Thinking about it this way, I feel that the relationship between Nian Fengyan and Liu Qing must be quite good, otherwise who would be so helpful?

——My own father wouldn't help like this!

Within a few days, the news spread all over the circle - the relationship between Nian Fengyan and Liu Qing was unfathomable, and Liu Qing was even willing to buy Nian Fengyan's mask factory to help him.

Fortunately, everyone was very sensible and didn't have too strange ideas. They just spread it as a news showing brotherhood, not as a chrysanthemum news.

It can also be seen from the reactions of those people in the circle that Nian Fengyan's mask factory is really a mess.

Nian Fengyan himself knew better, so he was always worried that Liu Qing would not buy his factory without the hundreds of thousands of deposit.

Even if it was the last moment and the money hadn't arrived, he was still uneasy.

He knew he couldn't be too excited, but he couldn't control himself, and when he called Liu Qing, his voice trembled a little.

In the end, it was almost begging Liu Qing to come over quickly, go through the formalities, and transfer the money to his account.

Liu Qing changed into more formal clothes, and then let Ye Wanrong drive her to meet Nian Fengyan.

In the morning, the final procedures were done.

That mask factory was renamed Tianyuan Mask Factory, and its legal representative became Liu Qing, a factory wholly owned by Liu Qing.

These days Liu Qing has been in contact with Nian Fengyan a lot, and everyone often blows water in a group, thinking about taking advantage of others, a little bit embarrassed, and even suggested to Nian Fengyan whether we should become partners , Let Nian Fengyan retain a few percent of the shares.

Of course, the money should be paid less accordingly.

But this proposal was rejected by Nian Fengyan.

This is no way.

Liu Qing could only give up this idea.

——He proposed it, but it was rejected, so it was none of his business.

He also transferred the money to Nian Fengyan's account, and the business was handled at the bank counter.

From this moment on, Liu Qing is the boss of this mask factory.

With the money in the bag, Nian Fengyan finally calmed down and was no longer afraid to release his excitement. He shook Liu Qing's hand for a long time and said:

"Brother Qing, this transaction is finally completed, let me treat you to a big meal!"

Now he has two or three million yuan, full of confidence, and can treat guests without crowdfunding.

Liu Qing was also very excited at the moment, she had no intention of having a big meal with him, and said with a smile:

"Forget about eating, you can go to the mask factory with me first, and announce the news to the staff."

Nian Fengyan smiled and said, "No problem. After the announcement, let's go have dinner again."

They drove to the mask factory together again.

Arriving at the gate of the mask factory, Liu Qing said to the factory director who had received the notice and came to greet him:

"You called someone today, and changed the signboard of this mask factory. Our current mask factory is called Tianyuan Mask Factory, and our mask brand will also be called Tianyuan in the future."

He actually doesn't like the word "Tianyuan", but his goal in the future is to become the master of Tianyuan Group, so it is necessary to inject Tianyuan's blood into his factories.

The factory manager is obedient, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The so-called one emperor and one courtier, he was hired by Yan Fengyan. Now that the boss has changed, he doubts whether he can continue as the factory manager.

But he was just scaring himself.

Liu Qing didn't understand these things, and he also needed someone to manage the factory.

The efficiency of this factory is not good, but that is mainly because the market is too small, and Nian Fengyan invested a lot all of a sudden, not the factory manager's problem.

At least in terms of production and product control, the factory manager has done a very good job.

Nian Fengyan is quite satisfied with the factory director.

It is better to use the familiar than to use the raw, and the epidemic will break out in a few months. At this juncture, there is no need for Liu Qing to change his generals.

And he has no one in his pocket.

After Nian Fengyan announced in front of all the employees in the factory that Liu Qing had now officially become the owner of the mask factory, Liu Qing announced one thing in the attitude of the new boss—to increase the basic wages of all employees in the factory by one percent. thousand.

The basic salary used to be [-] a month, but now it is [-] a month.

Overtime wages are calculated strictly in accordance with the labor law, which is [-] times of the [-] times, twice of the double, and three times of the three times.

This decision frightened Nian Fengyan at the time:

"Brother Qing, what is he doing? Does he have a hidden identity, is he a poverty alleviation cadre?"

Chapter 104 The Overbearing Boss

Now there are only a dozen production workers left in the mask factory, and they can only get a basic salary for a month's work. There is not much work to do at all.

It's quite easy to be relaxed. I only work eight hours a day, five days a week.

But with 2000 yuan a month, life is tight, and I have to find other part-time jobs after get off work and on weekends to support my family.

Now Liu Qing directly increased their base salary to [-], which directly increased their income by half, of course they were happy.

Even more happily, Liu Qing also said that as long as they want to work overtime in the future, they can arrange overtime work for them by filling out a voluntary overtime work form.

——Maybe some young people will think this is unlikely, how can anyone be happy because they will have a lot of overtime in the future?Isn't it a fool to rejoice at being exploited by capitalists?

But the fact is that there are indeed many people in this world who are willing to work overtime, more overtime, and some even hold several jobs at the same time.

The reason is just one word - poor.

When people are poor, as long as they have the opportunity to earn money, it doesn't matter whether they work hard or not, whether they have dignity or not, and it doesn't matter whether they are exploited by capitalists or not.

Especially for a person who has a family and has to bear the burden of supporting the family, if he does not have the ability to earn a lot of money, he can only earn money by working harder.

Liu Qing herself is a person from the bottom, even in the property company, if the security guards are given one more day of rest than other colleagues, they will not be happy.

