Driving back, Mo Xiaodie suddenly asked Ye Wanrong on the way:

"Sister Wanrong, did you have any signs when you were pregnant?"

After saying this, Ye Wanrong shook her hands and almost lost her grip on the steering wheel.

Surprised: "Why are you asking this?"

Mo Xiaodie blushed and said, "It's nothing, I just want to know."

During the few days when Ye Mo came back, he had tried everything from the safe period to the unsafe period.

Originally, the reason at the beginning was to have a child, so of course it was impossible to take any measures.

Mo Xiaodie didn't know if she was pregnant or not.

In just a few days, she knew that the test could not detect anything.

But my heart is still very tangled, I want to know if I am pregnant or not.

I checked some things on the Internet, but the things I checked on the Internet are not necessarily correct.

That's why I couldn't help but ask a person like Ye Wanrong.

She felt that she could ask this question pretending to be purely curious, so that Ye Wanrong would not be misunderstood.

This is really because Ye Wanrong thinks too simple.

Recalling the reluctant scene when the two separated this time, Ye Wanrong made a bold assumption in her heart, and was taken aback.

Ask Mo Xiaodie straightforwardly: "You can't be, did that kind of relationship happen?"

Mo Xiaodie's face was flushed, and she covered her face with both hands, feeling that this time she was really ashamed to face others.

I wanted to deny it, but I also knew that my expression had betrayed me, so it was too late to deny it.

He could only nod his head shyly, and hummed.

"Did no measures be taken?" Ye Wanrong asked.

Mo Xiaodie said embarrassingly: "Originally, I wanted to have a child while I was still young,"

When Ye Wanrong heard that they wanted a child, she couldn't help becoming serious:

"Your body has that problem. Before making such a decision, did you ask the doctor's opinion?"

"I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said it's okay, just be careful." Mo Xiaodie answered truthfully.

If someone else asked such a question, she would not necessarily answer it.

But Ye Wanrong is Ye Mo's biological sister, this is related to the issue of future generations, so it must be explained clearly, and they cannot be misunderstood.

She also told Ye Wanrong what Ding Yun told her, the doctor's advice, and the results of her body tests.

Ye Wanrong heard this and nodded:

"What your godmother said is quite reasonable. If you want children, it's better to have children now. The older you are, the greater the risk. Your choice is correct."

With her affirmation, Mo Xiaodie felt relieved.

Ye Wanrong smiled again, and said: "It's good that you have finally come to this point. I have been procrastinating like that before, and I am worried for you."

Mo Xiaodie hummed, blushing and didn't know how to answer this question.

A very shameful thing.

Ye Wanrong knew that her face was tender, and said: "It's nothing, we've been in love for so long, it's normal to get to this point, and we haven't been cheated, how can we be so shameless?"

Thinking of the question Mo Xiaodie asked herself at the beginning, she said to her: "In the early stages of pregnancy, some people will respond, and some people will not respond. This is not accurate. You are only a few days old, even if you do, you will not There may be a reaction so soon. If you are worried about this, go to the hospital for an examination after a while, it will be more reassuring."

Mo Xiaodie hummed again, but she remembered it in her heart.

Chapter 038

2022 is a year of glory for Tianyuan Group.

In this year, Liu Qing's career and reputation have reached new heights.

During Double Eleven, his Tianyuan Best became the undisputed No. [-] in terms of live broadcast delivery, climbing to the top of the peak and seeing all the mountains and small ones at a glance.

More and better resources are accumulated in this company.

And it's not limited to the pox print platform, but has made great progress on several other live broadcast platforms.

The container company invested together with Xu Bo and Nian Fengyan is also thriving and has a bright future.

Kunpeng Real Estate, which jointly invested with Qi Ranran and others, revitalized those unfinished real estate projects. Although they have not made any money now, the housing market is rising and the future is promising.

Judging from the ultra-low prices they took over, the completion of those real estate projects can bring them high returns.

The mask factory is no longer good, and it can still be sold, most of which are exported, but the price has been brought down, and the sales volume has also been brought down.

The basic salary of the workers working in the mask factory has not changed, but the working hours have been reduced a lot, and the salary has also dropped to more than 4000.

Some workers could not accept such a gap and chose to resign, while some workers felt that they had earned enough money to return home for the elderly, so they also chose to resign.

But most workers still work there.

The salary is less, but the working hours are also much less.

Food and housing are included, and the standard is quite high. Under such circumstances, it is rare to be able to earn a salary of more than 4000 a month.

Especially in the current employment environment.

For this mask factory, Liu Qing no longer has any plans to make money from it, and it would be nice if she could maintain it and feed the workers.

He didn't ask for profit or anything this year, and if he didn't lose money, he won.

Now they have begun to seek transformation to do other things, because masks are getting harder and harder to make.

The main reason lies in Liu Qing herself, who came up with such an effective medicine, which almost solved all the troubles in the country, and the use of masks was naturally not that great.

If it weren't for the new additions from overseas, we wouldn't even need to wear a mask.

Under such circumstances, the mask business is of course becoming more and more difficult to do.

