I chat on WeChat every day, and the content of the chat is getting more and more.

This year, Mo Xiaodie and Ye Mo participated in several large-scale charity events organized by the Tianyuan Charity Foundation, and Ye Mo even invited her to dinner alone.

According to Ye Wanrong, Ye Mo has never done this to other girls in his life, she can be regarded as the only one.

Sometimes Mo Xiaodie would like to ask Ye Mo what kind of existence she is in his mind.

However, she dared not ask.

I'm afraid that if I ask everyone, I don't even have to be friends.

Now that she is like this, she can chat on WeChat every day, and occasionally meet in reality, she thinks it is already very good.

She knew that she liked Ye Mo, but she didn't dare to expect to be with Ye Mo, and she positioned herself as a fan girl who was unrequitedly in love.

That boy was her male god and her idol, but he couldn't become her lover.

She felt she was unworthy.

She knew that Ye Wanrong liked her very much, and wanted to match her with Ye Mo. She was very grateful, but she still felt that she was not worthy of Ye Mo, nor Ye Wanrong's kindness.

Every time I want to bring up this topic with her at night, she always transfers it to other topics.

Ye Wanrong felt a little regretful, but she could only comfort herself like this: "They are still very young, don't worry, take your time."

This time Ye Tingting celebrated her birthday, and Ye Mo's parents also came over.

On the 10th, Ye Wanrong called Mo Xiaodie:

"My parents are here today, and they have prepared delicious food tonight, do you want to come over for dinner too?"

The two are very close, it takes only a few minutes to drive there, and it doesn't take long to walk.

Mo Xiaodie was flustered and immediately refused: "I still want to broadcast live, I don't have time to ask for leave."

She knew what Ye Wanrong meant, and precisely because she knew what Ye Wanrong meant, she dared not face it.

However, after refusing, there were some regrets.

—Maybe this is an opportunity?

It's not that she doesn't want to be with Ye Mo, it's just that she doesn't deserve it, and she's afraid that confessing to Ye Mo will make everyone lose their friends, and even lose the chance to meet in reality.

She couldn't bear the consequences of that.

If you can really be with Ye Mo,

Then of course she will be very happy.

Even if there is only one day, she will be very happy and feel that this life is worthwhile.

Being able to be together for a lifetime is God's favor for her.

Every day of that life, to her, is heaven.

After nine o'clock in the evening, I came back from a walk with Ding Yun, and after taking a shower, I chatted with Ye Mo on WeChat, talked about Ye Tingting's birthday, and said that his parents had already come, and asked Ye Mo:

"Your parents are here today, have you gone to see them?"

Ye Mo: "I'm not free today. I just finished a match yesterday. I'm still on my way back from other places. I'll be there tomorrow."

Mo Xiaodie sent an "oh" and asked again:

"When are you going there tomorrow?"

"Take a nap and exercise for another two or three hours in the morning. I'll probably have dinner at noon." Ye Mo replied.

Mo Xiaodie: "Are you going back to your boxing gym for training after dinner?"

Ye Mo sent a crying emoji:

"My parents came here with great difficulty. I left after eating. That's too shameful. I'd better spend more time with them. I won't go to training in the afternoon. I will take two days off for myself and spend time with my parents. Spend this birthday with Tingting."

Mo Xiaodie: "Oh."

I thought to myself: "He is coming tomorrow, if Miss Wanrong calls me tomorrow, I will go there."

Then there was some worry: "Miss Wanrong asked me to go over today, but if I didn't go over, will she be upset? If I don't make this call tomorrow, then I will run over by myself. It seems very shameless."

Thinking about it this way, I have some regrets.

She is naturally thin-skinned, so she ran to Liu Qing's house for no reason, just to see Ye Mo, she really couldn't do it.

Thinking again: "The day after tomorrow is Tingting's birthday, I'd better go there the day after tomorrow, and give Tingting a gift to celebrate her birthday. This reason is very legitimate."

Thinking about it this way made me feel more at ease.

Although I missed tomorrow, but I have an excuse to pass the day after tomorrow, that's fine.

Just thinking about it, Ye Mo sent a message:

"Do you have time tomorrow?"

Mo Xiaodie was stunned for a moment, a feeling of joy rose, and she quickly replied: "Yes, I have a lot of time now."

Ye Mo: "Then come over tomorrow. My parents have mentioned you to me, saying that you sing very well. I want to meet you."

Ye Mo's parents did mention Mo Xiaodie to Ye Mo, and they also wanted to know what their relationship was, and why they kept calling Huazi to that female anchor.

His answer, of course, was friendship, and he said that he just likes to listen to Mo Xiaodie sing, and then he also felt that this girl is not easy, so he helped her.

It was indeed his parents who asked to see Mo Xiaodie, and they mentioned it a few times, asking Ye Mo if he could bring the female anchor there for them to have a look when he came home.

The reason is what Ye Mo said, he likes to listen to her songs, and wants to meet and chat with her in reality.

——When Ye Tingting served the full moon wine, Ye Mo's parents met Mo Xiaodie, but at that time they didn't know what relationship this girl had with their son, so they didn't communicate with each other.

Now naturally I want to have an in-depth exchange in reality to find out what kind of person I am.

However, Ye Mo interpreted his parents' request as fans' desire to meet idols, and felt that he should help his parents realize their wishes, so he raised it to Mo Xiaodie in the chat.

If he knew that his parents wanted to meet with the intention of assessing their daughter-in-law, he would definitely not make such a request.

That's so offensive.

Ye Mo's invitation made Mo Xiaodie stunned, as she suspected that she was hallucinating.

After reading it several times, I didn’t recognize the typo, so I replied:

"Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow."

