car, and he can't do anything about him.

Simply let him in, and then try to get someone to get all the stolen goods.

There is a reward for catching car thieves, as long as everyone gets all the stolen goods, the minimum is [-] points, and the maximum is [-] points.

Ten minutes is 150 yuan.

Liu Qing had to admit that he had slandered that sum of money.

After the little boy went in, Liu Qing didn't sit in the sentry box anymore, but stood in the community and looked around.

There is more than one door in this neighborhood, and the little boy might not just go out through this door if he stole the car, so he has to be careful.

When the leader of the management office came to inspect the post, he saw that Liu Qing not only did not sleep and play with his mobile phone in the sentry box, but also took the initiative to stand guard outside the sentry box. He's going to be the monitor.

There are not many such responsible security guards.

After looking at the gate for more than half an hour, Liu Qing finally saw the little boy in a floral shirt riding a bicycle towards another gate.

Without any hesitation, he rushed over there.

The distance was only tens of meters, and they rushed there quickly.

At that time, the little boy in the flowered shirt had already got off the bicycle to open the door, where Liu Qing shouted:

"You stand there for me!"

The little boy was startled, threw the bicycle, blocked the door, and ran outside.

But how can a teenager in his teens outrun Liu Qing, a 30- to [-]-year-old adult?

After just a few steps, Liu Qing grabbed him: "Xiao Mian, where are you going?"

The security guard in the sentry box outside the gate had just reacted, with a confused look on his face: "Xiao Liu, what's going on?"

Liu Qing grabbed the little boy with one hand and dragged him into the community, pointed at the bicycle thrown at the gate with the other, and said:

"This kid is not from the community. He didn't have a bicycle when he entered the community from my side, but now he goes out on a bicycle. I suspect that he is the thief who stole the car!"

The little boy was so frightened that he cried and struggled desperately there. Liu Qing turned around and shouted at him: "Be honest, or I will beat you! Let me tell you, no one cares if a thief like you is beaten to death." of!"

The little boy turned pale with fright, he didn't dare to struggle anymore, he just cried there and said:

"This car is not stolen, I borrowed it from my classmate."

Then he said to the security guard: "Old Mo, call the squad leader for help, and tell him that a car thief has been caught here, let him come over and deal with it."

Chapter 011

Hearing that the bicycle thief had been caught, the squad leader ran over excitedly, followed by the Minister of Security.

Although the little boy in the flowered shirt cried and said that he was not the thief who stole the bicycle and that the bicycle was borrowed from his classmate, but when asked which building, unit and name his classmate lived in, he couldn’t tell. up.

You can say that you don't know the room number, but it is impossible to know the name of the classmate.

The minister joined the owner groups of several communities, and posted a photo of the bicycle to the group, and soon someone claimed it.

The evidence was solid, and the little boy still didn't admit that he was stealing the car, only saying that he wanted to ride it for fun.

Ask him where he lives and what his parents' cell phone number is, but the little boy doesn't say anything.

He asked a little fiercely, and lay down on the ground rolling and crying.

For such a child, the property company has nothing to do.

Hitting is not allowed. As we all know, security guards have no power to enforce the law.

Even if you have law enforcement powers, you can't beat this kind of child. If someone posts it on the Internet, the security guard who beat the child will definitely die, and the property company will suffer a lot.

Just as he was lying at the entrance of the management office and making a fuss, a group of old men and old ladies who had nothing to do had already ushered in, and each of them had a heart attack, saying that the management office bullied children.

The squad leader could only explain to them one by one that the kid stole the bicycle, and the bicycle stolen in the community before was probably related to him.

Some old men and old ladies may have had their bicycles stolen or were worried about being stolen because they had bicycles at home, so they changed their positions and called for the child to be beaten up.

However, there are also some old men and women who do not have bicycles at home and still maintain the noble heart of the Virgin. They asked the management office to release this little boy and uttered the universal golden sentence that everyone has heard many times:

"He's just a kid!"

It didn't come to an end until the police came and took the little boy away.

Liu Qing returned to her post a long time ago, and also reported to Manager Zhou in the management office how she discovered this little thief.

Of course he didn't say that he came from the future, he just said that when the little boy came in, he asked him that he was not from the community, but came to play with his classmates. When he saw him walking in but going out on a bicycle, he felt something was wrong. stopped him.

In his description, the image of a security guard who goes to work and observes carefully is ready to emerge.

Manager Zhou was very satisfied with what he heard, and was deeply proud of having such a talent in the company.

Looking at Liu Qing, she became more and more pleasing to the eye, and a thought flashed in her heart: "This person has the appearance of a monitor!"

He told Liu Qing on the spot that he would be given [-] points, and a commendation notice would be posted in all the elevator rooms, so that all the owners would know that there was such a responsible security guard in the community.

The news quickly spread in the group. The squad leader sent photos of the little boy and the bicycle he stole to the work group, and later also sent the rewards given to Liu Qing by the property company.

Then, there was a lot of voices in the group, "Brother Liu is mighty", "Brother Liu treats guests", and "Brother Liu sends red envelopes", it was very lively.

This is a group in their class. There is no leader from the management office to join, and there is no pressure for everyone to chat in the group during working hours.

Liu Qing was overjoyed by the flattery, and got a huge red envelope of one yuan in the group, divided it into ten parts and sent them out, and he snatched them all in three seconds, and he even snatched one part himself.

