Ye Wanrong shouted: "If the police don't come, no one can leave!"

In Liu Qing's eyes, she is a beautiful and sassy heroine.

He thought to himself: "I am a good bodyguard."

The elder brother hesitated for a moment, and said, "How much is the mobile phone? Can I lose money?"

Xu Huaisheng couldn't help but sneered and said, "Boss Liu's family assets are tens of billions, does he care about your little money?"

The elder brother's face was even more ugly.

Chapter 092

Ye Wanrong made a sudden move, and she was most grateful to Xu Huaisheng.

If everyone was afraid, he might have been detained by this group today.

That's not a matter of millions at all.

It is true that a few million can settle his brother's matter, and his family has already used the several million to settle it.

It's not like I haven't been cheated like this before. After repaying several million, another debt collector popped up and continued to collect debts with several million IOUs.

That is simply a bottomless pit.

He knew that their goal was to empty out all the money in his family.

How much money his brother owed, his brother didn't even know, he only knew that he had written a lot of IOUs.

Moreover, those IOUs are not usury IOUs, and the interest written on them is within the legal scope. If there is a lawsuit, the money needs to be repaid.

This group of people has no bottom line in doing things. They have harassed his parents and him before.

If it hadn't been specially explained to the property security to watch over, something might have happened.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen if he fell into the hands of these people.

Now someone finally made a move, knocked down their arrogance, and even called the police.

Of course he hoped that the police would come and clean up this group of people.

The police can't control people's legal debt collection, but they can still control troubles like this.

He was the last thing the group wanted to leave.

He didn't just say a few words, he held a bottle of beer with two hands and one hand, and stared at the big brother.

——I have endured you for a long time!

Those demolishers were frightened at the beginning, but after Ye Wanrong took action, they realized that this group of people was just a gang of mobs, and they immediately became more courageous.

All the men stood up, and several girls also stood up, carrying wine bottles in a similar manner.

This is often the case, when someone takes the lead, everyone becomes more courageous.

There wasn't a single one who showed up, and two or three gangsters dared to rob dozens or even hundreds of people.

Now, that group is a minority.

The elder brother was sweating profusely.

The police are coming, which is a scary thing.

And the person they offended turned out to be a rich second generation whose family assets are tens of billions, which is even more frightening.

A person with hundreds of millions of assets is just a rich person.

But a person with tens of billions of assets is definitely not just a purely rich person.

At that level, even if it is the most lowly, the resources that can be used are quite terrifying, and it is simply not something that lenders like them can handle.

No wonder there is such a beautiful and sassy female bodyguard by her side.

Ordinary rich people really can't afford this level of bodyguards.

He could only lower his head, and bowed to Liu Qing from a distance: "Boss Liu, I'm sorry, I offended you because I didn't know Taishan with my eyes. Please, my lord, have a lot of money, hold your hand high, and let us go. "

Being bowed and saluted by a big brother wearing a gold chain, Liu Qing was a little flustered.

But he didn't show it, and just said: "It's meaningless to say these things, we are all law-abiding citizens, let's wait for the police to come and deal with it."

He said to Ye Wanrong again: "Be careful, no one will leave."

Ye Wanrong smiled: "Boss, don't worry."

Her smile is full of confidence, which is the confidence brought by strength.

The elder brother said in a low voice: "Boss Liu, we were wrong, I accept the punishment and accept the punishment. I will accept any punishment you want, so you can call again and say that there is nothing wrong here, and the police force is also tense now. You don't have to bother the police comrades, okay?"

Liu Qing shook her head: "We are legal citizens, and we have no right to beat or punish people. Don't tell me that these things are gone, just wait for the police to come."

The eldest brother begged a few words, seeing that Liu Qing was unmoved, he had no choice but to wait here for the police to arrive.

If you can't beat him, if you want to leave but can't, don't you just have to call the police?

The first to come was not the police, but the security of the restaurant.

That group of people went in to make trouble first, and the waiters standing outside knew about it, but they didn't dare to stop this group of social people who had drunk, so they could only report to the manager, and then called the security guard.

When the manager came with the head of security and three or four security guards, those social people were already under control.

That is, some beer bottles were broken, and there was no big scene. The restaurant manager secretly rejoiced that the matter was not too big.

Although there were a few people from the society lying on the ground, there was no bleeding, and it wouldn't be a big deal after thinking about it.

The manager came over to understand the matter and wanted to mediate the conflicts between the guests, but he heard that everyone had already called the police, so there was nothing he could do.

Of course, the owner of the restaurant does not want the police to come, that will make consumers think that this place is not safe.

But the guests here reported to the police themselves, and they are not qualified to cancel the guests.

Especially these people don't look like people who are short of money, and there is no way to get a waiver to settle this matter.

You can only watch from the side to prevent more violent conflicts.

Xiaowen had already stopped recording on her phone, and played it back to make sure that what was captured on her phone was the scene of the other party rushing towards Ye Wanrong first, so she was relieved.

Even if it breaks someone, with this video, it can save a lot of responsibility.

Whether it was broken or not, she didn't know in her heart.

