Looking back and looking at it again, I understand-the exaggerated curve is gone.

The current curves are very coordinated, but too coordinated, without the prominent feeling before.

It's not that small, it's actually above normal, at least C+, but it's completely different from what I saw yesterday.

He was still thinking yesterday, can he really play the game with such a big burden?

I'm afraid that if I exercise vigorously, I will feel pain when I shake it.

Now it seems that I think too much.

Obviously, what I saw yesterday was just an appearance, a fake.

The gravitational force and centrifugal force that people bear when playing games will not be much stronger than other players.

I didn't want to say it, but,

When choosing a bodyguard, Geng Xia was specifically told to choose a bigger one. This woman was selected because of her outstanding performance in this aspect, but it turned out to be a fake one.

He can't bear this grievance!

Even though he knew that this woman was a fierce fighter, he still couldn't hold back the cheated anger in his heart and questioned her.

Ye Wanrong understood, and said oh, a little embarrassed: "It's on the bed, I forgot to wear it."

Glancing at Liu Qing again, he asked with a smile, "How about I wear it now?"

"Is it interesting for you to cheat like this?" Liu Qing asked angrily.

Ye Wanrong glanced at him: "Mr. Liu, is it wrong for a girl to like to wear a bra with a lot of sponge filling?"

Liu Qing was speechless for a moment.

This seems to be okay.

He didn't say that he was very big, and he didn't specify that there was such a condition when he hired bodyguards.

Although I knew it was a fraud, but I really couldn't find a reason to refute it.

The mood is even more depressed.

Ye Wanrong tentatively asked: "How about I go to Long?"

Liu Qing said depressedly: "What's the point of cheating? I hate cheaters the most!"

Ye Wanrong smiled and said: "That's fine, I won't wear the one filled with so many sponges in the future, so as not to annoy you, boss."

Liu Qing snorted, turned her head and left, expressing her dislike for this woman.

If she hadn't been sent by Ding Yun, she would have to pack up and leave today.

It's just too bullying!

He was also embarrassed to tell Ding Yun that this woman had fake breasts and asked to be fired.

More importantly, Ding Yun has already made it clear to him that this woman still has the task of supervising him. Under such circumstances, he also asked for a replacement, which may destroy the trust between mother and child.

Not for anything else, just for the tens of billions of assets, he can only endure it.

It's just standing there in one breath, very uncomfortable.

When eating breakfast, his face was not very good-looking.

Xiaowen didn't know what happened to him, so she asked him curiously, "Did you remember who owed you money?"

Liu Qing shook her head: "It doesn't exist, there is no one in the world who can borrow money from me."

"Then why are you holding your face?" Xiao Wen said, "I thought someone owed you hundreds of dollars and didn't pay it back."

Liu Qing picked up a box of soy milk and took a sip, then said depressingly, "Meet fake milk."

"Fake milk?" Xiaowen was taken aback, "Which brand is it? Tell me quickly, I'll throw it away! You can't drink that!"

"Of course you can't drink it." When Liu Qing said this, she glanced at Ye Wanrong and said, "The sponge content is too high!"

"Isn't it?" Xiaowen was even more surprised, "Do you still need to put sponge in the milk now?"

Ye Wanrong had been looking at Liu Qingnao with a smile all the time, and now she couldn't help but say, "It's not the cow's milk, he probably meant me."

Only then did Xiaowen notice Ye Wanrong, and she was taken aback.

This change is too big.

He looked at Ye Wanrong, then looked down at himself, and found sadly that he was still a younger brother.

But it can be regarded as understanding why Liu Qing is unhappy.

On a rare weekend, after breakfast, Xiaowen lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone.

This is the first weekend she really spent after leaving campus. She doesn't have to go to work, and she can play whatever she wants.

Liu Qing was not in a good mood, and had no intention of going out to play, so she just lay in her bedroom and watched short videos of contracted anchors of her company.

When watching these videos, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind:

"It should be pretty good for this woman surnamed Ye to be the anchor. You don't need to use beauty to be beautiful."

But after thinking about Ye Wanrong's salary, and then thinking about the salary of the dozen or so contracted anchors in his company, I think this possibility is unlikely.

Unless you can train someone to become a big internet celebrity, no one can earn as much as a bodyguard.

After watching the short video for more than an hour, I went to the refrigerator in the dining room to get a drink, passed by the living room, and found Ye Wanrong sitting in the living room reading a thick book, which felt a bit strange.

Nowadays, there are very few young people who can calm down and read books.

Seeing him coming out, Ye Wanrong raised her head, smiled and nodded to him as a greeting.

His attitude was quite good, so Liu Qing was too embarrassed to continue to put on a straight face, and asked, "What book are you reading?"

Ye Wanrong closed the book and showed him the cover:

""Complete Book of Disability Identification and Compensation Regulations", a book I brought here myself."

Liu Qing was taken aback: "You actually read this kind of book?"

Ye Wanrong smiled and said: "Business needs. If you are a bodyguard, you may even beat people with your hands. If you understand this, you will be less fooled in the future."

Liu Qing saw that this book was quite old, and she didn't know how many times she had read it.

On the contrary, he admired it a little: "You can see this kind of thing, it's quite amazing."

Ye Wanrong said: "I have read this book for two or three years, but I still take it out and read it from time to time, for fear that I will forget it."

"Do all your bodyguards have to learn this?" Liu Qing was curious.