That night, the squad leader mentioned the follow-up of catching the car thief in the group.

The Minister of Security followed the police. Even the police had nothing to do with a ten-year-old boy, so they had to call his parents to come over.

After entering the police station, the little boy was frightened. He honestly didn't make a fuss, admitted the fact that he had stolen the bicycle, and also gave out his father's cell phone number.

It's just that he didn't admit to stealing bicycles before, insisting that this was the first time.

The management office checked the surveillance for a long time, only to find the footage of him pushing his bicycle out of the community twice, and sent the surveillance footage to the minister. With conclusive evidence, he admitted twice.

He sold bicycles worth hundreds of thousands of yuan to scrap collectors for 30 to [-] yuan, and he also spent the money.

In the front, because of the storage time of the surveillance video, there is no way to find it.

After his father came over, his attitude was very bad. At first, he denied it flatly, saying that his son was honest and could not steal the bicycle, and the property must have wronged his son.

Later, under the conclusive evidence, he reluctantly admitted this fact.

However, he was not prepared to compensate the owners for the loss of the previous two stolen bicycles, so he said he had no money.

Later, the police called over the two owners whose bicycles were stolen. The little boy's father was a little scared, but he only admitted to pay the price at which the little boy was sold.

Of course the owner will not agree.

In the end, the one who loses the money is the waste collector.

The owner of the scrap shop who had received the bicycle from the boy was also summoned and severely reprimanded by the police.

Although the owner of the scrap shop insisted that he didn't know that the bicycle was stolen, he felt guilty and compensated the losses of the two owners at the original price out of his own pocket.

The little boy's father also severely scolded the scrap shop owner, saying that he taught his son badly.

Originally, the guardian should bear the greatest responsibility, but the little boy's father is also a scoundrel and just refuses to take responsibility.

The boss who collects waste should also be responsible, at least a few days of detention is no problem, but he paid for the matter, and the owner also said that he would not pursue it, so the matter is over.

The little boy and his father both wrote guarantee letters, one promised never to steal bicycles again, and the other promised to discipline his son well.

But everyone knows that such a guarantee is useless at all.

There was a lot of scolding in the work group, and it felt like they were messing with each other.

If those who steal things are not punished, they will only become more courageous, and everyone's work will be more difficult.

The only thing that can be done is to let every security guard remember the appearance of that little boy and not let him enter the community.

In the group, the monitor also reminded Liu Qing:

"The minister told me that the little boy's father doesn't look like a good man, you have to be careful, lest he retaliate against you in the future."

Liu Qing was speechless - what the hell is going on?I caught the thief, and it turned out that the thief was fine, what happened to me?

But what can be done?

The Law on the Protection of Minors is not an umbrella for minors, but at the same time it is also an umbrella for those underage villains, and even for those underage little devils.

Suddenly, I regretted it—I knew this earlier, so what kind of thief did I catch?

Chapter 012

Jiayi Property’s security guards work in two shifts. They used to work in three shifts. Later, they couldn’t recruit people, so they had to work in two shifts.

Rotate every ten days.

On June 6, Liu Qing started to work the night shift.

The day shift starts at [-]:[-] p.m., and after an eight-hour break, I take over at [-]:[-] p.m. and works until [-]:[-] a.m.

During the eight hours in between, including a dinner, few people could sleep.

The day of the shift change is the hardest.

Some people will choose to rest on that day, but only one or two people in a shift can be arranged to rest a day, and most people change shifts when they are tired.

Generally, when there is a shift, the leader will not check the post at night, because at that time the check-up will definitely find a large number of sleeping people.

During the two days on the day shift, Liu Qing was still a little worried about the revenge of the little boy's parents, so she got a wooden stick and put it in the sentry box.

As a result, I didn't wait, and it was my turn to work the night shift.

In fact, he personally prefers to work the night shift, because there is nothing to do on the night shift and he can sleep.

The leaders will check the post from time to time, but under normal circumstances, as long as a security guard finds that the leader has come to check the post, they will notify each other.

Moreover, the time period for night shift inspections by the leader is usually from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] am. Avoid that time and sleep at other times.

After working the night shift for a few days, when Liu Qing was about to forget about it, something happened.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, he left the sentry box to buy water from a convenience store outside. He had only walked a few steps when a man rushed over from a van parked by the side of the road and swung a wooden stick at his leg. , With a click, his leg was broken.

Liu Qing let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground on the spot, almost fainting from the pain.

Before he could see what the guy who hit him looked like, the guy got into the van, started the van, and ran away.

Liu Qing wanted to remember the license plate number, but found that the license plate number was blocked and she couldn't see anything clearly.

People come prepared.

He could only use the walkie-talkie to call the monitor over.

After calling the squad leader, it was the police.

He didn't call 120 right away, because at that time he only knew that his leg was in pain, but he didn't know what was going on, whether there was a fracture, or whether he needed to go to the hospital.

——The most important thing is to worry about whether the money to go to the hospital is paid by him or by the company.

If it was him, then I really can't afford it.

When the squad leader came over, he was taken aback and quickly called the minister again.

Not long after, the manager came over.

At this time, Liu Qing tried several times, but her left leg was unable to stand up, and it was probably broken.

When the manager came, so did the police.

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