After a while, Qin Kun replied to him:

"Ask me, it won't make you look bad."

Only then did Liu Qing feel relieved.

After resting for a while, the referee's scoring results came out.

The scores given by the three referees are different.

One gave Ye Mo a relatively low score, and the other two gave Ye Mo a relatively high score.

In the end, Ye Mo won.

He won both games in Group A, and he became No.1 in Group A, entering the final battle of the kings.

Then there will be the second round of the B group and the third round of the AB group.

After these three games are completed, it is the final battle of the king.

This also means that Ye Mo has more rest time.

After all three matches were over, Ye Mo, the No.1 player in Group A, once again stood on top of the ring.

This time his competitor is No.1 in Group B, the champion of the over [-]kg category.

The other party's weight exceeded one hundred kilograms, and he was just a big man. Standing in front of Ye Mo, he felt a strong sense of oppression.

It seems that Ye Mo is unlikely to beat the opponent.

But when it comes to fighting, that's not the case.

It can be revealed in the first round.

The opponent's physical fitness is too poor. He was out of breath in the first round, and he was beaten more and less often.

The main reason is that he suffered a disadvantage in the schedule.

In Group B, he played the second and third games.

The most terrible thing is that after the third game, the rest time left for him is only 15 minutes. The stars invited on stage sang two songs and interacted for a while. up.

——This is a satellite TV live broadcast, and the TV station has the programming of the TV station, so they won't be given so much time to rest.

One had only rested for more than ten minutes, and the other had rested for nearly two hours. The state of the two parties was definitely not at the same level.

Ye Mo was at a disadvantage in the second match, but in this match, he took advantage of it.

It can only be said that his luck is very good.

Although his current physical fitness is not as good as it was before the start of the game, compared with his opponents, he has a huge advantage.

In the first round, his opponent was still able to stun him a few times, and he was able to fight back and forth a few times, but his pace was unsteady, and it could be seen that he was not in the right state.

By the second round, there was basically no backhand power.

When Ye Mo ran, he couldn't catch up at all.

When Ye Mo attacked, he couldn't hide.

At this time, the advantage of weight is gone, it looks more like a human sandbag, most of the time it can only be hit by Ye Mo.

In such a situation, even Mo Xiaodie can tell that Ye Mo has the absolute upper hand.

This time she wasn't worried.

Ye Wanrong was not so relieved.

Temporarily gaining the upper hand in the arena does not prove anything. There will often be a situation where there is a headwind, and often the opponent is knocked out with a heavy punch at the first level, and the final victory is won.

The opponent's tonnage is so heavy, if a heavy punch hits Ye Mo's vitals, it is very likely that Ye Mo will be knocked down.

In the second round, Ye Mo knocked his opponent down once.

After the opponent got up, his physical condition became even worse.

In the third round, only one minute into the fight, Ye Mo threw his opponent heavily to the ground, and quickly entered the countdown process.

This time, the opponent didn't get up and gave up the game directly.

The last match, the battle of kings in the Fengyunjue ring, finally came to an end.

Ye Mo, a boy under the age of 20, won the title of Fighting King this year.

Before the coronation ceremony took place, Qin Kun used Ye Mo's acne account to post a video that had been edited a long time ago.

Title: "I am the king of this ring!"

This time, Ye Mo's fans are going crazy.

The person they fan became the king, of course they were excited.

This is not obtained by voting, there is no inside story, it is just punched and kicked in the ring.

This king has no tricks, and he deserves his name.

Ye Mo being able to receive such an honor proves his own excellence, and also proves that fans like them have discernment and can identify who is the best.

In less than half an hour after a short video was posted, it received hundreds of thousands of likes and over one million comments.

——Under normal circumstances, the number of likes for a short video exceeds the number of ratings.

But in the fan circle mode, the number of comments can exceed the number of likes, and the number can be exceeded by multiples.

Because a person can post many comments, but only one like.

This time, Ye Mo's honor was not displayed on the Internet platform, but on TV.

This makes his fans feel more honored.

In the final acceptance speech, Ye Mo still thanked his boss Liu Qing as usual:

"Here I would like to thank my boss, Mr. Liu Qingliu, the president of Tianyuan Group. Without his support, I would never have made it this far."

When he said this, the person he wanted to thank most in his heart was his sister Ye Wanrong.

Without his sister, he would not have such an opportunity.

However, he couldn't say it.

Ye Wanrong's identity is not visible.

This gratitude can only be printed in the bottom of my heart.

The new book has been released today, fantasy theme, the title of the book "Incense Becomes God: Start a Temple of Earth", it was released by the trumpet.

It will be double-opened for a long time to come. In order to avoid confusing the protagonist's name, the protagonist of that book is also named Liu Qing.

A large part of the reason for choosing such a subject is out of safety considerations.In a fantasy world, there will be no political issues, and many things can be written freely.

Follow the path of becoming a god with incense and harvesting vows. If you like it, you can support it.

