"I'm not reconciled to being silent like this. I want to make some careers. I want people in this world to know my existence."

"So, I need a legal identity, and I also want to make some career out of it. I want to be a woman who stands among thousands of people and enjoys the glory."

"This woman is quite ambitious." Liu Qing thought to herself.

If it was him, with billions in his hands, became a red wanted criminal, and went abroad, he must be enjoying life, wishing that people all over the world would forget who he is.

Professionalism, to hell.

He's not that ambitious.

Then he said: "Given your previous deeds, I really don't believe it. Then tell me carefully, how did you discover that special medicine? Who made the special medicine? Are you sure he has the will? Do you want to cooperate with me? There are so many pharmaceutical groups in foreign countries, and their strength is stronger. He has such good things, why not cooperate with them?"

"The person who developed the special medicine doesn't trust the West. Their hometown has been bombed by the West. He doesn't want to take advantage of the West." Qi Ranran first answered Liu Qing's last question.

Then he said:

"He is a scientist who has his own independent laboratory. He found a certain substance that can inhibit the virus by accident. He made some of that thing to treat people who have been infected with the virus in his hometown. , the effect is quite good."

"But this medicine is not produced on a large scale. If it is only made in the laboratory, the cost will be too high. He made some in the laboratory himself and spent all the money."

"He really wants to produce this medicine on a large scale, but he doesn't have that kind of economic strength, and his country is still in chaos. He doesn't have that kind of economic strength to help him produce this kind of medicine, nor does he have that kind of military Strength to protect his factory."

"So, he hopes to find a country that is capable of fighting the Western bloc and is friendly to them to do this project."

"And Huaxia is his first choice."

"I happened to be traveling there at that time. I was a Chinese, and I spent a lot of money. He thought that I should be a rich man in China, and I should know a lot of rich people, so he approached me and hoped that I could invest in it. His project, or introduce a capable person to invest in his project."

"I didn't believe it at first, but I still gave him thousands of dollars with the mentality of trying it out, and asked him to make such a drug to treat virus patients. It turned out to be really effective. Later, I gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars. , I didn’t believe that he really had a special medicine until I saw that he cured hundreds of patients infected with the virus.”

"That's why I thought of asking you to invest in this project."

This is Qi Ranran's answer.

Liu Qing didn't know if what she said was true, but it sounded like that.

Scientists in a war-torn country have discovered a special drug that can restrain the virus, which sounds a bit outrageous.

But this kind of thing is not easy to say.

As luck would have it, finding such a substance wasn't all that surprising.

Many drugs are discovered by accident.

It can only be said that people are really lucky to have discovered this kind of medicine that can change the situation of the world.

There is hatred with the West, and it is reasonable to be unwilling to give this great achievement to the West cheaply.

There are quite a lot of people with such a strong sense of family and country, and not all of them regard money as the most important thing.

It sounds absurd that one's own country does not have the ability to invest.

But Liu Qing has a certain understanding of medical investment, and knows that it is too expensive.

Don't say anything else, just a clinical trial that can meet the marketing standards is not something that ordinary countries can afford.

Moreover, it's the same sentence - if it can be produced, it may not be able to keep it.

It is very dangerous for a country without the ability to protect itself to obtain such an important thing.

If people can find a reason to bomb you once, they can find a reason to bomb you a hundred times.

If you don't want to cooperate with the West, but also want to get a huge amount of money to invest in the production of this drug, in this case, there are really not many partners to choose from.

Huaxia is obviously the best choice.

"What request does he have?" Liu Qing asked, "He shouldn't donate the drug formula to us, right? What does he want?"

This is very important.

People are asking for cooperation, not giving them such important things for free.

If the asking price was too high, Liu Qing didn't think there was much need for cooperation.

Qi Ranran said: "He doesn't have too much greed, he just wants to invest in technology, he wants [-]% of the shares, and it's the kind of [-]% shares that will never be diluted."

If there is no such premise that it will never be diluted, the initial [-]% of the shares may not even be [-]% after two years of capital increase here and there.

When Liu Qing heard this, she felt relieved.

Such an important technology, [-]% is not greedy.

If the asking ratio is too high, or if you want to buy it out at a sky-high price, uu reading books will not want to invest much.

The choice is to ask for shares instead of buying out at a sky-high price, which shows that people are still quite confident in their technology.

As for the condition that it will never be diluted, it is reasonable.

If there is such a technology, it is worth such a condition.

Qi Ranran added another sentence: "He has another request, that is, after the drug is produced, it will be sold to his country first, and the priority level is the same as that of China."

Liu Qing laughed, and said: "It doesn't matter if we have priority over Huaxia. We don't have many patients in China. This kind of special effect is about to be produced, and the market is also outside. It's no problem to sell them first."

"Their country is relatively poor now, so he asks that the price should not be too high. It can make money, but it should not exceed the production cost too much." Qi Ranran said again.

"This is no problem, I can agree." Liu Qing said.

Although I haven't met that person, judging from the conditions put forward, he is a person worthy of respect.

"Then, did you agree to cooperate with this project?" Qi Ranran asked.

There was irrepressible joy in the voice.

"No," Liu Qing said coldly, "I still don't trust you very much, I have to think about this matter, and I'll give you an answer in a few days."

Chapter 005 For One in Ten Thousand Possibility

Liu Qing already believed what Qi Ranran said.

The reason for believing it is that Qi Ranran lied to him this time, and it won't do any good.

And whether it is true or not, you will know once you try it. Even if you lie to him, you can only lie to the beginning. At most, it will insult his IQ and will not bring him much loss.

But he didn't answer right away.

This is not to put on airs to Qi Ranran, but to have reservations about my ability to judge. I feel that I may not be able to understand the truth, so I want to go back and ask more people for advice, and then contact Qi Ranran after making sure there is no problem.

