She thought for a long time, and typed a line:

"Ye Mo, don't get me wrong, I appreciate you very much, I regard you as my best friend, and I have no other thoughts."

I was going to send it out, but after thinking about it, I deleted it again.

I feel that since others have already discovered it, it would be boring to deny it, and it would appear that I am a fake person.

So rewrite:

"I admit that I like you, but my liking is not the kind of liking that must be with you, but the kind of liking that does not need to be reciprocated. Don't worry, I won't cause trouble to your emotional life. You can I already feel very happy to be friends with you, I know I'm not good enough for you, and I won't think otherwise."

Read it again and deleted it.

I feel like I'm putting myself too lowly.

Although he is indeed so humble, but sending it out seems to have a sense of moral kidnapping, which will confuse Ye Mo.

It's better to delete it.

I just wrote one paragraph and deleted one paragraph, and wrote it over and over again dozens of times, admitting and denying it, but in the end I still didn't send out a single word.

It's just that during this process, thinking that I might not have any friends to do in the future, I feel very sad, and my eyes are red.

Her inner world has been colored by the appearance of this young man.

Without this young man, her world would return to its former desolation.

She didn't even know how to live.

Maybe she can live like before meeting Ye Mo, living for the sake of living, but without love for this world, there will be no happiness in her heart.

Living like that is not much different from being dead.

After thinking about it, a tear fell and fell onto the screen of the mobile phone.

Ye Mo had an hour of high-intensity training in the training ground. After finishing the training, he went to the shower room to take a shower, changed into a set of clean clothes, and prepared to go to bed.

During training, I always feel a little absent-minded, and it is still related to Mo Xiaodie's answer.

I was supposed to train for a longer period of time, but because of my poor condition, I only trained for an hour.

Before going to bed, take out your phone and charge it.

Habitually turned on the phone again, clicked on WeChat, and clicked on the chat page with Mo Xiaodie.

Then I saw such a line of prompts - "The other party is typing,"

I thought to myself: "What a coincidence, we opened WeChat at the same time."

He didn't expect that the girl on the opposite side hadn't logged out from the WeChat page, and had been typing and deleting.

He sent a WeChat message:

"It's so late, are you still awake?"

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Mo Xiaodie was usually asleep at this time, so he asked such a question.

Mo Xiaodie was typing his farewell text tenderly, thinking that the two of them didn't even have to be friends.

When she received such a message suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, thinking to herself:

"What does that mean? Is it caring about me?"

Replied: "I can't sleep, I want to chat with you."

Ye Mo: "Why can't I sleep?"

Seeing this news, Mo Xiaodie felt a little wronged in her heart, thinking: "Isn't it because of you that I can't sleep?"

Reply: "I'm thinking, if, I mean, if, if I really like you, and it's a kind of liking that surpasses that between friends, can we still be friends in the future?"

Ye Mo asked: "Are you talking about the kind of liking between boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Mo Xiaodie hesitated for a long time, but still typed out a word and sent it: "Yes."

"Then let's be boyfriend and girlfriend." Ye Mo replied.

Chapter 019 This should be love, right?

"Then let's be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Seeing the sentence sent by Ye Mo, Mo Xiaodie froze there, not knowing what it meant for a while, wondering if there was a problem with her comprehension ability.

The words she said to Ye Mo before had exhausted all her courage.

After struggling for so long, she finally chose to tell Ye Mo that she really liked him.

Originally, she didn't want to talk about it, but the entanglement of writing and deleting on the screen for more than an hour made her feel painful.

Half of the paper on the window has been pierced, no matter how you try to cover it up, it will never go back to the original place.

Instead of this, it is better to explain clearly.

In the future, if you can't be friends in reality, then silently pay attention to him in the online world.

Just like the rest of his fans.

Give yourself a clear position, and stop having unrealistic delusions, maybe it is better for her and can make her more relaxed.

So, at the end, she finally admitted her thoughts on Ye Mo.

--I like you.

——And, it is the kind of love that wants to spend a lifetime with you.

Saying such words, I have already prepared in my heart that the two of them will not be friends in the future.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo actually replied:

"Then let's be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Based on her understanding of Chinese, this sentence should mean that Ye Mo agrees to be her boyfriend and girlfriend.

But she wondered if there was something wrong with her comprehension.