Transformation is also imperative.

They chose to make children's clothing, which can be displayed on the big stage of Tianyuan Optimal, so they don't have to worry too much about sales.

These companies belong to Liu Qing's private investment company and have nothing to do with Tianyuan Group.

However, except for the Tianyuan Mask Factory, which is wholly owned by him, he only holds a part of the shares.

Even if it is Tianyuan Media, he only accounts for 70.00% of the shares, Tianyuan Group owns 5.00%, and Qin Kun owns 20.00%.

These were all earned by Liu Qing relying on the [-] million funds that Ding Yun gave him, and now the value has exceeded [-] billion.

But compared with Tianyuan Group, this is a trivial matter.

The one that brought the biggest profit to Tianyuan Group this year was of course New World Biopharmaceutical Company.

Although Tianyuan Group only holds 30.00% of the shares, the dividends brought by this share to the company are quite considerable.

The effect is there, and more and more places choose to buy the drugs they produce, which can solve the troubles that have plagued them for so long in a short period of time.

By December of this year, more than 12 million boxes had been sold, and the sales revenue had reached more than 5 billion.

With medicine, many places dare to carry out comprehensive testing instead of testing by ordinary people themselves.

Then the detected results were quite astonishing, much higher than the previously announced figures.

Some originally only bought hundreds of thousands of boxes, but later increased the order to tens of millions of boxes.

——Being able to solve the problem once and for all, many places are still willing to make that determination.

The sales of more than 1000 billion yuan have brought hundreds of billions of profits to the company.

That's a pretty staggering number.

Part of these profits are used to continue to invest, and part of them is assigned to investors as dividends.

This year, the dividends brought by this company to Tianyuan Group alone reached more than 100 billion.

There are also tens of billions of money left in the account of New World Biopharmaceuticals, and this money is used for other drug research.

Relying on this medicine, you can enjoy a wave of dividends in two or three years, but after this problem is solved, this medicine will be useless.

Without research on new drugs, the pharmaceutical company would have to close its doors.

It takes a lot of money to research new drugs, and now they're getting that money with this drug.

The cost has already been recovered, and the rest is profit. If you use the money earned for research and development, you can afford to lose money.

It is a shame that such a large country does not have its own original drug company and can only produce generic drugs.

To stand up in this regard, there needs to be a leader.

New World Biopharmaceuticals is now playing the role of a leader.

To be able to play such a role, there are mainly four words - rich and willful.

This is throwing money at you.

And now the company has made some money.

Compared with those well-known multinational pharmaceutical groups, it is still a lot worse, but at least they have the qualifications for admission.

At the meeting of Tianyuan Group, Liu Qing proposed that the focus of Tianyuan Group in the future will be New World Biopharmaceuticals, and the goal is to develop original research drugs.

Tianyuan Group does not seek to go public, but New World Biopharmaceuticals will.

Developing original research medicine is an investment that burns money. It is not enough to rely on a few investors, and it cannot bear too many failures.

Just get financing from the capital market and use more money to do this.

It will be better if the health of one's own people is handled by one's own people.

Although the drug produced by New World Biopharmaceuticals has received a lot of attacks in the main international public opinion field, the behind-the-scenes people who launched the attack on them actually understand the effect of this drug.

It is precisely because of understanding that there will be such a powerful attack.

There are all kinds of anti-intellectual rumors.

The most outrageous thing is that the pill contains a chip that controls the human brain, so it cannot be eaten.

What's even more outrageous is that the most people believe this outrageous rumor.

But the truth cannot always be covered up. After all, the effect of this medicine is there, and there are more and more places where this medicine is used. As long as you want to know the truth, you can go and have a look.

More and more are attacking them, and more and more are supporting them.

As early as October, some multinational companies approached Liu Qing and wanted to do business with them.

Someone wants to buy out the exclusive overseas agency rights.

Someone wants to buy out the patent of this drug.

Of course Liu Qing would not agree.

A company approached Liu Qing and offered a price of 100 billion knives to buy out the patent of this drug.

But Liu Qing decisively refused.

Later, as the sales of this drug increased, another multinational group asked to buy out the formula patent at a price of 300 billion knives, and proposed a transaction method of part cash and part equity.

But it was still rejected by Liu Qing.

Money is very attractive, but if the patent falls into the hands of those people, no one can guarantee what will happen in the end.

If people can pay so much money to buy out the patent, they will use this patent to make more money.

It is even possible to deliberately keep that trouble in order to make more money, so that more patients can be derived and greater profits can be obtained.


Take 300 billion dollars to buy out patents, maybe what people want to earn is 3000 billion dollars.

Liu Qing also hopes to make more money, but he hopes that the future world will be a safe world, where everyone can travel with peace of mind, instead of trembling like now.

He felt that it was better to keep this kind of thing in his own hands.

This is also the reason for not wanting to sell the exclusive overseas agency rights to others.

He didn't even want to sell the exclusive agency rights in a certain country.

It's not that I don't want to let people represent, but I don't want to sell exclusive agents, I don't believe those capitalists, and think that those capitalists will do some dirty things in order to have more patients.

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