After finishing the chat, she browsed the chat records of the two of them again, browsing over and over again, always a little unbelievable.

Then I thought: "It's probably just the literal meaning. It's not as complicated as I thought. They just like to listen to my songs and just want to meet me. I can't be sentimental."

Even though I thought so, my heart was still unavoidably excited, and it took a long time before I fell asleep.

The next day, while having breakfast, Ding Yun said to her:

"Xiaodie, if you have nothing to do today, come with me to Liu Qing's house. Tomorrow is Tingting's birthday. Her grandparents will be here, and her uncle will be here today. You should also go to join in the fun. After all, it is the child's For birthdays, it would be better if there are more people.”

Mo Xiaodie was still worried about how to tell Ding Yun that she would go with her too. Hearing these words, she felt secretly happy, nodded and said:


In fact, every time Ye Mo came to Liu Qing's house, Ding Yun would call Mo Xiaodie over.

I didn't know it at first, but when I arrived at Liu Qing's house and found Ye Mo there, I would also call Mo Xiaodie and ask her to come over for dinner.

Mo Xiaodie likes Ye Mo, she thought that she hid that emotion well, but everyone in this big family can see it.

The girl looked at the boy's eyes, and she couldn't hide her tenderness no matter how hard she tried.

After breakfast and tidying up, Mo Xiaodie and Ding Yun set off in the Rolls Royce driven by Geng Xia to Liu Qing's house.

It was Saturday, Liu Qing and Su Qi didn't go to work, so they stayed at home with the guests.

When Mo Xiaodie followed Ding Yun, Ye's parents recognized this female anchor who sang very well.

Mother Ye stood up and said with a smile, "You are that Xiaodie who can sing very well, right?"

Mo Xiaodie blushed and nodded: "Yes, Auntie, I am Mo Xiaodie."

Ding Yun smiled and said, "Xiaodie really sings very well. She is a very kind girl. She is my goddaughter, and she will live with me now."

Chapter 016

Ding Yun's "Goddaughter" made everyone stunned for a moment.

Although she said several times that it would be great if Mo Xiaodie was her daughter, but that was just talking, and she never said that she would recognize Mo Xiaodie as her goddaughter.

He didn't say that to Mo Xiaodie, nor did he say that to anyone.

Now everyone is a little surprised when they hear it.

Including Mo Xiaodie.

Mo Xiaodie knew that Ding Yun was kind to her, but she never thought that there would be such a day when she would announce that she was her goddaughter in front of others.

Where is Ding Yun's identity? He is the chairman of Tianyuan Group, with a net worth of tens of billions.

It is definitely an honor for such a person to recognize her as a goddaughter.

Although she still felt that she was not worthy of such an identity, Ding Yun said it in front of such people. If she refused, then she really didn't know what to do.

Suddenly want to cry.

She is a poor child, an orphan who is not wanted, but at this time, she feels that she is happy.

In this world, there are still many people who care about her.

Some people also treat her like a daughter.

The eye sockets were a little wet, but in front of so many people, it was hard to say anything, but she just rubbed her body next to Ding Yun with a smile, expressing her intimacy like a kitten.

Mo Xiaodie herself doesn't really understand what Ding Yun's "goddaughter" means.

However, some people who are bystanders understand.

Ye Wanrong's eye sockets were a little moist, and a smile appeared on her face, thinking to herself: "This girl has always had low self-esteem and feels that she is not good enough for my brother. The old lady recognizes her as a goddaughter, so she should be more confident. ?”

Ding Yun has always been very kind to her, but she is somewhat wary of Ding Yun, and there is also some faint fear.

I always feel that this old lady is too scheming and not a good person to get along with.

After learning about what happened to Liu Qing back then, I felt that she was a selfish, ruthless and ruthless woman.

But at this moment, I felt some warmth from this selfish woman.

The ones who were most shocked were Ye Wanrong's parents.

They knew that this girl had a good relationship with their son Ye Mo, and could even be said to be the only girl who could chat with Ye Mo.

In their cognition, this girl is his son's favorite person.

However, for this girl, they have some resistance in their hearts, thinking that this girl is not worthy of their son.

He has an incurable disease, is not very beautiful, and is not tall, and he is an orphan whose father died and his mother married.

Although she is a female anchor with many fans, her earning ability is not strong, much worse than their son. https://

It's not that this girl is so bad, in fact, they also think that this girl is already quite good, but compared with their son, there is still a big gap.

But now, hearing Ding Yun's introduction as a "goddaughter", she immediately feels that this gap seems to have been erased.

The goddaughter of a rich woman worth tens of billions is worthy of their son.

It can even be said that their son Gao Pan.

They didn't expect that this was the first time Mo Xiaodie was called a goddaughter by Ding Yun, and they didn't doubt Ding Yun's statement.

Because according to what they knew, Mo Xiaodie had already lived with Ding Yun before Chinese New Year.

At that time, they misunderstood that Mo Xiaodie was Liu Qing's woman, but they were a little surprised why they lived with Ding Yun.

Thinking about it now, isn't this the proof that Ding Yun regards Mo Xiaodie as her daughter?

A thought flashed in Mother Ye's mind:

"Wanrong knows that this girl has such a disease, and she still wants to get Xiao Mo to be with this girl. Is this the reason? Knowing that she is the goddaughter of this rich woman, that's why she let Xiao Mo be with her."

Father Ye also thought in his heart: "This girl is ugly and has such a disease. Is it because my son wants to be with her because she is this woman's goddaughter? I want to hold this A few years less struggle for the door relationship?"

Then there are some feelings of grief and indignation:

"My daughter worships money, when did my son become so money-worshiping?"

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