How could Ye Mo say such a thing?

She has participated in many charity events with Ye Mo, and she has seen how madly Ye Mo's female fans are infatuated with him, and there are many beautiful girls among them.

Compared with those girls, she has no competitiveness at all.

However, Ye Mo didn't have any mood swings towards those girls, and sometimes even looked a little disgusted.

There are also some beautiful female anchors under Tianyuan Media, and there are quite a few who gave Ye Mo a glance, and Ye Mo did not respond.

Mo Xiaodie really doesn't believe that there is anything about herself that Ye Molai likes.

If you don't like her, then there is no reason to accept her as boyfriend and girlfriend.

——Isn’t it because he thinks I’m pitiful, that’s why he agrees?

This thought flashed across Mo Xiaodie again.

If so, it would be a shame.

Relying on pity to let someone else be your boyfriend feels like an emotional beggar.

She thinks of herself very humble, but not so humble.

But after thinking about Ye Mo's usual behavior, he doesn't seem like a guy who just wants to be someone's boyfriend just to pity anyone.

To be pitiful, his female fans are even more pitiful. Seeing him, they were shouting and shouting like crazy, some were crying madly while tears filled their eyes, but they couldn't get Ye Mo's response. .

Not only did they not respond, Ye Mo also used the money he earned from them to hire security guards to deal with them.

Poor old.

To women, Ye Mo has always been quite hard-hearted, sometimes Mo Xiaodie would feel that the word love may not exist in this young man's life dictionary.

He shouldn't agree to be her boyfriend just to pity her.

Then there is only one possibility left - a typo!

Ye Mo is a martial artist, and his writing ability is not strong, which is normal.

Maybe he was thinking of something else, but because of his poor writing ability, he made such a misleading reply.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaodie carefully typed a sentence and sent it:

"What do you mean by that?"

After a while, Ye Mo sent a message:

"You like me, and I like you too. I think we can be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Mo Xiaodie was dumbfounded and turned into a dumbfounded, asking:

"you like me?"

Instead of joy, she was plunged into great doubt.

She doubted the veracity of this answer.

"It seems like this," Ye Mo answered her, "I like listening to your singing, watching your singing, and chatting with you, and I also thought about what it would be like if we lived together in the future. I found that I also yearn for that kind of life, this should be like it?"

Ye Mo didn't realize this problem before, but just thought it would be easier to chat with Mo Xiaodie, and also hoped to share some things in his life with her, including his own feelings.

At that time, I didn't think about whether I liked this girl, but I just got used to getting along like this, and thought it was pretty good.

That is, today, when his parents mentioned this topic, he thought about it, and even thought about what it would be like if two people lived together.

Then I found out that it seems to be pretty good.

If he had to find a woman to live with him, he felt that there was no better choice than Mo Xiaodie.

He can communicate with Mo Xiaodie easily and naturally, but that's not okay when facing other women, he will be nervous.

He also worried about whether other women would act like the girlfriends of classmates or teammates he had seen before.

He doesn't have the energy to serve a girl like that.

But Mo Xiaodie wouldn't look like that.

Getting along with Mo Xiaodie will not be stressful.

Moreover, when he knew Mo Xiaodie, he thought she was a very kind girl.

This impression was deeply engraved in his heart.

It was also thinking of these that he asked Mo Xiaodie if he liked him.

When Mo Xiaodie denied it, she was quite disappointed.

It was precisely because of this loss that he felt like he liked this girl.

And not in general likes.

After seeing what Mo Xiaodie asked him, I felt that this girl really liked him.

Since they both like each other, he thinks, let's be boyfriend and girlfriend.

This is undoubtedly better.

At least you can stop your parents' mouths, so that you don't have to ask him if he's looking for a partner every time you see him, and introduce him to someone.

In this regard, Ye Mo is a straightforward person and doesn't want to drag his feet.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, if you like it, you are together.

Nor would he try to hide his emotions.

Just said it directly.

Seeing his explanation, Mo Xiaodie was sure, the boy on the opposite side did not make a mistake, he was indeed saying that two people can be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Moreover, the boy liked her.

All of a sudden, I was hit by great happiness.

Then he became ashamed again:

"But, I'm not good enough for you."

Ye Mo: "We are all equal, what's wrong with us?"

Mo Xiaodie: "I'm sick."

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