If they are arranged to rest on statutory holidays, they will be even more unhappy-because they have three times the overtime wages on those days.

The basic salary of [-], and the overtime salary should be calculated according to the base salary of [-], so their overtime salary will also increase by half.

If you have enough overtime hours, it's not difficult to earn six or seven thousand a month. Isn't that better than a part-time job?

When Liu Qing made this statement, the front-line employees immediately applauded enthusiastically.

The applause was much more enthusiastic than when Nian Fengyan announced that he was the new boss of the factory.

Liu Qing didn't feel bad about adding this money.

He knows how important these employees will be at critical moments.

He also thought about leaving these employees to continue working overtime during the Chinese New Year. At that time, every employee is a huge and precious asset.

This is true both for him personally and for the society.

Of course, he doesn't want these employees to be lost because of low wages, and he must find a way to keep them.

It's all small bucks.

In front of those workers, Liu Qing said to the factory manager:

"You don't have to worry about the masks being produced and cannot be sold. I have my channel. You can produce as much as you can, as long as you don't break the machine."

The factory manager was surprised and happy, but soon frowned again:

"However, the materials in our warehouse are only enough for one month's production. If we want to produce at full capacity, it will only be enough for half a month's production."

"Then buy materials! Give me dozens of times, hundreds of times to buy!" Liu Qing said arrogantly.

Nian Fengyan hadn't left yet, so he was stunned and said kindly, "Brother Qing, do you want to think about it again? The mask market may not be as big as you imagined. Hoarding too many materials is not a good thing."

——Anyway, now that the factory has been transferred out and the money has already been paid, he can persuade Liu Qing as a friend.

"It doesn't matter, I have international channels." Liu Qing said nonsense, "I want to make this mask factory the world's largest mask factory, and there are not enough production materials, so how can I produce?"

This statement is inexplicably familiar.

Nian Fengyan looked at Liu Qing, suddenly in a trance, thinking:

"This person has my demeanor back then!"

It's the same as when he first came out to start a business, the same arrogance, the same obsession, and the same ignorance.

For a while, I didn't know whether I should continue to persuade.

Although he knew that Liu Qing was going to take a wrong path, the bigger the investment, the bigger the mistake.

But he also had the moment when he had a dream in his heart. He knew that he had committed a crime at this time, and no one could persuade him.

If you persuade too much, you will even be regarded as a bad person who prevents you from becoming the king of masks.

That would hurt a little bit.

In the end, he decided to give up persuasion.

I thought to myself: "It's good to have dreams, and it's good to have the passion to pursue dreams. I don't need to disturb people's dreams. His family's assets are tens of billions, and he can afford the tuition."

The factory manager stammered and asked, "Boss, how much material do we need to buy?"

Liu Qing also doesn't know the price of the most critical production material, meltblown cloth. He only knows that the price of meltblown cloth has risen like a rocket after the outbreak.

Anyway, no matter what the price is, he can be sure of one thing, that is, he will definitely get rich if he hoards it.

Said: "Melt-blown cloth, buy me a 5000 million one."

Nian Fengyan and the factory manager were shocked.

They use medical grade BFE99 melt-blown non-woven fabrics to produce disposable anti-virus masks, and the price is about [-] tons.

Buy 5000 million yuan of medical BFE99 grade meltblown cloth, that is one thousand tons.

One ton of melt-blown cloth can produce about 100 million disposable anti-virus masks.

One thousand tons, that is the amount of one billion masks.

There is not such a big market in the world, right?

The factory manager said in fear: "Boss, we have no place to put so many melt-blown cloths."

Liu Qing pointed to the large open space in front, and boldly said to the factory manager:

"You don't have to worry about buying meltblown cloth and having no place to put it, and you don't have to worry about having no place to put the masks produced. These places will soon start construction and build warehouses. It's fine if I don't come in the mask industry. Now that I'm here, I must be number one in the world!"

He is a complete layman in this industry.

But he also knows that the biggest problem restricting the production of masks during the epidemic is insufficient raw materials.

After the epidemic, the price of melt-blown cloth required for the production of anti-virus masks has skyrocketed, which has also greatly increased the production cost of masks.

He had to stock up enough melt blown cloth in advance.

Otherwise, there are machines and workers, but no raw materials, so how to produce?

Originally, the global mask market is very small. Without such a large demand, it is naturally impossible to have a large supply.

But he believes that as long as he creates greater demand, there will be greater supply.

It is also a good thing for the country and the people to be able to increase the production of meltblown cloth before the outbreak of the epidemic for their own reasons.

He said to the factory manager very seriously:

"To be the world's number one mask factory is not a slogan for me. It is something that will start to operate immediately. If you can still contact the employees trained in the factory, please contact me and tell them , as long as they are willing to come back to work here, I welcome them to come, and I will give each of them a 1000 yuan fare subsidy. If they are not willing to come, then you should quickly recruit new employees for me and train them as soon as possible. "

"I said, don't worry about the sales, I'll take care of it. All you have to do is produce, produce, reproduce for me!"

Chapter 105

Nian Fengyan always thought that he was a prodigal son, and a prodigal son who had reached a certain level-serious, conscientious, devoted a lot of effort and sweat to prodigal.

But after hearing Liu Qing's declaration this time, he realized that he was not qualified to be a prodigal at all.

——He is the real prodigal!

I don't know how much the total investment will be. Just one meltblown cloth, he will stock up on 5000 million goods.

A mask is not just a melt-blown cloth, there are other materials.

There is still a lot of construction work to be done to build warehouses, more employees, and more machines.

None of this is a small expense.

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