In the annual summary, those who read the report had already begun to look forward to the new glory of Tianyuan Group under the leadership of Liu Qing.

Liu Qing and Su Qi Dingyun sat at the same table, and several major shareholders of the group were also at the same table.

The annual summary is being reported on the stage, and people in the audience are also discussing the group's achievements in this year.

Many people believed that the appearance of Liu Qing brought Tianyuan Group to a new height.

The level that Liu Qing can reach now is something that Su Yi has not been able to reach after more than ten years of hard work.

This is not picking Su Yi's fruit, but the real achievement achieved by relying on one's own ability and using the mask as a breakthrough.

The people at the table next to them were all praising the vitality that Liu Qing brought to the group after joining the group. I don't know if it was because Liu Qing was sitting on the table next to them that they said that. Anyway, Ding Yun thought what they said was well-founded, so Convinced.

At the same table, several shareholders were also praising Liu Qing, feeling that if Liu Qing had not accurately predicted the outbreak and the scale of the outbreak, the group would not know how much money it would lose.

They all said that Liu Qing was the lucky star and savior of Tianyuan Group.

This made Ding Yun even more satisfied.

In fact, I didn't have much confidence in getting Liu Qing back last year. There was really no way out, so I had to do this.

At that time, I thought, as long as Liu Qing can enter the board of directors, he will be successful. It doesn't matter whether he has business talent or not, and it doesn't matter whether he can restrain Su Qi. It's enough to show his presence and make those people worry.

If it doesn't work, then let Liu Qing have more children and cultivate the next generation.

Did not expect to make such a result.

He even turned the people who were most worried about him into his own people.

Looking at Liu Qing, I feel proud and feel guilty for such an excellent child, but I didn't let him receive education at the age he should receive education, but abandoned him, letting him bear the storms of the world when he was a teenager.

Fortunately, the tree did not grow crookedly, and it has grown into a towering tree.

As a mother, she is quite satisfied with Liu Qing now.

As for Liu Qing's shortcoming of being a scumbag, in her eyes, that's not a shortcoming at all, but rather an advantage. If he's not bothering and scumbag, how can he get more women to give birth to him?

If there is one point of dissatisfaction, it is that the degree of love is not enough. They have owned a net worth of hundreds of millions for more than a year, but there are only so few women and only two children. It is simply a failure.

When Liu Qing went to speak on stage, a major shareholder of the group said to Ding Yun very seriously:

"Chairman, your son is really outstanding."

Ding Yun smiled politely and said, "Your son is also excellent, and your son is even better. Your son graduated from a top foreign university and is much better than my son."

The shareholder shook his head and sighed: "It doesn't mean anything if you come out of a top foreign university. The real ability is still not enough. I invested in several companies for him, but none of them made it. The women changed a dozen."

Ding Yun said: "That's just a little lack of luck. When the luck comes, you will get up. After all, where is the foundation?"

"If he can't get up, he's just like that," the shareholder smiled wryly, "I don't have too high requirements for him, if he can be half as good as your son, no, even if it's one-tenth as good, I'm satisfied. "

"You are too modest." Ding Yun said.

My heart is all blossoming.

At this annual meeting, Liu Qing was not drunk, but took a few sips while toasting.

Ding Yun was drunk.

I was happy, so I drank more.

I was so happy that I drank a lot.

Finally got myself drunk.

At the table, she said to Liu Qing: "Son, you have done so well this year, Mom is proud of you!"

At this time, her speaking state was not good, and it was obvious that she had drunk too much.

Su Qi frowned, worried that the mother-in-law would say something she shouldn't say if she drank too much, so she smiled and said to Ding Yun:

"Mom, I'm a little sleepy now, why don't we go back together?"

At this time, the annual meeting had come to an end, and she and Ding Yun had also spoken on stage and presented awards. Some employees had already left, so it was no problem for them to leave at this time.

It seemed a little impolite to ask Ding Yun to leave directly. In the eyes of others, it was her ignorance as a daughter-in-law.

Ding Yun snorted and said, "That's fine, let's go back."

Even though she was drunk, she also knew that her daughter-in-law had just finished confinement, her body had not returned to normal, and she needed a good rest.

The daughter-in-law said she was sleepy and wanted to go back, so of course she had to go back with her.

There was even a tinge of relief in my heart that this daughter-in-law wanted her to go back with her when she was sleepy, which showed that she really treated her mother-in-law as a mother-in-law, and her painstaking efforts during this period have also been responded to.

Su Qi got up and said to Liu Qing: "I can't hold on anymore, so I'll go back with my mother first, and you can stay here for a while longer with everyone."

Liu Qing nodded: "You can go back at ease."

Su Qi explained again: "Drink less wine, you drink too little."

Before Liu Qing could answer, a shareholder next to him said with a smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Su. We don't have anyone here to persuade Mr. Liu to drink. If anyone persuades Mr. Liu to drink today, we will stop him."

Su Qi smiled and said, "Just ask a few uncles to take care of me."

After speaking, he helped Ding Yun to leave the table.

Geng Xia was Ding Yun's bodyguard, and she also came to support Ding Yun. The two helped her out, entered the elevator, went down to the first floor, and then went to the parking lot outside to find her own car. Get in the car and go.

Su Qi said that she was sleepy, so it was naturally her home that she went back to.

Geng Xia drove in front, and Ding Yun and Su Qi, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sat behind.

Ding Yun got a little confused from drinking, and said with a smile in the car:

"My son is really good. They all praised my son for being good. Su Qi, what do you think of my son?"

"He is excellent." Su Qi said.

"Yeah, he is very good," Ding Yun said. "He had to support himself when he was a teenager, and he was carrying so many debts. No one helped him, but he managed to carry it. He is really good."