"That's not true," Ye Wanrong smiled, "It's just me. Sometimes I get a little irritable, and my shots are a little harder. I'm afraid I will accidentally get into trouble, so I take a look at it every day. It's also a reminder. For yourself, think more about the consequences when you do it."

As he said that, he suddenly sighed, and he didn't know what he remembered.

He restrained his expression, squinted at Liu Qing, and said with a smile:

"Why, are you not angry with me?"

Liu Qing said embarrassingly: "Why are you so angry? That is, at first, I felt that I was being fooled, and it was just a bit hard to get through, not to the point of being angry."

If such a thing has to be brooding, then he would have been pissed off when he was a security guard.

Anyway, the fact that this woman is his bodyguard can't be changed in a short time, so he can only get used to it.

Ye Wanrong said comfortingly: "That's good. I was thinking that if you were still angry at noon today, then I would have to wear stockings to show you."

"Actually," Liu Qing looked at her and said sincerely, "To be honest, I still feel a little angry in my heart. By the way, what color is it?"

Chapter 085 Touring the Factory

At noon, Xiaowen went to the supermarket downstairs and bought two boxes of beef, both of which were half a catty.

Put one piece in the refrigerator, and the other piece is made at noon.

This is specially made for Ye Wanrong.

While eating, she found that Ye Wanrong, who was originally wearing jeans, had changed into a skirt and black silk high heels.

Immediately depressed:

"Sister Rong, you are already so tall, and you still wear high heels, do you still let people live? I dare not go out with you like this."

Liu Qing couldn't help criticizing her: "Why are you interfering with other people's freedom to dress?"

Ye Wanrong glanced at Liu Qing, and comforted Xiaowen with a smile:

"It's okay, I'll wear it like this at home, I won't wear it when I go out."

"Why?" Xiaowen was curious, "Are you afraid that you will provoke perverts if you dress too sexy?"

"It's not the reason," Ye Wanrong shook her head, "It's mainly because wearing high heels makes it difficult to fight, and it's also inconvenient to drive."

She is a bodyguard and driver, and she understands her own job quite well.

That afternoon, after tidying up the dishes, Xiaowen began to clean up the house, mopping the floor and cleaning the windows, and doing a big cleaning.

I usually have to go to work, that is, to clean the floor, and only on weekends do I have this time for general cleaning.

Once a week is enough.

She moved her hands a few times, Ye Wanrong changed out of her high heels and started doing it together with her.

Seeing Liu Qing slumped on the sofa playing with her mobile phone like an old man, she couldn't help but said: "Master, you are tall, can you put down your beloved mobile phone first and wipe the window glass?"

Liu Qing put down the phone helplessly, and sighed: "I don't even have the right to exploit people, what kind of capitalist am I?"

I also want to cultivate the elegant habits of capitalists, but it seems that it will not work.

But there are three people in the family, and two of them are working, so it is indeed a little awkward for him to sit there alone.

Now that everyone is screaming, naturally they are too embarrassed to continue to play dead, so they can only use a glass cleaning tool to clean the glass.

But I have a good impression of Ye Wanrong in my heart:

"At least this woman is not lazy. It's not her job to do housework. It's not bad that she is willing to do it."

Ye Wanrong also had a good impression of Liu Qing in her heart:

"People are a bit useless, but they can scream, at least they have a bottom line. They are still different from those dudes, and they are not as annoying as the nouveau riche."

It would take an afternoon for Xiaowen to do it alone, but it didn't take long for the three of them to do it together.

The housework was done on the first day of the weekend, and nothing happened the next day. When Xiao Wen heard that Ye Wanrong drove a Mercedes, she enthusiastically proposed that Ye Wanrong take her and Liu Qing for a ride.

——Growing so big, that is to say, I have seen Daben, but I have never sat on it, but it is not enough to get addicted.

Liu Qing actually had that thought on the first day, but he wanted to maintain the reserve of a billionaire, so he didn't say anything.

Xiaowen made this request, and Ye Wanrong came to ask his opinion again, and he agreed very reservedly, saying:

"In that case, let's go out for a drive."

There was even an idea in my heart - if I could meet Huo Zhenzhen while driving out for a drive, then park the car not far from her and get out of the car.

He has already thought about the shape of getting off the car, and among other things, that Rolex watch must be exposed.

Be sure to let that woman see his current luxury watches and cars, plus the configuration of bodyguards and maids.

Let that woman regret it!

It's a pity that after walking around Pengcheng for an hour or two, his eyes hurt from looking around, and he didn't find any trace of the enemy.

It was quite depressing.

I thought to myself: "One day when she is off work, go to her company and block her, then one block at a time will be sure."

Then he denied it: "This is too deliberate, and people can see through it. I am the one who is ashamed."

On the way for a drive, Ye Wanrong stopped at a store selling fitness equipment, and bought some more equipment for strength training, which she spent herself.

Liu Qing looked at the specifications and confirmed one thing. This female bodyguard is not weak, but she is not particularly big either. She is probably bigger than him.

If he does strength training, it shouldn't take long for him to surpass the opponent's strength.

After all, Ye Wanrong's physique is there. With such a height and such a weight, it is doomed that the upper limit of her strength will not be too high.

After entering a store and having lunch, Xiaowen proposed whether to drive to the seaside for a drive. Liu Qing originally wanted to agree, but after a second thought, she said, "Let's go next weekend. I'll take you to my factory today to have a look." look."

The mask factory is the top priority of his future career. After signing the acquisition agreement, he has not been there for a few days. This time he has his own car, so he just went to have a look.

Ye Wanrong froze for a moment: "You still have a factory?"

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