After saying this, she hung up Qi Ranran's call.

This woman has been calling him persistently for a period of time, changing more than a dozen numbers to call him, which means that she really can't find a trustworthy partner.

Then don't worry about annoying her and losing this cooperation.

After hanging up the phone and returning to the seat, there was no abnormal expression on his face, and he was still chatting and laughing with everyone.

After eating, drinking and drinking for another ten minutes, they left.

On the way back, Xiaowen asked Liu Qing curiously:

"Who called just now? Why did you run to the side to answer it? Was it a girl calling?"

"That's right," Liu Qing admitted simply, "A young and beautiful girl who is rich."

Xiaowen patted his thigh, and said with a smile: "Oh, my young brother is doing well, and he can get a soft meal."

"I can't help it. I went to the hospital for an examination a few days ago. The doctor said that I have a bad stomach and I can only eat soft rice." Liu Qing grinned casually.

When I got home, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Liu Qing didn't think about disturbing others, so she went to Xiao Wen's bedroom, and the two of them made do for a night.

He didn't wake up until noon the next day, and was called up by Su Qi to eat.

The next day was Saturday, and during weekends, no one had to go to work.

Su Qi already knew about Tianyuan Optimal's sales performance yesterday, and congratulated Liu Qing.

The products produced by Tianyuan Group's small and medium-sized enterprises also sold a lot on this day, which brought some cash flow to Tianyuan Group, and she was very happy.

In addition, Hurricane Media, a subsidiary of Tianyuan Group, also brought goods yesterday. On the two major platforms of Acne Printing and Iron Factory, there are top anchors live broadcasting the goods. Iron Factory sold more than one hundred million, and the Acne Printing platform also sold tens of millions , Most of the products sold are Tianyuan Group's own products.

The new media company is also doing well, and while it hasn't recouped its costs so far, it has shown strong potential.

The development of the Iron Works has even surpassed the Acne Printing Platform.

For such an acquisition, Tianyuan Group is quite satisfied.

The two delivery companies revitalized the small and medium-sized enterprises under the Tianyuan Group.

During the meal, Su Qi and Liu Qing chatted for a while about the live delivery of goods, and discussed how much potential there is still to be tapped in this industry.

According to Liu Qing's view, live streaming is still a blue ocean.

It is still in the process of rough development. Most of the live broadcast rooms are quite exaggerated. Products with four-digit original price and double-digit current price abound, and most of them are fake and shoddy products.

This status quo will definitely not last, and there will definitely be a rectification at that time.

No matter which e-commerce platform it is, what strategy was used to gain market share in the early stage, if it wants to develop healthily, it must take care of quality.

Fake and shoddy goods will be eliminated by the platform sooner or later.

And this kind of rectification may be unfriendly to some anchors, making them lose the way to make huge profits through live streaming.

But for those companies with strong supply chains, this is a good opportunity for the survival of the fittest.

Tianyuan Media and Hurricane Media have such strength.

The more regulated the market, the greater their opportunity.

Su Qi is still not very familiar with the live delivery of goods. Hearing Liu Qing's analysis, he felt that he was quite right.

Smiling and said: "Not bad, you always say that you don't have a professional business vision, I think your analysis of e-commerce live broadcasting is quite reasonable, and you know more than me."

Liu Qing smiled awkwardly: "What do I know? Don't you usually talk to Qin Kun about this kind of thing more often, and it sounds familiar, so it's easy to say it."

"Isn't everyone growing up like this?" Su Qi said, "It's just that if you deal with outstanding people a lot, you will absorb the things of those outstanding people unconsciously, and gradually your level will improve."

By saying this, she was encouraging Liu Qing, hoping that he would not underestimate himself.

——Liu Qing always feels that she is not good enough, she is always fishing for fish at work, and let her handle any important matters, she can't see it.

She didn't know that Liu Qing was reborn, and she relied on her future memory to do the right thing, and she didn't know that the time of rebirth had passed, and Liu Qing had nothing to rely on.

But she could see that Liu Qing was now falling into huge self-doubt.

She thinks that Liu Qing's business vision is quite strong, and both Tianyuan Media and Tianyuan Mask Factory have proved this point.

In terms of investment and financial management in 2020, this has also been proved.

She believes that Liu Qing fell into self-doubt mainly because of her low self-esteem due to lack of higher education.

So if there is a chance, I will encourage this man.

She felt that this man could do better.

In private, she was also proud that this man was her man.

Liu Qing knew about her own affairs, so she just smiled when she heard the words, and said:

"Speaking of which, there's one thing I can't judge. I don't know if it's true or not. Let's study it after dinner."

He also said to Feng Zhixuan and Li Han who were eating together:

"The two of you are also business elites, and you two will join in when the time comes."

Ye Wanrong asked with a smile: "What is a confidential matter, those of us who are not elites can't hear it?"

Liu Qing smiled and said: "It's all nerve-wracking things, so you don't need to participate, but if you want to worry about it, that's okay, let's listen together, maybe we can come up with a constructive idea."

Ye Wanrong made a sharp cut, and said, "I don't have that time. If I have that energy, wouldn't it make me feel better if I exercise for a while?"

Su Qi didn't ask what Liu Qing was going to say.

Since it was not said at the dinner table, it means that it is something that cannot be said at the dinner table.

Liu Qing didn't put on airs of being the master at home, and Aunt Baojie, the nanny, chef, and auntie all ate together.

Some topics are not suitable for outsiders to hear.

After eating, a few people reached the third floor, and Liu Qing talked about the special medicine.

When Su Qi first heard that it was Qi Ranran, a bit of disgust appeared on her face.

For this woman, she really lacks affection.

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