Hearing what Ding Yun said, the image of a helpless and skinny teenager appeared in Su Qi's mind.

That's her man.

Her man has had a hard time in the past ten years.

Suddenly there is some distress.

Said: "If he has better conditions and can read more books, he will definitely be better than now."


Ding Yun said.

Behind the voice, there was a deep sigh.

Then blame yourself:

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't been so cruel back then, and I could have managed him and given him a chance to receive education, he would have been better, and his ten years would not have been so hard. I am not a Good mother, I am sorry for him,"

As he spoke, he began to sob.

Alcohol can sometimes trigger some people's emotions, make a person lose the ability to manage their emotions, and express emotions that they would not normally express.

What happened back then was an inextricable knot in Liu Qing's heart, so why not in her heart?

From the moment she decided to abandon her husband and son, she had that knot and fell into guilt.

What she owes the most in this life is the father and son.

However, no matter how guilty she was at the beginning, she still chose to abandon her husband and son. Moreover, when Su Yi was still alive, she never looked at the son she abandoned, or even asked about it.

Even when her natal family talked about it, she would not show any expression.

She knew that if she wanted to keep her own glory and wealth, she couldn't have anything to do with that side.

Thinking of this, she also felt a little wronged, crying and said to Su Qi:

"I'm not so cruel. In fact, I have been thinking about him for more than ten years. But, Su Qi, do you know? Your father, he won't allow me to have anything to do with him. He told me at the beginning However, if I follow him, if I look at their father and son again, and have any contact with them, I will be kicked out. You think your father is very good to you, but he is really not that good to others. "

Su Qi knew that after Ding Yun married her father, her status in the family was very low, it can be said that she had no status.

Her father once told her in a bragging manner that even if this woman divorced him, she wouldn't get a penny.

Even if he dies in the future, the inheritance will only be for his son and daughter, not for this woman.

She also heard from her father that this woman was his dream lover back then and his obsession, so after the divorce, she had certain financial conditions, so she tried to get together with this woman.

This woman has no feelings for her father.

It's not that her father has no feelings for this woman, it's just that the feelings are somewhat abnormal, with both crazy obsession and cold guard.

Wanting to possess this woman recklessly, but depriving her of all rights as a wife, so that she can only live by herself.

Just like a captive canary bird, it can only fly in its cage.

No matter how good a wife and mother this woman is, she won't gain her father's trust.

Her father once said to her: "This woman, you don't think she is acting virtuous now, but she is actually an extremely selfish woman. For a better life, she can do it by abandoning her husband and children." , you can’t treat her as a normal person.”

Husband and wife have been together for more than ten years, and they have never really had a heart-to-heart relationship.

Just beware.

Deep defense between each other.

It's no wonder that after Su Yi's death, Ding Yun didn't show any expression of grief. During Qingming grave sweeping, she went to her hometown, in the same village, and didn't go to visit her father's grave.

It sounds like the hatred is deep.

Listening to Ding Yun's words, Su Qi suddenly felt a little lost when she thought of all the past.

Asked softly: "So, you hate him very much, and you just want him to die early, right?"

Geng Xia was driving in front, and when she heard Su Qi's words, her hands slipped, her steering wheel became unsteady, and she almost hit the railing.

Ding Yun was in a daze, but didn't feel anything, just said: "At the beginning, I didn't want him to die early. The son I gave birth to him hasn't grown up yet. If he dies, the family has our mother and child Are they divided? I just hope that he will live a few more years until the son grows up and is able to keep the family property."

While talking, he felt sorry for the son who died young again, and cried: "My poor son, he has been so well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, and he has never done a bad thing. Gone,"

Su Qi also thought of that younger brother.

The relationship between the siblings is very good.

Tears fell from the sockets.

There was still no expression on his face, he just asked softly:

"After my brother died, you hated my dad, hated my mom, and became a family with us, didn't you?"

"Hate, I hate!" Ding Yun said, "I bear the infamy of abandoning my husband and son. I have been humble for more than ten years, but your parents gave me such a fate. How can I not hate?"

"But, but," Su Qi's voice was a little choked up, "but my mother has already paid the price with her life. No matter how bad my father treats you, he is not guilty of death."

She asked Ding Yun: "He was also the man who lived with you for more than ten years. When he died, were you really not sad at all? Mom!"

Chapter 623

Geng Xia was driving the car in front, and she could hear the conversation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the back, and her hand on the steering wheel was trembling a little.

I thought to myself: "Is this going to settle old accounts?"

The most worrying thing is that now Ding Yun drank too much wine. If she utters the truth after drinking and says something that should not be said, then the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will become enemies, and they are irreconcilable enemies.

She wanted to stop the car at this moment, and wanted to call Liu Qing to come over.

In her feeling, only Liu Qing can settle this matter.

But she didn't dare to do anything now, so she could only honestly drive her own car to Liu Qing's house.

The last two people are the kind of people whose net worth is estimated at hundreds of millions, and their aura is so strong that she dare not do other actions.

Now I just hope that I can drive there quickly, send Su Qi home, and then take Ding Yun away immediately.

I also hope that Ding Yun is more seriously drunk, the kind of unconscious.

I sighed in my heart: "Drinking is a mistake, drinking is a mistake, and if the boss wants to drink again in the future, I will have to persuade her no matter what."

Thinking again: "If the mouth is not strict and says something that shouldn't be said, I don't know if there will be a future."

Extremely anxious, but unable to do anything.

At this moment, Su Qi was also a little excited.

She is not an excitable person. Most of the time, she can calm down, look at problems rationally, and find a way to maximize her own interests.

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