Anyway, seeing those people howling was quite miserable, it was even more terrifying than Liu Qing's broken bone back then, I guess it won't be so light.

After more than ten minutes, three police cars drove over, and the waiters of the restaurant hurriedly led them to this private room.

——If you can move faster, try to be as fast as possible, so as to make the bad influence smaller.

After the police came, seeing that there were no tragic scenes at the scene, I felt a lot more relieved.

No one wants vicious cases to appear under the rule.

As the caller, Liu Qing was the first to be questioned and explained what happened to him.

When he faced the police, he didn't have the condescending attitude of the rich second generation. He respected them very much and spoke politely.

At any rate, with the memories of two years later, Liu Qing knew that even a godly man with a net worth of hundreds of billions did not have the right to be arrogant in front of the country, and had to behave honestly.

In the face of public power, he must behave submissively.

This is the minimum standard for a businessman.

Although he was new to shopping malls and didn't understand anything in this circle, he understood this point better than those business leaders.

Because some of the latter who can't understand, even though they possess incredible energy, are still cured to the point of submission.

His attitude made those second-generation dismantlers admire, thinking: "Is this the quality of the rich and powerful's children?"

If they have some money of their own, they will inevitably expand.

Unexpectedly, the rich second generation with tens of billions of assets in his family would have such a respectful attitude towards the grassroots police, without any performance of asking for privileges, which is quite different from some urban legends they have heard.

It feels like I have been taught a lesson.

Chapter 093

All were taken to the institute for investigation.

Including the manager of the restaurant and the waiter in question also followed.

There were eyewitnesses at the scene, and the video taken by Xiao Wen proved that those people not only broke into that box, but also the one who attacked first, but their skills were not as good as others, and several of them were beaten by Ye Wanrong, a female bodyguard. Just overturned.

Those younger brothers all said there that they were seriously injured and felt very painful.

After Xiaowen stopped taking videos, Ye Wanrong gave each of those punks a few kicks.

Anyone who tried to get up or roll away was served by the tip of her shoe.

Several people were bruised and swollen, and they looked a little scary.

However, they were taken for medical examination and the results were only minor injuries, not enough for criminal cases.

The forensic doctor who did the injury said with emotion: "The person who did it is an expert. He knows the standards of forensic appraisal very well. He knows where to hit, where not to hit, and what kind of punch can be done at most. The force control is really powerful. Maybe a little more A little bit of force will result in a minor injury, it's too strong to grasp the measure!"

The video can testify that they were the ones who did it first, and they were beaten up, so they deserved it.

Originally, this kind of thing could be mediated. There are many things like drinking too much and making trouble. Generally, they don't cause serious consequences, and they will be mediated.

But Liu Qing did not accept mediation.

And Xu Huaisheng took this opportunity to talk about the gang's killing pigs for his brother, which aroused great interest from the police.

But the big brother didn't admit it. He only said that someone else asked them to collect the debt with the IOU, and was willing to give them 20.00% of the labor fee. That's why they accepted the business, and they didn't know what it was to kill pigs.

Moreover, they accepted the business only after confirming that the IOU was not a usury, which was a legitimate business.

——Debt collection companies themselves are not illegal, but many debt collection companies will do some less legal means.

Without conclusive evidence, the police could not catch them.

However, the police found a batch of controlled knives in their car.

This property is immediately different.

Now is the time to eradicate crime and evil. It doesn't matter if you bring a few people to collect debts. As long as you don't use illegal means, no one will care.

But now that controlled knives have been found, plus what they did in the seafood restaurant today, this is a proper underworld force, and it is simply giving people performance.

Those people were left behind and kept digging.

Liu Qing had nothing to do here. After finishing the transcript, he signed and left.

They were brought here by a police car, and their own car was still parked at the seafood restaurant, so they had to take a taxi back.

But they are in a better mood.

Encountering such unlucky things for no reason, but in the end nothing happened, and even sent the other party in, which made these young people feel that it was too worthwhile.

Especially Xu Huaisheng, he was very grateful to Liu Qing, and after he came out of the prison, he held his hand and thanked him again and again.

I also thanked Ye Wanrong again and again.

——But I didn't hold hands with others to thank them.

This small episode also made Liu Qing truly the leader of this small circle.

Originally they were just wine and meat friends, but after sharing weal and woe, they actually felt a little like brothers in the rivers and lakes.

There is also a karaoke bar near the seafood restaurant. Nian Fengyan also booked a big box there. Anyway, everyone is not an office worker and has plenty of time, so he went there directly.

In the karaoke hall, Liu Qing enjoyed the treatment like a star.

"Finally, I feel a little bit like a dude,"

he thought to himself.

To be a dandy, without a bunch of drinking and meat friends who brag about him, he can't be regarded as a qualified dandy.

Liu Qing felt that this was a good opportunity to promote her own anchor. Before singing, she said:

"Since everyone likes to sing so much, I invite everyone to sing K on Tuesday night. It just so happens that more than a dozen contracted anchors of our company are there that day, and we can also let them sing K with everyone."

After finishing speaking, he squeezed his eyes:

"They're all young and beautiful girls!"

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