Chapter 611 Strange City

When Ye Mo stood on the podium, his image was not very good-looking, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

But he didn't care about this, he only had joy in his heart.

Participating in the Fengyun Jue competition for the first time, he was able to win the title of Fighting King, which made him very excited and his self-confidence increased a lot.

He knows that he is talented and that he is very strong, but he also knows that there are many equally strong players in this country, and he does not have much confidence in becoming the final winner.

But this time, he fought to the end and became the only king in this arena.

In today's match, how much of it is due to luck and how much is due to strength, he also knows in his heart.

However, being able to stand on this podium in the end is definitely not just luck.

He dare not say that he is the strongest one in this ring, but at least he can be said to be one of the strongest ones in this ring.

This is strength.

The most important thing is that he is still very young, and there is still a lot of room for growth, and the future has unlimited possibilities.

The uf arena is not far away from him.

Even if he will continue to compete in the Fengyun Jue ring next year and will not sprint to that ring, he already has the strength to compete in that ring.

He doesn't care much about the million-dollar bonus of the King of Fighters, and now he can earn more than that if he casually brings goods.

Another reward of Fighting King is an advertising endorsement worth tens of millions, which is to endorse a sports brand, with a two-year period, pre-tax remuneration of 1000 million, paid in installments.

According to the contract signed by Ye Mo and Tianyuan Media, half of the endorsement fee will be given to the company.

Coupled with the high personal tax, the so-called 1000 million contract, not so many can fall into Ye Mo's hands.

Ye Mo is not particularly interested in the endorsement fee, but Tianyuan Media attaches great importance to it.

The main reason is that it is a big brand, and this brand spends a lot of advertising fees every year. Ye Mo can endorse their brand, and the exposure rate on various platforms will increase a lot, which is tantamount to getting out of the circle.

Not to mention the endorsement remuneration of 1000 million for two years, even a penny of endorsement remuneration, as long as it can get such a big exposure, Tianyuan Media is willing to follow.

They have strong confidence in Ye Mo's ability to attract fans. As long as they can get more exposure, they can attract more fans, and then send them benefits to reduce the burden on their wallets.

Tomorrow they will sign that advertising contract.

Qin Kun came with the team, and he will take Ye Mo with him to sign the contract.

Tomorrow night, Ye Mo has to record a variety show of this TV station, and then he will perform kung fu.

This is an agreement between the sports brand he endorsed and that variety show. No matter who the fighting king is this year, he must participate in the recording of this show.

This is also a good opportunity to increase exposure, and Tianyuan Media certainly cannot refuse it.

But this also means that after the game, Ye Mo and his team will have to stay in the city for the next two days.

After the awards were over, Ye Mo stepped off the awarding platform, and finally made a call to Ye Wanrong:

"Sister, where are you? I just finished my work."

Ye Wanrong: "I'm taking Xiaodie out to eat, the stinky tofu here is delicious, do you want some for you?"

Ye Mo laughed: "Forget it, my coach won't let me eat this kind of thing."

He has a dedicated nutrition consultant, not to say that he can eat whatever he wants.

Ye Wanrong also knew it, so she could only regretfully say: "Then there is no other way. After you retire, let's eat at the roadside stall."

Ye Mo wants to stand in the uf ring, but he won't be in this ring for the rest of his life.

The golden age of fighters is not many years, and it is not good for the body to fight in the ring for a long time.

Ye Mo set a plan for himself, that is, the age of the ring will not exceed 30 years old.

Will definitely retire before the age of 30.

As for how long ago, that can only be said at that time.

Even if you retire at the age of 30, your life is still very long, and you still have a lot of time to enjoy life.

Ye Mo imagined that kind of life, and he actually had some longing, and said with a smile: "Well, after retiring, we will eat at roadside stalls every day."

Eating whatever he wants, and doing whatever he wants, is a very desirable life for him now.

After saying this, he paused and asked again:

"Sister, when will you and Miss Xiaodie go back?"

"Tomorrow, we have booked the high-speed rail ticket to Yangcheng tomorrow night. By the way," Ye Wanrong asked, "Do you have time tomorrow? If you have time, let's go shopping in this city together?"

Mo Xiaodie was next to Ye Wanrong, she didn't speak, but listened very carefully.

She still hopes in her heart that she can be with Ye Mo tomorrow.

It doesn't matter whether you go shopping or what you do, the important thing is to be with that boy.

This time, he traveled thousands of miles to watch Ye Mo's game in such a strange city, but he could only watch from a distance, and couldn't get in touch with himself, so he still had some regrets in his heart.

It's just that it's hard to say such regrets.

If we could go shopping together tomorrow, we would have no such regrets.

On the other side of the phone, Ye Mo was silent for a while before saying:

"I'm afraid I don't have time tomorrow. Mr. Qin will take me to sign an endorsement contract with a sports brand."

"That's it," Ye Wanrong also felt a little depressed, and said, "Then forget it."

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